Exemple #1
        public HeaderStruct GetHttpHeader(HttpRequestBase Request)
            string Url;

            if (Request.Url.ToString().Length > 2048)
                Url = "http://localhost/";
            Url = Request.Url.ToString();
            string Method      = Request.HttpMethod.ToString();
            string HostIp      = Request.UserHostAddress;
            string ContentType = Request.ContentType;
            string Port        = Request.Url.Port.ToString();
            int    TotalBytes  = Request.TotalBytes;
            Dictionary <string, string> Cookies = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            foreach (string CookiesKey in Request.Cookies.Keys)
                Cookies.Add(CookiesKey, Request.Cookies.Get(CookiesKey).Value);
            HeaderStruct Header = new HeaderStruct();

            Header.URL         = Url;
            Header.Method      = Method;
            Header.HostIp      = HostIp;
            Header.ContentType = ContentType;
            Header.Port        = Port;
            Header.TotalBytes  = TotalBytes;
            Header.Cookies     = Cookies;
Exemple #2
 public void Load(Stream data, bool fast = false)
     uint headersize = Helpers.ReadLEUInt(data);
     long startoffset = data.Position;
     Header = new HeaderStruct();
     Header.magic = Helpers.ReadLEUInt(data);
     Header.totalCount = Helpers.ReadLEUInt(data);
     Header.ebxCount = Helpers.ReadLEUInt(data);
     Header.resCount = Helpers.ReadLEUInt(data);
     Header.chunkCount = Helpers.ReadLEUInt(data);
     Header.stringOffset = Helpers.ReadLEUInt(data);
     Header.chunkMetaOffset = Helpers.ReadLEUInt(data);
     Header.chunkMetaSize = Helpers.ReadLEUInt(data);
     if (Header.chunkCount != 0)
         ChunkMeta = BJSON.ReadField(data);
         ChunkMeta = null;
     data.Seek(startoffset + Header.stringOffset, 0);
     data.Seek(startoffset + Header.stringOffset, 0);
     data.Seek(startoffset + headersize, 0);
     ReadEbxListData(data, fast);
     ReadResListData(data, fast);
     ReadChunkListData(data, fast);
Exemple #3
        public void Serialize(SerializingFile con)
            if (con.isLoading)
                Header = new HeaderStruct();
            con.Seek((int)Header.EntryOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            for (int i = 0; i < Header.FileCount; i++)
                //Debug.WriteLine($"Serialize sfar file {i} at 0x{con.Memory.Position:X8}");
                var feStruct = new FileEntryStruct();
                feStruct.Serialize(con, Header);
                //Debug.WriteLine($"Data offset for {i}: 0x{Files[i].DataOffset:X8} (0x{Files[i].RealDataOffset:X8}), header at 0x{pos:X8}");

            //var ordered = Files.OrderBy(x => x.DataOffset).ToList();
            //foreach (var f in ordered)
            //    Debug.WriteLine($"0x{f.DataOffset:X8} (0x{f.RealDataOffset:X8}), header at {f.MyOffset:X8}");
            //var firstfile = Files.MinBy(x => x.RealDataOffset);

            if (con.isLoading)
Exemple #4
        public static void ParsePacket(byte[] packet, out byte command, out byte[] payload)
            var          headerBytes = new ArraySegment <byte>(packet, 0, HEADER_SIZE).ToArray();
            HeaderStruct header      = StructInterop.ByteArrayToStruct <HeaderStruct>(headerBytes);

            // Payload
            if (header.length > 0)
                payload = new ArraySegment <byte>(packet, HEADER_SIZE, header.length).ToArray();
                payload = null;

            var          footerBytes = new ArraySegment <byte>(packet, HEADER_SIZE + header.length, FOOTER_SIZE).ToArray();
            FooterStruct footer      = StructInterop.ByteArrayToStruct <FooterStruct>(footerBytes);

            // Detect protocol errors
            if (header.command == CMD_ERROR)
                if (payload != null && payload.Length > 0)
                    throw HLDCProtocolException.FromCode(payload[0]);
                    throw new HLDCException("Protocol malformed error message");

            command = header.command;
Exemple #5
        public void TestWriteableVisualArea()
            HeaderStruct header = new HeaderStruct()
                MinX = 50,
                MaxX = 80,
                MinY = 50,
                MaxY = 80

            Assert.AreEqual(false, _imageMaker
                            .IsWritablePixel(header, 0, 100, 100));
            Assert.AreEqual(true, _imageMaker
                            .IsWritablePixel(header, 50 + 50 * 100, 100, 100));
            Assert.AreEqual(true, _imageMaker
                            .IsWritablePixel(header, 78 + 78 * 100, 100, 100));
            Assert.AreEqual(true, _imageMaker
                            .IsWritablePixel(header, 51 + 78 * 100, 100, 100));
            Assert.AreEqual(false, _imageMaker
                            .IsWritablePixel(header, 81 + 51 * 100, 100, 100));
            Assert.AreEqual(false, _imageMaker
                            .IsWritablePixel(header, 51 + 81 * 100, 100, 100));
            Assert.AreEqual(false, _imageMaker
                            .IsWritablePixel(header, 90 + 90 * 100, 100, 100));
Exemple #6
        public Psf Load(Stream stream)
            EntryDictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            Header          = stream.ReadStruct <HeaderStruct>();
            Entries         = stream.ReadStructVector <EntryStruct>(Header.NumberOfPairs);
            KeysStream      = stream.SliceWithLength(Header.KeyTable);
            ValuesStream    = stream.SliceWithLength(Header.ValueTable);
            foreach (var entry in Entries)
                var key         = KeysStream.ReadStringzAt(entry.KeyOffset);
                var valueStream = ValuesStream.SliceWithLength(entry.ValueOffset, entry.ValueSize);
                switch (entry.DataType)
                case DataType.Binary:
                    EntryDictionary[key] = valueStream.ReadAll();

                case DataType.Int:
                    EntryDictionary[key] = valueStream.ReadStruct <int>();

                case DataType.Text:
                    EntryDictionary[key] = valueStream.ReadStringz(-1, Encoding.UTF8);

                default: throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemple #7
        private void Read(BinaryReader reader)
            Header = reader.Read <HeaderStruct>();

            if (Header.ChunkCount > 0)
                Chunks = reader.ReadArray <Chunk>(Header.ChunkCount);
Exemple #8
        private AnalyzeResult AnalyzeHttpHeader(HeaderStruct Header)
            AnalyzeResult GetMethodResult = new AnalyzeResult();
            LimitList      LimitJudge     = new LimitList();
            FrequenceLimit FrequenceJudge = new FrequenceLimit();
            FlowLimit      FlowJudge      = new FlowLimit();

            GetMethodResult.RequestHeader   = Header;
            GetMethodResult.RequestContents = string.Empty;

            if (!LimitJudge.IsLimitVisitor(Header.HostIp))
                GetMethodResult.ResultReport = "该主机已被设置为黑名单,无法访问";

            if (LimitJudge.GetLimitVisitorTotalRate(Header.HostIp) > 0)
                if (!FrequenceJudge.IsOverTimesNum(LimitJudge.GetLimitVisitorTotalRate(Header.HostIp), Header.HostIp))
                    GetMethodResult.ResultReport = "请求过于频繁,系统自动判定为异常请求!请稍后再试!";
            else if (LimitJudge.GetLimitVisitorTotalRate(Header.HostIp) == 0)
                GetMethodResult.ResultReport = "数据库出错";

            IPAddress CheckIPAddress = null;

            if (!IPAddress.TryParse(Header.HostIp, out CheckIPAddress))
                GetMethodResult.ResultReport = "请求报文的IP地址不合法!";

            HttpRequestFilter Filter = new HttpRequestFilter();

            Header.URL = Filter.URLFilter(Header.URL);                                      //过滤URL特殊字符
            if (Header.URL == "URL字符过滤异常")
                GetMethodResult.ResultReport = Header.URL;

            GetMethodResult.ResultReport = "请求过滤成功";
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Stream"></param>
        public void SetStream(Stream Stream)
            this.Stream = Stream;

            // Read the header.
            this.Header = this.Stream.ReadStruct <HeaderStruct>();
            if (this.Header.Magic != 0x4F534943)
                throw (new InvalidDataException("Not a CISO File"));

            // Read the block list
            this.Blocks = this.Stream.ReadStructVector <BlockInfo>((uint)(NumberOfBlocks + 1));
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream"></param>
        public void SetStream(Stream stream)
            Stream = stream;

            // Read the header.
            Header = Stream.ReadStruct <HeaderStruct>();
            if (Header.Magic != DaxfileSignature)
                throw new InvalidDataException("Not a DAX File");

            var totalBlocks = Header.TotalBlocks;

            var offsets = Stream.ReadStructVector <uint>(totalBlocks);
            var sizes   = Stream.ReadStructVector <ushort>(totalBlocks);

            NcArea[] ncAreas = null;

            if (Header.Version >= Version.DaxformatVersion1)
                ncAreas = Stream.ReadStructVector <NcArea>(Header.NcAreas);

            Blocks = new BlockInfo[totalBlocks];
            for (var n = 0; n < totalBlocks; n++)
                Blocks[n].Position     = offsets[n];
                Blocks[n].Length       = sizes[n];
                Blocks[n].IsCompressed = true;
            if (Header.Version < Version.DaxformatVersion1)
            if (ncAreas == null)

            foreach (var ncArea in ncAreas)
                //Console.WriteLine("{0}-{1}", NCArea.frame, NCArea.size);
                for (var n = 0; n < ncArea.Size; n++)
                    Blocks[ncArea.Frame + n].IsCompressed = false;
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream"></param>
        public void SetStream(Stream stream)
            //this.Stream = new BufferedStream(Stream, 0x20000);
            Stream = stream;

            // Read the header.
            Header = Stream.ReadStruct <HeaderStruct>();
            if (Header.Magic != 0x4F534943)
                throw new InvalidDataException("Not a CISO File");

            // Read the block list
            Blocks = Stream.ReadStructVector <BlockInfo>((uint)(NumberOfBlocks + 1));
Exemple #12
        public Pmf Load(Stream Stream)
            Header = Stream.ReadStruct<HeaderStruct>();

            var Chunk = ReadChunk(Stream.SliceWithLength(0x50));
            InfoHeader = Chunk.Stream.ReadStruct<InfoHeaderStruct>();
            Console.WriteLine("0x{0:X}", (ulong)InfoHeader.FirstTimestamp);
            Console.WriteLine("0x{0:X}", (ulong)InfoHeader.LastTimestamp);
            Console.WriteLine("{0}", (ulong)InfoHeader.Width);
            Console.WriteLine("{0}", (ulong)InfoHeader.Height);

            return this;
 public void Serialize(SerializingContainer con, HeaderStruct header)
     Header   = header;
     MyOffset = (uint)con.GetPos();
     if (con.isLoading)
         Hash = new byte[16];
     for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
         Hash[i] = con + Hash[i];
     BlockSizeIndex        = con + BlockSizeIndex;
     UncompressedSize      = con + UncompressedSize;
     UncompressedSizeAdder = con + UncompressedSizeAdder;
     RealUncompressedSize  = UncompressedSize + UncompressedSizeAdder << 32;
     DataOffset            = con + DataOffset;
     DataOffsetAdder       = con + DataOffsetAdder;
     RealDataOffset        = DataOffset + DataOffsetAdder << 32;
     if (BlockSizeIndex == 0xFFFFFFFF)
         BlockOffsets     = new long[1];
         BlockOffsets[0]  = RealDataOffset;
         BlockSizes       = new ushort[1];
         BlockSizes[0]    = (ushort)UncompressedSize;
         BlockTableOffset = 0;
         int numBlocks = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)UncompressedSize / (double)header.MaxBlockSize);
         if (con.isLoading)
             BlockOffsets = new long[numBlocks];
             BlockSizes   = new ushort[numBlocks];
         BlockOffsets[0] = RealDataOffset;
         long pos = con.Memory.Position;
         con.Seek((int)getBlockOffset((int)BlockSizeIndex, header.EntryOffset, header.FileCount), SeekOrigin.Begin);
         BlockTableOffset = con.Memory.Position;
         BlockSizes[0]    = con + BlockSizes[0];
         for (int i = 1; i < numBlocks; i++)
             BlockSizes[i]   = con + BlockSizes[i];
             BlockOffsets[i] = BlockOffsets[i - 1] + BlockSizes[i];
         con.Seek((int)pos, 0);
Exemple #14
        public static byte[] CreatePacket(byte command, byte[] payload = null)
            List <byte> packetBuilder = new List <byte>();

            if (payload != null && payload.Length > MAX_PAYLOAD_LEN)
                throw new Exception("HLDC payload too large");


            // Build the packet header
            HeaderStruct header = new HeaderStruct()
                command = command,
                length  = (byte)((payload != null) ? payload.Length : 0)

            packetBuilder.AddRange(EscapeBytes(StructInterop.StructToByteArray <HeaderStruct>(header)));

            // Build the packet payload
            UInt16 crc = 0;

            if (payload != null)
                byte[] escapedPayload = EscapeBytes(payload);
                crc = CalculateCrc(escapedPayload);

            // BUild the packet footer
            FooterStruct footer = new FooterStruct()
                crc = crc,

            packetBuilder.AddRange(EscapeBytes(StructInterop.StructToByteArray <FooterStruct>(footer)));


            if (packetBuilder.Count > MAX_PACKET_LEN)
                throw new Exception("HLDC packet too large");

Exemple #15
        public Pmf Load(Stream Stream)
            this.Stream = Stream;
            Header      = Stream.ReadStruct <HeaderStruct>();

            var Chunk = ReadChunk(Stream.SliceWithLength(0x50));

            InfoHeader = Chunk.Stream.ReadStruct <InfoHeaderStruct>();

             * Console.WriteLine("0x{0:X}", (ulong)InfoHeader.FirstTimestamp);
             * Console.WriteLine("0x{0:X}", (ulong)InfoHeader.LastTimestamp);
             * Console.WriteLine("{0}", (ulong)InfoHeader.Width);
             * Console.WriteLine("{0}", (ulong)InfoHeader.Height);

Exemple #16
 public void Serialize(SerializingContainer con, HeaderStruct header)
     Header = header;
     MyOffset = (uint)con.GetPos();
     if (con.isLoading)
         Hash = new byte[16];
     for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
         Hash[i] = con + Hash[i];
     BlockSizeIndex = con + BlockSizeIndex;
     UncompressedSize = con + UncompressedSize;
     UncompressedSizeAdder = con + UncompressedSizeAdder;
     RealUncompressedSize = UncompressedSize + UncompressedSizeAdder << 32;
     DataOffset = con + DataOffset;
     DataOffsetAdder = con + DataOffsetAdder;
     RealDataOffset = DataOffset + DataOffsetAdder << 32;
     if (BlockSizeIndex == 0xFFFFFFFF)
         BlockOffsets = new long[1];
         BlockOffsets[0] = RealDataOffset;
         BlockSizes = new ushort[1];
         BlockSizes[0] = (ushort)UncompressedSize;
         BlockTableOffset = 0;
         int numBlocks = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)UncompressedSize / (double)header.MaxBlockSize);
         if (con.isLoading)
             BlockOffsets = new long[numBlocks];
             BlockSizes = new ushort[numBlocks];
         BlockOffsets[0] = RealDataOffset;
         long pos = con.Memory.Position;
         con.Seek((int)getBlockOffset((int)BlockSizeIndex, header.EntryOffset, header.FileCount), SeekOrigin.Begin);
         BlockTableOffset = con.Memory.Position;
         BlockSizes[0] = con + BlockSizes[0];
         for (int i = 1; i < numBlocks; i++)
             BlockSizes[i] = con + BlockSizes[i];
             BlockOffsets[i] = BlockOffsets[i - 1] + BlockSizes[i];
         con.Seek((int)pos, 0);
Exemple #17
 public void ReadHeader(Stream s)
     header           = new HeaderStruct();
     header.Magic     = ReadU32(s);
     header.Version   = ReadU32(s);
     header.Header08  = ReadU64(s);
     header.Header10  = ReadU32(s);
     header.FileCount = ReadU32(s);
     header.Header18  = ReadU32(s);
     header.Header1C  = ReadU32(s);
     header.Header20  = ReadU32(s);
     header.Header24  = ReadU32(s);
     header.Header28  = ReadU32(s);
     header.Header2C  = ReadU32(s);
     header.Header30  = ReadU32(s);
     header.Header34  = ReadU32(s);
     header.Header38  = ReadU32(s);
 public void Read(Stream s, HeaderStruct header)
     Header                = header;
     MyOffset              = (uint)s.Position;
     Hash                  = s.ReadToBuffer(16);
     BlockSizeIndex        = s.ReadUInt32();
     UncompressedSize      = s.ReadUInt32();
     UncompressedSizeAdder = (byte)s.ReadByte();
     RealUncompressedSize  = UncompressedSize + UncompressedSizeAdder << 32; //... This does nothing?
     DataOffset            = s.ReadUInt32();
     DataOffsetAdder       = (byte)s.ReadByte();
     RealDataOffset        = DataOffset + DataOffsetAdder << 32; //... This does nothing?
     if ((int)BlockSizeIndex == -1)
         BlockOffsets     = new long[1];
         BlockOffsets[0]  = RealDataOffset;
         BlockSizes       = new ushort[1];
         BlockSizes[0]    = (ushort)UncompressedSize;
         BlockTableOffset = 0;
         //Todo: Finish this someday to make DLCPackage work with Testpatch added files
         //int numBlocks = (int)Math.Ceiling(UncompressedSize / (double)header.MaxBlockSize);
         ////if (con.isLoading)
         //BlockOffsets = new long[numBlocks];
         //BlockSizes = new ushort[numBlocks];
         //BlockOffsets[0] = RealDataOffset;
         //long pos = con.Memory.Position;
         //con.Seek((int)getBlockOffset((int)BlockSizeIndex, header.EntryOffset, header.FileCount), SeekOrigin.Begin);
         //BlockTableOffset = con.Memory.Position;
         //BlockSizes[0] = con + BlockSizes[0];
         //for (int i = 1; i < numBlocks; i++)
         //    BlockSizes[i] = con + BlockSizes[i];
         //    BlockOffsets[i] = BlockOffsets[i - 1] + BlockSizes[i];
         //con.Seek((int)pos, SeekOrigin.Begin);
Exemple #19
		public Pbp Load(Stream Stream)
			this.Stream = Stream;
			this.Header = Stream.ReadStruct<HeaderStruct>();
			this.Files = new Dictionary<string, Stream>();

			if (Header.Magic != HeaderStruct.MagicEnum.ExpectedValue)
				throw(new Exception("Not a PBP file"));

			var Offsets = Header.Offsets.Concat(new[] { (uint)Stream.Length }).ToArray();

			for (int n = 0; n < 8; n++)
				Files[Names[n]] = Stream.SliceWithBounds(Offsets[n + 0], Offsets[n + 1]);

			return this;
Exemple #20
        public Pbp Load(Stream stream)
            Stream = stream;
            Header = stream.ReadStruct <HeaderStruct>();
            Files  = new Dictionary <string, Stream>();

            if (Header.Magic != HeaderStruct.MagicEnum.ExpectedValue)
                throw new Exception("Not a PBP file");

            var offsets = Header.Offsets.Concat(new[] { (uint)stream.Length }).ToArray();

            for (int n = 0; n < 8; n++)
                Files[Names[n]] = stream.SliceWithBounds(offsets[n + 0], offsets[n + 1]);

Exemple #21
        public void RoundTripHeader()
            var pixels    = new int[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
            var pixelData = new BitArray(pixels);

            HeaderStruct src = new HeaderStruct()
                DataLength   = 1024 + 255,
                BitsPerPixel = 255
            int pixelPtr;

            pixelData = _imageMaker.WriteHeader(pixelData, src, out pixelPtr);

            HeaderStruct result = _dataMaker.ReadHeader(pixelData, out pixelPtr);

            Assert.AreEqual((HeaderStruct.BitSize * 4) / (3 * 32) + 2, pixelPtr);
            Assert.AreEqual(src.DataLength, result.DataLength);
            Assert.AreEqual(src.BitsPerPixel, result.BitsPerPixel);
Exemple #22
    private static void setColumnHeader(Sheet sheet, int rowStartIndex, int colStartIndex, List <HeaderStruct> listTitle)
        int colIndex  = 0;
        int rowCount  = 1;
        Row headerRow = null;
        int beginRow  = rowStartIndex;

        for (int i = 0; i < listTitle.Count; i++)
            if (listTitle[i].rowSpan > rowCount)
                rowCount      = listTitle[i].rowSpan;
                colStartIndex = i;

        for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++)
            if (sheet.GetRow(i + beginRow) == null)
                headerRow = sheet.CreateRow(i + beginRow);

        colIndex = colStartIndex;
        for (int k = 0; k < listTitle.Count; k++)
            HeaderStruct title = listTitle[k];
            for (int i = 0; i < title.rowSpan; i++)
                headerRow = sheet.GetRow(i + beginRow);
                for (int j = 0; j < title.colSpan; j++)
                    headerRow.CreateCell(colIndex + j).SetCellValue(title.headerText);

            sheet.AddMergedRegion(new NPOI.SS.Util.CellRangeAddress(beginRow, beginRow + title.rowSpan - 1, colIndex, colIndex + title.colSpan - 1));
            colIndex += title.colSpan;
Exemple #23
 public void Serialize(SerializingFile con)
     if (con.isLoading)
         Header = new HeaderStruct();
     con.Seek((int)Header.EntryOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
     if (con.isLoading)
         Files = new FileEntryStruct[Header.FileCount];
     for (int i = 0; i < Header.FileCount; i++)
         Files[i].Serialize(con, Header);
     if (con.isLoading)
Exemple #24
 public Psf Load(Stream Stream)
     EntryDictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>();
     Header = Stream.ReadStruct<HeaderStruct>();
     Entries = Stream.ReadStructVector<EntryStruct>(Header.NumberOfPairs);
     KeysStream = Stream.SliceWithLength(Header.KeyTable);
     ValuesStream = Stream.SliceWithLength(Header.ValueTable);
     foreach (var Entry in Entries)
         var Key = KeysStream.ReadStringzAt(Entry.KeyOffset);
         var ValueStream = ValuesStream.SliceWithLength(Entry.ValueOffset, Entry.ValueSize);;
         switch (Entry.DataType)
             case DataType.Binary: EntryDictionary[Key] = ValueStream.ReadAll(); break;
             case DataType.Int: EntryDictionary[Key] = ValueStream.ReadStruct<int>(); break;
             case DataType.Text: EntryDictionary[Key] = ValueStream.ReadStringz(-1, Encoding.UTF8); break;
             default: throw(new NotImplementedException());
     return this;
Exemple #25
        public TSS Load(Stream Stream)
            this.Stream = Stream;
            var BinaryReader = new BinaryReader(Stream);

            Header = Stream.ReadStruct <HeaderStruct>();

            if (Header.Magic != "TSS")
                throw(new Exception("Not a TSS file!"));

            this.CodeStream = new MemoryStream(SliceStream.CreateWithBounds(Stream, Header.CodeStart, Header.TextStart).ReadAll());

            var TextData = SliceStream.CreateWithLength(Stream, Header.TextStart, Header.TextLen).ReadAll();

            this.TextStream = new MemoryStream();
            this.TextStream.Position = 0;

 public void Serialize(SerializingContainer con)
     if (con.isLoading)
         Header = new HeaderStruct();
     con.Seek((int)Header.EntryOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
     if (con.isLoading)
         Files = new FileEntryStruct[Header.FileCount];
     for (int i = 0; i < Header.FileCount; i++)
         Files[i].Serialize(con, Header);
     if (con.isLoading)
Exemple #27
        override public void Load(Stream Stream)
            this.Stream = Stream;

            this.Header = this.Stream.ReadStruct <HeaderStruct>();
            if (this.Header.Magic != "TO8SCEL")
                throw (new Exception("Invalid Magic"));

            if (this.Header.ListCount > 10000)
                throw (new Exception("List too big"));

            this.Stream.Position = Header.ListStart;

            for (int n = 0; n < Header.ListCount; n++)
                var Entry = new Entry(this, this.Stream.ReadStruct <EntryStruct>(), n);
Exemple #28
        public static void ParsePacket(byte[] packet, out byte command, out byte[] payload)
            // NOTE: Assumes packet has a complete HLDC frame (excluding the SOF/EOF bytes)
            // Use the HLDCFramer helper class to receive a complete HLDC frame

            var          headerBytes = new ArraySegment <byte>(packet, 0, HEADER_SIZE).ToArray();
            HeaderStruct header      = StructInterop.ByteArrayToStruct <HeaderStruct>(headerBytes);

            // Payload
            if (header.length > 0)
                payload = new ArraySegment <byte>(packet, HEADER_SIZE, header.length).ToArray();
                payload = null;

            var          footerBytes = new ArraySegment <byte>(packet, HEADER_SIZE + header.length, FOOTER_SIZE).ToArray();
            FooterStruct footer      = StructInterop.ByteArrayToStruct <FooterStruct>(footerBytes);

            // Detect protocol errors
            if (header.command == CMD_ERROR)
                if (payload != null && payload.Length > 0)
                    throw HLDCProtocolException.FromCode(payload[0]);
                    throw new HLDCException("HLDC Malformed Error Message");

            command = header.command;
Exemple #29
        public void Load(Stream data, bool fast = false)
            uint headersize  = Helpers.ReadLEUInt(data);
            long startoffset = data.Position;

            Header                 = new HeaderStruct();
            Header.magic           = Helpers.ReadLEUInt(data);
            Header.totalCount      = Helpers.ReadLEUInt(data);
            Header.ebxCount        = Helpers.ReadLEUInt(data);
            Header.resCount        = Helpers.ReadLEUInt(data);
            Header.chunkCount      = Helpers.ReadLEUInt(data);
            Header.stringOffset    = Helpers.ReadLEUInt(data);
            Header.chunkMetaOffset = Helpers.ReadLEUInt(data);
            Header.chunkMetaSize   = Helpers.ReadLEUInt(data);
            if (Header.chunkCount != 0)
                ChunkMeta = BJSON.ReadField(data);
                ChunkMeta = null;
            data.Seek(startoffset + Header.stringOffset, 0);
            data.Seek(startoffset + Header.stringOffset, 0);
            data.Seek(startoffset + headersize, 0);
            ReadEbxListData(data, fast);
            ReadResListData(data, fast);
            ReadChunkListData(data, fast);
Exemple #30
 public void Serialize(SerializingFile con)
     if (con.isLoading)
         Header = new HeaderStruct();
     con.Seek((int)Header.EntryOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
     if (con.isLoading)
         Files = new FileEntryStruct[Header.FileCount];
     for (int i = 0; i < Header.FileCount; i++)
         Files[i].Serialize(con, Header);
     if (con.isLoading)
Exemple #31
        public PGF Load(Stream FileStream)
            this.Header = FileStream.ReadStruct<HeaderStruct>();

            if (this.Header.Revision >= 3)
                this.HeaderExtraRevision3 = FileStream.ReadStruct<HeaderRevision3Struct>();

            FileStream.ReadStructVector(ref DimensionTable, Header.TableDimLength);
            FileStream.ReadStructVector(ref XAdjustTable, Header.TableXAdjustLength);
            FileStream.ReadStructVector(ref YAdjustTable, Header.TableYAdjustLength);
            FileStream.ReadStructVector(ref AdvanceTable, Header.TableAdvanceLength);

            PackedShadowCharMap = FileStream.ReadBytes(BitsToBytesHighAligned(Header.TableShadowMapLength * Header.TableShadowMapBpe));

            if (Header.Revision == 3)
                FileStream.ReadStructVector(ref CharmapCompressionTable1, HeaderExtraRevision3.TableCompCharMapLength1);
                FileStream.ReadStructVector(ref CharmapCompressionTable2, HeaderExtraRevision3.TableCompCharMapLength2);

            PackedCharMap = FileStream.ReadBytes(BitsToBytesHighAligned(Header.TableCharMapLength * Header.TableCharMapBpe));
            PackedCharPointerTable = FileStream.ReadBytes(BitsToBytesHighAligned(Header.TableCharPointerLength * Header.TableCharPointerBpe));

            int BytesLeft = (int)(FileStream.Length - FileStream.Position);
            charData = new byte[BytesLeft];
            FileStream.Read(charData, 0, BytesLeft);

            CharData = FileStream.ReadBytes((int)(FileStream.Length - FileStream.Position));

            var NumberOfCharacters = Header.TableCharPointerLength;

            CharMap = new int[Header.FirstGlyph + Header.LastGlyph + 1];
            CharPointer = new int[NumberOfCharacters];
            Glyphs = new Glyph[NumberOfCharacters];
            ReverseCharMap = new Dictionary<int, int>();
            ShadowCharMap = new Dictionary<int, int>();
            ReverseShadowCharMap = new Dictionary<int, int>();

            foreach (var Pair in BitReader.FixedBitReader(PackedShadowCharMap, Header.TableShadowMapBpe))
                var UnicodeIndex = (int)Pair.Key + Header.FirstGlyph;
                var GlyphIndex = (int)Pair.Value;
                ShadowCharMap[UnicodeIndex] = GlyphIndex;
                ReverseShadowCharMap[GlyphIndex] = UnicodeIndex;

            foreach (var Pair in BitReader.FixedBitReader(PackedCharMap, Header.TableCharMapBpe))
                var UnicodeIndex = (int)Pair.Key + Header.FirstGlyph;
                var GlyphIndex = (int)Pair.Value;
                CharMap[UnicodeIndex] = GlyphIndex;
                ReverseCharMap[GlyphIndex] = UnicodeIndex;

            foreach (var Pair in BitReader.FixedBitReader(PackedCharPointerTable, Header.TableCharPointerBpe))
                CharPointer[Pair.Key] = (int)Pair.Value;

            for (int n = 0; n < NumberOfCharacters; n++)
                Glyphs[n] = new Glyph().Read(this, n);


            for (int n = 0; n < 300; n++)

            return this;
Exemple #32
        public DosExe LoadHeader(Stream ExeStream)
            this.Header = ExeStream.ReadStruct<DosExe.HeaderStruct>();

            return this;
Exemple #33
		protected byte[] DecryptPRX2(byte[] _pbIn, bool ShowInfo = false)
			int size = (int)_pbIn.Length;
			var _pbOut = new byte[size];
			_pbIn.CopyTo(_pbOut, 0);

			var _tmp1 = new byte[0x150];
			var _tmp2 = new byte[0x90 + 0x14];
			var _tmp3 = new byte[0x60 + 0x14];

			fixed (byte* inbuf = _pbIn)
			fixed (byte* outbuf = _pbOut)
			fixed (byte* tmp1 = _tmp1)
			fixed (byte* tmp2 = _tmp2)
			fixed (byte* tmp3 = _tmp3)
				var HeaderPointer = (HeaderStruct*)inbuf;
				this.Header = *(HeaderStruct*)inbuf;
				var pti = GetTagInfo2(this.Header.Tag);
				Console.WriteLine("{0}", pti);

				int retsize = *(int *)&inbuf[0xB0];

				PointerUtils.Memset(_tmp1, 0, 0x150);
				PointerUtils.Memset(_tmp2, 0, 0x90 + 0x14);
				PointerUtils.Memset(_tmp3, 0, 0x60 + 0x14);

				PointerUtils.Memcpy(outbuf, inbuf, size);

				if (size < 0x160)
					throw (new InvalidDataException("buffer not big enough, "));

				if ((size - 0x150) < retsize)
					throw (new InvalidDataException("not enough data, "));

				PointerUtils.Memcpy(tmp1, outbuf, 0x150);

				int i, j;
				//byte *p = tmp2+0x14;

				for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
					for (j = 0; j < 0x10; j++)
						_tmp2[0x14 + (i << 4) + j] = pti.key[j];

					_tmp2[0x14 + (i << 4)] = (byte)i;

				if (Scramble((uint *)tmp2, 0x90, pti.code) < 0)
					throw (new InvalidDataException("error in Scramble#1, "));

				PointerUtils.Memcpy(outbuf, tmp1 + 0xD0, 0x5C);
				PointerUtils.Memcpy(outbuf + 0x5C, tmp1 + 0x140, 0x10);
				PointerUtils.Memcpy(outbuf + 0x6C, tmp1 + 0x12C, 0x14);
				PointerUtils.Memcpy(outbuf + 0x80, tmp1 + 0x080, 0x30);
				PointerUtils.Memcpy(outbuf + 0xB0, tmp1 + 0x0C0, 0x10);
				PointerUtils.Memcpy(outbuf + 0xC0, tmp1 + 0x0B0, 0x10);
				PointerUtils.Memcpy(outbuf + 0xD0, tmp1 + 0x000, 0x80);

				PointerUtils.Memcpy(tmp3 + 0x14, outbuf + 0x5C, 0x60);	

				if (Scramble((uint *)tmp3, 0x60, pti.code) < 0)
					throw (new InvalidDataException("error in Scramble#2, "));

				PointerUtils.Memcpy(outbuf + 0x5C, tmp3, 0x60);
				PointerUtils.Memcpy(tmp3, outbuf + 0x6C, 0x14);
				PointerUtils.Memcpy(outbuf + 0x70, outbuf + 0x5C, 0x10);
				PointerUtils.Memset(outbuf + 0x18, 0, 0x58);
				PointerUtils.Memcpy(outbuf + 0x04, outbuf, 0x04);

				*((uint *)outbuf) = 0x014C;
				PointerUtils.Memcpy(outbuf + 0x08, tmp2, 0x10);

				/* sha-1 */
				if (Kirk.hleUtilsBufferCopyWithRange(outbuf, 3000000, outbuf, 3000000, Core.Crypto.Kirk.CommandEnum.PSP_KIRK_CMD_SHA1_HASH) != Core.Crypto.Kirk.ResultEnum.OK)
					throw (new InvalidDataException("error in sceUtilsBufferCopyWithRange 0xB, "));

				if (PointerUtils.Memcmp(outbuf, tmp3, 0x14) != 0)
					throw (new InvalidDataException("WARNING (SHA-1 incorrect), "));
				int iXOR;

				for (iXOR = 0; iXOR < 0x40; iXOR++) {
					tmp3[iXOR+0x14] = (byte)(outbuf[iXOR+0x80] ^ _tmp2[iXOR+0x10]);

				if (Scramble((uint *)tmp3, 0x40, pti.code) != 0)
					throw (new InvalidDataException("error in Scramble#3, "));
				for (iXOR = 0x3F; iXOR >= 0; iXOR--) {
					outbuf[iXOR+0x40] = (byte)(_tmp3[iXOR] ^ _tmp2[iXOR+0x50]); // uns 8

				PointerUtils.Memset(outbuf + 0x80, 0, 0x30);
				*(uint *)&outbuf[0xA0] = 1;

				PointerUtils.Memcpy(outbuf + 0xB0, outbuf + 0xC0, 0x10);
				PointerUtils.Memset(outbuf + 0xC0, 0, 0x10);

				// the real decryption
				var ret = Kirk.hleUtilsBufferCopyWithRange(outbuf, size, outbuf + 0x40, size - 0x40, Core.Crypto.Kirk.CommandEnum.PSP_KIRK_CMD_DECRYPT_PRIVATE);
				if (ret != 0)
					throw (new InvalidDataException(String.Format("error in sceUtilsBufferCopyWithRange 0x1 (0x{0:X}), ", ret)));

				if (retsize < 0x150)
					// Fill with 0
					PointerUtils.Memset(outbuf + retsize, 0, 0x150 - retsize);		

				return _pbOut.Slice(0, retsize).ToArray();
Exemple #34
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Stream"></param>
        public void SetStream(Stream Stream)
            this.Stream = Stream;

            // Read the header.
            this.Header = this.Stream.ReadStruct<HeaderStruct>();
            if (this.Header.Magic != DAXFILE_SIGNATURE)
                throw (new InvalidDataException("Not a DAX File"));

            var TotalBlocks = Header.TotalBlocks;

            var Offsets = this.Stream.ReadStructVector<uint>(TotalBlocks);
            var Sizes = this.Stream.ReadStructVector<ushort>(TotalBlocks);
            NCArea[] NCAreas = null;

            if (Header.Version >= Version.DAXFORMAT_VERSION_1)
                NCAreas = this.Stream.ReadStructVector<NCArea>(Header.NCAreas);

            Blocks = new BlockInfo[TotalBlocks];
            for (int n = 0; n < TotalBlocks; n++)
                Blocks[n].Position = Offsets[n];
                Blocks[n].Length = Sizes[n];
                Blocks[n].IsCompressed = true;
            if (Header.Version >= Version.DAXFORMAT_VERSION_1)
                foreach (var NCArea in NCAreas)
                    //Console.WriteLine("{0}-{1}", NCArea.frame, NCArea.size);
                    for (int n = 0; n < NCArea.Size; n++)
                        Blocks[NCArea.Frame + n].IsCompressed = false;
 public void SerializeHeader(SerializingContainer Container)
     if (Container.isLoading)
         Header = new HeaderStruct();
     Header.Magic = Container + Header.Magic;
     Header.unk1 = Container + Header.unk1;
     Header.unk2 = Container + Header.unk2;
     int count = 0;
     if (!Container.isLoading)
         count = Header.Licensee.Length;
         Header.Licensee = "";
     Header.Licensee = SerializeString(Container, Header.Licensee);
     count = 0;
     if (!Container.isLoading)
         count = Header.Project.Length;
         Header.Project = "";
     Header.Project = SerializeString(Container, Header.Project);
     Header.unk3 = Container + Header.unk3;
     Header.unk4 = Container + Header.unk4;
     count = 0;
     if (!Container.isLoading)
         count = Header.Nodes.Length;
     count = Container + count;
     if (Container.isLoading)
         Header.Nodes = new HNodeStruct[count];
     for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
         if (Container.isLoading)
             Header.Nodes[i] = new HNodeStruct();
         HNodeStruct t = Header.Nodes[i];
         t.unk1 = Container + t.unk1;
         t.unk2 = Container + t.unk2;
         t.Name = SerializeString(Container, t.Name);
         t.unk3 = Container + t.unk3;
         Header.Nodes[i] = t;
     count = 0;
     if (!Container.isLoading)
         count = Header.Names.Length;
     count = Container + count;
     if (Container.isLoading)
         Header.Names = new string[count];
     for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
         Header.Names[i] = SerializeString(Container, Header.Names[i]);
Exemple #36
 public static HeaderStruct ReadHeader(Stream s, int rev)
     Header = new HeaderStruct(s, rev);
Exemple #37
        public Xex LoadHeader(Stream XexStream)
            Header = XexStream.ReadStruct<HeaderStruct>();
            var OptionalHeaders = XexStream.ReadStructVector<OptionalHeader>(Header.OptionalHeaderCount);
            Console.WriteLine("{0:X}", XexStream.Position);
            InfoList = new Dictionary<OptionalHeader.Ids, ulong>();
            foreach (var OptionalHeader in OptionalHeaders)
                //Console.WriteLine("{0}: 0x{1:X}", OptionalHeader.Id, (uint)OptionalHeader.Data);
                //InfoList[OptionalHeader.Id] = OptionalHeader.Data;
                InfoList.Add(OptionalHeader.Id, OptionalHeader.Data);

                switch (OptionalHeader.Id)
                    case Xex.OptionalHeader.Ids.OriginalPEName:
                        this.OriginalPeName = LoadChunk(XexStream, OptionalHeader.Data).ReadStringz(Encoding: Encoding.UTF8);
                    case Xex.OptionalHeader.Ids.LANKey:
                        this.LanKey = XexStream.SliceWithLength(OptionalHeader.Data, 0x10).ReadAll();
                    case Xex.OptionalHeader.Ids.DefaultStackSize:
                        this.DefaultStackSize = OptionalHeader.Data;
                    case Xex.OptionalHeader.Ids.ChecksumTimestamp:
                        this.ChecksumTimestamp = XexStream.SliceWithLength(OptionalHeader.Data).ReadStruct<ChecksumTimestampStruct>();
                    case Xex.OptionalHeader.Ids.ImageBaseAddress:
                        this.ImageBaseAddress = OptionalHeader.Data;
                    case Xex.OptionalHeader.Ids.EntryPoint:
                        this.EntryPoint = OptionalHeader.Data;
                    case Xex.OptionalHeader.Ids.StaticLibraries:
                        this.StaticLibs = LoadChunk(XexStream, OptionalHeader.Data).ReadStructVectorUntilTheEndOfStream<StaticLib>();
                        foreach (var StaticLib in StaticLibs)
                            Console.WriteLine("StaticLib: {0}", StaticLib.ToStringDefault());
                    case Xex.OptionalHeader.Ids.ImportLibraries:
                            var ImportLibrariesStream = LoadChunk(XexStream, OptionalHeader.Data);
                            var TextLength = (uint)ImportLibrariesStream.ReadStruct<uint_be>();
                            var LibraryCount = (uint)ImportLibrariesStream.ReadStruct<uint_be>();
                            var TextStream = ImportLibrariesStream.ReadStream(TextLength);

                            var LibraryNames = new String[LibraryCount];
                            for (int n = 0; n < LibraryCount; n++)
                                LibraryNames[n] = TextStream.ReadStringz(AllowEndOfStream: false);
                                Console.WriteLine("ImportLib: {0}", LibraryNames[n]);

                            var ChunkUnk1 = ReadChunkIncludingTheSize(ImportLibrariesStream);
                            var ImportAddressList = ReadChunkIncludingTheSize(ImportLibrariesStream);
                            Console.Error.WriteLine("@TODO: Xex.OptionalHeader.Ids.ImportLibraries");
                    case Xex.OptionalHeader.Ids.TLSInfo:
                            this.TLSInfo = XexStream.SliceWithLength(OptionalHeader.Data).ReadStruct<TLSInfoStruct>();
                        Console.WriteLine("{0}: 0x{1:X}", OptionalHeader.Id, (uint)OptionalHeader.Data);
            PeStream = XexStream.SliceWithLength(Header.PeDataOffset);
            Pe = new Pe().LoadHeader(PeStream);

            Console.WriteLine("SecurityInfoOffset: {0:X}", (uint)Header.SecurityInfoOffset);
            var SecurityStream = LoadChunk(XexStream, Header.SecurityInfoOffset);
            var NumberOfSections = (ushort)SecurityStream.ReadStruct<ushort_be>();
            Console.WriteLine("NumberOfSections: {0:X}", NumberOfSections);

            return this;
        public void SerializeHeader(SerializingContainer Container)
            if (Container.isLoading)
                Header = new HeaderStruct();
            Header.Magic = Container + Header.Magic;
            Header.unk1  = Container + Header.unk1;
            Header.unk2  = Container + Header.unk2;
            int count = 0;

            if (!Container.isLoading)
                count = Header.Licensee.Length;
                Header.Licensee = "";
            Header.Licensee = SerializeString(Container, Header.Licensee);
            count           = 0;
            if (!Container.isLoading)
                count = Header.Project.Length;
                Header.Project = "";
            Header.Project = SerializeString(Container, Header.Project);
            Header.unk3    = Container + Header.unk3;
            Header.unk4    = Container + Header.unk4;
            count          = 0;
            if (!Container.isLoading)
                count = Header.Nodes.Length;
            count = Container + count;
            if (Container.isLoading)
                Header.Nodes = new HNodeStruct[count];
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                if (Container.isLoading)
                    Header.Nodes[i] = new HNodeStruct();
                HNodeStruct t = Header.Nodes[i];
                t.unk1          = Container + t.unk1;
                t.unk2          = Container + t.unk2;
                t.Name          = SerializeString(Container, t.Name);
                t.unk3          = Container + t.unk3;
                Header.Nodes[i] = t;
            count = 0;
            if (!Container.isLoading)
                count = Header.Names.Length;
            count = Container + count;
            if (Container.isLoading)
                Header.Names = new string[count];
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                Header.Names[i] = SerializeString(Container, Header.Names[i]);
Exemple #39
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Stream"></param>
        public void Load(byte[] inbuf)
            var Kirk = new Kirk();

            var outbuf = new byte[(int)inbuf.Length];

            inbuf.CopyTo(outbuf, 0);

            fixed(byte *_inbuf = inbuf)
            fixed(byte *_outbuf = outbuf)
                var HeaderPointer = (HeaderStruct *)_inbuf;

                this.Header = *(HeaderStruct *)_inbuf;
                var pti = g_oldTagInfo.Where(Tag => Tag.tag == this.Header.tag).Single();

                for (int i = 0; i < 0x150; i++)
                    outbuf[i] = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < 0x40; i++)
                    outbuf[i] = 0x55;

                //HeaderPointer->psp_size = 5;
                //HeaderPointer->boot_entry = 0;

                var h7_header = (Kirk.KIRK_AES128CBC_HEADER *) & _outbuf[0x2C];

                h7_header->Mode     = 5;
                h7_header->Unknown4 = 0;
                h7_header->Unknown8 = 0;
                h7_header->KeySeed  = pti.code;
                h7_header->Datasize = 0x70;

                byte[] header = new byte[0x150];

                Array.Copy(inbuf, 0xD0, header, 0x00, 0x80);
                Array.Copy(inbuf, 0x80, header, 0x80, 0x50);
                Array.Copy(inbuf, 0x00, header, 0xD0, 0x80);

                if (pti.codeExtra != 0)
                    //ScramblePRXV2(header, (byte)pti.codeExtra);
                    throw (new NotImplementedException());

                Array.Copy(header, 0x40, outbuf, 0x40, 0x40);

                for (int iXOR = 0; iXOR < 0x70; iXOR++)
                    outbuf[0x40 + iXOR] = (byte)(outbuf[0x40 + iXOR] ^ (byte)pti.key[0x14 + iXOR]);
                for (int k = 0; k < 0x30; k++)
                    outbuf[k + 0x80] = 0;

                // Scramble the data by calling CMD7.
                var bScrambleOut = new byte[outbuf.Length];
                var bScrambleIn  = outbuf;

                fixed(byte *_bScrambleOut = bScrambleOut)
                    Kirk.hleUtilsBufferCopyWithRange(_bScrambleOut, 0x70, &_outbuf[0x2C], 0x70, Kirk.CommandEnum.PSP_KIRK_CMD_DECRYPT);

                for (int iXOR = 0x6F; iXOR >= 0; iXOR--)
                    outbuf[0x40 + iXOR] = (byte)(outbuf[0x2C + iXOR] ^ (byte)pti.key[0x20 + iXOR]);

                for (int k = 0; k < 0x30; k++)
                    outbuf[k + 0x80] = 0;

                var KirkHeader = (Kirk.AES128CMACHeader *) & _outbuf[0x40];

                KirkHeader->Mode = (uint)Kirk.KIRK_MODE_CMD1;

                Array.Copy(inbuf, 0x40 + 0x70, outbuf, 0x40 + 0x70, 0x20);
                Array.Copy(inbuf, 0, outbuf, 0x40 + 0x90, 0x80);

                // Call KIRK CMD1 for final decryption.

                 * ByteBuffer bDataOut = ByteBuffer.wrap(outbuf);
                 * ByteBuffer bHeaderIn = bDataOut.duplicate();
                 * bHeaderIn.position(0x40);
                 * hleUtilsBufferCopyWithRange(bDataOut, size, bHeaderIn, size, 0x1);

//#if true
                    int size   = outbuf.Length;
                    var Result = Kirk.hleUtilsBufferCopyWithRange(&_outbuf[0x00], size, (byte *)KirkHeader, size, Kirk.CommandEnum.PSP_KIRK_CMD_DECRYPT_PRIVATE, true);
                File.WriteAllBytes("../../../TestInput/temp.bin", outbuf);


                //Console.WriteLine("{0:X}", this.Header.tag);
Exemple #40
        public void Load(Stream DatStream, Stream DavStream)
            if (DavStream == null)
                DavStream = DatStream;
            this.DatStream = DatStream;
            this.DavStream = DavStream;

            Header = DatStream.ReadStruct <HeaderStruct>();
            var Magic = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Header.Magic);

            if (Magic != "FPS4")
                throw (new Exception(String.Format("Invalid Magic '{0}'", Magic)));

            if (Header.FilePos != 0)
                DatStream.Position = Header.FilePos;
                OriginalFilePath   = DatStream.ReadStringz(0x100, Encoding.GetEncoding("Shift-JIS"));
                OriginalFilePath = "";

            //Console.WriteLine("{0:X8}", Stream.Position);

            if (Header.ListCount > 10000)
                throw (new Exception("List too big (" + Header.ListCount + ")"));

            bool UseIndices = false;

            foreach (var Pass in new[] { false, true })
                DatStream.Position = Header.ListStart;
                for (uint n = 0; n < Header.ListCount; n++)
                    var  EntryOffset      = DatStream.Position;
                    var  EntryStream      = DatStream.ReadStream(Header.EntrySizeof);
                    var  EntryStruct      = default(EntryStruct);
                    var  ExtraEntrySizeof = Header.EntrySizeof - 0x0C;
                    var  IndexName        = String.Format("{0}", n);
                    var  Name             = "";
                    uint MappedFileIndex  = 0;
                    uint StringOffset     = 0;

                    // @TODO: EntryFormat probably is a bitfield
                    //        or a composed enum + bit field
                    //        I don't know the bit mapping.
                    switch ((int)Header.EntryFormat)
                    case 0x8D:
                        EntryStruct.Offset     = EntryStream.ReadStruct <uint_be>();
                        EntryStruct.LengthReal = EntryStruct.LengthSectorAligned = EntryStream.ReadStruct <uint_be>();
                        Name            = EntryStream.ReadStringz(0x20);
                        MappedFileIndex = EntryStream.ReadStruct <uint_be>();

                    case 0x47:
                        EntryStruct  = EntryStream.ReadStruct <EntryStruct>();
                        StringOffset = EntryStream.ReadStruct <uint_be>();
                        if (StringOffset != 0)
                            var NameStream = DatStream.SliceWithLength(StringOffset, 0x1000);
                            Name = NameStream.ReadStringz();
                            //File.WriteAllBytes("c:/temp/name" + StringOffset + ".bin", NameStream.Slice().ReadAll());
                            //Console.WriteLine("{0:X8}: '{1}'", StringOffset, Name);
                            if (EntryStruct.LengthReal == 0)

                    case 0x4F:
                        EntryStruct     = EntryStream.ReadStruct <EntryStruct>();
                        Name            = EntryStream.ReadStringz(0x20);
                        MappedFileIndex = EntryStream.ReadStruct <uint_be>();

                        EntryStruct = EntryStream.ReadStruct <EntryStruct>();
                        Name        = EntryStream.ReadStringz(ExtraEntrySizeof);

                        switch (ExtraEntrySizeof)
                        case 0:

                        case 4:
                            StringOffset = EntryStream.ReadStruct <uint>();
                            // Pointer to string name.
                            if (StringOffset != 0)
                                throw (new NotImplementedException());

                            EntryStream.Position = EntryStream.Length - ExtraEntrySizeof;                                                              // (0xC para common.svo y btl.svo, en los otros no sé) --- Apaño temporal
                            Name = EntryStream.ReadStringz(ExtraEntrySizeof);

                        //Console.WriteLine("OFF:{0:X8}", EntryOffset);
                        //Console.WriteLine("STR:{0}", EntryStruct.ToStringDefault());
                        //Console.WriteLine("NAM'{0}'({1})", Name, Name.Length);

                    //Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", Name);

                    if (n == Header.ListCount - 1)
                        // Ignore last element with an empty name.
                        if (Name.Length == 0 && EntryStruct.LengthReal == 0)

                    if (IndexName.Length == 0)
                        IndexName = String.Format("{0}", n);

                    if (Name.Length == 0)
                        UseIndices = true;

                    if (UseIndices)
                        Name = IndexName;

                    //Console.WriteLine("Name: '{0}'", Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Name).ToStringArray());

                    if (Entries.ContainsKey(Name))
                        //Console.Error.WriteLine("Warning: Name '{0}' already contained", Name);
                        Name = n + "." + Name;

                    if (Pass)
                        var Entry = new Entry(this, EntryStruct, Name);
                        Entry.MappedFileIndex = MappedFileIndex;
                        Entry.Index           = n;
                        Entries[Name]         = Entry;
Exemple #41
        public Pgf Load(Stream fileStream)
            Header = fileStream.ReadStruct <HeaderStruct>();

            if (Header.Revision >= 3)
                HeaderExtraRevision3 = fileStream.ReadStruct <HeaderRevision3Struct>();

            fileStream.ReadStructVector(out DimensionTable, Header.TableDimLength);
            fileStream.ReadStructVector(out XAdjustTable, Header.TableXAdjustLength);
            fileStream.ReadStructVector(out YAdjustTable, Header.TableYAdjustLength);
            fileStream.ReadStructVector(out AdvanceTable, Header.TableAdvanceLength);

            PackedShadowCharMap =
                fileStream.ReadBytes(BitsToBytesHighAligned(Header.TableShadowMapLength * Header.TableShadowMapBpe));

            if (Header.Revision == 3)
                fileStream.ReadStructVector(out CharmapCompressionTable1, HeaderExtraRevision3.TableCompCharMapLength1);
                fileStream.ReadStructVector(out CharmapCompressionTable2, HeaderExtraRevision3.TableCompCharMapLength2);

            PackedCharMap =
                fileStream.ReadBytes(BitsToBytesHighAligned(Header.TableCharMapLength * Header.TableCharMapBpe));
            PackedCharPointerTable =
                    BitsToBytesHighAligned(Header.TableCharPointerLength * Header.TableCharPointerBpe));

             * int BytesLeft = (int)(FileStream.Length - FileStream.Position);
             * charData = new byte[BytesLeft];
             * FileStream.Read(charData, 0, BytesLeft);

            CharData = fileStream.ReadBytes((int)(fileStream.Length - fileStream.Position));

            var numberOfCharacters = Header.TableCharPointerLength;

            CharMap              = new int[Header.FirstGlyph + Header.LastGlyph + 1];
            CharPointer          = new int[numberOfCharacters];
            Glyphs               = new IGlyph[numberOfCharacters];
            ReverseCharMap       = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            ShadowCharMap        = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            ReverseShadowCharMap = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            foreach (var pair in BitReader.FixedBitReader(PackedShadowCharMap, Header.TableShadowMapBpe))
                var unicodeIndex = (int)pair.Key + Header.FirstGlyph;
                var glyphIndex   = (int)pair.Value;
                ShadowCharMap[unicodeIndex]      = glyphIndex;
                ReverseShadowCharMap[glyphIndex] = unicodeIndex;

            foreach (var pair in BitReader.FixedBitReader(PackedCharMap, Header.TableCharMapBpe))
                var unicodeIndex = (int)pair.Key + Header.FirstGlyph;
                var glyphIndex   = (int)pair.Value;
                CharMap[unicodeIndex]      = glyphIndex;
                ReverseCharMap[glyphIndex] = unicodeIndex;

            foreach (var pair in BitReader.FixedBitReader(PackedCharPointerTable, Header.TableCharPointerBpe))
                CharPointer[pair.Key] = (int)pair.Value;

             * for (int n = 0; n < NumberOfCharacters; n++)
             * {
             *  Glyphs[n] = new Glyph().Read(this, n);
             * }


             * Console.WriteLine(this.header.fontName);
             * for (int n = 0; n < 300; n++)
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine(GetGlyphId((char)n));
             * }

Exemple #42
 public void Serialize(SerializingContainer con)
     if (con.isLoading)
         Header = new HeaderStruct();
     con.Seek((int)Header.EntryOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
     if (con.isLoading)
         Files = new FileEntryStruct[Header.FileCount];
     for (int i = 0; i < Header.FileCount; i++)
         Files[i].Serialize(con, Header);
     if (con.isLoading)
Exemple #43
            public void Serialize(SerializingFile con, HeaderStruct header)
                Header       = header;
                MyOffset     = (uint)con.GetPos();
                isActualFile = true; //default to true
                if (con.isLoading)
                    Hash = new byte[16];
                for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                    Hash[i] = con + Hash[i];
                BlockSizeTableIndex = con + BlockSizeTableIndex;
                if (con.Memory.Endian == Endian.Big)
                    UncompressedSizeAdder = con + UncompressedSizeAdder;
                    UncompressedSize      = con + UncompressedSize;
                    DataOffsetAdder       = con + DataOffsetAdder;
                    DataOffset            = con + DataOffset;
                    UncompressedSize      = con + UncompressedSize;
                    UncompressedSizeAdder = con + UncompressedSizeAdder;
                    DataOffset            = con + DataOffset;
                    DataOffsetAdder       = con + DataOffsetAdder;
                RealUncompressedSize = UncompressedSize + UncompressedSizeAdder; //<< 32

                RealDataOffset = DataOffset + DataOffsetAdder;                   // << 32
                if (BlockSizeTableIndex == 0xFFFFFFFF)                           //Decompressed
                    BlockOffsets     = new long[1];
                    BlockOffsets[0]  = RealDataOffset;
                    BlockSizes       = new ushort[1];
                    BlockSizes[0]    = (ushort)UncompressedSize;
                    BlockTableOffset = 0;
                else //Compressed
                    int numBlocks = (int)Math.Ceiling(UncompressedSize / (double)header.MaxBlockSize);
                    if (con.isLoading)
                        BlockOffsets = new long[numBlocks];
                        BlockSizes   = new ushort[numBlocks];

                    if (numBlocks > 0)
                        BlockOffsets[0] = RealDataOffset;
                        long pos = con.Memory.Position;
                        con.Seek((int)getBlockOffset((int)BlockSizeTableIndex, header.EntryOffset, header.FileCount), SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        BlockTableOffset = con.Memory.Position;
                        BlockSizes[0]    = con + BlockSizes[0];
                        for (int i = 1; i < numBlocks; i++) //read any further blocks
                            BlockSizes[i]   = con + BlockSizes[i];
                            BlockOffsets[i] = BlockOffsets[i - 1] + BlockSizes[i];

                        con.Seek((int)pos, SeekOrigin.Begin);
Exemple #44
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Stream"></param>
        public void SetStream(Stream Stream)
            this.Stream = Stream;

            // Read the header.
            this.Header = this.Stream.ReadStruct<HeaderStruct>();
            if (this.Header.Magic != 0x4F534943)
                throw (new InvalidDataException("Not a CISO File"));

            // Read the block list
            this.Blocks = this.Stream.ReadStructVector<BlockInfo>((uint)(NumberOfBlocks + 1));
Exemple #45
		protected byte[] DecryptPRX1(byte[] _pbIn, bool ShowInfo = false)
			int cbTotal = (int)_pbIn.Length;
			var _pbOut = new byte[cbTotal];
			_pbIn.CopyTo(_pbOut, 0);

			fixed (byte* pbIn = _pbIn)
			fixed (byte* pbOut = _pbOut)
				var HeaderPointer = (HeaderStruct*)pbIn;
				this.Header = *(HeaderStruct*)pbIn;
				var pti = GetTagInfo(this.Header.Tag);

				if (ShowInfo)
					Console.WriteLine("TAG_INFO: {0}", pti);

				// build conversion into pbOut
				PointerUtils.Memcpy(pbOut, pbIn, _pbIn.Length);
				PointerUtils.Memset(pbOut, 0, 0x150);
				PointerUtils.Memset(pbOut, 0x55, 0x40);

				// step3 demangle in place
				var h7_header = (Kirk.KIRK_AES128CBC_HEADER*)&pbOut[0x2C];
				h7_header->Mode = Core.Crypto.Kirk.KirkMode.DecryptCbc;
				h7_header->Unknown4 = 0;
				h7_header->Unknown8 = 0;
				h7_header->KeySeed = pti.code; // initial seed for PRX
				h7_header->Datasize = 0x70; // size

				// redo part of the SIG check (step2)
				var _buffer1 = new byte[0x150];
				fixed (byte* buffer1 = _buffer1)
					PointerUtils.Memcpy(buffer1 + 0x00, pbIn + 0xD0, 0x80);
					PointerUtils.Memcpy(buffer1 + 0x80, pbIn + 0x80, 0x50);
					PointerUtils.Memcpy(buffer1 + 0xD0, pbIn + 0x00, 0x80);

					if (pti.codeExtra != 0)
						ExtraV2Mangle(buffer1 + 0x10, pti.codeExtra);

					PointerUtils.Memcpy(pbOut + 0x40 /* 0x2C+20 */, buffer1 + 0x40, 0x40);

				for (int iXOR = 0; iXOR < 0x70; iXOR++)
					pbOut[0x40 + iXOR] = (byte)(pbOut[0x40 + iXOR] ^ pti.key[0x14 + iXOR]);

				var ret = Kirk.hleUtilsBufferCopyWithRange(
					pbOut + 0x2C,
					20 + 0x70,
					pbOut + 0x2C,
					20 + 0x70,

				if (ret != 0)
					throw (new Exception(CStringFormater.Sprintf("mangle#7 returned 0x%08X, ", ret)));

				for (int iXOR = 0x6F; iXOR >= 0; iXOR--)
					pbOut[0x40 + iXOR] = (byte)(pbOut[0x2C + iXOR] ^ pti.key[0x20 + iXOR]);

				PointerUtils.Memset(pbOut + 0x80, 0, 0x30); // $40 bytes kept, clean up

				pbOut[0xA0] = 1;
				// copy unscrambled parts from header
				PointerUtils.Memcpy(pbOut + 0xB0, pbIn + 0xB0, 0x20); // file size + lots of zeros
				PointerUtils.Memcpy(pbOut + 0xD0, pbIn + 0x00, 0x80); // ~PSP header

				// step4: do the actual decryption of code block
				//  point 0x40 bytes into the buffer to key info
				ret = Kirk.hleUtilsBufferCopyWithRange(
					pbOut + 0x40,
					cbTotal - 0x40,

				if (ret != 0)
					throw (new Exception(CStringFormater.Sprintf("mangle#1 returned 0x%08X", ret)));

				//File.WriteAllBytes("../../../TestInput/temp.bin", _pbOut);

				var OutputSize = *(int*)&pbIn[0xB0];

				return _pbOut.Slice(0, OutputSize).ToArray();
Exemple #46
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Stream"></param>
        public void Load(byte[] inbuf)
            var Kirk = new Kirk();
            var outbuf = new byte[(int)inbuf.Length];
            inbuf.CopyTo(outbuf, 0);

            fixed (byte* _inbuf = inbuf)
            fixed (byte* _outbuf = outbuf)
                var HeaderPointer = (HeaderStruct*)_inbuf;
                this.Header = *(HeaderStruct*)_inbuf;
                var pti = g_oldTagInfo.Where(Tag => Tag.tag == this.Header.tag).Single();

                for (int i = 0; i < 0x150; i++)
                    outbuf[i] = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < 0x40; i++)
                    outbuf[i] = 0x55;

                //HeaderPointer->psp_size = 5;
                //HeaderPointer->boot_entry = 0;

                var h7_header = (Kirk.KIRK_AES128CBC_HEADER*)&_outbuf[0x2C];
                h7_header->Mode = 5;
                h7_header->Unknown4 = 0;
                h7_header->Unknown8 = 0;
                h7_header->KeySeed = pti.code;
                h7_header->Datasize = 0x70;

                byte[] header = new byte[0x150];

                Array.Copy(inbuf, 0xD0, header, 0x00, 0x80);
                Array.Copy(inbuf, 0x80, header, 0x80, 0x50);
                Array.Copy(inbuf, 0x00, header, 0xD0, 0x80);

                if (pti.codeExtra != 0)
                    //ScramblePRXV2(header, (byte)pti.codeExtra);
                    throw (new NotImplementedException());

                Array.Copy(header, 0x40, outbuf, 0x40, 0x40);

                for (int iXOR = 0; iXOR < 0x70; iXOR++) outbuf[0x40 + iXOR] = (byte)(outbuf[0x40 + iXOR] ^ (byte)pti.key[0x14 + iXOR]);
                for (int k = 0; k < 0x30; k++) outbuf[k + 0x80] = 0;

                // Scramble the data by calling CMD7.
                var bScrambleOut = new byte[outbuf.Length];
                var bScrambleIn = outbuf;
                fixed (byte* _bScrambleOut = bScrambleOut)
                    Kirk.hleUtilsBufferCopyWithRange(_bScrambleOut, 0x70, &_outbuf[0x2C], 0x70, Kirk.CommandEnum.PSP_KIRK_CMD_DECRYPT);

                for (int iXOR = 0x6F; iXOR >= 0; iXOR--)
                    outbuf[0x40 + iXOR] = (byte)(outbuf[0x2C + iXOR] ^ (byte)pti.key[0x20 + iXOR]);

                for (int k = 0; k < 0x30; k++)
                    outbuf[k + 0x80] = 0;

                var KirkHeader = (Kirk.AES128CMACHeader *)&_outbuf[0x40];
                KirkHeader->Mode = (uint)Kirk.KIRK_MODE_CMD1;

                Array.Copy(inbuf, 0x40 + 0x70, outbuf, 0x40 + 0x70, 0x20);
                Array.Copy(inbuf, 0, outbuf, 0x40 + 0x90, 0x80);

                // Call KIRK CMD1 for final decryption.
                ByteBuffer bDataOut = ByteBuffer.wrap(outbuf);
                ByteBuffer bHeaderIn = bDataOut.duplicate();
                hleUtilsBufferCopyWithRange(bDataOut, size, bHeaderIn, size, 0x1);

            //#if true
                    int size = outbuf.Length;
                    var Result = Kirk.hleUtilsBufferCopyWithRange(&_outbuf[0x00], size, (byte *)KirkHeader, size, Kirk.CommandEnum.PSP_KIRK_CMD_DECRYPT_PRIVATE, true);
                File.WriteAllBytes("../../../TestInput/temp.bin", outbuf);


                //Console.WriteLine("{0:X}", this.Header.tag);