private void Write(Headers header, HeaderFields field) { var bytes = header[field]; _writer.Write((byte)field); _writer.Write((short)bytes.Length); _writer.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); }
///<summary>Returns text information about this HttpClient object.</summary> ///<returns>A string representing this HttpClient object.</returns> ///<param name="WithUrl">Specifies whether or not to include information about the requested URL.</param> public string ToString(bool WithUrl) { string Ret; try { if (DestinationSocket == null || DestinationSocket.RemoteEndPoint == null) { Ret = "Incoming HTTP connection from " + ((IPEndPoint)ClientSocket.RemoteEndPoint).Address.ToString(); } else { Ret = "HTTP connection from " + ((IPEndPoint)ClientSocket.RemoteEndPoint).Address.ToString() + " to " + ((IPEndPoint)DestinationSocket.RemoteEndPoint).Address.ToString() + " on port " + ((IPEndPoint)DestinationSocket.RemoteEndPoint).Port.ToString(); } if (HeaderFields != null && HeaderFields.ContainsKey("Host") && RequestedPath != null) { Ret += "\r\n" + " requested URL: http://" + HeaderFields["Host"] + RequestedPath; } } catch { Ret = "HTTP Connection"; } return(Ret); }
public void AddHeaderField(string name, string value) { string key = name.ToLower(); if (HeaderFields[key] == null || key.Equals("received")) { HeaderFields.Add(key, value); } else { HeaderFields[key] = value; } if (HeaderFieldNames[key] == null || key.Equals("received")) { HeaderFieldNames.Add(key, name); } else { HeaderFieldNames[key] = name; } }
private void ProcessQuery(string Query) { HeaderFields = ParseQuery(Query); if (HeaderFields == null || !HeaderFields.ContainsKey("Host")) { SendBadRequest(); return; } int Port; string Host; int Ret; if (HttpRequestType.ToUpper().Equals("CONNECT")) //HTTPS { Ret = RequestedPath.IndexOf(":"); if (Ret >= 0) { Host = RequestedPath.Substring(0, Ret); if (RequestedPath.Length > Ret + 1) { Port = int.Parse(RequestedPath.Substring(Ret + 1)); } else { Port = 443; } } else { Host = RequestedPath; Port = 443; } } else //Normal HTTP { Ret = ((string)HeaderFields["Host"]).IndexOf(":"); if (Ret > 0) { Host = ((string)HeaderFields["Host"]).Substring(0, Ret); Port = int.Parse(((string)HeaderFields["Host"]).Substring(Ret + 1)); } else { Host = (string)HeaderFields["Host"]; Port = 80; } if (HttpRequestType.ToUpper().Equals("POST")) { int index = Query.IndexOf("\r\n\r\n"); m_HttpPost = Query.Substring(index + 4); } } try { IPEndPoint DestinationEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(Dns.Resolve(Host).AddressList[0], Port); DestinationSocket = new Socket(DestinationEndPoint.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); if (HeaderFields.ContainsKey("Proxy-Connection") && HeaderFields["Proxy-Connection"].ToLower().Equals("keep-alive")) { DestinationSocket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.KeepAlive, 1); } DestinationSocket.BeginConnect(DestinationEndPoint, new AsyncCallback(this.OnConnected), DestinationSocket); } catch { SendBadRequest(); return; } }
public void AddHeaderField(Field field) { HeaderFields.Add(field); }
///<summary>Processes a specified query and connects to the requested HTTP web server.</summary> ///<param name="Query">A string containing the query to process.</param> ///<remarks>If there's an error while processing the HTTP request or when connecting to the remote server, the Proxy sends a "400 - Bad Request" error to the client.</remarks> private void ProcessQuery(string Query) { HeaderFields = ParseQuery(Query); if (HeaderFields == null || !HeaderFields.HasKeys() || !DoHeadersContainKey(HeaderFields, "Host")) { SendBadRequest(); return; } if (OnProcessQueryEnd != null) { OnProcessQueryEnd.Invoke(DestinationSocket, this); } if (Cancel) { SendCancelledResponse(); return; } int Port; string Host; int Ret; if (HttpRequestType.ToUpper().Equals("CONNECT")) { //HTTPS Ret = RequestedPath.IndexOf(":"); if (Ret >= 0) { Host = RequestedPath.Substring(0, Ret); if (RequestedPath.Length > Ret + 1) { Port = int.Parse(RequestedPath.Substring(Ret + 1)); } else { Port = 443; } } else { Host = RequestedPath; Port = 443; } } else { //Normal HTTP Ret = (HeaderFields["Host"]).IndexOf(":"); if (Ret > 0) { Host = (HeaderFields["Host"]).Substring(0, Ret); Port = int.Parse((HeaderFields["Host"]).Substring(Ret + 1)); } else { Host = HeaderFields["Host"]; Port = 80; } if (HttpRequestType.ToUpper().Equals("POST")) { int index = Query.IndexOf("\r\n\r\n"); m_HttpPost = Query.Substring(index + 4); } } try { IPEndPoint DestinationEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(Dns.Resolve(Host).AddressList[0], Port); DestinationSocket = new Socket(DestinationEndPoint.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); if (DoHeadersContainKey(HeaderFields, "Proxy-Connection") && HeaderFields["Proxy-Connection"].ToLower().Equals("keep-alive")) { //DestinationSocket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.KeepAlive, 1); } DestinationSocket.BeginConnect(DestinationEndPoint, OnConnected, DestinationSocket); } catch { SendBadRequest(); return; } }
private unsafe UInt32 GetHeaderField(Byte[] source, UInt32 start, HeaderFields field) { UInt32 val = 0; fixed (Byte* src = source) if (MemCompare(src + start, "QCLZ")) val = ((UInt32*)(src + start))[(Int32)field]; return val; }
private void ProcessQuery(string Query) { HeaderFields = ParseQuery(Query); if (HeaderFields == null || !HeaderFields.ContainsKey("Host")) { SendBadRequest(); return; } if (UserValidator != null) { var authValid = true; try { if (HeaderFields.ContainsKey("Proxy-Authorization") == false) { authValid = false; } else { var authHeader = HeaderFields["Proxy-Authorization"]; if (authHeader.IndexOf("Basic") > -1) { var base64String = authHeader.Replace("Basic", "").Trim(); var strUserPass = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(base64String)); var authParam = strUserPass.Split(':'); var username = authParam[0]; var password = authParam[1]; authValid = UserValidator.IsValid(username, password); } else { authValid = false; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Write(MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod(), ex); authValid = false; } if (authValid == false) { SendAuthenticationFailed(); return; } } int Port; string Host; int Ret; if (HttpRequestType.ToUpper().Equals("CONNECT")) { //HTTPS Ret = RequestedPath.IndexOf(":"); if (Ret >= 0) { Host = RequestedPath.Substring(0, Ret); if (RequestedPath.Length > Ret + 1) { Port = int.Parse(RequestedPath.Substring(Ret + 1)); } else { Port = 443; } } else { Host = RequestedPath; Port = 443; } } else { //Normal HTTP Ret = ((string)HeaderFields["Host"]).IndexOf(":"); if (Ret > 0) { Host = ((string)HeaderFields["Host"]).Substring(0, Ret); Port = int.Parse(((string)HeaderFields["Host"]).Substring(Ret + 1)); } else { Host = (string)HeaderFields["Host"]; Port = 80; } if (HttpRequestType.ToUpper().Equals("POST")) { int index = Query.IndexOf("\r\n\r\n"); m_HttpPost = Query.Substring(index + 4); } } try { IPEndPoint DestinationEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(Dns.GetHostEntry(Host).AddressList[0], Port); DestinationSocket = new Socket(DestinationEndPoint.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); if (HeaderFields.ContainsKey("Proxy-Connection") && HeaderFields["Proxy-Connection"].ToLower().Equals("keep-alive")) { DestinationSocket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.KeepAlive, 1); } DestinationSocket.BeginConnect(DestinationEndPoint, new AsyncCallback(this.OnConnected), DestinationSocket); } catch { SendBadRequest(); return; } }
protected override void ProcessQuery(string Query) { HeaderFields = ParseQuery(Query); if (HeaderFields == null || !HeaderFields.ContainsKey("Host")) { SendBadRequest(); return; } int Port; string Host; int Ret; if (HttpRequestType.ToUpper().Equals("CONNECT")) { //HTTPS Ret = RequestedPath.IndexOf(":"); if (Ret >= 0) { Host = RequestedPath.Substring(0, Ret); if (RequestedPath.Length > Ret + 1) { Port = int.Parse(RequestedPath.Substring(Ret + 1)); } else { Port = 443; } } else { Host = RequestedPath; Port = 443; } } else { //Normal HTTP Ret = ((string)HeaderFields["Host"]).IndexOf(":"); if (Ret > 0) { Host = ((string)HeaderFields["Host"]).Substring(0, Ret); Port = int.Parse(((string)HeaderFields["Host"]).Substring(Ret + 1)); } else { Host = (string)HeaderFields["Host"]; Port = 80; } if (HttpRequestType.ToUpper().Equals("POST")) { int index = Query.IndexOf("\r\n\r\n"); m_HttpPost = Query.Substring(index + 4); } } try { DestinationSocket = new ProxySocket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); ((ProxySocket)DestinationSocket).ProxyEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(Config.SocksAddress, Config.SocksPort); ((ProxySocket)DestinationSocket).ProxyUser = Config.Username; ((ProxySocket)DestinationSocket).ProxyPass = Config.Password; ((ProxySocket)DestinationSocket).ProxyType = Config.ProxyType; if (HeaderFields.ContainsKey("Proxy-Connection") && HeaderFields["Proxy-Connection"].ToLower().Equals("keep-alive")) { ((ProxySocket)DestinationSocket).SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.KeepAlive, 1); } ((ProxySocket)DestinationSocket).BeginConnect(Host, Port, new AsyncCallback(this.OnProxyConnected), DestinationSocket); } catch { SendBadRequest(); return; } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Header" /> class. /// </summary> public Header() : base(CLASS_NAME) { mFields = new HeaderFields(this); }
private void QueryHandle(string query) { HeaderFields = ParseQuery(query); if ((HeaderFields == null) || !HeaderFields.ContainsKey("Host")) { SendBadRequest(); } else { int num; string requestedPath; int index; if (HttpRequestType.ToUpper().Equals("CONNECT")) { index = RequestedPath.IndexOf(":"); if (index >= 0) { requestedPath = RequestedPath.Substring(0, index); num = RequestedPath.Length > (index + 1) ? int.Parse(RequestedPath.Substring(index + 1)) : 443; } else { requestedPath = RequestedPath; num = 80; } } else { index = HeaderFields["Host"].IndexOf(":"); if (index > 0) { requestedPath = HeaderFields["Host"].Substring(0, index); num = int.Parse(HeaderFields["Host"].Substring(index + 1)); } else { requestedPath = HeaderFields["Host"]; num = 80; } if (HttpRequestType.ToUpper().Equals("POST")) { int tempnum = query.IndexOf("\r\n\r\n"); _mHttpPost = query.Substring(tempnum + 4); } } var localFile = String.Empty; if (MonitorLog.RegexUrl(RequestedUrl)) { localFile = UrlOperate.MatchFile(RequestedUrl); } _uinfo.PsnUrl = string.IsNullOrEmpty(_uinfo.PsnUrl) ? RequestedUrl : _uinfo.PsnUrl; if (!HttpRequestType.ToUpper().Equals("CONNECT") && localFile != string.Empty && File.Exists(localFile)) { _uinfo.ReplacePath = localFile; _updataUrlLog(_uinfo); SendLocalFile(localFile, HeaderFields.ContainsKey("Range") ? HeaderFields["Range"] : null, HeaderFields.ContainsKey("Proxy-Connection") ? HeaderFields["Proxy-Connection"] : null); } else { try { bool iscdn; IPAddress hostIp = CdnOperate.GetCdnAddress(requestedPath, out iscdn); var remoteEp = new IPEndPoint(hostIp, num); DestinationSocket = new Socket(remoteEp.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); if (HeaderFields.ContainsKey("Proxy-Connection") && HeaderFields["Proxy-Connection"].ToLower().Equals("keep-alive")) { DestinationSocket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.KeepAlive, 1); } DestinationSocket.BeginConnect(remoteEp, OnConnected, DestinationSocket); _uinfo.Host = hostIp.ToString(); _uinfo.IsCdn = iscdn; _uinfo.ReplacePath = string.Empty; _updataUrlLog(_uinfo); } catch { SendBadRequest(); } } } }
public cMessageCacheItems Missing(cMessageCacheItems pItems) => new cMessageCacheItems(~mAttributes & pItems.Attributes, HeaderFields.Missing(pItems.Names));
public bool ContainsNone(cMessageCacheItems pItems) => (~mAttributes & pItems.Attributes) == pItems.Attributes && HeaderFields.ContainsNone(pItems.Names);
/// <summary> /// The MIME representation of the header. /// </summary> /// <param name="removeBlindCopies">if set to <c>true</c> remove blind copies (BCC).</param> /// <param name="forceBase64Encoding">if set to <c>true</c> forces inner elements to be base64 encoded</param> /// <returns></returns> public string ToHeaderString(bool removeBlindCopies, bool forceBase64Encoding = false) { System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); /*foreach (TraceInfo trace in this.Trace) sb.AppendLine("Received: " + trace.ToString()); * if (!this.From.Email.Equals(string.Empty)) sb.AppendLine("From: " + this.From.Merged); * if (!this.Sender.Email.Equals(string.Empty)) sb.AppendLine("Sender: " + this.Sender.Merged); * if (this.To.Count > 0) sb.AppendLine("To: " + this.To.Merged); * if (this.Cc.Count > 0) sb.AppendLine("Cc: " + this.Cc.Merged); * if (this.Bcc.Count > 0) sb.AppendLine("Bcc: " + this.Bcc.Merged); * if (!this.ReplyTo.Email.Equals(string.Empty)) sb.AppendLine("Reply-to: " + this.ReplyTo.Merged);*/ foreach (TraceInfo trace in Trace) { AddHeaderField("Received", trace.ToString()); } if (!From.Email.Equals(string.Empty)) { AddHeaderField("From", From.Merged); } if (!Sender.Email.Equals(string.Empty)) { AddHeaderField("Sender", Sender.Merged); } if (To.Count > 0) { AddHeaderField("To", To.Merged); } if (Cc.Count > 0) { AddHeaderField("Cc", Cc.Merged); } if (Bcc.Count > 0 && !removeBlindCopies) { AddHeaderField("Bcc", Bcc.Merged); } if (!ReplyTo.Email.Equals(string.Empty)) { AddHeaderField("Reply-To", ReplyTo.Merged); } if (Date.Equals(DateTime.MinValue)) { Date = DateTime.Now; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(MessageId)) { MessageId = "<AU" + Codec.GetUniqueString() + "@" + System.Net.Dns.GetHostName() + ">"; } if (ContentType.MimeType.Length > 0) { string contentType = ContentType.ToString(); contentType = contentType.Substring(contentType.IndexOf(":") + 1).TrimStart(' '); AddHeaderField("Content-Type", contentType); } if (ContentDisposition.Disposition.Length > 0) { string contentDisposition = ContentDisposition.ToString(); contentDisposition = contentDisposition.Substring(contentDisposition.IndexOf(":") + 1).TrimStart(' '); AddHeaderField("Content-Disposition", contentDisposition); } if (forceBase64Encoding) { AddHeaderField("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "base64"); } else if (ContentType.Type.Equals("text")) { AddHeaderField("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "quoted-printable"); } System.Reflection.Assembly asm = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); Version v = asm.GetName().Version; AddHeaderField("X-Mailer", "ActiveUp.MailSystem " + v.Major + "." + v.Minor + "." + v.Build + ""); foreach (string key in HeaderFields.AllKeys) { for (int i = 0; i < HeaderFields.GetValues(key).Length; i++) { sb.Append(HeaderFieldNames.GetValues(key)[i] + ": " + HeaderFields.GetValues(key)[i] + "\r\n"); } } return(sb.ToString().TrimEnd('\r', '\n')); }
///<summary>Processes a specified query and connects to the requested HTTP web server.</summary> ///<param name="Query">A string containing the query to process.</param> ///<remarks>If there's an error while processing the HTTP request or when connecting to the remote server, the Proxy sends a "400 - Bad Request" error to the client.</remarks> private void ProcessQuery(string Query) { HeaderFields = ParseQuery(Query); if (HeaderFields == null || !HeaderFields.ContainsKey("Host")) { SendBadRequest(); return; } #region Parse destination address and port int Port; string Host; int Ret; if (HttpRequestType.ToUpper().Equals("CONNECT")) //HTTPS { isThisSSL = true; this.isPayloadSecure = true; Ret = RequestedPath.IndexOf(":"); if (Ret >= 0) { Host = RequestedPath.Substring(0, Ret); if (RequestedPath.Length > Ret + 1) { Port = int.Parse(RequestedPath.Substring(Ret + 1)); CurrentHTTPSport = Port; } else { Port = 443; CurrentHTTPSport = 443; } } else { Host = RequestedPath; Port = 443; CurrentHTTPSport = 443; } } else { isThisSSL = false; Ret = ((string)HeaderFields["Host"]).IndexOf(":"); if (Ret > 0) { Host = ((string)HeaderFields["Host"]).Substring(0, Ret); Port = int.Parse(((string)HeaderFields["Host"]).Substring(Ret + 1)); CurrentHTTPSport = Port; } else { Host = (string)HeaderFields["Host"]; Port = 80; CurrentHTTPSport = 80; } if (HttpRequestType.ToUpper().Equals("GET") == false) { int index = Query.IndexOf("\r\n\r\n"); m_HttpPost = Query.Substring(index + 4); } } #endregion #region Create destination socket try { IPEndPoint DestinationEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(Dns.Resolve(Host).AddressList[0], Port); if (this.isPayloadSecure) { SecurityOptions options = new SecurityOptions( SecureProtocol.Ssl3 | SecureProtocol.Tls1, // use SSL3 or TLS1 null, // not required for SSL client ConnectionEnd.Client, // this is the client side CredentialVerification.None, // do not check the certificate -- this should not be used in a real-life application :-) null, // not used with automatic certificate verification "", // this is the common name of the Microsoft web server SecurityFlags.Default, // use the default security flags SslAlgorithms.SECURE_CIPHERS, // only use secure ciphers null); // do not process certificate requests. // This line for intercept proxy DestinationSocket = new SecureSocket(DestinationEndPoint.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp, options); // This line for pass-through proxy //DestinationSocket = new SecureSocket(DestinationEndPoint.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); } else { DestinationSocket = new SecureSocket(DestinationEndPoint.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); } if (HeaderFields.ContainsKey("Proxy-Connection") && HeaderFields["Proxy-Connection"].ToLower().Equals("keep-alive")) { DestinationSocket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.KeepAlive, 1); } DestinationSocket.BeginConnect(DestinationEndPoint, new AsyncCallback(this.OnConnected), DestinationSocket); } catch { SendBadRequest(); return; } #endregion }
/// <summary> /// Launch the RDF export wizard and save resulting RDF file to disk. /// </summary> public void ExportRDF() { // Generate candidate list of namespaces to map, for the export dialog to consume candidateNamespacesToMap = new HashSet <Uri>(); foreach (Worksheet worksheet in Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.Worksheets) { int lastUsedColumnIndex = worksheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count; string lastUsedColumnName = Helper.GetExcelColumnName(lastUsedColumnIndex); Range headerRange = worksheet.get_Range(String.Format("A1:{0}1", lastUsedColumnName)); candidateNamespacesToMap.UnionWith(Helper.getNamespaceUrisFromComments(headerRange)); } ExportOptionsForm exportOptionsForm = new ExportOptionsForm(); if (exportOptionsForm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { // Set up save file UI SaveFileDialog saveRdfFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog(); saveRdfFileDialog.Filter = "RDF/XML (*.rdf)|*.rdf|Turtle (*.ttl)|*.ttl|NTriples (*.nt)|*.nt"; saveRdfFileDialog.Title = "Save RDF file"; if (saveRdfFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { // Initiate DotNetRdf Graph and shared IRI:s IGraph g = new Graph(); IUriNode rdfType = g.CreateUriNode(UriFactory.Create(RdfSpecsHelper.RdfType)); // Assign namespace mappings from export dialog foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Uri> entry in exportPrefixMappings) { g.NamespaceMap.AddNamespace(entry.Key, entry.Value); } // Used to trim URI:s Char[] trimUrisChars = new Char[] { '<', '>' }; // Iterate over all worksheets foreach (Worksheet worksheet in Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.Worksheets) { // Which bits of the sheet are being used Range usedRange = worksheet.UsedRange; int lastUsedRow = usedRange.Row + usedRange.Rows.Count - 1; int lastUsedColumn = usedRange.Column + usedRange.Columns.Count - 1; // Identifier column metadata int identifierColumn = 0; // Class name is tentatively in the data namespace until the identifier column is found Uri className = new Uri(exportNamespace.ToString() + worksheet.Name); // Set up lookup table. Note that we use 1-indexing to simplify mapping to/from Excel // ranges. The 0:th column will thus be empty and should not be adressed, as will the // identifier column. HeaderFields[] headerLookupTable = new HeaderFields[lastUsedColumn + 1]; // Parse the header row. string lastUsedColumnName = Helper.GetExcelColumnName(lastUsedColumn); Range headerRange = worksheet.get_Range(String.Format("A1:{0}1", lastUsedColumnName)); foreach (Range headerCell in headerRange.Cells) { int column = headerCell.Column; // If there is an embedded note, proceed if (headerCell.Comment != null) { string noteText = headerCell.Comment.Text(Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing); string[] noteTextComponents = noteText.Split('\n'); string iriComponent = noteTextComponents[0]; if (iriComponent.Equals("<IRI>") && noteTextComponents.Count() == 2) { // This is the identifier column; update worksheet metadata accordingly identifierColumn = headerCell.Column; string classComponent = noteTextComponents[1]; string classComponentTrimmed = classComponent.Trim(trimUrisChars); className = new Uri(classComponentTrimmed); } else if (noteTextComponents.Count() == 3) { HeaderFields hf = new HeaderFields(); hf.propertyIri = g.CreateUriNode(UriFactory.Create(iriComponent.Trim(trimUrisChars))); string propertyTypeComponent = noteTextComponents[1]; hf.propertyType = new Uri(propertyTypeComponent.Trim(trimUrisChars)); string propertyRangeComponent = noteTextComponents[2]; hf.propertyRange = new Uri(propertyRangeComponent.Trim(trimUrisChars)); headerLookupTable[column] = hf; } else if (noteTextComponents.Count() == 6) { HeaderFields hf = new HeaderFields(); hf.propertyIri = g.CreateUriNode(UriFactory.Create(iriComponent.Trim(trimUrisChars))); string propertyTypeComponent = noteTextComponents[1]; hf.propertyType = new Uri(propertyTypeComponent.Trim(trimUrisChars)); string propertyRangeComponent = noteTextComponents[2]; hf.propertyRange = new Uri(propertyRangeComponent.Trim(trimUrisChars)); string nestedIriComponent = noteTextComponents[3]; hf.nestedIri = g.CreateUriNode(UriFactory.Create(nestedIriComponent.Trim(trimUrisChars))); string nestedTypeComponent = noteTextComponents[4]; hf.nestedType = new Uri(nestedTypeComponent.Trim(trimUrisChars)); string nestedRangeComponent = noteTextComponents[5].Trim(trimUrisChars); if (nestedRangeComponent.Length > 0) { hf.nestedRange = new Uri(nestedRangeComponent); } headerLookupTable[column] = hf; } } } // Now, assuming an identifier column has been found, we can finally start parsing the rows if (identifierColumn != 0) { // All entities will have the same class IUriNode worksheetClass = g.CreateUriNode(className); // For every row in the spreadsheet.. for (int rowIndex = 2; rowIndex <= lastUsedRow; rowIndex++) { string rowRangeIdentifier = String.Format("{0}{1}:{2}{3}", Helper.GetExcelColumnName(1), rowIndex, Helper.GetExcelColumnName(lastUsedColumn), rowIndex); Range row = worksheet.get_Range(rowRangeIdentifier); // Set subject node ID. string identifierCellIdentifier = String.Format("{0}{1}", Helper.GetExcelColumnName(identifierColumn), rowIndex); Range identifierCell = worksheet.get_Range(identifierCellIdentifier); // Used to store the references to any intermediate (nested) blank nodes for the row Dictionary <IUriNode, IBlankNode> intermediateNodes = new Dictionary <IUriNode, IBlankNode>(); // Only parse rows that have an identifier if (identifierCell.Text != "") { Uri subjectUri = new Uri(exportNamespace.ToString() + identifierCell.Text); IUriNode subjectNode = g.CreateUriNode(subjectUri); g.Assert(new Triple(subjectNode, rdfType, worksheetClass)); // Iterate over remaining columns, i.e., property instances, skipping the identifier column if it reappears foreach (Range dataCell in row.Cells) { if (dataCell.Column == identifierColumn) { continue; } // Get header fields HeaderFields hf = headerLookupTable[dataCell.Column]; // Check that there actually are header fields for the cell under consideration; otherwise, ignore cell // This is not a simple null check since HeaderFields is a struct, e.g., value type, which cannot be null if (hf.Equals(default(HeaderFields))) { continue; } if (hf.nestedIri != null) { // This is a nested anonymous individual // Assert the intermediate (nested) individual IUriNode predicateNode = hf.propertyIri; IBlankNode intermediateBlank; if (intermediateNodes.ContainsKey(predicateNode)) { intermediateBlank = intermediateNodes[predicateNode]; } else { intermediateBlank = g.CreateBlankNode(); intermediateNodes.Add(predicateNode, intermediateBlank); } IUriNode intermediateType = g.CreateUriNode(hf.propertyRange); g.Assert(new Triple(subjectNode, predicateNode, intermediateBlank)); g.Assert(new Triple(intermediateBlank, rdfType, intermediateType)); IUriNode nestedPredicateNode = hf.nestedIri; // Get out and parse object. // "Raw" cell value, will need treatment (TODO!) INode objectNode; string cellValue = dataCell.Text; // Check so cell isn't empty if (!cellValue.Equals("")) { switch (hf.nestedType.ToString()) { case OntologyHelper.OwlDatatypeProperty: objectNode = g.CreateLiteralNode(cellValue, hf.nestedRange); break; case OntologyHelper.OwlObjectProperty: // If there is a valid URI in the cell, use that as-is, otherwise generate one frame the export namespace if (Uri.TryCreate(cellValue, UriKind.Absolute, out Uri tempObjectPropertyValue) == true) { objectNode = g.CreateUriNode(tempObjectPropertyValue); } else { objectNode = g.CreateUriNode(new Uri(exportNamespace.ToString() + cellValue)); } break; case OntologyHelper.OwlAnnotationProperty: // For annotation properties we use literal object nodes if property range is in XSD namespace // and uri nodes otherwise. if (hf.nestedRange.ToString().Contains(XmlSpecsHelper.NamespaceXmlSchema)) { objectNode = g.CreateLiteralNode(cellValue, hf.nestedRange); } else { // If there is a valid URI in the cell, use that as-is, otherwise generate one frame the export namespace if (Uri.TryCreate(cellValue, UriKind.Absolute, out Uri tempAnnotationPropertyValue) == true) { objectNode = g.CreateUriNode(tempAnnotationPropertyValue); } else { objectNode = g.CreateUriNode(new Uri(exportNamespace.ToString() + cellValue)); } } break; default: continue; } g.Assert(new Triple(intermediateBlank, nestedPredicateNode, objectNode)); } } else { IUriNode predicateNode = hf.propertyIri; // Get out and parse object. // "Raw" cell value, will need treatment (TODO!) INode objectNode; string cellValue = dataCell.Text; // Check so cell isn't empty if (!cellValue.Equals("")) { switch (hf.propertyType.ToString()) { case OntologyHelper.OwlDatatypeProperty: objectNode = g.CreateLiteralNode(cellValue, hf.propertyRange); break; case OntologyHelper.OwlObjectProperty: // If there is a valid URI in the cell, use that as-is, otherwise generate one frame the export namespace if (Uri.TryCreate(cellValue, UriKind.Absolute, out Uri tempObjectPropertyValue) == true) { objectNode = g.CreateUriNode(tempObjectPropertyValue); } else { objectNode = g.CreateUriNode(new Uri(exportNamespace.ToString() + cellValue)); } break; case OntologyHelper.OwlAnnotationProperty: // For annotation properties we use literal object nodes if property range is in XSD namespace // and uri nodes otherwise. if (hf.propertyRange.ToString().Contains(XmlSpecsHelper.NamespaceXmlSchema)) { objectNode = g.CreateLiteralNode(cellValue, hf.propertyRange); } else { // If there is a valid URI in the cell, use that as-is, otherwise generate one frame the export namespace if (Uri.TryCreate(cellValue, UriKind.Absolute, out Uri tempAnnotationPropertyValue) == true) { objectNode = g.CreateUriNode(tempAnnotationPropertyValue); } else { objectNode = g.CreateUriNode(new Uri(exportNamespace.ToString() + cellValue)); } } break; default: continue; } g.Assert(new Triple(subjectNode, predicateNode, objectNode)); } } } } } String saveFileExtension = Path.GetExtension(saveRdfFileDialog.FileName); IRdfWriter writer = MimeTypesHelper.GetWriterByFileExtension(saveFileExtension); writer.Save(g, saveRdfFileDialog.FileName); } } } } }