/// <summary>
 /// Describes how the transformer handles one column pair.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">Name of the column resulting from the transformation of <paramref name="inputColumnName"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="inputColumnName">Name of column to transform. If set to <see langword="null"/>, the value of the <paramref name="name"/> will be used as source.</param>
 /// <param name="outputKind">Kind of output: bag, indicator vector etc.</param>
 /// <param name="numberOfBits">Number of bits to hash into. Must be between 1 and 31, inclusive.</param>
 /// <param name="seed">Hashing seed.</param>
 /// <param name="useOrderedHashing">Whether the position of each term should be included in the hash.</param>
 /// <param name="maximumNumberOfInverts">During hashing we constuct mappings between original values and the produced hash values.
 /// Text representation of original values are stored in the slot names of the  metadata for the new column.Hashing, as such, can map many initial values to one.
 /// <paramref name="maximumNumberOfInverts"/> specifies the upper bound of the number of distinct input values mapping to a hash that should be retained.
 /// <value>0</value> does not retain any input values. <value>-1</value> retains all input values mapping to each hash.</param>
 public ColumnOptions(string name, string inputColumnName           = null,
                      OneHotEncodingEstimator.OutputKind outputKind = Defaults.OutputKind,
                      int numberOfBits           = Defaults.NumberOfBits,
                      uint seed                  = Defaults.Seed,
                      bool useOrderedHashing     = Defaults.UseOrderedHashing,
                      int maximumNumberOfInverts = Defaults.MaximumNumberOfInverts)
     HashingOptions = new HashingEstimator.ColumnOptionsInternal(name, inputColumnName ?? name, numberOfBits, seed, useOrderedHashing, maximumNumberOfInverts);
     OutputKind     = outputKind;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Ensures the provided <paramref name="samplingKeyColumn"/> is valid for <see cref="RangeFilter"/>, hashing it if necessary, or creates a new column <paramref name="samplingKeyColumn"/> is null.
        /// </summary>
        internal static void EnsureGroupPreservationColumn(IHostEnvironment env, ref IDataView data, ref string samplingKeyColumn, int?seed = null)
            Contracts.CheckValue(env, nameof(env));
            // We need to handle two cases: if samplingKeyColumn is provided, we use hashJoin to
            // build a single hash of it. If it is not, we generate a random number.
            if (samplingKeyColumn == null)
                samplingKeyColumn = data.Schema.GetTempColumnName("SamplingKeyColumn");
                data = new GenerateNumberTransform(env, data, samplingKeyColumn, (uint?)(seed ?? ((ISeededEnvironment)env).Seed));
                if (!data.Schema.TryGetColumnIndex(samplingKeyColumn, out int stratCol))
                    throw env.ExceptSchemaMismatch(nameof(samplingKeyColumn), "SamplingKeyColumn", samplingKeyColumn);

                var type = data.Schema[stratCol].Type;
                if (!RangeFilter.IsValidRangeFilterColumnType(env, type))
                    // Hash the samplingKeyColumn.
                    // REVIEW: this could currently crash, since Hash only accepts a limited set
                    // of column types. It used to be HashJoin, but we should probably extend Hash
                    // instead of having two hash transformations.
                    var origStratCol = samplingKeyColumn;
                    samplingKeyColumn = data.Schema.GetTempColumnName(samplingKeyColumn);
                    HashingEstimator.ColumnOptionsInternal columnOptions;
                    if (seed.HasValue)
                        columnOptions = new HashingEstimator.ColumnOptionsInternal(samplingKeyColumn, origStratCol, 30, (uint)seed.Value);
                    else if (((ISeededEnvironment)env).Seed.HasValue)
                        columnOptions = new HashingEstimator.ColumnOptionsInternal(samplingKeyColumn, origStratCol, 30, (uint)((ISeededEnvironment)env).Seed.Value);
                        columnOptions = new HashingEstimator.ColumnOptionsInternal(samplingKeyColumn, origStratCol, 30);
                    data = new HashingEstimator(env, columnOptions).Fit(data).Transform(data);
                    if (!data.Schema[samplingKeyColumn].IsNormalized() && (type == NumberDataViewType.Single || type == NumberDataViewType.Double))
                        var origStratCol = samplingKeyColumn;
                        samplingKeyColumn = data.Schema.GetTempColumnName(samplingKeyColumn);
                        data = new NormalizingEstimator(env, new NormalizingEstimator.MinMaxColumnOptions(samplingKeyColumn, origStratCol, ensureZeroUntouched: true)).Fit(data).Transform(data);
        private void InitMap <T>(T val, DataViewType type, int numberOfBits = 20, ValueGetter <T> getter = null)
            if (getter == null)
                getter = (ref T dst) => dst = val;
            _inRow = RowImpl.Create(type, getter);
            // One million features is a nice, typical number.
            var info   = new HashingEstimator.ColumnOptionsInternal("Bar", "Foo", numberOfBits: numberOfBits);
            var xf     = new HashingTransformer(_env, new[] { info });
            var mapper = ((ITransformer)xf).GetRowToRowMapper(_inRow.Schema);
            var column = mapper.OutputSchema["Bar"];
            var outRow = mapper.GetRow(_inRow, column);

            if (type is VectorDataViewType)
                _vecGetter = outRow.GetGetter <VBuffer <uint> >(column);
                _getter = outRow.GetGetter <uint>(column);
Exemple #4
        private void HashTestCore <T>(T val, PrimitiveDataViewType type, uint expected, uint expectedOrdered, uint expectedOrdered3)
            const int bits = 10;

            var builder = new DataViewSchema.Annotations.Builder();

            builder.AddPrimitiveValue("Foo", type, val);
            var inRow = AnnotationUtils.AnnotationsAsRow(builder.ToAnnotations());

            ValueGetter <TType> hashGetter <TType>(HashingEstimator.ColumnOptionsInternal colInfo)
                var xf     = new HashingTransformer(Env, new[] { colInfo });
                var mapper = ((ITransformer)xf).GetRowToRowMapper(inRow.Schema);
                var col    = mapper.OutputSchema["Bar"];
                var outRow = mapper.GetRow(inRow, col);

                return(outRow.GetGetter <TType>(col));

            // First do an unordered hash.
            var  info   = new HashingEstimator.ColumnOptionsInternal("Bar", "Foo", numberOfBits: bits);
            var  getter = hashGetter <uint>(info);
            uint result = 0;

            getter(ref result);
            Assert.Equal(expected, result);

            // Next do an ordered hash.
            info   = new HashingEstimator.ColumnOptionsInternal("Bar", "Foo", numberOfBits: bits, useOrderedHashing: true);
            getter = hashGetter <uint>(info);
            getter(ref result);
            Assert.Equal(expectedOrdered, result);

            // Next build up a vector to make sure that hashing is consistent between scalar values
            // at least in the first position, and in the unordered case, the last position.
            const int vecLen   = 5;
            var       denseVec = new VBuffer <T>(vecLen, Utils.CreateArray(vecLen, val));

            builder = new DataViewSchema.Annotations.Builder();
            builder.Add("Foo", new VectorDataViewType(type, vecLen), (ref VBuffer <T> dst) => denseVec.CopyTo(ref dst));
            inRow = AnnotationUtils.AnnotationsAsRow(builder.ToAnnotations());

            info = new HashingEstimator.ColumnOptionsInternal("Bar", "Foo", numberOfBits: bits, useOrderedHashing: false);
            var            vecGetter = hashGetter <VBuffer <uint> >(info);
            VBuffer <uint> vecResult = default;

            vecGetter(ref vecResult);

            Assert.Equal(vecLen, vecResult.Length);
            // They all should equal this in this case.
            Assert.All(vecResult.DenseValues(), v => Assert.Equal(expected, v));

            // Now do ordered with the dense vector.
            info      = new HashingEstimator.ColumnOptionsInternal("Bar", "Foo", numberOfBits: bits, useOrderedHashing: true);
            vecGetter = hashGetter <VBuffer <uint> >(info);
            vecGetter(ref vecResult);

            Assert.Equal(vecLen, vecResult.Length);
            Assert.Equal(expectedOrdered, vecResult.GetItemOrDefault(0));
            Assert.Equal(expectedOrdered3, vecResult.GetItemOrDefault(3));
            Assert.All(vecResult.DenseValues(), v => Assert.True((v == 0) == (expectedOrdered == 0)));

            // Let's now do a sparse vector.
            var sparseVec = new VBuffer <T>(10, 3, Utils.CreateArray(3, val), new[] { 0, 3, 7 });

            builder = new DataViewSchema.Annotations.Builder();
            builder.Add("Foo", new VectorDataViewType(type, vecLen), (ref VBuffer <T> dst) => sparseVec.CopyTo(ref dst));
            inRow = AnnotationUtils.AnnotationsAsRow(builder.ToAnnotations());

            info      = new HashingEstimator.ColumnOptionsInternal("Bar", "Foo", numberOfBits: bits, useOrderedHashing: false);
            vecGetter = hashGetter <VBuffer <uint> >(info);
            vecGetter(ref vecResult);

            Assert.Equal(10, vecResult.Length);
            Assert.Equal(expected, vecResult.GetItemOrDefault(0));
            Assert.Equal(expected, vecResult.GetItemOrDefault(3));
            Assert.Equal(expected, vecResult.GetItemOrDefault(7));

            info      = new HashingEstimator.ColumnOptionsInternal("Bar", "Foo", numberOfBits: bits, useOrderedHashing: true);
            vecGetter = hashGetter <VBuffer <uint> >(info);
            vecGetter(ref vecResult);

            Assert.Equal(10, vecResult.Length);
            Assert.Equal(expectedOrdered, vecResult.GetItemOrDefault(0));
            Assert.Equal(expectedOrdered3, vecResult.GetItemOrDefault(3));