protected override void setParameter() { observeSkill = HealSkillMasterManager.getInstance().getHealSkillFromId(OBSERVE_SKILL_ID); this.heal = observeSkill.getRawHeal(); this.cost = observeSkill.getRawCost(); this.delay = observeSkill.getRawDelay(); }
//clickNumber: some skills need to be used more than once [for instance 'smokeTeleport'] public void performSkill(Character character, int skill, Vector3 mousePos, Character targetCharacter) { if (skill == Constants.bomb) { GameObject newBomb = Instantiate(bombPrefab, character.transform.position, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; newBomb.transform.parent = character.transform; BombSkill bomb = newBomb.GetComponent <BombSkill>(); bomb.setParameters(character, mousePos); bomb.startSkill(); } else if (skill == Constants.smokeTeleport) { SmokeTeleport smoke = character.GetComponentInChildren <SmokeTeleport>(); if (smoke == null) { GameObject newSmoke = Instantiate(smokePrefab, character.transform.position, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; newSmoke.transform.parent = character.transform; smoke = newSmoke.GetComponent <SmokeTeleport>(); smoke.setParameters(character, mousePos); smoke.startSkill(); } else { smoke.setParameters(character, mousePos); smoke.secondCast(); } } else if (skill == Constants.magicMirror) { GameObject newMagicMirror = Instantiate(magicMirrorPrefab, character.transform.position, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; newMagicMirror.transform.parent = character.transform; MagicMirror mm = newMagicMirror.GetComponent <MagicMirror>(); mm.setParameters(character); mm.startSkill(); } else if (skill == Constants.earthquake) { GameObject newEarthquake = Instantiate(earthquakePrefab, character.transform.position, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; newEarthquake.transform.parent = character.transform; EarthquakeSkill earthquake = newEarthquake.GetComponent <EarthquakeSkill>(); earthquake.setParameters(character, mousePos); earthquake.startSkill(); } else if (skill == Constants.heal) { GameObject newHeal = Instantiate(healPrefab, character.transform.position, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; newHeal.transform.parent = character.transform; HealSkill heal = newHeal.GetComponent <HealSkill>(); heal.setParameters(character, targetCharacter); heal.startSkill(); } else if (skill == Constants.fireball) { GameObject newFireball = Instantiate(fireballPrefab, character.transform.position, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; newFireball.transform.parent = character.transform; FireballSkill fireball = newFireball.GetComponent <FireballSkill>(); fireball.setParameters(character, mousePos); fireball.startSkill(); } }
void LoadSkills() { for (int i = 0; i < skills.Length; i++) { skills[i] = new HealSkill(); } skills[1] = new DefaultAttack(); }
void DoHealHeuristic(List <Node> nodesWithUnits, HealSkill hs, Unit aiUnit) { foreach (Node nodeWithUnit in nodesWithUnits) { // Only accept units that are the same allegiance to heal if (nodeWithUnit.unit?.GetAllegiance() == aiUnit.GetAllegiance()) { Unit currentUnit = nodeWithUnit.unit; // Skip if at full health if (currentUnit.GetCurrentHealth() == currentUnit.GetStartingHealth()) { continue; } if (currentUnit == aiUnit) { // Edge case when healing self. Don't move; Node castNode = nodeWithUnit; // Calculate the value for the node's heal heuristic. float newHealH = hs.m_HealAmount + (currentUnit.GetStartingHealth() - currentUnit.GetCurrentHealth()) * aiUnit.GetHeuristicCalculator().m_HealWeighting; if (castNode != null) { AddOrUpdateHeuristic( newHealH, castNode, aiUnit, new HealSkillTarget(hs, nodeWithUnit)); } } else { // Get nodes in the area that the AI unit could heal friendly units from. List <Node> nodesCastable = Grid.m_Instance.GetNodesWithinRadius(hs.m_CastableDistance, nodeWithUnit); // Go through each of the nodes the AI unit could heal from and add the heal heuristic to them. for (int j = 0; j < nodesCastable.Count; j++) { Node castNode = nodesCastable[j]; // Calculate the value for the node's heal heuristic. float newHealH = hs.m_HealAmount + (currentUnit.GetStartingHealth() - currentUnit.GetCurrentHealth()) * aiUnit.GetHeuristicCalculator().m_HealWeighting; if (castNode != null) { AddOrUpdateHeuristic( newHealH, castNode, aiUnit, new HealSkillTarget(hs, nodeWithUnit)); } } } } } }
protected override void addInstance(string[] datas) { var skill = new HealSkill(datas); dataTable.Add(skill); SkillBookDataManager.getInstance().setData(skill); progressTable.Add(int.Parse(datas[0]), new ActiveSkillProgress()); }
/// <summary> /// Select a skill. /// </summary> /// <param name="skill"> The skill being selected. </param> public void SkillSelection(BaseSkill skill, SkillButton button) { if (ParticlesManager.m_Instance.m_ActiveSkill != null) // || (ParticlesManager.m_Instance.m_ActiveSkill.m_Skill != null && ParticlesManager.m_Instance.m_ActiveSkill.m_Targets != null)) { Debug.LogWarning($"<color=#9c4141>[Skill]</color> {ParticlesManager.m_Instance.m_ActiveSkill.m_Skill.m_SkillName} is currently active!"); return; } // Don't allow progress if the character is an enemy (player can mouse over for info, but not use the skill) if (m_SelectedUnit.GetAllegiance() == Allegiance.Enemy) { return; } // Make sure the player has a unit selected. if (m_SelectedUnit != null) { // Check if the skill being cast is the heal skill. HealSkill hs = skill as HealSkill; if (hs != null) { // Check if this unit has Pestilence's passive (should be Pestilence but you never know). PestilencePassive pesPassive = m_SelectedUnit.GetPassiveSkill() as PestilencePassive; if (pesPassive != null) { // If there is no heal resource remaining, output warning about it and leave function. if (pesPassive.GetHealResource() < pesPassive.m_HealResourceCastCost) { Debug.LogWarning("Not enough heal resource for Pestilence to heal with."); return; } } } // Make sure the unit can afford to cast the skill and the skill isn't on cooldown before selecting it. // Just in case. if (m_SelectedUnit.GetActionPoints() >= skill.m_Cost && skill.GetCurrentCooldown() == 0) { foreach (SkillButton b in UIManager.m_Instance.m_SkillSlots) { b.m_LightningImage.materialForRendering.SetFloat("_UIVerticalPan", 0); } button.m_LightningImage.materialForRendering.SetFloat("_UIVerticalPan", 1); // Update the GameManager's fields m_SelectedSkill = skill; m_TargetingState = TargetingState.Skill; // Get the new affectable area. m_maxSkillRange = Grid.m_Instance.GetNodesWithinRadius(m_SelectedSkill.m_CastableDistance + m_SelectedSkill.m_AffectedRange, Grid.m_Instance.GetNode(m_SelectedUnit.transform.position), true); UpdateSkillPreview(null); } } }
protected override void Awake() { base.Awake(); hp = GetComponent <HeartHealthContainer> (); hp.transform.parent = transform; hp.SetMaxHealth(3); rope = null; attackCollider = transform.Find("AttackCollider").gameObject; interactor = GetComponent <Interactor>(); commander = GetComponent <PlayerCommander>(); ropeController = GetComponent <RopeController>(); skill = new HeroSkill[3]; skill[0] = new HealSkill(); skill[1] = new HealSkill(); skill[2] = new HealSkill(); directionalDeadZone = 0.40f; }
public override void Activate(MonsterCharacter character, int index) { if (character.SkillCooldowns[index] > 0) { Sounds.CreateSound(FailSound); return; } if (character.ChargePoints < ChargeCost) { Messaging.GUI.ScreenMessage.Invoke("NOT ENOUGH CHARGE",; Sounds.CreateSound(FailSound); return; } if (character.SoftDamage <= 0) { Messaging.GUI.ScreenMessage.Invoke("NO ACCUMULATED DAMAGE",; Sounds.CreateSound(FailSound); return; } int HealPerTick = (int)(character.SoftDamage * Portion / ActiveTime / 50); if (HealPerTick <= 0) { Messaging.GUI.ScreenMessage.Invoke("NOT ENOUGH ACCUMULATED DAMAGE",; Sounds.CreateSound(FailSound); return; } Sounds.CreateSound(ActivationSound); HealSkill s = Instantiate(this, character.transform); s.targetCharacter = character; s.healPerTick = HealPerTick; character.ChargePoints -= ChargeCost; character.SoftDamage = 0; character.SkillCooldowns[index] = ActiveTime; }
/// <summary> /// スキル効果範囲(Extent)がSINGLEの場合の対象を決定します /// </summary> /// <returns>対象のリスト</returns> /// <param name="useSkill">使用するスキル</param> private IBattleable decideHealSingleTarget(HealSkill useSkill) { //keyに可能性値、要素に対象をもつdictionary Dictionary <float, IBattleable> characterAndProbalities = new Dictionary <float, IBattleable>(); float sumProbality = 0; List <IBattleable> targets = BattleManager.getInstance().getCharacterInRange(user, useSkill.getRange()); foreach (IBattleable target in targets) { //敵対勢力→論外 if (!target.isHostility(user.getFaction())) { //HPの減った割合が可能性値 float probality = 1 - ((float)target.getHp() / (float)target.getMaxHp()); probality = (probality <= 0) ? 0.001f : probality; characterAndProbalities.Add(probality, target); sumProbality += probality; } } //乱数判定 float rand = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, sumProbality); var probalities = characterAndProbalities.Keys; foreach (float probality in probalities) { if (probality >= rand) { return(characterAndProbalities[probality]); } else { rand -= probality; } } throw new InvalidOperationException("cannot decideHealTarget"); }
private FieldPosition decideAreaHealTarget(HealSkill useSkill) { //keyのposにいる友好的なキャラクターのリスト Dictionary <FieldPosition, List <IBattleable> > posCharacters = new Dictionary <FieldPosition, List <IBattleable> >(); //keyのposの可能性値 Dictionary <FieldPosition, float> posProbalities = new Dictionary <FieldPosition, float>(); //可能性値の合計 int fieldPosMax = Enum.GetNames(typeof(FieldPosition)).Length; //現在のpos FieldPosition nowPos = BattleManager.getInstance().searchCharacter(user); //ループ変数の設定 int index = BattleManager.getInstance().restructionPositionValue(nowPos, -1 * useSkill.getRange()); int maxIndex = BattleManager.getInstance().restructionPositionValue(nowPos, useSkill.getRange()); //2つのdictionaryの設定 float probalitySum = 0; for (; index < maxIndex; index++) { //範囲にいるキャラクターの取得 var targets = BattleManager.getInstance().getAreaCharacter((FieldPosition)index); float areaProbalitySum = 0; //リストの初期化 posCharacters.Add((FieldPosition)index, new List <IBattleable>()); int hpSum = 0; int maxHpSum = 0; //友好的なキャラクターを検索してdictionaryに追加 foreach (IBattleable target in targets) { if (!target.isHostility(user.getFaction())) { hpSum += target.getHp(); maxHpSum += target.getMaxHp(); posCharacters[(FieldPosition)index].Add(target); } } //HPが減っている割合を計算→可能性値にする areaProbalitySum = 1 - ((float)hpSum / (float)maxHpSum); posProbalities.Add((FieldPosition)index, areaProbalitySum); probalitySum += areaProbalitySum; } //乱数判定 float rand = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, probalitySum); var poses = posCharacters.Keys; foreach (FieldPosition pos in poses) { if (posProbalities[pos] > rand) { return(pos); } else { rand += posProbalities[pos]; } } throw new InvalidOperationException("cannot decide HealAreaCharacter"); }
public HealSkillTarget(HealSkill healSkill, Node node) { m_Skill = healSkill; m_TargetNode = node; }
/// <summary> /// Activate one of the unit's skills. /// </summary> /// <param name="skill"> The skill to activate. </param> public void ActivateSkill(BaseSkill skill, Node castLocation) { Debug.Log($"<color=#9c4141>[Skill] </color>{PlayerManager.m_Instance.GetSelectedUnit().name} casts {skill.m_SkillName}" + $" {(castLocation.unit ? $"at {}" : "")} ({})"); // Doing my own search cause List.Find is gross. for (int i = 0; i < m_Skills.Count; ++i) { // Check if the unit has the skill being cast. if (m_Skills[i].m_SkillName == skill.m_SkillName) { skill.m_AffectedNodes = Grid.m_Instance.GetNodesWithinRadius(m_Skills[i].m_AffectedRange, castLocation, true); skill.m_CastNode = castLocation; if (m_PassiveSkill != null) { DamageSkill ds = skill as DamageSkill; // Check if skill being cast is a damage skill. if (ds != null) { // Make sure the skill knows what units it will affect, so we can check them for the passive. List <Unit> hitUnits = ds.FindAffectedUnits(); if (m_PassiveSkill.GetAffectSelf() == false) { // Check which units meet the prerequisits for the unit's passive. foreach (Unit u in hitUnits) { foreach (InflictableStatus status in m_StatusEffects) { if (status.CheckPrecondition(TriggerType.OnDealDamage) == true) { status.TakeEffect(this); } } // Add extra damage to the skill from status effect (if there is any). if (m_DealExtraDamage > 0) { ds.AddExtraDamage(m_DealExtraDamage); } if (m_PassiveSkill.CheckPrecondition(TriggerType.OnDealDamage, u)) { m_PassiveSkill.TakeEffect(u); } if (m_PassiveSkill.CheckPrecondition(TriggerType.OnDealDamage)) { m_PassiveSkill.TakeEffect(); } } } else { if (m_PassiveSkill.CheckPrecondition(TriggerType.OnDealDamage, this)) { m_PassiveSkill.TakeEffect(this); } if (m_PassiveSkill.CheckPrecondition(TriggerType.OnDealDamage)) { m_PassiveSkill.TakeEffect(this); } } } HealSkill hs = skill as HealSkill; if (hs != null) { PestilencePassive pp = m_PassiveSkill as PestilencePassive; if (pp != null) { pp.UseHealResource(); StatusEffectTooltipManager.m_Instance.UpdatePassive(); } } } if (skill.m_IsMagic) { // TODO Play cast system } skill.CastSkill(); transform.LookAt(castLocation.worldPosition); // Play skill animation m_animator.SetTrigger("TriggerSkill"); // Play the damage sound effect. //FMODUnity.RuntimeManager.PlayOneShot(m_Skills[i].m_CastEvent, transform.position); return; } } Debug.LogError("Skill " + skill.m_SkillName + " couldn't be found in " + + "."); }