private void BtnDelete_Tapped(object sender, Windows.UI.Xaml.Input.TappedRoutedEventArgs e)
            HeroConn conn = new HeroConn();

            Task.Run(() => conn.Delete(this.hero)).Wait();
        private void BtnUpdate_Tapped(object sender, Windows.UI.Xaml.Input.TappedRoutedEventArgs e)
            HeroConn conn = new HeroConn();

            this.hero.Name   = this.tbName.Text;
            this.hero.Rating = Convert.ToInt32(this.tbRating.Text);

            Task.Run(() => conn.Update(this.hero)).Wait();
        private async void btnAdd_Tapped(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e)
            HeroConn heroConn = new HeroConn();
            Hero     hero     = new Hero
                Name   = this.tbInputName.Text,
                Rating = Convert.ToInt32(this.tbInputRating.Text)
            await heroConn.Insert(hero);

            this.tbOutput.Text = String.Format("Hero {0} added!", hero.Name);

            // get new data and update UI
        // call the HeroConn method, populate heroList and also update the UI
        public void GetHeroes()
            // create a new List
            heroList = new List <Hero>();
            // and a new connection
            HeroConn conn = new HeroConn();

            // get the data and add it to the heroList
            Task.Run(() => conn.Get()).Wait();

            // clear all HeroItems from the StackPanel
            // and add new ones
            foreach (Hero h in heroList)
                this.spHeroList.Children.Add(new HeroItem(h, this));