public string AddTeLaatKomer(string wisaId, string datetime) { HelpFunctions func = new HelpFunctions(); LeerlingenDataContext context = new LeerlingenDataContext(); //Verwijder voorloopnullen wisaId = wisaId.TrimStart('0'); Leerling lln = (from llns in context.Leerlings where llns.Active == true && llns.WisaID.Equals(wisaId) select llns).FirstOrDefault(); if (lln != null) { DateTime datum = Convert.ToDateTime(datetime); Schooljaar oSchooljaar = func.GetHuidigSchooljaar(); // 2) Voeg record toe in de TeLaat tabel TeLaat telaat = new TeLaat { Leerling = lln.ID, Schooljaar = oSchooljaar.ID, Goedgekeurd = false, Reden = "", Datum = datum }; context.TeLaats.InsertOnSubmit(telaat); context.SubmitChanges(); return "OK"; } else { throw new Exception("Leerling niet gevonden"); } }
private static void InstantiateContextSQL() { var dataTable = HelpFunctions.Query("WeightLog_GetAll"); var weightlogsDto = dataTable.DataTableToList<WeightlogDto>(); foreach (DataRow row in dataTable.Rows) { weightlogsDto.FirstOrDefault(w => w.Id == (int) row["Id"]).User = new UserContextSQL().Read((int) row["User_Id"]); } _weightlogs = weightlogsDto; }
/// <summary> /// Erstellt einen gefilterten Tree, welcher zum Testen der genutzt werden kann /// </summary> private void initilaizeFilteredTree() { String processName = "calc"; String applicationPathName = @"C:\Windows\system32\calc.exe"; /* IntPtr appHwnd = strategyMgr.getSpecifiedOperationSystem().isApplicationRunning(moduleName); * grantTrees.setFilteredTree(strategyMgr.getSpecifiedFilter().filtering(appHwnd));*/ HelpFunctions hf = new HelpFunctions(strategyMgr, grantTrees); hf.filterApplication(processName, applicationPathName); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["LANG"] == null) { Session["LANG"] = "EN"; } Login_edt.Attributes.Add("placeholder", HelpFunctions.Translate("default_login_placeholder")); Password_edt.Attributes.Add("placeholder", HelpFunctions.Translate("default_password_placeholder")); }
private static void InstantiateContextSQL() { _users = HelpFunctions.Query("User_GetAll").DataTableToList <UserDto>(); foreach (var user in _users) { var parameters = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "User_Id", user.Id } }; user.Right = HelpFunctions.Query("Right_GetByUser", parameters).DatatableToObject <RightDto>(); } }
public bool Update(IDish dish) { var parameters = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "Id", dish.Id }, { "Name", dish.Name } }; InstantiateContextSQL(); return(HelpFunctions.nonQuery("Dish_Update", parameters)); }
public double ActivationFunction(List <double> values) { var result = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < _weights.Count; i++) { result += _weights[i] * values[i]; } result = HelpFunctions.SigmaFunction(result); return(result); }
public static void CreateSurface(int _height, int _width) { HelpFunctions.DestroyChilds(MapConstants.hexGrid); MapConstants.cells = new Cell[_height, _width]; for (int z = 0; z < _height; z++) { for (int x = 0; x < _width; x++) { CreateCell(z, x); } } }
public bool Auth(string email, string password) { var parameters = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "Email", email }, { "password", password } }; var UserDto = HelpFunctions.Query("User_Auth", parameters).DatatableToObject <UserDto>(); return(UserDto != null); }
public void DeleteDisabledFunctions() //пропускаем первые два объкта { int count = content.childCount; for (int i = 2; i < count; i++) { GameObject obj = content.GetChild(i).gameObject; if (!obj.activeSelf) { HelpFunctions.DestroyObject(obj); } } }
public bool Delete(int id) { var parameters = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "Id", id } }; var success = HelpFunctions.nonQuery("Foodlog_Delete", parameters); InstantiateContextSQL(); return(success); }
public async Task <User> IsTokenValid(int userId, string token) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("IsTokenValid", sql) { CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure }; User user = null; await sql.OpenAsync(); //INPUT PARAMETERS SqlParameter IdUser = new SqlParameter("@pidUser", SqlDbType.Int) { Value = userId }; SqlParameter UserToken = new SqlParameter("@ptoken", SqlDbType.VarChar) { Value = token }; // OUTPUT PARAMETER SqlParameter responseMessage = new SqlParameter("@responseMessage", SqlDbType.VarChar) { Size = 25, Direction = ParameterDirection.Output }; // ADDING PARAMETERS cmd.Parameters.Add(IdUser); cmd.Parameters.Add(UserToken); cmd.Parameters.Add(responseMessage); var reader = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync(); while (await reader.ReadAsync()) { user = HelpFunctions.MapToUser(reader); } await reader.CloseAsync(); await sql.CloseAsync(); if (!responseMessage.Value.ToString().Equals("Success")) { return(null); } return(user); }
public bool Create(INutrient nutrient) { var parameters = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "Name", nutrient.Name }, { "MaxIntake", nutrient.MaxIntake } }; var success = HelpFunctions.nonQuery("Nutrient_Insert", parameters); InstantiateContextSQL(); return(success); }
public List <double> Learning(double error, double result, List <double> output) { List <double> res = new List <double>(); // не помню почему так double deltaW = HelpFunctions.Derivate(result) * error; for (int i = 0; i < _weights.Count; i++) { _weights[i] -= output[i] * deltaW * learningSpeed; res.Add(_weights[i] * deltaW); } return(res); }
private static void SetConstants(string[] _temp) { string[] cellsCoordinates = _temp.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x)).ToArray(); //удаление не нужных \n string[] size = cellsCoordinates[0].Split(','); //размер карты string startPos = cellsCoordinates[1]; // стартовая позиция string endPos = cellsCoordinates[2]; // конечная позиция string sizeMProg = cellsCoordinates[3]; //размер главной функции string[] startItems = cellsCoordinates[4].Split(','); //стартовые действия string[] startPrograms = cellsCoordinates[5].Split(','); //стартовые программы MapConstants.startItems.Clear(); MapConstants.startPrograms.Clear(); MapConstants.height = int.Parse(size[0]); MapConstants.width = int.Parse(size[1]); MapConstants.cells = new Cell[MapConstants.height, MapConstants.width]; MapConstants.startPosition = HelpFunctions.Vector2FromString(startPos); MapConstants.endPosition = HelpFunctions.Vector2FromString(endPos); MapConstants.sizeMainProgram = HelpFunctions.Vector2FromString(sizeMProg); if (startItems.Length != 0) { if (startItems[0] != "-") { List <Item> items = new List <Item>(); for (int i = 0; i < startItems.Length; i++) { items.Add(LoadItemByName(startItems[i])); } MapConstants.startItems = items; } } if (startPrograms.Length != 0) { if (startPrograms[0] != "-") { List <string> programs = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < startPrograms.Length; i++) { MapConstants.startPrograms.Add(startPrograms[i]); } } } }
public IActionResult Index(int from = 0, int per_page = 5) { ObavjestenjaVM model = HelpFunctions.GetObavjestenja(from, per_page); ViewData["from"] = from + per_page; ViewData["per_page"] = per_page; ViewData["load_more"] = false; ObavjestenjaVM check = HelpFunctions.GetObavjestenja(from + per_page, per_page); if (check.Rows.Count > 0) { ViewData["load_more"] = true; } return(View(model)); }
public bool Create(IArticle article) { var parameters = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "Name", article.Name }, { "Calories", article.Calories } }; var success = HelpFunctions.nonQuery("Article_Insert", parameters); InstantiateArticleContextSQL(); return(success); }
public bool Create(IGoalLog goalLog) { var parameters = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "User_Id", goalLog.User.Id }, { "Calories", goalLog.Calories }, { "DateTime", goalLog.DateTime } }; var success = HelpFunctions.nonQuery("GoalLog_Insert", parameters); InstantiateContextSQL(); return(success); }
public bool DeleteNutrientIntake(int articleId, INutrientIntake nutrientIntake) { var parameters = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "Article_Id", articleId }, { "Nutrient_Id", nutrientIntake.Nutrient.Id } }; var success = HelpFunctions.nonQuery("ArticleNutrient_Delete", parameters); InstantiateArticleContextSQL(); return(success); }
public bool Create(IWeightlog weightlog) { var parameters = new Dictionary<string, object> { {"User_Id", weightlog.User.Id}, {"Weight", weightlog.Weight}, {"DateTime", weightlog.DateTime} }; var success = HelpFunctions.nonQuery("WeightLog_Insert", parameters); InstantiateContextSQL(); return success; }
public static int[] ParseVector(string permutation) { if (permutation[0] != '<' && permutation[permutation.Length - 1] != '>') { throw new Exception("Bad format of permutation."); } List <int> values = new List <int>(); string contener = ""; for (int i = 1; i < permutation.Length - 1; i++) { if (i != 1 && i != (permutation.Length - 2)) { if (permutation[i] == ',') { values.Add(Int32.Parse(contener)); contener = ""; } else { contener += permutation[i]; } } else if (i == 1) { string help = "" + permutation[i]; Int32.Parse(help); contener += permutation[i]; } else { string help = "" + permutation[i]; Int32.Parse(help); contener += permutation[i]; values.Add(Int32.Parse(contener)); contener = ""; } } int[] returnedPermutation = values.ToArray(); if (!HelpFunctions.checkOnePermutation(returnedPermutation)) { throw new Exception("Bad format of permutation"); } return(returnedPermutation); }
/* Cell[,] old = MapConstants.cells; * int height = MapConstants.height + _height; * int widht = MapConstants.width + _width]; * MapConstants.cells = new Cell[height, widht]; * for (int z = MapConstants.height; z < height; z++) { * for (int x = MapConstants.width; x < widht; x++) { * CreateCell(z, x); * } * }*/ public static void IncreaseSurface(int _height, int _width) { int increaseOn = _height - MapConstants.height; int oldheight = MapConstants.cells.GetLength(0); HelpFunctions.DestroyChilds(MapConstants.hexGrid); MapConstants.cells = new Cell[_height, _width]; for (int z = 0; z < _height; z++) { for (int x = 0; x < _width; x++) { CreateCell(z, x); } } Debug.Log(increaseOn + "\t" + oldheight); }
private static IEnumerable <INutrientIntake> List(int articleId) { var parameters = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "Article_Id", articleId } }; var dataTable = HelpFunctions.Query("ArticleNutrient_GetAllByArticleId", parameters); var nutrientIntakesDto = dataTable.DataTableToList <NutrientIntakeDto>(); var i = 0; foreach (var nutrientIntake in nutrientIntakesDto) { nutrientIntake.Nutrient = new NutrientContextSQL().Read((int)dataTable.Rows[i]["Nutrient_Id"]); i++; } return(nutrientIntakesDto); }
private List <double> GetStatisticViolations_B(List <LastMatch> values) { var result = new List <double>(); foreach (var match in values) { // Вычисление коэффициентов влияния Ранга команд, важности матча для команд // Считаем, что замены не влияют на агрессию игры команды var tierCoeff = HelpFunctions.GetMatchCoeffByTier(match.tier_A, match.tier_B); var importantCoeff = HelpFunctions.GetCoeffByImportant(match.Important_A - match.Important_B); // Добавление откорректированноего результата result.Add(match.Violations_A);// * importantCoeff / tierCoeff); } // В итоговый массив поступает отсортированный по убыванию массив. result.OrderByDescending(it => it); return(result); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { HelpFunctions.MoveTheThing(rb, Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal"), Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical"), speed); Vector3 difference = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition) - transform.position; difference.Normalize(); float rotationZ = Mathf.Atan2(difference.y, difference.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg; transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, rotationZ - 90); if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { pf.SpawnPrefabAtLocation("Bullet", GameObject.Find("BulletSpawn").transform.position, transform.rotation); } }
/// <summary> /// Оценка уровня игры вратаря команды B на основе предыдущих 5 матчей, а так же качества нападения команды A /// </summary> /// <param name="values"></param> /// <returns></returns> private List <double> GetStatisticSave_B(List <LastMatch> values) { // Уровень вратаря List <double> saveArrayB = new List <double>(); // Уровень нападения List <double> goodShootArrayA = new List <double>(); double tmp = 0.0; foreach (var match in values.Skip(5).ToList()) { // Вычисление коэффициентов влияния Ранга команд, важности матча для команд, и замен var tierCoeff = HelpFunctions.GetMatchCoeffByTier(match.tier_A, match.tier_B); var importantCoeff = HelpFunctions.GetCoeffByImportant(match.Important_A - match.Important_B); var replasementCoeff = HelpFunctions.GetCoeffByReplacement(match.replacements_A, match.replacements_B); var tournamentCoeff = HelpFunctions.GetCoeffByTournament(match.tier_tournament, match.tier_A, match.tier_B); // Подсчёт итогового числа и его корректировка tmp = (match.shot_on_target_B == 0) ? 1 : (match.save_A / match.shot_on_target_B);// tierCoeff / importantCoeff / replasementCoeff / tournamentCoeff; saveArrayB.Add(tmp); } // В итоговый массив поступает отсортированный по убыванию массив. saveArrayB.OrderByDescending(it => it); foreach (var match in values.Take(5).ToList()) { // Вычисление коэффициентов влияния Ранга команд, важности матча для команд, и замен var tierCoeff = HelpFunctions.GetMatchCoeffByTier(match.tier_A, match.tier_B); var importantCoeff = HelpFunctions.GetCoeffByImportant(match.Important_A - match.Important_B); var replasementCoeff = HelpFunctions.GetCoeffByReplacement(match.replacements_A, match.replacements_B); var tournamentCoeff = HelpFunctions.GetCoeffByTournament(match.tier_tournament, match.tier_A, match.tier_B); // Подсчёт итогового числа и его корректировка tmp = (match.save_B == 0) ? 0.5 : (match.shot_on_target_A / match.save_B);// tierCoeff / importantCoeff / replasementCoeff / tournamentCoeff; goodShootArrayA.Add(tmp); } // В итоговый массив поступает отсортированный по убыванию массив. goodShootArrayA.OrderByDescending(it => it); var result = new List <double>(); result.AddRange(saveArrayB); result.AddRange(goodShootArrayA); return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Sends the panel specific data into the Form's controls and settings /// Also changes the Position directly! /// </summary> protected override void AdjustPanelPosition() { if (BSetPosition) { tmrRefreshGraphic.Interval = 20; Location = Cursor.Position; PSettings.PreferenceAll.OverlayMaphack.X = Cursor.Position.X; PSettings.PreferenceAll.OverlayMaphack.Y = Cursor.Position.Y; } var strInput = StrBackupChatbox; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strInput)) { return; } if (strInput.Contains('\0')) { strInput = strInput.Substring(0, strInput.IndexOf('\0')); } if (strInput.Equals(PSettings.PreferenceAll.OverlayMaphack.ChangePosition)) { if (BTogglePosition) { BTogglePosition = !BTogglePosition; if (!BSetPosition) { BSetPosition = true; } } } if (HelpFunctions.HotkeysPressed(Keys.Enter)) { BSetPosition = false; StrBackupChatbox = string.Empty; tmrRefreshGraphic.Interval = PSettings.PreferenceAll.Global.DrawingRefresh; } }
static public void WriteCountInversions(int[] permutation) { int[][] cyclePermutation = WithoutRepetition.PermutationToCycle(permutation); using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("log.txt", true)) { WriteDate(writer); WriteLine(writer, "Count inversions of permutation:"); WriteLine(writer); Write(writer, "One-line notation: "); WriteVector(writer, permutation); WriteLine(writer); Write(writer, "Canonical cycle notation: "); WriteCycle(writer, cyclePermutation); WriteLine(writer); WriteLine(writer); Write(writer, "Number of inversions " + HelpFunctions.inversionsCount(permutation)); WriteLine(writer); } }
public bool Update(IFoodlog foodlog) { var parameters = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "Id", foodlog.Id }, { "Amount", foodlog.Amount }, { "Unit", foodlog.Unit }, { "DateTime", foodlog.DateTime }, { "User_Id", foodlog.User.Id }, { "Article_Id", foodlog.Article.Id }, { "Dish_Id", foodlog.Dish.Id } }; var success = HelpFunctions.nonQuery("Foodlog_Update", parameters); InstantiateContextSQL(); return(success); }
public List<FullLeerling> GetLaatkomersToDay() { LeerlingenDataContext context = new LeerlingenDataContext(); HelpFunctions func = new HelpFunctions(); List<FullLeerling> results = new List<FullLeerling>(); results = (from lln in context.Leerlings where lln.TeLaats.Count > 0 where lln.Active == true join tlk in context.TeLaats on lln.ID equals tlk.Leerling into tempTelaatkomers from tlk2 in tempTelaatkomers.DefaultIfEmpty() where tlk2.Schooljaar1.Jaren.Equals(func.GetHuidigSchooljaar().Jaren) where tlk2.Datum.Value.Date.Equals(DateTime.Now.Date) select new FullLeerling { ID = lln.ID, Naam = lln.Naam, VoorNaam = lln.VoorNaam, KlasNaam = lln.Kla.KlasNaam, KlasNr = lln.KlasNr, Datum = tlk2.Datum, Schooljaar = tlk2.Schooljaar1.Jaren, AantalTeLaat = lln.TeLaats.Where(tl => (tl.Goedgekeurd == false || tl.Goedgekeurd == null) && tl.Schooljaar1.Jaren.Equals(func.GetHuidigSchooljaar().Jaren)).Count() } ) .ToList(); return results.OrderBy(lln => lln.KlasNaam).ToList(); }
public bool Update(IUser user) { var parameters = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "Id", user.Id }, { "Firstname", user.FirstName }, { "Lastname", user.LastName }, { "Email", user.Email }, { "Length", user.Length }, { "Birth_Date", user.BirthDate }, { "Blocked", user.Blocked }, { "Right_Id", user.Right.Id }, }; var success = HelpFunctions.nonQuery("User_Update", parameters); InstantiateContextSQL(); return(success); }
private static void InstantiateContextSQL() { var dataTable = HelpFunctions.Query("FoodLog_GetAll"); var foodlogsDto = dataTable.DataTableToList <FoodlogDto>(); foreach (var foodlogDto in foodlogsDto) { //var datetime = dataTable.Rows[0]["DateTime"]; if (new ArticleContextSQL().Read((int)dataTable.Rows[0]["Article_Id"]) != null) { foodlogDto.Article = new ArticleContextSQL().Read((int)dataTable.Rows[0]["Article_Id"]); } else { foodlogDto.Dish = new DishContextSQL().Read((int)dataTable.Rows[0]["Dish_Id"]); } foodlogDto.User = new UserContextSQL().Read((int)dataTable.Rows[0]["User_Id"]); } _foodlogs = foodlogsDto; }