Exemple #1
        public void TestHashTableSimpleSmallMMP()
            int n    = 100000;
            int l    = 7;
            int seed = 1;

            //Generate 10 elements with different value for l
            IEnumerable <Tuple <ulong, int> > S = Generator.CreateStream(n, 63, seed);

            //Maps all keys from S to [0,127]
            BigInteger a = new BigInteger(Generator.GenerateBits(89, seed));
            BigInteger b = new BigInteger(Generator.GenerateBits(89, seed + 1));
            HashTableChaining <int> table_MMP = new HashTableChaining <int>(HashFunction.MultiplyModPrime(a, b, l), 1UL << l);

            foreach (Tuple <ulong, int> elem in S)
                table_MMP.increment(elem.Item1, (Number)elem.Item2);

            foreach (Tuple <ulong, int> elem in S)
                Assert.Equal(elem.Item2, table_MMP.get(elem.Item1));

            output.WriteLine("Streamsize: " + n);
            output.WriteLine("Our hashtable size: " + table_MMP.Count);
Exemple #2
        public void TestHashTableSimpleSmallMS()
            int n    = 100000;
            int seed = 1;

            //Generate 10 elements with different value for l
            IEnumerable <Tuple <ulong, int> > S = Generator.CreateStream(n, 63, 1);

            //Maps all keys from S to [0,127]
            ulong a = BitConverter.ToUInt64(Generator.MakeOdd(Generator.GenerateBits(64, seed)));
            int   l = 7;
            HashTableChaining <int> table_MS = new HashTableChaining <int>(HashFunction.MultiplyShift(a, l), 1UL << l);

            foreach (Tuple <ulong, int> elem in S)
                table_MS.increment(elem.Item1, (Number)elem.Item2);

            foreach (Tuple <ulong, int> elem in S)
                Assert.Equal(elem.Item2, table_MS.get(elem.Item1));

            output.WriteLine("Streamsize: " + n);
            output.WriteLine("Our hashtable size: " + table_MS.Count);
Exemple #3
        public void TestEstimationOfS_Both()
            int n = 10000000;

            int l_min = 0;  // Should be single hashtable node
            int l_max = 20; // array boundary, as we shift 1 << 30 <=> 2^31 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.int32.maxvalue?view=netcore-3.1
            int l     = l_min;
            int seed  = 2;

            ulong      a_64odd = BitConverter.ToUInt64(Generator.MakeOdd(Generator.GenerateBits(64, seed)));
            BigInteger a       = new BigInteger(Generator.GenerateBits(89, seed));
            BigInteger b       = new BigInteger(Generator.GenerateBits(89, seed + 1));

            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

            while (l <= l_max)
                HashTableChaining <long>           tableMS  = new HashTableChaining <long>(HashFunction.MultiplyShift(a_64odd, l), 1UL << l);
                HashTableChaining <long>           tableMMP = new HashTableChaining <long>(HashFunction.MultiplyModPrime(a, b, l), 1UL << l);
                IEnumerable <Tuple <ulong, long> > S        = Generator.CreateStreamLong(n, l, seed);

                foreach (Tuple <ulong, long> elem in S)
                    tableMS.increment(elem.Item1, (NumberLong)elem.Item2);
                    tableMMP.increment(elem.Item1, (NumberLong)elem.Item2);

                BigInteger Real_S_MS  = Generator.RealCount <long>(tableMS);
                BigInteger Real_S_MMP = Generator.RealCount <long>(tableMMP);

                //output.WriteLine("MS table: \n " + tableMS);
                //output.WriteLine("MMP table: \n " + tableMMP);
                output.WriteLine("Iteration: {0,2}, time in ms: {1}", l, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
                output.WriteLine("\tMS table sum: " + Real_S_MS);
                output.WriteLine("\tMMP table sum: " + Real_S_MMP);
        public void Test100BCSResultsReduced() //takes too long...
            int seed  = 1;
            int n     = 100000; //100000
            int l     = 7;
            int t_min = 29;
            int t_max = 31;

            IEnumerable <Tuple <ulong, long> > S = Generator.CreateStreamLong(n, l, seed);

            HashTableChaining <long> tableMS = new HashTableChaining <long>(
                HashFunction.MultiplyShift(BitConverter.ToUInt64(Generator.MakeOdd(Generator.GenerateBits(64, seed))), l),
                1UL << l

            foreach (Tuple <ulong, long> elem in S)
                tableMS.increment(elem.Item1, (NumberLong)elem.Item2);

            BigInteger Real_S = Generator.RealCount <long>(tableMS);

            string        path = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
            DirectoryInfo di   = new DirectoryInfo(path);

            while (di.Name != "XUnit_RAD")
                di = di.Parent;
            if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(di.FullName, "TestResult")))
                Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(di.FullName, "TestResult"));

            string testfilePath = Path.Combine(di.FullName, "TestResult", "Test100BCSResultsReduced.csv");

            if (File.Exists(testfilePath))

            for (int t = t_min; t <= t_max; t++)
                BigInteger[] unsortedResults = new BigInteger[100];
                for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                    BasicCountSketch bcs = new BasicCountSketch(t);
                    foreach (Tuple <ulong, long> elem in S)
                    unsortedResults[i] = bcs.Estimate2ndMoment();

                BigInteger[] manyResults = unsortedResults.OrderBy(val => val).ToArray();
                BigInteger   meansquare  = unsortedResults.Aggregate(BigInteger.Zero, (acc, x) => acc + (BigInteger)Math.Pow((long)x - (long)Real_S, 2)) / 100;

                BigInteger[] medianResults = new BigInteger[9];
                for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                    medianResults[i] = unsortedResults.Skip(i * 11).Take(11).OrderBy(val => val).ElementAt(5);
                medianResults = medianResults.OrderBy(val => val).ToArray();

                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                sb.AppendLine("Real S;" + Real_S + ";Expectation;" + Real_S + "\nVariance;" + Math.Round(2 * Math.Pow((long)Real_S, 2) / (1 << t), 2) + ";Value of t;" + t + "\nValue of m;" + (1 << t) + ";;");
                BigInteger average = 0;
                sb.Append(";" + meansquare);
                average += meansquare;
                sb.Append(";" + average / 10);

                sb.AppendLine("#Estimate;1st run;Average run;Real S");
                for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                    sb.Append(i + 1);
                    average = 0;
                    sb.Append(";" + manyResults[i]);
                    average += manyResults[i];
                    sb.Append(";" + average / 10);
                    sb.Append(";" + Real_S);

                sb.AppendLine("#Estimate;1st run;Average run;Real S");
                for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                    sb.Append(i + 1);
                    average = 0;
                    sb.Append(";" + medianResults[i]);
                    average += medianResults[i];
                    sb.Append(";" + average / 10);
                    sb.Append(";" + Real_S);

                File.AppendAllText(testfilePath, sb.ToString());
        public void Test100BCSResultsParallel()
            int seed  = 1;
            int n     = 100000; //100000
            int l     = 17;     //2^17 ~ 131000
            int t_min = 1;
            int t_max = 17;     //fails due to space on my machine at 29

            IEnumerable <Tuple <ulong, long> > S = Generator.CreateStreamLong(n, l, seed);

            BigInteger[] a_s = new BigInteger[]
                new BigInteger(Generator.GenerateBits(89, 1)),
                new BigInteger(Generator.GenerateBits(89, 2)),
                new BigInteger(Generator.GenerateBits(89, 3)),
                new BigInteger(Generator.GenerateBits(89, 4))

            HashTableChaining <long> table4MMP = new HashTableChaining <long>(
                HashFunction.CountSketchHashfunctions(HashFunction.kIndependentMultiplyModPrime(a_s), t_max).Item1,
                1UL << t_max

            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

            foreach (Tuple <ulong, long> elem in S)
                table4MMP.increment(elem.Item1, (NumberLong)elem.Item2);

            BigInteger Real_S = Generator.RealCount <long>(table4MMP);

            long Real_S_time = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            string        path = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
            DirectoryInfo di   = new DirectoryInfo(path);

            while (di.Name != "XUnit_RAD")
                di = di.Parent;
            if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(di.FullName, "TestResult")))
                Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(di.FullName, "TestResult"));

            string testfilePath = Path.Combine(di.FullName, "TestResult", "Test100BCSResultsParallel.csv");

            if (File.Exists(testfilePath))

            for (int t = t_min; t <= t_max; t++)
                BigInteger[][] unsortedResults = new BigInteger[10][];

                for (int run = 0; run < 10; run++)
                    Task <BigInteger>[] resultTasks = new Task <BigInteger> [100];
                    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                        resultTasks[i] = Task <BigInteger> .Factory.StartNew((object obj) =>
                            IEnumerable <Tuple <ulong, long> > S = (IEnumerable <Tuple <ulong, long> >)obj;
                            BasicCountSketch bcs = new BasicCountSketch(t);
                            foreach (Tuple <ulong, long> elem in S)
                        }, S);
                    Task <BigInteger> .WaitAll(resultTasks);

                    BigInteger[] results = resultTasks.Select(task => task.Result).ToArray();
                    unsortedResults[run] = results;
                long t_iteration_time = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;

                BigInteger[][] manyResults       = new BigInteger[10][];
                BigInteger[][] manyMedianResults = new BigInteger[10][];
                BigInteger[]   meansquare        = new BigInteger[10];
                for (int run = 0; run < 10; run++)
                    manyResults[run] = unsortedResults[run].OrderBy(val => val).ToArray();

                    meansquare[run] = unsortedResults[run].Aggregate(BigInteger.Zero, (acc, x) => acc + (BigInteger)Math.Pow((long)x - (long)Real_S, 2)) / 100;

                    BigInteger[] medianResults = new BigInteger[9];
                    for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                        medianResults[i] = unsortedResults[run].Skip(i * 11).Take(11).OrderBy(val => val).ElementAt(5);
                    manyMedianResults[run] = medianResults.OrderBy(val => val).ToArray();

                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                sb.AppendLine("Real S;" + Real_S + ";Expectation;" + Real_S + ";Variance;" + Math.Round(2 * Math.Pow((long)Real_S, 2) / (1 << t), 2) + ";Value of t;" + t + ";Value of m;" + (1 << t) + ";Time taken;" + t_iteration_time + ";");
                BigInteger average = 0;
                for (int run = 0; run < 10; run++)
                    sb.Append(";" + meansquare[run]);
                    average += meansquare[run];
                sb.Append(";" + average / 10);
                sb.Append(";Real S time;" + Real_S_time);

                sb.AppendLine("#Estimate;1st run;2nd run;3rd run;4th run;5th run;6th run;7th run;8th run;9th run;10th run;Average run;Real S");
                for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                    sb.Append(i + 1);
                    average = 0;
                    for (int run = 0; run < 10; run++)
                        sb.Append(";" + manyResults[run][i]);
                        average += manyResults[run][i];
                    sb.Append(";" + average / 10);
                    sb.Append(";" + Real_S);

                sb.AppendLine("#Estimate;1st run;2nd run;3rd run;4th run;5th run;6th run;7th run;8th run;9th run;10th run;Average run;Real S");
                for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                    sb.Append(i + 1);
                    average = 0;
                    for (int run = 0; run < 10; run++)
                        sb.Append(";" + manyMedianResults[run][i]);
                        average += manyMedianResults[run][i];
                    sb.Append(";" + average / 10);
                    sb.Append(";" + Real_S);

                File.AppendAllText(testfilePath, sb.ToString());
        public void TestEstimationOfS_Comparison()
            int n = 100000;

            int l_min = 1;
            int l_max = 29; // array boundary, as we shift 1 << 31 <=> 2^31 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.int32.maxvalue?view=netcore-3.1
            int seed  = 2;

            ulong      a_64odd = BitConverter.ToUInt64(Generator.MakeOdd(Generator.GenerateBits(64, seed)));
            BigInteger a       = new BigInteger(Generator.GenerateBits(89, seed));
            BigInteger b       = new BigInteger(Generator.GenerateBits(89, seed + 1));

            //same S for all tests

            IEnumerable <Tuple <ulong, long> > S = Generator.CreateStreamLong(n, l_max, seed);
            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

            for (int l = l_min; l <= l_max; l++)
                if (l == 17)
                    n /= 10;
                //output.WriteLine("Iteration: {0,2}", l);
                HashTableChaining <long> tableMMP = new HashTableChaining <long>(HashFunction.MultiplyModPrime(a, b, l), 1UL << l);
                foreach (Tuple <ulong, long> elem in S)
                    tableMMP.increment(elem.Item1, (NumberLong)elem.Item2);
                long tmp1 = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                BigInteger Real_S_MMP = Generator.RealCount <long>(tableMMP);
                long tmp2 = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                //output.WriteLine("\t\tTime to increment:  " + tmp1);
                //output.WriteLine("\t\tTime for summation: " + tmp2);
                //output.WriteLine("\t\tSum: " + Real_S_MS);

                BigInteger[] a_s = new BigInteger[]
                    new BigInteger(Generator.GenerateBits(89, 1)),
                    new BigInteger(Generator.GenerateBits(89, 2)),
                    new BigInteger(Generator.GenerateBits(89, 3)),
                    new BigInteger(Generator.GenerateBits(89, 4))
                HashTableChaining <long> table4MMP = new HashTableChaining <long>(HashFunction.CountSketchHashfunctions(HashFunction.kIndependentMultiplyModPrime(a_s), l).Item1, 1UL << l);
                foreach (Tuple <ulong, long> elem in S)
                    table4MMP.increment(elem.Item1, (NumberLong)elem.Item2);
                long tmp3 = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                BigInteger Real_S_4MMP = Generator.RealCount <long>(table4MMP);
                long tmp4 = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                //output.WriteLine("\t\tTime to increment:  " + tmp3);
                //output.WriteLine("\t\tTime for summation: " + tmp4);
                //output.WriteLine("\t\tSum: " + Real_S_MMP);
                //output.WriteLine("\t\tMS vs. MMP increment:  " + Math.Round(((double)tmp1) / tmp3, 2) + "x");
                //output.WriteLine("\t\tMS vs. MMP summation: " + Math.Round(((double)tmp2) / tmp4, 2) + "x");
                //output.WriteLine("\t\tSame sum: " + (Real_S_MS == Real_S_MMP));

                double diff1 = tmp3 == 0 ? 1.0 : Math.Round(((double)tmp1) / tmp3, 2);
                double diff2 = tmp4 == 0 ? 1.0 : Math.Round(((double)tmp2) / tmp4, 2);

                output.WriteLine(l + " & " + n + " & " + tmp1 + " & " + tmp3 + " & " + diff1 + "x & " + tmp2 + " & " + tmp4 + " & " + diff2 + @"x \\\hline");