private ArrayList GetContentItems(string contentOfType)
            var modManager  = Registry.Retrieve <ModManager>();
            var items       = orig_GetContentItems(contentOfType);
            var moddedItems = modManager.GetContentForCategory(contentOfType);

            foreach (var moddedItem in moddedItems)
                var       moddedItemId = moddedItem.GetString("id");
                Hashtable originalItem = null;
                var       parents      = new Dictionary <string, Hashtable>();
                var       parentsOrder = moddedItem.GetArrayList("extends") ?? new ArrayList();
                foreach (Hashtable item in items)
                    // Check if this item is overwriting an existing item (this will consider only the first matching
                    // item - normally, there should only be one)
                    var itemId = item.GetString("id");
                    if (itemId == moddedItemId && originalItem == null)
                        originalItem = item;

                    // Collect all the parents of this modded item so that the full item can be built
                    if (parentsOrder.Contains(itemId))
                        parents[itemId] = item;

                // Build the new item, first by copying its parents, then by applying its own specificities
                // If the new item should override an older one, replace that one too
                var newItem = new Hashtable();
                foreach (string parent in parentsOrder)
                    if (!parents.ContainsKey(parent))
                        Logging.Error($"Unknown parent '{parent}' for '{moddedItemId}', skipping parent");
                    newItem.AddHashtable(parents[parent], false);
                newItem.AddHashtable(moddedItem, true);

                // Run any property operations that are present

                if (originalItem != null)
                    originalItem.AddHashtable(newItem, true);