private void Model_evtPCRReadingsTaken(double[,] readings) { //logger.Debug("Readings taken got the values; {0}", string.Join(",",readings)); HelixGenModel theModel = ((HelixGen.App)(App.Current)).Model; Model_PCRReadingTaken((-readings[1, 0] - 0)); Model_PCRReadingTaken2((-readings[1, 1] - 0)); Model_PCRReadingTaken3((-readings[1, 2] - 0)); Model_PCRReadingTaken4((-readings[1, 3] - 0)); /* * Model_PCRReadingTaken((readings[3,3]-0)); * Model_PCRReadingTaken2((readings[4, 0] - 0)); * Model_PCRReadingTaken3((readings[4, 1] - 0)); * Model_PCRReadingTaken4((readings[4, 2] - 0)); */ /* * Model_PCRReadingTaken((readings[2, 0] - 0)); * Model_PCRReadingTaken2((readings[2, 1] - 0)); * Model_PCRReadingTaken3((readings[2, 2] - 0)); * Model_PCRReadingTaken4((readings[2, 3] - 0)); */ /* * Model_PCRReadingTaken(10 * (readings[2, 0] - theModel.optic_zero[0])); * Model_PCRReadingTaken2(10 * (readings[2, 1] - theModel.optic_zero[1])); * Model_PCRReadingTaken3(10 * (readings[2, 2] - theModel.optic_zero[2])); * Model_PCRReadingTaken4(10 * (readings[2, 3] - theModel.optic_zero[3])); */ //Model_PCRReadingTaken2 }
public devicePCRCycler(tecBoardModel modelIn, Configuration.CTEC_Channel_Configuration tecConfig) { _setPoint = new double[6]; _prev_setPoint = new double[6]; _rampingLowTemp = new double[6]; _rampingHighTemp = new double[6]; _bAtTemp = new bool[6]; _theModel = ((HelixGen.App)(App.Current)).Model; _tecBoard = modelIn.theBoard; for (int ndx = 0; ndx < 6; ndx++) { _setPoint[ndx] = _tecBoard.GetTemperature(ndx, 0); _prev_setPoint[ndx] = 0; //_prev_setPoint[ndx] = _tecBoard.GetTemperature(ndx, 0); _rampingLowTemp[ndx] = NO_SETPOINT; _rampingHighTemp[ndx] = NO_SETPOINT; _bAtTemp[ndx] = false; _theModel.bUnderTempPlan[ndx] = true; } _nChannel = (int)(tecConfig.m_uiTECAddress) - 1; _tecConfig = tecConfig; // Stash a reference to the model while we're at it. }
private void Button_Click_SelectData(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { HelixGenModel theModel = ((HelixGen.App)(App.Current)).Model; /* OpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog(); openFileDialog.InitialDirectory = "c:\\";//注意这里写路径时要用c:\\而不是c:\ openFileDialog.Filter = "文本文件|*.*|C#文件|*.cs|所有文件|*.*"; openFileDialog.RestoreDirectory = true; openFileDialog.FilterIndex = 1; if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { string fName = openFileDialog.FileName; //File fileOpen = new File(fName); //isFileHaveName = true; //richTextBox1.Text = fileOpen.ReadFile(); //richTextBox1.AppendText(""); }*/ FolderBrowserDialog dialog = new FolderBrowserDialog(); dialog.Description = "请选择文件路径"; dialog.SelectedPath = "C:\\HelixGen\\logs\\measurement";//注意这里写路径时要用c:\\而不是c:\ //dialog.InitialDirectory = "c:\\";//注意这里写路径时要用c:\\而不是c:\ if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { theModel.anaFilePath = dialog.SelectedPath; //string savePath = dialog.SelectedPath; //textBox2.Text = savePath; } }
void ICommand.Execute(object parameter) { HelixGenModel model = ((HelixGen.App)App.Current).Model; model.DeviceHeater.Temperature = double.Parse((string)parameter); //model.DevicePCRCycler.Temperature = double.Parse((string)parameter); }
public StartupPage(HelixGenModel modelIn) { _model = modelIn; this.Loaded += StartupPage_Loaded; InitializeComponent(); }
void ICommand.Execute(object parameter) { logger.Debug("Running the SetPCRTemperature command. Temperature is {0}", (string)parameter); HelixGenModel model = ((HelixGen.App)App.Current).Model; model.DevicePCRCycler.Temperature = double.Parse((string)parameter); //model.DevicePCRCycler.Temperature2 = double.Parse((string)parameter); }
void ICommand.Execute(object parameter) { HelixGenModel model = ((HelixGen.App)App.Current).Model; Task.Run(() => { model.StopScript(); }); }
public deviceHeater(tecBoardModel modelIn, int nChannelIn) { _tecBoard = modelIn.theBoard; _nChannel = nChannelIn; // Stash a reference to the model while we're at it. _theModel = ((HelixGen.App)(App.Current)).Model; }
private void MainWindow_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { HelixGenModel theModel = ((HelixGen.App)(App.Current)).Model; theModel.initializationProgress += TheModel_initializationProgress; // Show the version. Version thisVersion = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version; tbVersion.Text = string.Format("CopyRight To Helixgen,Version: {0}.{1}", thisVersion.Major.ToString(), thisVersion.Minor.ToString()); // showMainPage(); //AnalysPage = new AnalysePage(this); startupPage = new StartupPage(theModel); setUpPage = new setUp(this); idInputPage = new IDInput(this); Loginpage = new loginPage(this); AnalysPage = new AnalysePage(this); runResultPage = new RunResultPage(this); //_mainPage = new MainPage(this); NavFrame.Navigate(Loginpage); /* * StartupPage startupPage = new StartupPage(theModel); * * NavFrame.Navigate(startupPage); * Thread.Sleep(0); * * NavFrame.LoadCompleted += NavFrame_Startup_Navigated; */ #if false OpticsControlPage opticsPage = new OpticsControlPage(); NavFrame.Navigate(opticsPage); opticsPage.Initialize(); #endif #if false Thread.Sleep(10000); Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke( delegate { showMainPage(); } ); } ); #endif }
public int initialize() { int nRetVal = 0; try { string strChannel = _channel.ToString("00"); // Set the motor parameters. HelixGenModel theModel = ((HelixGen.App)(App.Current)).Model; int nResult = initializeMotorParams(_channel, theModel.Config.m_R2Piston_Configuration); if (nResult != 0) { // Initialization failed. logger.Debug("deviceR2Piston::initialize failed."); } else { HelixGenModel _theModel = ((HelixGen.App)(App.Current)).Model; clsAMB controller = _theModel.getMotorBoard(_controllerId); // Move the pump to the initial position. //RNNosition = 89000; controller.SetDirectionPolarity(strChannel, "0"); controller.MoveHome(strChannel); controller.WaitForCompletion(strChannel); /* * controller.SetDirectionPolarity(strChannel, "0"); * controller.MoveRelativePositive(strChannel, "2580"); * controller.WaitForCompletion(strChannel);*/ /* * controller.SetDirectionPolarity(strChannel, "0"); * controller.MoveRelativePositive(strChannel, "50064"); * controller.WaitForCompletion(strChannel);*/ controller.SetResolution(theModel.Config.m_R2Piston_Configuration.m_nMotorChannel.ToString("00"), theModel.Config.m_R2Piston_Configuration.m_uiMotorResolution.ToString()); // Position = 3; // RNPosition = 50000;//9.9mm // RNNosition = 89000; } } catch (Exception) { nRetVal = 1; } return(nRetVal); }
public void Startup() { HelixGenModel theModel = ((HelixGen.App)(App.Current)).Model; theModel.initializationProgress += TheModel_initializationProgress; NavFrame.Navigate(startupPage); Thread.Sleep(0); NavFrame.LoadCompleted += NavFrame_Startup_Navigated; }
public vmOptics() { // Get the model. model = ((HelixGen.App)App.Current).Model; _opticsModel = model.OpticsModel; // Subscribe to property notifications from the model. _opticsModel.PropertyChanged += _opticsModel_PropertyChanged; }
private void Close_Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { HelixGenModel theModel = ((HelixGen.App)(App.Current)).Model; theModel.ShutDown(); Close(); theModel.Dispose(); theModel = null; }
public int initialize() { int nRetVal = 0; try { string strChannel = _channel.ToString("00"); // Set the motor parameters. HelixGenModel theModel = ((HelixGen.App)(App.Current)).Model; int nResult = initializeMotorParams(_channel, theModel.Config.m_ChassisPiston_Configuration); if (nResult != 0) { // Initialization failed. logger.Debug("deviceChassisPiston::initialize failed."); } else { clsAMB controller = theModel.getMotorBoard(theModel.Config.m_ChassisPiston_Configuration.m_strControllerName); // Move the pump to the initial position. /* * controller.SetDirectionPolarity(strChannel, "0"); * controller.MoveRelativePositive(strChannel, "2700"); * controller.WaitForCompletion(strChannel);*/ // controller.SetDirectionPolarity(strChannel, "0"); controller.MoveHome(strChannel); controller.WaitForCompletion(strChannel); /* * controller.SetDirectionPolarity(strChannel, "0"); * controller.MoveRelativePositive(strChannel, "5000"); * controller.WaitForCompletion(strChannel); */ controller.SetResolution(theModel.Config.m_ChassisPiston_Configuration.m_nMotorChannel.ToString("00"), theModel.Config.m_ChassisPiston_Configuration.m_uiMotorResolution.ToString()); //Position = 1; } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Debug("deviceChassisPiston::initialize() Caught an exception: {0}", ex.Message); nRetVal = 1; } return(nRetVal); }
void ICommand.Execute(object parameter) { HelixGenModel model = ((HelixGen.App)App.Current).Model; string protocolFile = Path.Combine(HelixGen.CSystem_Defns.strDefaultProtocolPath, _theVm.ProtocolFile + ".xml"); Task.Run(() => { model.RunScript(protocolFile); }); }
public vmMain() { _setHeaterTemperatureCmd = new SetHeaterTemperature(); _setPCRTemperatureCmd = new SetPCRTemperature(); _runScriptCmd = new RunScriptCmd(this); _stopScriptCmd = new StopScriptCmd(this); _pumpOn = new PumpOn(); // Get the model. _model = ((HelixGen.App)App.Current).Model; // Start a process to update the list of the protocol files. Task.Run(() => { // Form the directory name. string protocolsDir = Path.Combine(HelixGen.CSystem_Defns.strDefaultProtocolPath); string[] filenames = Directory.GetFiles(protocolsDir, "*.xml"); // Raffle through the list and reform the names to only include the actual file names. _protocolFiles = new List <string>(); foreach (string fn in filenames) { _protocolFiles.Add(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fn)); } } ); // Subscribe to temperature updates _model.HeaterTempChanged += _model_HeaterTempChanged; _model.PCRCyclerTempChanged += _model_PCRCyclerTempChanged; _model.PCRCyclerTempChanged2 += _model_PCRCyclerTempChanged2; _model.evtPCRCyclerSetPointTemperature += _model_evtPCRCyclerSetPointTemperature; // Subscribe to position updates from the various piston pumps. _model.DeviceChassisPiston.PumpPositionChanged += DeviceChassisPiston_PumpPositionChanged; _model.DeviceHeaterPiston.PumpPositionChanged += DeviceHeaterPiston_PumpPositionChanged; _model.DeviceOpticsMotor.PumpPositionChanged += DeviceOpticsMotor_PumpPositionChanged; _model.DeviceR1Piston.PumpPositionChanged += DeviceR1Piston_PumpPositionChanged; _model.DeviceR2Piston.PumpPositionChanged += DeviceR2Piston_PumpPositionChanged; _model.DeviceSlider.PumpPositionChanged += DeviceSlider_PumpPositionChanged; // Subscribe to protocol execution updates. _model.ProtocolExecutionStepped += _model_ProtocolExecutionStepped; }
public void runAnalysis() { HelixGenModel theModel = ((HelixGen.App)(App.Current)).Model; theModel.Analysis(); //RadioButton_Checked_1(rongjie, new RoutedEventArgs()); DisplayCurve(2); // rongjie. = true; Model_evtTempingsStarted(); for (int i = 0; i < theModel.m_pcr_t.Count; i++) { Model_PCRCyclerTempChanged(theModel.m_pcr_t.ElementAt(i)); } }
private async void NavFrame_Startup_Navigated(object sender, NavigationEventArgs e) { HelixGenModel theModel = ((HelixGen.App)(App.Current)).Model; Task.Run(() => { #pragma warning disable CS4014 // Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed theModel.Initialize(); #pragma warning restore CS4014 // Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed }); //inited = theModel.Initialize(); //bool binited = await inited; }
public void ZeroOptic() { HelixGenModel theModel = ((HelixGen.App)(App.Current)).Model; clsAMB controller = theModel.getMotorBoard(_controllerId); string strChannel = _channel.ToString("00"); /* * for (int nLED = 0; nLED < 6; nLED++) * { * theModel.OpticsModel.SetLedCurrent(nLED + 1, 0.75); * //theModel.OpticsModel.SetLedCurrent(nLED + 1, 0); * }*/ // theModel.DeviceOpticsMotor.Position = 5; controller.MoveHome(strChannel); controller.WaitForCompletion(strChannel); // double[,] allReadings = new double[6, 4]; // double[] baselines = new double[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) { for (int Position = 2; Position < 6; Position++) { theModel.DeviceOpticsMotor.Position = Position; double[] readings = theModel.opticsBoard.ReadPhotodetector(); if (i == 14) { theModel.optic_zero[Position - 2] = readings[2]; } // for (int nCartridge = 0; nCartridge < 6; nCartridge++) // allReadings[nCartridge, Position - 2] = readings[nCartridge]; //Thread.Sleep(3000); } controller.MoveHome(strChannel); controller.WaitForCompletion(strChannel); } /* * for (int nLED = 0; nLED < 6; nLED++) * { * theModel.OpticsModel.SetLedCurrent(nLED + 1, 0); * //theModel.OpticsModel.SetLedCurrent(nLED + 1, 0); * }*/ controller.MoveHome(strChannel); controller.WaitForCompletion(strChannel); }
public int initialize1() { int nRetVal = 0; try { string strChannel = _channel.ToString("00"); // Set the motor parameters. HelixGenModel theModel = ((HelixGen.App)(App.Current)).Model; HelixGenModel _theModel = ((HelixGen.App)(App.Current)).Model; clsAMB controller = _theModel.getMotorBoard(_controllerId); // Move the pump to the initial position. //RNNosition = 89000; controller.SetDirectionPolarity(strChannel, "0"); controller.MoveRelativePositive(strChannel, "12080"); controller.WaitForCompletion(strChannel); /* * controller.SetDirectionPolarity(strChannel, "0"); * controller.MoveRelativePositive(strChannel, "68100"); * controller.WaitForCompletion(strChannel);*/ controller.SetResolution(theModel.Config.m_R2Piston_Configuration.m_nMotorChannel.ToString("00"), theModel.Config.m_R2Piston_Configuration.m_uiMotorResolution.ToString()); // Position = 3; // RNPosition = 50000;//9.9mm // RNNosition = 89000; } catch (Exception) { nRetVal = 1; } return(nRetVal); }
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { HelixGenModel theModel = ((HelixGen.App)(App.Current)).Model; Model_evtPCRReadingsStarted(); theModel.Analysis(); for (int i = 0; i < theModel._slope.Count / 4; i++) { //Model_PCRCyclerTempChanged(theModel._slope.ElementAt(i),0,false,false); Model_PCRReadingTaken1(10000 * (theModel._slope.ElementAt(i * 4 + 0)), theModel.m_data_t.ElementAt(i)); Model_PCRReadingTaken21(10000 * (theModel._slope.ElementAt(i * 4 + 1)), theModel.m_data_t.ElementAt(i)); Model_PCRReadingTaken31(10000 * (theModel._slope.ElementAt(i * 4 + 2)), theModel.m_data_t.ElementAt(i)); Model_PCRReadingTaken41(10000 * (theModel._slope.ElementAt(i * 4 + 3)), theModel.m_data_t.ElementAt(i)); } //theModel.m_data_r1.Add(temp_data); //for (uint ui = 5; ui <theModel.m_data_t.Count-5 ; ui++) //{ //} }
protected int initializeMotorParams(int axis, Configuration.CSystem_MotorBoardConfigurationItem configIn) { HelixGenModel _theModel = ((HelixGen.App)(App.Current)).Model; clsAMB controller = _theModel.getMotorBoard(_controllerId); int nRetVal = 0; // Set the parameters for the board on this axis. int iaxis = axis - 1; controller.axisparams_current[iaxis].strStartSpeed = configIn.m_uiMotorStartSpeed.ToString(); controller.axisparams_current[iaxis].strMaxSpeed = configIn.m_uiMotorMaxSpeed.ToString(); controller.axisparams_current[iaxis].strAcceleration = configIn.m_uiMotorAccel.ToString(); controller.axisparams_current[iaxis].strDeceleration = configIn.m_uiMotorDecel.ToString(); controller.axisparams_current[iaxis].strJerk = configIn.m_uiMotorJerk.ToString(); controller.axisparams_current[iaxis].strMoveCurrent = configIn.m_uiMotorMoveCurrent.ToString(); controller.axisparams_current[iaxis].strHoldCurrent = configIn.m_uiMotorHoldCurrent.ToString(); controller.axisparams_current[iaxis].strResolution = configIn.m_uiMotorResolution.ToString(); controller.axisparams_current[iaxis].strDirectionPolarity = configIn.m_uiMotorDirection.ToString(); controller.axisparams_current[iaxis].strHomeTimeout = configIn.m_uiMotorHomeTimeout.ToString(); controller.axisparams_current[iaxis].strProfileMode = configIn.m_uiMotorProfileMode.ToString(); controller.axisparams_current[iaxis].strEncoderPresent = configIn.m_bEncoderEnabled ? "1" : "0"; controller.axisparams_current[iaxis].strEncoderEncoderMonitorTimer_ms = configIn.m_uiEncoderMonitorTimer_ms.ToString(); controller.axisparams_current[iaxis].strEncoderMonitorPulseChangeThreshold = configIn.m_uiEncoderMonitorPulseChangeThreshold.ToString(); controller.axisparams_current[iaxis].strEncoderMonitorErrorCountThreshold = configIn.m_uiEncoderMonitorErrorCountThreshold.ToString(); controller.axisparams_current[iaxis].strEncoderDirectionPolarity = configIn.m_uiEncoderDirectionPolarity.ToString(); controller.axisparams_current[iaxis].strLostStepsLimit = configIn.m_uiMotorMaxNumLostSteps.ToString(); controller.axisparams_current[iaxis].strEncoderStartOffset = configIn.m_iEncoderStartOffset.ToString(); controller.axisparams_current[iaxis].strEncoderControllerConversionFactor = configIn.m_fEncoderScalingFactor.ToString(); // Kick the parameters in. controller.LoadParametersIntoController(axis.ToString("00")); return(nRetVal); }
public int initialize() { int nRetVal = 0; try { string strChannel = _channel.ToString("00"); // Set the motor parameters. HelixGenModel theModel = ((HelixGen.App)(App.Current)).Model; int nResult = initializeMotorParams(_channel, theModel.Config.m_Slider_Configuration); if (nResult != 0) { // Initialization failed. logger.Debug("deviceSlider::initialize failed."); } else { clsAMB controller = theModel.getMotorBoard(_controllerId); // Move the pump to the initial position. controller.SetDirectionPolarity(strChannel, "0"); controller.MoveHome(strChannel); controller.WaitForCompletion(strChannel); controller.MoveRelativePositive(strChannel, "4510"); controller.WaitForCompletion(strChannel); /* * //controller.SetDirectionPolarity(strChannel, "0"); * controller.MoveRelativePositive(strChannel, "9500"); * controller.WaitForCompletion(strChannel); * * * controller.SetDirectionPolarity(strChannel, "1"); * //controller.MoveRelativePositive(strChannel, "6156"); * controller.MoveRelativePositive(strChannel, "5800"); * controller.WaitForCompletion(strChannel); * * controller.MoveRelativePositive(strChannel, "4300"); * controller.WaitForCompletion(strChannel); * * controller.SetDirectionPolarity(strChannel, "0"); */ /* controller.MoveToAbsolutePosition(strChannel, * "11114"); * controller.WaitForCompletion(strChannel);*/ //controller.SetDirectionPolarity(strChannel, "1"); controller.SetResolution(theModel.Config.m_Slider_Configuration.m_nMotorChannel.ToString("00"), theModel.Config.m_Slider_Configuration.m_uiMotorResolution.ToString()); //Position = 2; // Position = 1; //RNPosition = 9614; //RNNosition = 6307; //RNNosition = 3307; } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Debug("deviceSlider::initialize() Caught an exception: {0}", ex.Message); nRetVal = 1; } return(nRetVal); }
public AnalysePage(MainWindow parentWnd) { _parentWnd = parentWnd; InitializeComponent(); // Initialize the temperature graph. graphTemps = new TemperaturePointCollection(); graphTempsCount = 0; var ds = new EnumerableDataSource<TemperaturePoint>(graphTemps); ds.SetXMapping(x => (double)x.Count); ds.SetYMapping(y => y.Pressure); //plotter.AddLineGraph(ds, Colors.Green, 1, "T1"); //plotter.LegendVisible = false; /* graphTemps2 = new TemperaturePointCollection(); graphTempsCount = 0; var ds2 = new EnumerableDataSource<TemperaturePoint>(graphTemps2); ds2.SetXMapping(x => (double)x.Count); ds2.SetYMapping(y => y.Pressure); plotter.AddLineGraph(ds2, Colors.Red, 1, "T2"); // plotter.LegendVisible = false;*/ // Initialize the PCR graph. graphPCR = new PCRPointCollection(); graphPCRCycle = 0; var dsPCR = new EnumerableDataSource<PCRPoint>(graphPCR); dsPCR.SetXMapping(x => (double)x.Cycle); dsPCR.SetYMapping(y => y.Reading); pcrplotter.AddLineGraph(dsPCR, Colors.Green, 1, " "); pcrplotter.LegendVisible = false; graphPCR2 = new PCRPointCollection(); // graphPCRCycle = 0; var dsPCR2 = new EnumerableDataSource<PCRPoint>(graphPCR2); dsPCR2.SetXMapping(x => (double)x.Cycle); dsPCR2.SetYMapping(y => y.Reading); pcrplotter.AddLineGraph(dsPCR2, Colors.Red, 1, " "); //pcrplotter.LegendVisible = false; graphPCR3 = new PCRPointCollection(); // graphPCRCycle = 0; var dsPCR3 = new EnumerableDataSource<PCRPoint>(graphPCR3); dsPCR3.SetXMapping(x => (double)x.Cycle); dsPCR3.SetYMapping(y => y.Reading); pcrplotter.AddLineGraph(dsPCR3, Colors.Blue, 1, " "); graphPCR4 = new PCRPointCollection(); // graphPCRCycle = 0; var dsPCR4 = new EnumerableDataSource<PCRPoint>(graphPCR4); dsPCR4.SetXMapping(x => (double)x.Cycle); dsPCR4.SetYMapping(y => y.Reading); pcrplotter.AddLineGraph(dsPCR4, Colors.Brown, 1, " "); graphPCR5 = new PCRPointCollection(); graphPCRCycle = 0; var dsPCR5 = new EnumerableDataSource<PCRPoint>(graphPCR5); dsPCR5.SetXMapping(x => (double)x.Cycle); dsPCR5.SetYMapping(y => y.Reading); pcrplotter3.AddLineGraph(dsPCR5, Colors.Green, 1, " "); pcrplotter3.LegendVisible = false; graphPCR6 = new PCRPointCollection(); // graphPCRCycle = 0; var dsPCR6 = new EnumerableDataSource<PCRPoint>(graphPCR6); dsPCR6.SetXMapping(x => (double)x.Cycle); dsPCR6.SetYMapping(y => y.Reading); pcrplotter3.AddLineGraph(dsPCR6, Colors.Red, 1, " "); //pcrplotter.LegendVisible = false; graphPCR7 = new PCRPointCollection(); // graphPCRCycle = 0; var dsPCR7 = new EnumerableDataSource<PCRPoint>(graphPCR7); dsPCR7.SetXMapping(x => (double)x.Cycle); dsPCR7.SetYMapping(y => y.Reading); pcrplotter3.AddLineGraph(dsPCR7, Colors.Blue, 1, " "); graphPCR8 = new PCRPointCollection(); // graphPCRCycle = 0; var dsPCR8 = new EnumerableDataSource<PCRPoint>(graphPCR8); dsPCR8.SetXMapping(x => (double)x.Cycle); dsPCR8.SetYMapping(y => y.Reading); pcrplotter3.AddLineGraph(dsPCR8, Colors.Brown, 1, " "); graphPCR = new PCRPointCollection(); graphPCRCycle = 0; var dsPCR9 = new EnumerableDataSource<PCRPoint>(graphPCR); dsPCR.SetXMapping(x => (double)x.Cycle); dsPCR.SetYMapping(y => y.Reading); pcrplotter1.AddLineGraph(dsPCR, Colors.Green, 1, " "); pcrplotter1.LegendVisible = false; graphPCR2 = new PCRPointCollection(); // graphPCRCycle = 0; var dsPCR10 = new EnumerableDataSource<PCRPoint>(graphPCR2); dsPCR2.SetXMapping(x => (double)x.Cycle); dsPCR2.SetYMapping(y => y.Reading); pcrplotter1.AddLineGraph(dsPCR2, Colors.Red, 1, " "); //pcrplotter.LegendVisible = false; graphPCR3 = new PCRPointCollection(); // graphPCRCycle = 0; var dsPCR11 = new EnumerableDataSource<PCRPoint>(graphPCR3); dsPCR3.SetXMapping(x => (double)x.Cycle); dsPCR3.SetYMapping(y => y.Reading); pcrplotter1.AddLineGraph(dsPCR3, Colors.Blue, 1, " "); graphPCR4 = new PCRPointCollection(); // graphPCRCycle = 0; var dsPCR12 = new EnumerableDataSource<PCRPoint>(graphPCR4); dsPCR4.SetXMapping(x => (double)x.Cycle); dsPCR4.SetYMapping(y => y.Reading); pcrplotter1.AddLineGraph(dsPCR4, Colors.Brown, 1, " "); graphPCR = new PCRPointCollection(); graphPCRCycle = 0; var dsPCR13 = new EnumerableDataSource<PCRPoint>(graphPCR); dsPCR.SetXMapping(x => (double)x.Cycle); dsPCR.SetYMapping(y => y.Reading); pcrplotter0.AddLineGraph(dsPCR, Colors.Green, 1, " "); pcrplotter0.LegendVisible = false; graphPCR2 = new PCRPointCollection(); // graphPCRCycle = 0; var dsPCR14 = new EnumerableDataSource<PCRPoint>(graphPCR2); dsPCR2.SetXMapping(x => (double)x.Cycle); dsPCR2.SetYMapping(y => y.Reading); pcrplotter0.AddLineGraph(dsPCR2, Colors.Red, 1, " "); //pcrplotter.LegendVisible = false; graphPCR3 = new PCRPointCollection(); // graphPCRCycle = 0; var dsPCR15 = new EnumerableDataSource<PCRPoint>(graphPCR3); dsPCR3.SetXMapping(x => (double)x.Cycle); dsPCR3.SetYMapping(y => y.Reading); pcrplotter0.AddLineGraph(dsPCR3, Colors.Blue, 1, " "); graphPCR4 = new PCRPointCollection(); // graphPCRCycle = 0; var dsPCR16 = new EnumerableDataSource<PCRPoint>(graphPCR4); dsPCR4.SetXMapping(x => (double)x.Cycle); dsPCR4.SetYMapping(y => y.Reading); pcrplotter0.AddLineGraph(dsPCR4, Colors.Brown, 1, " "); graphPCR = new PCRPointCollection(); graphPCRCycle = 0; var dsPCR17 = new EnumerableDataSource<PCRPoint>(graphPCR); dsPCR.SetXMapping(x => (double)x.Cycle); dsPCR.SetYMapping(y => y.Reading); pcrplotter4.AddLineGraph(dsPCR, Colors.Green, 1, " "); pcrplotter4.LegendVisible = false; graphPCR2 = new PCRPointCollection(); // graphPCRCycle = 0; var dsPCR18 = new EnumerableDataSource<PCRPoint>(graphPCR2); dsPCR2.SetXMapping(x => (double)x.Cycle); dsPCR2.SetYMapping(y => y.Reading); pcrplotter4.AddLineGraph(dsPCR2, Colors.Red, 1, " "); //pcrplotter.LegendVisible = false; graphPCR3 = new PCRPointCollection(); // graphPCRCycle = 0; var dsPCR19 = new EnumerableDataSource<PCRPoint>(graphPCR3); dsPCR3.SetXMapping(x => (double)x.Cycle); dsPCR3.SetYMapping(y => y.Reading); pcrplotter4.AddLineGraph(dsPCR3, Colors.Blue, 1, " "); graphPCR4 = new PCRPointCollection(); // graphPCRCycle = 0; var dsPCR20 = new EnumerableDataSource<PCRPoint>(graphPCR4); dsPCR4.SetXMapping(x => (double)x.Cycle); dsPCR4.SetYMapping(y => y.Reading); pcrplotter4.AddLineGraph(dsPCR4, Colors.Brown, 1, " "); graphPCR = new PCRPointCollection(); graphPCRCycle = 0; var dsPCR21 = new EnumerableDataSource<PCRPoint>(graphPCR); dsPCR.SetXMapping(x => (double)x.Cycle); dsPCR.SetYMapping(y => y.Reading); pcrplotter5.AddLineGraph(dsPCR, Colors.Green, 1, " "); pcrplotter5.LegendVisible = false; graphPCR2 = new PCRPointCollection(); // graphPCRCycle = 0; var dsPCR22 = new EnumerableDataSource<PCRPoint>(graphPCR2); dsPCR2.SetXMapping(x => (double)x.Cycle); dsPCR2.SetYMapping(y => y.Reading); pcrplotter5.AddLineGraph(dsPCR2, Colors.Red, 1, " "); //pcrplotter.LegendVisible = false; graphPCR3 = new PCRPointCollection(); // graphPCRCycle = 0; var dsPCR23 = new EnumerableDataSource<PCRPoint>(graphPCR3); dsPCR3.SetXMapping(x => (double)x.Cycle); dsPCR3.SetYMapping(y => y.Reading); pcrplotter5.AddLineGraph(dsPCR3, Colors.Blue, 1, " "); graphPCR4 = new PCRPointCollection(); // graphPCRCycle = 0; var dsPCR24 = new EnumerableDataSource<PCRPoint>(graphPCR4); dsPCR4.SetXMapping(x => (double)x.Cycle); dsPCR4.SetYMapping(y => y.Reading); pcrplotter5.AddLineGraph(dsPCR4, Colors.Brown, 1, " "); //plotter.HorizontalAxisNavigation.Remove(); //plotter.VerticalAxisNavigation.Remove(); //plotter.Children.Remove(plotter.MouseNavigation); //pcrplotter.Children.Remove(pcrplotter.MouseNavigation); theModel = ((HelixGen.App)(App.Current)).Model; Button_Click1(null, null); }
private void DisplayCurve(int selmode) { HelixGenModel theModel = ((HelixGen.App)(App.Current)).Model; switch (selmode) { case 0://扩增 if (theModel.catrigeSelect == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < theModel.m_data_pcr1.Count / 4; i++) { //Model_PCRCyclerTempChanged(theModel._slope.ElementAt(i),0,false,false); Model_PCRReadingTaken1((theModel.m_data_pcr1.ElementAt(i * 4 + 0))*1, i + 2); Model_PCRReadingTaken21((theModel.m_data_pcr1.ElementAt(i * 4 + 1))*1, i + 2); Model_PCRReadingTaken31((theModel.m_data_pcr1.ElementAt(i * 4 + 2)) * 1, i + 2); Model_PCRReadingTaken41((theModel.m_data_pcr1.ElementAt(i * 4 + 3)) * 1, i + 2); } /* for (int i = theModel.m_data_pcr1.Count / 4; i < theModel.m_data_pcr1.Count / 1; i++) { //Model_PCRCyclerTempChanged(theModel._slope.ElementAt(i),0,false,false); Model_PCRReadingTaken1((theModel.m_data_pcr1.ElementAt((theModel.m_data_pcr1.Count/4-1)*4 + 0)) * 1+0*i, i + 2); Model_PCRReadingTaken21((theModel.m_data_pcr1.ElementAt((theModel.m_data_pcr1.Count / 4 - 1) * 4 + 1)) * 1 + 0 * i, i + 2); Model_PCRReadingTaken31((theModel.m_data_pcr1.ElementAt((theModel.m_data_pcr1.Count / 4 - 1) * 4 + 2)) * 1 + 0 * i, i + 2); Model_PCRReadingTaken41((theModel.m_data_pcr1.ElementAt((theModel.m_data_pcr1.Count / 4 - 1) * 4 + 3)) * 1 + 0 * i, i + 2); }*/ } else { for (int i = 0; i < theModel.m_data_pcr1.Count / 4; i++) { //Model_PCRCyclerTempChanged(theModel._slope.ElementAt(i),0,false,false); Model_PCRReadingTaken12((theModel.m_data_pcr1.ElementAt(i * 4 + 0)) * 1, i + 2); Model_PCRReadingTaken22((theModel.m_data_pcr1.ElementAt(i * 4 + 1)) * 1, i + 2); Model_PCRReadingTaken32((theModel.m_data_pcr1.ElementAt(i * 4 + 2)) * 1, i + 2); Model_PCRReadingTaken42((theModel.m_data_pcr1.ElementAt(i * 4 + 3)) * 1, i + 2); } /* for (int i = theModel.m_data_pcr1.Count / 4; i < theModel.m_data_pcr1.Count / 1; i++) { //Model_PCRCyclerTempChanged(theModel._slope.ElementAt(i),0,false,false); Model_PCRReadingTaken12((theModel.m_data_pcr1.ElementAt((theModel.m_data_pcr1.Count / 4 - 1) * 4 + 0)) * 1 + 500 * (i- theModel.m_data_pcr1.Count / 4), i + 2); Model_PCRReadingTaken22((theModel.m_data_pcr1.ElementAt((theModel.m_data_pcr1.Count / 4 - 1) * 4 + 1)) * 1 + 500 * (i - theModel.m_data_pcr1.Count / 4), i + 2); Model_PCRReadingTaken32((theModel.m_data_pcr1.ElementAt((theModel.m_data_pcr1.Count / 4 - 1) * 4 + 2)) * 1 + 500 * (i - theModel.m_data_pcr1.Count / 4), i + 2); Model_PCRReadingTaken42((theModel.m_data_pcr1.ElementAt((theModel.m_data_pcr1.Count / 4 - 1) * 4 + 3)) * 1 + 500 * (i - theModel.m_data_pcr1.Count / 4), i + 2); }*/ } break; case 1://溶解 if (theModel.catrigeSelect == 0) for (int i = 0; i < theModel.m_data_r2.Count / 4; i++) { //Model_PCRReadingTaken1( (theModel.m_data_r2.ElementAt(i * 4 + 0)), 50 + 0.3125 * i); Model_PCRReadingTaken1((theModel.m_data_r2.ElementAt(i * 4 + 0)), 45 + 0.195 * i); Model_PCRReadingTaken21((theModel.m_data_r2.ElementAt(i * 4 + 1)), 45 + 0.195 * i); Model_PCRReadingTaken31((theModel.m_data_r2.ElementAt(i * 4 + 2)), 45 + 0.195 * i); Model_PCRReadingTaken41((theModel.m_data_r2.ElementAt(i * 4 + 3)), 45 + 0.195 * i); } else for (int i = 0; i < theModel.m_data_r2.Count / 4; i++) { //Model_PCRReadingTaken1( (theModel.m_data_r2.ElementAt(i * 4 + 0)), 50 + 0.3125 * i); Model_PCRReadingTaken12((theModel.m_data_r2.ElementAt(i * 4 + 0)), 45 + 0.195 * i); Model_PCRReadingTaken22((theModel.m_data_r2.ElementAt(i * 4 + 1)), 45 + 0.195 * i); Model_PCRReadingTaken32((theModel.m_data_r2.ElementAt(i * 4 + 2)), 45 + 0.195 * i); Model_PCRReadingTaken42((theModel.m_data_r2.ElementAt(i * 4 + 3)), 45 + 0.195 * i); } /* for (int i = 0; i < theModel.m_data_r1.Count / 4; i++) { //Model_PCRCyclerTempChanged(theModel._slope.ElementAt(i),0,false,false); Model_PCRReadingTaken1((theModel.m_data_r1.ElementAt(i * 4 + 0)), 50 + 0.3125 * i); Model_PCRReadingTaken21((theModel.m_data_r1.ElementAt(i * 4 + 1)), 50 + 0.3125 * i); Model_PCRReadingTaken31((theModel.m_data_r1.ElementAt(i * 4 + 2)), 50 + 0.3125 * i); Model_PCRReadingTaken41((theModel.m_data_r1.ElementAt(i * 4 + 3)), 50 + 0.3125 * i); }*/ break; case 2://峰值 if(theModel.catrigeSelect == 0) for (int i = 0; i < theModel._slope1.Count / 4; i++) { /* Model_PCRReadingTaken1(10000 * (theModel._slope1.ElementAt(i * 4 + 0)), theModel.m_data_t.ElementAt(i)); Model_PCRReadingTaken21(10000 * (theModel._slope1.ElementAt(i * 4 + 1)), theModel.m_data_t.ElementAt(i)); Model_PCRReadingTaken31(10000 * (theModel._slope1.ElementAt(i * 4 + 2)), theModel.m_data_t.ElementAt(i)); Model_PCRReadingTaken41(10000 * (theModel._slope1.ElementAt(i * 4 + 3)), theModel.m_data_t.ElementAt(i)); */ /* Model_PCRReadingTaken1((theModel._slope1.ElementAt(i * 4 + 0)), 41.5 + 0.17964 * i); Model_PCRReadingTaken21((theModel._slope1.ElementAt(i * 4 + 1)), 41.5 + 0.17964 * i); Model_PCRReadingTaken31((theModel._slope1.ElementAt(i * 4 + 2)), 41.5 + 0.17964 * i); Model_PCRReadingTaken41((theModel._slope1.ElementAt(i * 4 + 3)), 41.5 + 0.17964 * i); */ Model_PCRReadingTaken1((theModel._slope1.ElementAt(i * 4 + 0)), 50.4 + 0.15 * i); Model_PCRReadingTaken21((theModel._slope1.ElementAt(i * 4 + 1)), 50.4 + 0.15 * i); Model_PCRReadingTaken31((theModel._slope1.ElementAt(i * 4 + 2)), 50.4 + 0.15 * i); Model_PCRReadingTaken41((theModel._slope1.ElementAt(i * 4 + 3)), 50.4 + 0.15 * i); } else for (int i = 0; i < theModel._slope1.Count / 4; i++) { /* Model_PCRReadingTaken1(10000 * (theModel._slope1.ElementAt(i * 4 + 0)), theModel.m_data_t.ElementAt(i)); Model_PCRReadingTaken21(10000 * (theModel._slope1.ElementAt(i * 4 + 1)), theModel.m_data_t.ElementAt(i)); Model_PCRReadingTaken31(10000 * (theModel._slope1.ElementAt(i * 4 + 2)), theModel.m_data_t.ElementAt(i)); Model_PCRReadingTaken41(10000 * (theModel._slope1.ElementAt(i * 4 + 3)), theModel.m_data_t.ElementAt(i)); */ /* Model_PCRReadingTaken12((theModel._slope1.ElementAt(i * 4 + 0)), 41.5 + 0.17964 * i); Model_PCRReadingTaken22((theModel._slope1.ElementAt(i * 4 + 1)), 41.5 + 0.17964 * i); Model_PCRReadingTaken32((theModel._slope1.ElementAt(i * 4 + 2)), 41.5 + 0.17964 * i); Model_PCRReadingTaken42((theModel._slope1.ElementAt(i * 4 + 3)), 41.5 + 0.17964 * i);*/ Model_PCRReadingTaken12((theModel._slope1.ElementAt(i * 4 + 0)), 48.5 + 0.15 * i); Model_PCRReadingTaken22((theModel._slope1.ElementAt(i * 4 + 1)), 48.5 + 0.15 * i); Model_PCRReadingTaken32((theModel._slope1.ElementAt(i * 4 + 2)), 48.5 + 0.15 * i); Model_PCRReadingTaken42((theModel._slope1.ElementAt(i * 4 + 3)), 48.5 + 0.15 * i); } break; default: break; } }
// public bool UnpackFrame() { char currChar; int data = 0; int dataNumber = 0; bool sResult = false; HelixGenModel theModel = ((HelixGen.App)(App.Current)).Model; //data = DataBuf; try { dataNumber = objSerialPort.Read(DataBuf, 0, 20); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Debug("opticReadCmd, got an exception: {0}", ex.Message); } //dataNumber = Uart0ReadString(BUFFER_LEN, data); // buffer = (UCHAR*); // buffer = (UCHAR*)&sCurrPacket; // repeat untill no data in receive buffer while (0 < dataNumber) { currChar = DataBuf[data]; // packet ID has been received if (sPacketIdGot) { // current byte is a valid packet data, // a packet data must greater than or equal to 0x80 //if (0x80 <= currChar ) //{ // be careful: data stored begin from the second byte if (!sPacketEnd0aGot) { if (currChar == 0x0a) { sPacketEnd0aGot = true; } else { buffer[sCurrPacketLen] = currChar; sCurrPacketLen++; if (sCurrPacketLen >= 1900) { gCommErr = true; sPacketIdGot = false; sPacketEnd0aGot = false; sCurrPacketLen = 0; //send err msg } } } else if (currChar == 0x0d) { gCommErr = false; string stri = new string( buffer); // public double[,] allReadings = new double[6, 4]; // public double[] readings = new double[24]; theModel.readings = UnpackWithCheckSum(stri, sCurrPacketLen); sResult = true; /* * switch ( result ) * { * case 0: // Ok * ProcessPack(&sCurrPacket); * break; * case 1: // packet length error * // gSysStatus.mCommStatus |= COMM_CMD_LEN_ERR; * break; * case 2: // packet check sum error * // gSysStatus.mCommStatus |= COMM_CHECKSUM_ERR; * break; * * default: * break; * } */ sPacketIdGot = false; sPacketEnd0aGot = false; //sPacketEnd0aGot =0; } else { gCommErr = true; sPacketIdGot = false; sPacketEnd0aGot = false; sCurrPacketLen = 0; } //} // current byte is not a valid packet data, maybe is a packet ID, // unget it for further analysis } // packet ID has not been received else if (currChar == '<')//">" { sPacketIdGot = true; sCurrPacketLen = 0; } // point to the next byte data++; // the rest byte number decreasing dataNumber--; } // while return(sResult); }
public App() { _theModel = new HelixGenModel(); }
void ICommand.Execute(object parameter) { HelixGenModel model = ((HelixGen.App)App.Current).Model; model.PumpOn(); }
public int initialize() { int nRetVal = 0; try { string strChannel = _channel.ToString("00"); // Set the motor parameters. HelixGenModel theModel = ((HelixGen.App)(App.Current)).Model; int nResult = initializeMotorParams(_channel, theModel.Config.m_OpticsMotor_Configuration); if (nResult != 0) { // Initialization failed. logger.Debug("deviceOpticsMotor::initialize failed."); } else { clsAMB controller = theModel.getMotorBoard(_controllerId); // Move the pump to the initial position. string value; controller.GetHomeSwitchStatus(strChannel, out value); if (Int32.Parse(value) == 0) { controller.MoveHome(strChannel); controller.WaitForCompletion(strChannel); } // theModel.DeviceOpticsMotor.Position = 4; /* * for (int nLED = 0; nLED < 6; nLED++) * { * theModel.OpticsModel.SetLedCurrent(nLED + 1, 0.75); * //theModel.OpticsModel.SetLedCurrent(nLED + 1, 0); * } */ // controller.SetStartSpeed(strChannel, "400");//200,400 // controller.SetMaxSpeed(strChannel, "1200");//200,1600 /* * controller.SetDirectionPolarity(strChannel, "0"); * controller.MoveRelativePositive(strChannel, "100000000"); * controller.WaitForCompletion(strChannel); * controller.MoveRelativeNegative(strChannel, "0"); * controller.WaitForCompletion(strChannel); */ controller.SetResolution(theModel.Config.m_OpticsMotor_Configuration.m_nMotorChannel.ToString("00"), theModel.Config.m_OpticsMotor_Configuration.m_uiMotorResolution.ToString()); //if(isFirstIn) //ZeroOptic(); isFirstIn = false; // theModel.OpticsModel.TriggerPhotodetector(); // Position = 1; /* * controller.MoveToAbsolutePosition(strChannel, * "132"); * controller.WaitForCompletion(strChannel);*/ } } catch (Exception) { nRetVal = 1; } return(nRetVal); }
//m_data_x = new List<double>(); //protected List<double> m_data_r2; //m_data_x = new List<double>(); //protected List<double> m_data_r3; //m_data_x = new List<double>(); //protected List<double> m_data_r4; //m_data_x = new List<double>(); public MainPage(MainWindow parentWnd) { _parentWnd = parentWnd; _vmMain = new vmMain(); DataContext = _vmMain; InitializeComponent(); HelixGenModel model = ((HelixGen.App)App.Current).Model; // Initialize the temperature graph. graphTemps = new TemperaturePointCollection(); graphTempsCount = 0; var ds = new EnumerableDataSource <TemperaturePoint>(graphTemps); ds.SetXMapping(x => (double)x.Count); ds.SetYMapping(y => y.Pressure); plotter.AddLineGraph(ds, Colors.Green, 1, "T1"); plotter.LegendVisible = false; graphTemps2 = new TemperaturePointCollection(); graphTempsCount = 0; var ds2 = new EnumerableDataSource <TemperaturePoint>(graphTemps2); ds2.SetXMapping(x => (double)x.Count); ds2.SetYMapping(y => y.Pressure); plotter.AddLineGraph(ds2, Colors.Red, 1, "T2"); // plotter.LegendVisible = false; // Initialize the PCR graph. graphPCR = new PCRPointCollection(); graphPCRCycle = 0; var dsPCR = new EnumerableDataSource <PCRPoint>(graphPCR); dsPCR.SetXMapping(x => (double)x.Cycle); dsPCR.SetYMapping(y => y.Reading); pcrplotter.AddLineGraph(dsPCR, Colors.Green, 1, "R1"); pcrplotter.LegendVisible = false; graphPCR2 = new PCRPointCollection(); // graphPCRCycle = 0; var dsPCR2 = new EnumerableDataSource <PCRPoint>(graphPCR2); dsPCR2.SetXMapping(x => (double)x.Cycle); dsPCR2.SetYMapping(y => y.Reading); pcrplotter.AddLineGraph(dsPCR2, Colors.Red, 1, "R2"); //pcrplotter.LegendVisible = false; graphPCR3 = new PCRPointCollection(); // graphPCRCycle = 0; var dsPCR3 = new EnumerableDataSource <PCRPoint>(graphPCR3); dsPCR3.SetXMapping(x => (double)x.Cycle); dsPCR3.SetYMapping(y => y.Reading); pcrplotter.AddLineGraph(dsPCR3, Colors.Blue, 1, "R3"); graphPCR4 = new PCRPointCollection(); // graphPCRCycle = 0; var dsPCR4 = new EnumerableDataSource <PCRPoint>(graphPCR4); dsPCR4.SetXMapping(x => (double)x.Cycle); dsPCR4.SetYMapping(y => y.Reading); pcrplotter.AddLineGraph(dsPCR4, Colors.Brown, 1, "R4"); _vmMain.PropertyChanged += _vmMain_PropertyChanged; model.PCRCyclerTempChanged += Model_PCRCyclerTempChanged; model.PCRCyclerTempChanged2 += Model_PCRCyclerTempChanged2; model.evtPCRReadingsStarted += Model_evtPCRReadingsStarted; model.evtPCRReadingsTaken += Model_evtPCRReadingsTaken; //model.evtPCRReadingsTaken2 += Model_evtPCRReadingsTaken2; model.evtBeginAnalysis += model_evtBeginAnalysis; //protected List<double> m_data_r2; //m_data_r2 = new List<double>(); //protected List<double> m_data_r3; //m_data_r3 = new List<double>(); //protected List<double> m_data_r4; //m_data_r4 = new List<double>(); }