/// <summary>
 /// A polyline path is computed from the coordinates, and then elevation values at both endpoints and equally-spaced locations along the polyline are returned.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="key">A Bing Maps Key.</param>
 /// <param name="points">
 /// A set of coordinates on the Earth to use in elevation calculations.\n
 /// IEnumerable values can be float, double or Vector2.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="samples">Specifies the number of equally-spaced elevation values to provide along a polyline path.</param>
 /// <param name="heights">Specifies which sea level model to use to calculate elevation.</param>
 /// <param name="output">Output format: JSON or XML</param>
 /// <returns>Instance of request.</returns>
 public static OnlineMapsBingMapsElevation GetElevationByPolyline(string key, IEnumerable points, int samples, Heights heights = Heights.sealevel, Output output = Output.json)
     return(new OnlineMapsBingMapsElevation(new PolylineParams(key, heights, output, points, samples)));
    private void BuildingDimensions()
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Dimensions", EditorStyles.boldLabel);

        choice1 = (Area) EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Area", choice1);
        switch (choice1)
          case Area.dimensions:
        _building.startingPoints = null;

        _width = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Width", _width);
        _depth = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Depth", _depth);
        _building.width0 = _width;
        _building.width1 = _depth;

          case Area.points:
        _building.width0 = 0f;
        _building.width1 = 0f;

        _p1 = EditorGUILayout.Vector2Field("point 1", _p1);
        _p2 = EditorGUILayout.Vector2Field("point 2", _p2);
        _p3 = EditorGUILayout.Vector2Field("point 3", _p3);
        _p4 = EditorGUILayout.Vector2Field("point 4", _p4);

        if (_p1 != _p2 && _p1 != _p3 && _p1 != _p4 && _p2 != _p3 &&
            _p2 != _p4 && _p3 != _p4)
          _building.startingPoints = new Vector3[4];
          _building.startingPoints[0] = new Vector3(_p1.x, 0f, _p1.y);
          _building.startingPoints[1] = new Vector3(_p2.x, 0f, _p2.y);
          _building.startingPoints[2] = new Vector3(_p3.x, 0f, _p3.y);
          _building.startingPoints[3] = new Vector3(_p4.x, 0f, _p4.y);

        _building.width0 = 0f;
        _building.width1 = 0f;
        _building.startingPoints = null;

        choice2 = (Heights) EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Height", choice2);
        switch (choice2)
          case Heights.floorCount:
        _floors = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Floor Count", _floors);
        _building.floorCount = _floors;
        _building.floorHeight = 0f;

          case Heights.floorHeight:
        _height = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Floor Height", _height);
        _building.floorHeight = _height;
        _building.floorCount = 0;

          case Heights.floorCountAndHeight:
        _floors = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Floor Count", _floors);
        _height = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Floor Height", _height);
        _building.floorHeight = _height;
        _building.floorCount = _floors;

        _building.floorHeight = 0f;
        _building.floorCount = 0;
 public Params(string key, Heights heights, Output output)
     this.key     = key;
     this.heights = heights;
     this.output  = output;
 public PointsParams(string key, Heights heights, Output output, IEnumerable points) : base(key, heights, output)
     this.points = points;
Exemple #5
 /// <summary>
 /// The rectangular area defined by the four bounding box coordinates is divided into rows and columns. \n
 /// The edges of the bounding box account for two of the rows and two of the columns.
 /// Elevations are returned for the vertices of the grid created by the rows and columns.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="key">A Bing Maps Key.</param>
 /// <param name="leftLongitude">Left longitude</param>
 /// <param name="topLatitude">Top latitude</param>
 /// <param name="rightLongitude">Right longitude</param>
 /// <param name="bottomLatitude">Bottom latitude</param>
 /// <param name="rows">Number of rows to use to divide the bounding box area into a grid.</param>
 /// <param name="cols">Number of columns to use to divide the bounding box area into a grid.</param>
 /// <param name="heights">Specifies which sea level model to use to calculate elevation.</param>
 /// <param name="output">Output format: JSON or XML</param>
 /// <returns>Instance of request.</returns>
 public static OnlineMapsBingMapsElevation GetElevationByBounds(string key, double leftLongitude, double topLatitude, double rightLongitude, double bottomLatitude, int rows, int cols, Heights heights = Heights.sealevel, Output output = Output.json)
     return(new OnlineMapsBingMapsElevation(new BoundsParams(key, heights, output, leftLongitude, topLatitude, rightLongitude, bottomLatitude, rows, cols)));
Exemple #6
 public SeaLevelParams(string key, Heights heights, Output output, IEnumerable points) : base(key, heights, output, points)
Exemple #7
 public PolylineParams(string key, Heights heights, Output output, IEnumerable points, int samples) : base(key, heights, output, points)
     this.samples = samples;
Exemple #8
 public int height(Heights type)
     double r;
     switch (type)
         case Heights.Base:
             r = 0.5*this.base_.size_.h;
             r = Math.Round(r);
             return (int) r;
         case Heights.Sup:
             r = 0.8*this.supInfo.size_.h;
             r = Math.Round(r);
             return (int) r;
         case Heights.Sub:
             r = 0.8*this.subInfo.size_.h;
             r = Math.Round(r);
             return (int) r;
         case Heights.Subsup:
             r = 0.3*this.subInfo.size_.h;
             r = Math.Round(r);
             return (int) r;
     return 0;
Exemple #9
        public override Blocks GenerateBlock2(Vector2i position, Heights macroHeight)
            var block = base.GenerateBlock2(position, macroHeight);

            if (Zone.Biome.Type == BiomeType.TestWaves)
                var height  = Mathf.Sin(position.X / 5f) * 5;
                var heights = new Heights(macroHeight.Main + height, macroHeight.Underground + height, macroHeight.Base + height);
                block = block.MutateHeight(heights);
            else if (Zone.Biome.Type == BiomeType.TestBaseOreAndGround)
                var baseHeight      = _generator.GetSimplex(position.X / 20f, position.Z / 20f) * 3 + macroHeight.Base;
                var resourcesHeight = Interpolation.SmoothestStep(Mathf.Clamp01((float)_generator.GetSimplex(position.X / 10f, position.Z / 10f))) * 10 + macroHeight.Underground - 1;
                var groundHeight    = Interpolation.SmoothestStep((_generator.GetSimplex(position.Z / 40f, position.X / 40f) + 1) / 2) * 10 - 12 + macroHeight.Main;
                //var groundHeight = -1;

                //var underground = resourcesHeight > baseHeight ? BlockType.GoldOre : BlockType.Empty;
                var       underground = BlockType.GoldOre;
                BlockType ground;

                 * if (groundHeight > resourcesHeight && groundHeight > baseHeight)
                 *  ground = BlockType.Grass;
                 * else
                 *  ground = BlockType.Empty;
                ground = BlockType.Grass;

                block = new Blocks(ground, underground, new Heights((float)groundHeight, resourcesHeight, (float)baseHeight));
            else if (Zone.Biome.Type == BiomeType.TestBaseCavesAndGround)
                //"Hourglass" shaped hole to the base layer
                //-\        /---
                //  \      /
                //   \    /
                //   /    \
                //  /      \
                var distance = Vector2.Distance(Vector2.Zero, position);

                if (distance < 15)
                    var baseHeight   = -10;
                    var underHeight  = distance < 10 ? -10 + (10 - distance) : -10;
                    var groundHeight = distance < 10 ? -10 + distance : 0;

                     * var baseHeight = _generator.GetSimplex(position.X / 30f, position.Z / 30f) * 3 + macroHeight.BaseHeight;
                     * var undergroundHeight = (_generator.GetSimplex(position.X / 20f, position.Z / 20f) + 1);
                     * undergroundHeight = Math.Pow(undergroundHeight, 4) + macroHeight.UndergroundHeight;
                     * var groundHeight = _generator.GetSimplex(position.X / 5f, position.Z / 5f) + macroHeight.Layer1Height;

                    BlockType underground;
                    if (underHeight > groundHeight || underHeight <= baseHeight)
                        underground = BlockType.Empty;
                        underground = BlockType.Cave;

                    BlockType ground = groundHeight >= underHeight ? BlockType.Grass : BlockType.Empty;

                    block = new Blocks(ground, underground, new Heights(groundHeight, underHeight, baseHeight));
                    block = Blocks.Empty;
            else if (Zone.Biome.Type == BiomeType.TestBaseOreGroundColumn)
                //Column made from ground and ore, to test very steep slopes (vertical)

                //Column has half-circle form
                if (position.X < 0 && Vector2i.Distance(position, Vector2i.Zero) < 5)
                    //All blocks the same
                    //blocks = new Blocks(BlockType.Grass, BlockType.GoldOre, new Heights(10, 5, -5));

                    //All block has different heights
                    var baseHeight   = _random.Range(0, 5);
                    var underHeight  = baseHeight + _random.Range(0, 5);
                    var groundHeight = underHeight + _random.Range(0, 5);

                    block = new Blocks(BlockType.Grass, BlockType.GoldOre,
                                       new Heights(groundHeight, underHeight, baseHeight));
                    block = new Blocks(BlockType.Empty, BlockType.Empty, new Heights(-10, -10, -10));
            else if (Zone.Biome.Type == BiomeType.TestBaseOrePyramidGround)
                //Special test case
                if (position == (3, -21))
                    return(new Blocks(Zone.Biome.DefaultMainBlock.Block, Zone.Biome.DefaultUndergroundBlock.Block,
                                      new Heights(0, 1, -5)));

                if (position == (-15, -13) || position == (-15, -14))
                    return(new Blocks(Zone.Biome.DefaultMainBlock.Block, Zone.Biome.DefaultUndergroundBlock.Block,
                                      new Heights(0, 1, -5)));

                if (position == (-18, 12) || position == (-18, 13) || position == (-17, 13))
                    return(new Blocks(Zone.Biome.DefaultMainBlock.Block, Zone.Biome.DefaultUndergroundBlock.Block,
                                      new Heights(0, 1, -5)));

                if (position == (13, 14) || position == (13, 15) || position == (12, 14) || position == (12, 15))
                    return(new Blocks(Zone.Biome.DefaultMainBlock.Block, Zone.Biome.DefaultUndergroundBlock.Block,
                                      new Heights(0, 1, -5)));

                var distance = Vector2.Distance(Vector2.Zero, position);

                var baseHeight  = -5f;
                var oreHeight   = 7 - distance;
                var grassHeight = 0;

                block = new Blocks(Zone.Biome.DefaultMainBlock.Block, Zone.Biome.DefaultUndergroundBlock.Block,
                                   new Heights(grassHeight, oreHeight, baseHeight));
                if (Zone.Biome.Type == BiomeType.TestTunnel)
                    //Tunnel is line defined by ax + by + c = 0
                    const float a = 2f, b = -1f, c = 5f;
                    const float tunnelWidth        = 15;
                    const float tunnelCenterHeight = 0;

                    //Mountain defined as cone
                    Vector2     mountCenter = Vector2.Zero;
                    const float mountSize   = 20;

                    var distanceToTunnel = Mathf.Abs(a * position.X + b * position.Z + c) / Mathf.Sqrt(a * a + b * b);
                    var distanceToMount  = Vector2.Distance(position, mountCenter);
                    var tunnelTurbulence = (float)(_generator.GetSimplex(position.X / 10d, position.Z / 10d) * 2
                                                   + _generator.GetSimplex(position.Z / 70d, position.X / 70d) * 5);

                    //Make tunnel floor
                    var baseHeight = 0f;
                    if (distanceToTunnel < tunnelWidth)
                        baseHeight += tunnelCenterHeight - Mathf.Sqrt(tunnelWidth * tunnelWidth - distanceToTunnel * distanceToTunnel) + tunnelTurbulence;

                    var underHeight = 0f;
                    if (distanceToTunnel < tunnelWidth)
                        underHeight += tunnelCenterHeight + Mathf.Sqrt(tunnelWidth * tunnelWidth - distanceToTunnel * distanceToTunnel) + tunnelTurbulence;

                    var groundHeight = 5f;
                    if (distanceToMount < mountSize)
                        groundHeight += mountSize - distanceToMount;
                    block = new Blocks(Zone.Biome.DefaultMainBlock.Block, Zone.Biome.DefaultUndergroundBlock.Block,
                                       new Heights(groundHeight, underHeight, baseHeight));
