public void initialize(HealthBox hb) { print("init button:"); print(button); healthBox = hb; button.onClick.AddListener(delegate { healthBox.Advance(); }); button.onClick.AddListener(delegate { advanceImage(); }); }
void Start() { ammoBox = GetComponent <AmmoBox>(); healthBox = GetComponent <HealthBox>(); traitComponent = GetComponent <TraitComponent>(); UpdateParams(); }
private void HealthBox_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!healthEditMode) { healthEditMode = true; HealthBox.Text = token.CurrentHP.ToString(); HealthBox.SelectAll(); } }
// OnStateEnter is called when a transition starts and the state machine starts to evaluate this state override public void OnStateEnter(Animator animator, AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo, int layerIndex) { BotUtility botUtility = animator.GetComponentInParent <BotUtility>(); HealthBox target = botUtility.FindClosestHealth(); if (!botUtility.NavigateTo(target)) { animator.SetTrigger("failed"); } }
public void AddBox(HealthBox hb) { GameObject healthbox = Resources.Load <GameObject> ("Prefabs/UI/HealthBox"); GameObject newBox = Instantiate(healthbox); healthBoxList.Add(newBox); newBox.GetComponent <HealthBoxUI> ().initialize(hb); switch (hb.level) { case 7: { newBox.transform.SetParent(inc.transform); break; } case 0: { newBox.transform.SetParent(zero.transform); break; } case 1: { newBox.transform.SetParent(one.transform); break; } case 2: { newBox.transform.SetParent(two.transform); break; } case 4: { newBox.transform.SetParent(four.transform); break; } default: { break; } } }
private void checkHpBoxEditMode() { if (!healthEditMode) { return; } HealthBox.DeselectAll(); HPMinus.Select(); healthEditMode = false; try { int newHp = Convert.ToInt32(HealthBox.Text); if (newHp >= 0 && newHp <= token.MaxHP) { token.CurrentHP = Convert.ToInt32(HealthBox.Text); } } catch (Exception ex) { } }
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider otherCollider) { if (otherCollider.GetComponent <AmmunationBox>() != null) { AmmunationBox ammunationBox = otherCollider.GetComponent <AmmunationBox>(); ammunation += ammunationBox.ammunation; Destroy(ammunationBox.gameObject); } else if (otherCollider.GetComponent <HealthBox>() != null) { HealthBox healthBox = otherCollider.GetComponent <HealthBox>(); health +=; Destroy(healthBox.gameObject); } else { /* Do nothing */ } if (!isHurt) { GameObject gameObject = null; //hazard if (otherCollider.GetComponent <Enemy>() != null) { Enemy enemy = otherCollider.GetComponent <Enemy>(); if (!enemy.IsKilled) { gameObject = enemy.gameObject; health -= enemy.damage; } } else if (otherCollider.GetComponent <Bullet>() != null) { Bullet bullet = otherCollider.GetComponent <Bullet>(); if (!bullet.IsShotByPlayer) { gameObject = bullet.gameObject; health -= bullet.bulletDamage; bullet.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } else { /* Do nothing */ } if (gameObject != null) { isHurt = true; Vector3 hurtDirection = (transform.position - gameObject.transform.position).normalized; Vector3 recoilDirection = (hurtDirection + Vector3.up).normalized; GetComponent <ForceReceiver>().AddForce(recoilDirection, recoilForce); StartCoroutine(HurtRoutine()); } if (health <= 0) { if (!isKilled) { isKilled = true; OnKill(); } } } }
void Awake() { ammoBox = GetComponent <AmmoBox>(); healthBox = GetComponent <HealthBox>(); traitComponent = GetComponent <Collectible>(); }
static void Postfix(Battle __instance) { ++tickCount; if (tickCount % (TICKS_PER_SECOND * 10) == 0) { logger.LogDebug($"ComputeTick(): 10 second interval"); //var sceneTraverse = Traverse.Create(__instance.Scene); //var updateableEntitiesProperty = sceneTraverse.Property("UpdateableEntities"); //var updateableEntities = updateableEntitiesProperty.GetValue() as IEnumerable; //foreach (var updateableEntity in updateableEntities) //{ // if (updateableEntity.GetType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(Unit)) || updateableEntity.GetType() == typeof(Unit)) // { // var unit = updateableEntity as Unit; // if (unit.Faction == unit.Battle.LocalPlayerFactionId) // { // float healAmount = unit.MaxHealth * 0.05f; // unit.DamageModel.Heal(healAmount, unit.EntityId); // } // } //} foreach (var unit in __instance.Scene.Units) { if (unit.Faction == __instance.LocalPlayerFactionId) { float healAmount = unit.MaxHealth * 0.05f; unit.DamageModel.Heal(healAmount, unit.EntityId); } } foreach (var structure in __instance.Scene.Structures) { if (structure.Faction == __instance.LocalPlayerFactionId) { float healAmount = structure.MaxHealth * 0.05f; structure.DamageModel.Heal(healAmount, structure.EntityId); } } } if (tickCount % (TICKS_PER_SECOND * 60) == 0) { foreach (var unit in __instance.Scene.Units) { if (unit.Faction == __instance.LocalPlayerFactionId) { try { logger.LogDebug($"Friendly unit: {unit} {unit.EntityId}, squad id: {unit.SquadId}, squad {unit.Squad}"); if (unit is IExperienceReceiver unitReceiver) { var oldExp = unitReceiver.VeterancySystem.CurrentXP; unitReceiver.VeterancySystem.AddExperience(10000, RankChangedReason.Experience); } if (unit.Squad == null) { continue; } if (unit.Squad is IExperienceReceiver squadReceiver) { var oldExp = squadReceiver.VeterancySystem.CurrentXP; squadReceiver.VeterancySystem.AddExperience(10000, RankChangedReason.Experience); } if (unit.Squad.Health == unit.Squad.MaxHealth) { continue; } var healthBoxConfig = new HealthBoxConfig(""); healthBoxConfig.HealingAmount = 1000; var healthBox = new HealthBox(__instance, healthBoxConfig, 0, unit.Squad.Position, 0); var healthBoxTraverse = Traverse.Create(healthBox); var args = new object[] { unit.Squad }; healthBoxTraverse.Method("Pickup", args).GetValue(args); logger.LogDebug($"Reinforced squad: {unit.Squad}"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.LogWarning($"ComputeTick(): 60 second interval encountered an error: {e.Message}"); } } } } }