Exemple #1
        private Vector3 MidpointHandle(Vector3 localPos, Vector3 localTangent, Vector3 localBinormal, Matrix4x4 transform, bool isCameraInsideBox)
            Color color       = Handles.color;
            float alphaFactor = 1f;

            this.AdjustMidpointHandleColor(localPos, localTangent, localBinormal, transform, alphaFactor, isCameraInsideBox);
            int controlID = GUIUtility.GetControlID(this.m_ControlIdHint, FocusType.Keyboard);

            if (alphaFactor > 0f)
                Handles.DrawCapFunction drawMethodForHandles;
                Func <Vector3, float>   getHandleSizeMethod;
                Vector3 normalized = Vector3.Cross(localTangent, localBinormal).normalized;
                if (this.drawMethodForHandles != null)
                    drawMethodForHandles = this.drawMethodForHandles;
                    drawMethodForHandles = new Handles.DrawCapFunction(BoxEditor.DefaultMidPointDrawFunc);
                if (this.getHandleSizeMethod != null)
                    getHandleSizeMethod = this.getHandleSizeMethod;
                    getHandleSizeMethod = new Func <Vector3, float>(BoxEditor.DefaultMidpointGetSizeFunc);
                localPos = Slider1D.Do(controlID, localPos, normalized, getHandleSizeMethod(localPos), drawMethodForHandles, SnapSettings.scale);
            Handles.color = color;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        ///     Draws position handles with predefined cap function.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nodeGlobalPositions"></param>
        /// <param name="handleSize"></param>
        /// <param name="curveColor"></param>
        /// <param name="callback"></param>
        public static void DrawCustomPositionHandles(
            List <Vector3> nodeGlobalPositions,
            float handleSize,
            Color curveColor,
            Action <int, Vector3> callback)
            // Cap function used to draw handle.
            Handles.DrawCapFunction capFunction = Handles.CircleCap;

            // For each node..
            for (var i = 0; i < nodeGlobalPositions.Count; i++)
                var handleColor = curveColor;

                // Draw position handle.
                var newGlobalPos = DrawCustomPositionHandle(

                // If node was moved..
                if (newGlobalPos != nodeGlobalPositions[i])
                    callback(i, newGlobalPos);
        #pragma warning disable 618
        public static Vector3 Do(
            int id,
            Vector3 handlePos,
            Vector3 offset,
            Vector3 handleDir,
            Vector3 slideDir1,
            Vector3 slideDir2,
            float handleSize,
            Handles.DrawCapFunction drawFunc,
            Vector2 snap,
            bool drawHelper)
        #pragma warning restore 618
            bool orgGuiChanged = GUI.changed;

            GUI.changed = false;

            Vector2 delta = CalcDeltaAlongDirections(id, handlePos, offset, handleDir, slideDir1, slideDir2, handleSize, drawFunc, snap, drawHelper);

            if (GUI.changed)
                handlePos = s_StartPosition + slideDir1 * delta.x + slideDir2 * delta.y;

            GUI.changed |= orgGuiChanged;
Exemple #4
    public static Rect ResizeRect(Rect rect, Handles.DrawCapFunction capFunc, float snap)
        Vector3[] rectangleCorners =
            rect.min,                           // Bottom Left
            new Vector2(rect.xMax, rect.y),     // Bottom Right
            rect.max,                           // Top Right
            new Vector2(rect.x, rect.yMax)      // Top Left
        Vector2[] handlePoints =
            //	rectangleCorners[0],								//Bottom Left
            new Vector2(rect.center.x, rect.y),         // Bottom
            //	rectangleCorners[1],
            new Vector2(rect.xMax, rect.center.y),      // Right
            //	rectangleCorners[2],
            new Vector2(rect.center.x, rect.yMax),      // Top
            //	rectangleCorners[3],
            new Vector2(rect.x, rect.center.y)          // Left

        Handles.Label(rectangleCorners[3] + Vector3.up, "Level Bounds");
        Handles.DrawSolidRectangleWithOutline(rectangleCorners, Color.green * 0.2f, Color.green);

        for (int i = 0; i < handlePoints.Length; i++)
            Vector2 p = handlePoints[i];
            handlePoints[i] = Handles.Slider(p, p - rect.center, 0.45f, capFunc, snap);
        return(new Rect(handlePoints[3].x, handlePoints[0].y, handlePoints[1].x - handlePoints[3].x, handlePoints[2].y - handlePoints[0].y));
    private void DoResetModeHandles(Ferr2D_Path path, Ferr2DT_PathTerrain terrain, int i, Matrix4x4 mat, Matrix4x4 invMat, Transform camTransform)
        int     nextId     = i == path.Count - 1?(path.closed?i % path.Count:i - 1):i + 1;
        Vector3 pos        = mat.MultiplyPoint3x4(path.pathVerts[i]);
        Vector3 posNext    = mat.MultiplyPoint3x4(path.pathVerts[nextId]);
        Vector3 normal     = -(Vector3)Ferr2D_Path.GetNormal(path.pathVerts, i, path.closed);
        Vector3 posStart   = pos;
        bool    isSelected = false;

        if (selectedPoints != null)
            isSelected = selectedPoints.Contains(i);

        float handleScale = HandleScale(posStart);

        Handles.DrawCapFunction cap = (isSelected || selectedPoints.Count <= 0) ? (Handles.DrawCapFunction)CapDotMinusSelected : (Handles.DrawCapFunction)CapDotMinus;
        if (Handles.Button(posStart, camTransform.rotation, handleScale, handleScale, cap))
            EnsureVertSelected(i, ref isSelected);
            deleteSelected = true;
            GUI.changed    = true;
            handleScale = handleScale * 0.5f;

            // do scaling
            Vector3 displayPos = pos + normal * terrain.vertScales[i];
            if (IsVisible(displayPos) && Handles.Button(displayPos, camTransform.rotation, handleScale, handleScale, CapDotReset))
                EnsureVertSelected(i, ref isSelected);

                Undo.RecordObject(terrain, "Scale Path Vert");

                for (int s = 0; s < selectedPoints.Count; s++)
                    terrain.vertScales[selectedPoints[s]] = 1;
                GUI.changed = true;

            // do edge overrides
            displayPos = GetOverridePos(i, path, mat, pos, posNext);
            if (IsVisible(displayPos) && Handles.Button(displayPos, camTransform.rotation, handleScale, handleScale, CapDotReset))
                EnsureVertSelected(i, ref isSelected);

                Undo.RecordObject(terrain, "Override Vert Direction");

                for (int s = 0; s < selectedPoints.Count; s++)
                    terrain.directionOverrides[selectedPoints[s]] = Ferr2DT_TerrainDirection.None;
                GUI.changed = true;
Exemple #6
        private SplinePointHandle.Result DrawDragHandle(SplineRenderer renderer, Vector3 position, float scale, bool hasSelectionMargin)
            Handles.DrawCapFunction dcf = Handles.CircleCap;
            float size = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(position) * 2.0f * m_pointSizeConst;

            Vector2 guiPosition = HandleUtility.WorldToGUIPoint(position);

            if (Vector2.Distance(guiPosition, Event.current.mousePosition) > 15 * renderer.PointSize * scale || IsControlPointDrag || Event.current.alt)
                size *= 0;

            float selectionSize;

            if (hasSelectionMargin)
                selectionSize = size * (renderer.PointSize + renderer.SelectionMargin) * scale;
                selectionSize = size * renderer.PointSize * scale;

            SplinePointHandle.Result result = SplinePointHandle.DragHandleGUI(position, Quaternion.LookRotation(Camera.current.transform.forward),
                                                                              size * renderer.PointSize * scale, selectionSize, dcf, renderer.SelectionColor);
 /// <summary>
 /// Displays a line slider.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>The new value.</returns>
 /// <param name="id">Control identifier</param>
 /// <param name="val">Value.</param>
 /// <param name="origin">Origin.</param>
 /// <param name="direction">Direction.</param>
 /// <param name="label">Label.</param>
 /// <param name="color">Color.</param>
 /// <param name="capScale">A scale factor for the slider cap.</param>
 /// <param name="capFunction">Cap function to use. If <see langword="null"/> then defaults to dot.</param>
 public static float Line(
     int id, float val, Vector3 origin, Vector3 direction,
     string label = "", float capScale = 1f, Handles.DrawCapFunction capFunction = null
     return(Slider(id, val, origin, direction, label, capScale, DisplayMode.Line, capFunction));
        private Vector3 EdgeHandle(Vector3 handlePos, Vector3 handleDir, Vector3 slideDir1, Vector3 slideDir2, Matrix4x4 transform)
            Color color = Handles.color;
            bool  flag  = true;

            if (Camera.current)
                Vector3 b          = Handles.matrix.inverse.MultiplyPoint(Camera.current.transform.position);
                Vector3 normalized = (handlePos - b).normalized;
                Vector3 lhs        = Vector3.Cross(slideDir1, slideDir2);
                float   f          = Vector3.Dot(lhs, normalized);
                if (Mathf.Acos(Mathf.Abs(f)) > 1.51843643f)
                    flag = false;
            float num = (!flag) ? 0f : 1f;

            this.AdjustEdgeHandleColor(handlePos, slideDir1, slideDir2, transform, num);
            int controlID = GUIUtility.GetControlID(this.m_ControlIdHint, FocusType.Keyboard);

            if (num > 0f)
                int     arg_F4_0 = controlID;
                Vector3 arg_F4_1 = handlePos;
                float   arg_F4_5 = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(handlePos) * 0.03f;
                if (BoxEditor.< > f__mg$cache2 == null)
                    BoxEditor.< > f__mg$cache2 = new Handles.DrawCapFunction(Handles.DotCap);
                handlePos = Slider2D.Do(arg_F4_0, arg_F4_1, handleDir, slideDir1, slideDir2, arg_F4_5, BoxEditor.< > f__mg$cache2, SnapSettings.scale, true);
            Handles.color = color;
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Displays a button with a cap function.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns><see langword="true"/> if cap button was clicked; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.</returns>
        /// <param name="id">Identifier for the control.</param>
        /// <param name="position">Position.</param>
        /// <param name="orientation">Orientation.</param>
        /// <param name="size">Size.</param>
        /// <param name="cap">Cap draw function.</param>
        /// <param name="clickColor">Color to use when the cap is clicked.</param>
        private static bool DisplayCapButton(
            int id, Vector3 position, Quaternion orientation, float size, Handles.DrawCapFunction cap, Color clickColor
            bool  result  = false;
            Event current = Event.current;

            switch (current.GetTypeForControl(id))
            case EventType.MouseDown:
                if (
                        (HandleUtility.nearestControl == id && current.button == 0) ||
                        (GUIUtility.keyboardControl == id && current.button == 2)
                    ) && GUIUtility.hotControl == 0
                    GUIUtility.keyboardControl = id;
                    GUIUtility.hotControl      = id;

            case EventType.MouseUp:
                if (GUIUtility.hotControl == id && (current.button == 0 || current.button == 2))
                    GUIUtility.hotControl = 0;
                    result = true;

            case EventType.MouseDrag:
                if (GUIUtility.hotControl == id)
                    GUI.changed = true;

            case EventType.Repaint:
                // TODO: implement click color
                cap(id, position, orientation, size);

            case EventType.Layout:
                HandleUtility.AddControl(id, HandleUtility.DistanceToCircle(position, size * 0.2f));
Exemple #10
 protected void DrawAdaptiveButton(Vector3 position, Quaternion direction, float size, float pickSize,
     Handles.DrawCapFunction capFunc, Action callback)
     var scale = GetHandleSize(position);
     if (Handles.Button(position, direction, size * scale, pickSize * scale, capFunc))
         Undo.RecordObject(target, "Click Button");
Exemple #11
 protected void DrawFreeMoveHandle(Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, float size, Vector3 snap,
     Handles.DrawCapFunction capFunc, Action<Vector3> callback)
     var newPosition = Handles.FreeMoveHandle(position, Quaternion.identity, GetHandleSize(position) * size, snap, capFunc);
     if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
         Undo.RecordObject(target, "Move Handle");
        protected bool HandleAnchor(ref Vector3 position, bool isConnectedAnchor)
            if (Joint2DEditorBase.s_Styles == null)
                Joint2DEditorBase.s_Styles = new Joint2DEditorBase.Styles();
            Handles.DrawCapFunction drawFunc = (!isConnectedAnchor) ? new Handles.DrawCapFunction(Joint2DEditorBase.AnchorCap) : new Handles.DrawCapFunction(Joint2DEditorBase.ConnectedAnchorCap);
            int id = this.target.GetInstanceID() + ((!isConnectedAnchor) ? 0 : 1);

            position = Handles.Slider2D(id, position, Vector3.back, Vector3.right, Vector3.up, 0f, drawFunc, Vector2.zero);
 #pragma warning disable 618
 public static Vector3 Do(
     int id,
     Vector3 handlePos,
     Vector3 handleDir,
     Vector3 slideDir1,
     Vector3 slideDir2,
     float handleSize,
     Handles.DrawCapFunction drawFunc,
     float snap,
     bool drawHelper)
 #pragma warning restore 618
     return(Do(id, handlePos, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), handleDir, slideDir1, slideDir2, handleSize, drawFunc, new Vector2(snap, snap), drawHelper));
Exemple #14
        protected bool HandleAnchor(ref Vector3 position, bool isConnectedAnchor)
            if (anchor == null)
                anchor                = "U2D.pivotDot";
                anchorActive          = "U2D.pivotDotActive";
                connectedAnchor       = "U2D.dragDot";
                connectedAnchorActive = "U2D.dragDotActive";

            Handles.DrawCapFunction drawFunc = (!isConnectedAnchor) ? new Handles.DrawCapFunction(AnchorCap) : new Handles.DrawCapFunction(ConnectedAnchorCap);
            int id = this.target.GetInstanceID() + ((!isConnectedAnchor) ? 0 : 1);

            position = Handles.Slider2D(id, position, Vector3.back, Vector3.right, Vector3.up, 0f, drawFunc, Vector2.zero);
Exemple #15
        private Vector3 MidpointHandle(Vector3 localPos, Vector3 localTangent, Vector3 localBinormal, Matrix4x4 transform, bool isCameraInsideBox)
            Color color = Handles.color;
            float num   = 1f;

            this.AdjustMidpointHandleColor(localPos, localTangent, localBinormal, transform, num, isCameraInsideBox);
            int controlID = GUIUtility.GetControlID(this.m_ControlIdHint, FocusType.Keyboard);

            if (num > 0f)
                Vector3 normalized = Vector3.Cross(localTangent, localBinormal).normalized;
                Handles.DrawCapFunction drawFunc = this.drawMethodForHandles ?? new Handles.DrawCapFunction(BoxEditor.DefaultMidPointDrawFunc);
                Func <Vector3, float>   func     = this.getHandleSizeMethod ?? new Func <Vector3, float>(BoxEditor.DefaultMidpointGetSizeFunc);
                localPos = Slider1D.Do(controlID, localPos, normalized, func(localPos), drawFunc, SnapSettings.scale);
            Handles.color = color;
Exemple #16
    private void DoNormalModeHandles(MapPolygon path, int i, Matrix4x4 mat, Matrix4x4 invMat, Transform camTransform)
        List <Vector3> pathVerts  = path.GetVertsRaw();
        int            nextId     = i == path.GetVertsRaw().Count - 1?0:i + 1;
        Vector3        pos        = mat.MultiplyPoint3x4(pathVerts[i]);
        Vector3        posNext    = mat.MultiplyPoint3x4(pathVerts[nextId]);
        bool           isSelected = false;

        if (selectedPoints != null)
            isSelected = selectedPoints.Contains(i);

        // check for moving the point
        Handles.DrawCapFunction cap = CapDot;
        cap = isSelected ? (Handles.DrawCapFunction)CapDotSelected     : (Handles.DrawCapFunction)CapDot;

        Vector3 result = Handles.FreeMoveHandle(pos, Quaternion.Euler(Vector3.zero), HandleScale(pos), snap, cap);

        Handles.Label(pos, i.ToString(), EditorStyles.boldLabel);
        if (result != pos)
            EnsureVertSelected(i, ref isSelected);

            for (int s = 0; s < selectedPoints.Count; s++)
                path.UpdateVerts(selectedPoints [s], invMat.MultiplyPoint3x4(result));
                //pathVerts [selectedPoints [s]] = invMat.MultiplyPoint3x4 (result);

        // make sure we can add new point at the midpoints!s
        Vector3 mid         = (pos + posNext) / 2f;
        float   handleScale = HandleScale(mid);

        if (Handles.Button(mid, camTransform.rotation, handleScale, handleScale, CapDotPlus))
            Vector3 pt = invMat.MultiplyPoint3x4(mid);
            path.AddPointAt(nextId, pt);
Exemple #17
        public static void DrawPointSceneGUI(BezierPoint3D point, Handles.DrawCapFunction drawPointFunc, Handles.DrawCapFunction drawHandleFunc)
            // Draw a label for the point
            Handles.color = Color.black;
            Handles.Label(point.Position + new Vector3(0f, HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(point.Position) * 0.4f, 0f), point.gameObject.name);

            // Draw the center of the control point
            Handles.color = Color.yellow;
            Vector3 newPointPosition = Handles.FreeMoveHandle(point.Position, point.transform.rotation,
                                                              HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(point.Position) * BezierPoint3DEditor.pointCapSize, Vector3.one * 0.5f, drawPointFunc);

            if (point.Position != newPointPosition)
                Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(point.transform, "Move Point");
                point.Position = newPointPosition;

            // Draw the left and right handles
            Handles.color = Color.white;
            Handles.DrawLine(point.Position, point.LeftHandlePosition);
            Handles.DrawLine(point.Position, point.RightHandlePosition);

            Handles.color = Color.cyan;
            Vector3 newLeftHandlePosition = Handles.FreeMoveHandle(point.LeftHandlePosition, point.transform.rotation,
                                                                   HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(point.LeftHandlePosition) * BezierPoint3DEditor.handleCapSize, Vector3.zero, drawHandleFunc);

            if (point.LeftHandlePosition != newLeftHandlePosition)
                Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(point, "Move Left Handle");
                point.LeftHandlePosition = newLeftHandlePosition;

            Vector3 newRightHandlePosition = Handles.FreeMoveHandle(point.RightHandlePosition, point.transform.rotation,
                                                                    HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(point.RightHandlePosition) * BezierPoint3DEditor.handleCapSize, Vector3.zero, drawHandleFunc);

            if (point.RightHandlePosition != newRightHandlePosition)
                Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(point, "Move Right Handle");
                point.RightHandlePosition = newRightHandlePosition;
Exemple #18
#pragma warning disable 618
        public static Vector3 Do(
            int id,
            Vector3 handlePos,
            Vector3 offset,
            Vector3 handleDir,
            Vector3 slideDir1,
            Vector3 slideDir2,
            float handleSize,
            Handles.DrawCapFunction drawFunc,
            Vector2 snap,
            bool drawHelper)
#pragma warning restore 618
            bool orgGuiChanged = GUI.changed;

            GUI.changed = false;

            Vector2 delta = CalcDeltaAlongDirections(id, handlePos, offset, handleDir, slideDir1, slideDir2, handleSize, drawFunc, snap, drawHelper);

            if (GUI.changed)
                handlePos = s_StartPosition + slideDir1 * delta.x + slideDir2 * delta.y;

                if (EditorSnapSettings.gridSnapActive)
                    var normal = Vector3.Cross(slideDir1, slideDir2);

                    if (Snapping.IsCardinalDirection(normal))
                        var worldSpace = Handles.matrix.MultiplyPoint(handlePos);
                        worldSpace = Snapping.Snap(worldSpace, GridSettings.size, (SnapAxis) ~new SnapAxisFilter(normal));
                        handlePos  = Handles.inverseMatrix.MultiplyPoint(worldSpace);

            GUI.changed |= orgGuiChanged;
Exemple #19
        private static void Repaint(Quaternion rotation, float handleSize, Handles.DrawCapFunction capFunc, Color selectionColor, int id, Vector3 screenPosition, Matrix4x4 cachedMatrix)
            Color currentColor = Handles.color;

            if (id != m_dragCtrlId)
                if (id == GUIUtility.hotControl)
                    Handles.color = selectionColor;

                if (id == HandleUtility.nearestControl)
                    Handles.color = selectionColor;

            Handles.matrix = Matrix4x4.identity;
            capFunc(id, screenPosition, rotation, handleSize);
            Handles.matrix = cachedMatrix;
            Handles.color  = currentColor;
Exemple #20
        private static Vector3 DrawCustomPositionHandle(
            Vector3 nodePosition,
            float handleSize,
            Color handleColor,
            Handles.DrawCapFunction capFunction)
            // Set handle color.
            Handles.color = handleColor;

            // Get handle size.
            var movementHandleSize = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(nodePosition);
            var sphereSize         = movementHandleSize * handleSize;

            // Draw handle.
            var newPos = Handles.FreeMoveHandle(

Exemple #21
    private void DoResetModeHandles(MapPolygon path, int i, Matrix4x4 mat, Matrix4x4 invMat, Transform camTransform)
        List <Vector3> pathVerts  = path.GetVertsRaw();
        int            nextId     = i == pathVerts.Count - 1?i % pathVerts.Count:i + 1;
        Vector3        pos        = mat.MultiplyPoint3x4(pathVerts[i]);
        Vector3        posNext    = mat.MultiplyPoint3x4(pathVerts[nextId]);
        Vector3        posStart   = pos;
        bool           isSelected = false;

        if (selectedPoints != null)
            isSelected = selectedPoints.Contains(i);

        float handleScale = HandleScale(posStart);

        Handles.DrawCapFunction cap = (isSelected || selectedPoints.Count <= 0) ? (Handles.DrawCapFunction)CapDotMinusSelected : (Handles.DrawCapFunction)CapDotMinus;
        if (Handles.Button(posStart, camTransform.rotation, handleScale, handleScale, cap))
            EnsureVertSelected(i, ref isSelected);
            deleteSelected = true;
            GUI.changed    = true;
    public static Vector3 DragHandle(Vector3 position, float handleSize, Handles.DrawCapFunction capFunc, Color colorSelected, out DragHandleResult result)
        int id = GUIUtility.GetControlID(s_DragHandleHash, FocusType.Passive);

        lastDragHandleID = id;

        Vector3   screenPosition = Handles.matrix.MultiplyPoint(position);
        Matrix4x4 cachedMatrix   = Handles.matrix;

        result = DragHandleResult.none;

        switch (Event.current.GetTypeForControl(id))
        case EventType.MouseDown:
            if (HandleUtility.nearestControl == id && (Event.current.button == 0 || Event.current.button == 1))
                GUIUtility.hotControl    = id;
                s_DragHandleMouseCurrent = s_DragHandleMouseStart = Event.current.mousePosition;
                s_DragHandleWorldStart   = position;
                s_DragHandleHasMoved     = false;


                if (Event.current.button == 0)
                    result = DragHandleResult.LMBPress;
                else if (Event.current.button == 1)
                    result = DragHandleResult.RMBPress;

        case EventType.MouseUp:
            if (GUIUtility.hotControl == id && (Event.current.button == 0 || Event.current.button == 1))
                // GUIUtility.hotControl = 0;

                if (Event.current.button == 0)
                    result = DragHandleResult.LMBRelease;
                else if (Event.current.button == 1)
                    result = DragHandleResult.RMBRelease;

                if (Event.current.mousePosition == s_DragHandleMouseStart)
                    bool doubleClick = (s_DragHandleClickID == id) &&
                                       (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - s_DragHandleClickTime < s_DragHandleDoubleClickInterval);

                    s_DragHandleClickID   = id;
                    s_DragHandleClickTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

                    if (Event.current.button == 0)
                        result = doubleClick ? DragHandleResult.LMBDoubleClick : DragHandleResult.LMBClick;
                    else if (Event.current.button == 1)
                        result = doubleClick ? DragHandleResult.RMBDoubleClick : DragHandleResult.RMBClick;

        case EventType.MouseDrag:
            if (GUIUtility.hotControl == id)
                s_DragHandleMouseCurrent += new Vector2(Event.current.delta.x, -Event.current.delta.y);
                Vector3 position2 = Camera.current.WorldToScreenPoint(Handles.matrix.MultiplyPoint(s_DragHandleWorldStart))
                                    + (Vector3)(s_DragHandleMouseCurrent - s_DragHandleMouseStart);
                position = Handles.matrix.inverse.MultiplyPoint(Camera.current.ScreenToWorldPoint(position2));

                if (Camera.current.transform.forward == Vector3.forward || Camera.current.transform.forward == -Vector3.forward)
                    position.z = s_DragHandleWorldStart.z;
                if (Camera.current.transform.forward == Vector3.up || Camera.current.transform.forward == -Vector3.up)
                    position.y = s_DragHandleWorldStart.y;
                if (Camera.current.transform.forward == Vector3.right || Camera.current.transform.forward == -Vector3.right)
                    position.x = s_DragHandleWorldStart.x;

                if (Event.current.button == 0)
                    result = DragHandleResult.LMBDrag;
                else if (Event.current.button == 1)
                    result = DragHandleResult.RMBDrag;

                s_DragHandleHasMoved = true;

                GUI.changed = true;

        case EventType.Repaint:
            Color currentColour = Handles.color;
            if (id == GUIUtility.hotControl && s_DragHandleHasMoved)
                Handles.color = colorSelected;

            Handles.matrix = Matrix4x4.identity;
            capFunc(id, screenPosition, Quaternion.identity, handleSize);
            Handles.matrix = cachedMatrix;

            Handles.color = currentColour;

        case EventType.Layout:
            Handles.matrix = Matrix4x4.identity;
            HandleUtility.AddControl(id, HandleUtility.DistanceToCircle(screenPosition, handleSize));
            Handles.matrix = cachedMatrix;

Exemple #23
    public static float AngularSlider(Vector3 position, Vector3 forward, Vector3 right, Vector3 up, float angle, float radius, Handles.DrawCapFunction capFunction, float offset = 0.0f, float handleSize = 1.0f)
    // Create an angular slider for the given transform
        Vector3 angleVector     = PlanarAngleVector(forward, right, angle) * radius;
        Vector3 directionVector = Vector3.Cross(angleVector, up) * -1;
        Vector3 sliderPosition  = position + angleVector + angleVector.normalized * offset;
        Vector3 changeVector    = Handles.Slider(sliderPosition, directionVector, handleSize, capFunction, 1.0f) - sliderPosition;

        return(angle + (Vector3.Angle(directionVector, changeVector) > 90.0f ? changeVector.magnitude * -1.0f : changeVector.magnitude));
Exemple #24
        public static Vector3 TinyHandle2D(int id, Vector3 pos, Vector3 forward, Vector3 up, Vector3 right, float size, Handles.DrawCapFunction func = null)
            return(Handles.Slider2D(id, pos, forward, up, right, HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(pos) * size, func, SnapSettings.Move));
Exemple #25
        public static Vector3 TinyHandle2D(int id, Transform transform, float size, Handles.DrawCapFunction func = null)
            return(TinyHandle2D(id, transform.position, transform.forward, transform.up, transform.right, size, func));
Exemple #26
        public static Vector3 TinyHandle2D(int id, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, float size, Handles.DrawCapFunction func = null)
            return(TinyHandle2D(id, position, rotation * Vector3.forward, rotation * Vector3.up, rotation * Vector3.right, size, func));
Exemple #27
        public static bool Button(int id, Vector3 position, Quaternion direction, float size, float pickSize, bool useHandleSize, Handles.DrawCapFunction capFunc, Color hoverCol, out bool isHovering)
            Event current = Event.current;

            isHovering = false;
            if (useHandleSize)
                float s = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(position);
                size     *= s;
                pickSize *= s;
            switch (current.GetTypeForControl(id))
            case EventType.MouseDown:
                if (HandleUtility.nearestControl == id)
                    GUIUtility.hotControl = id;

            case EventType.MouseUp:
                if ((current.button == 0 || current.button == 2) && GUIUtility.hotControl == id)
                    GUIUtility.hotControl = 0;
                    if (HandleUtility.nearestControl == id)

            case EventType.MouseMove:
                if ((HandleUtility.nearestControl == id && current.button == 0) || (GUIUtility.keyboardControl == id && current.button == 2))

            case EventType.Repaint:
                Color color = Handles.color;
                if (HandleUtility.nearestControl == id && GUI.enabled)
                    isHovering    = true;
                    Handles.color = hoverCol;

                capFunc(id, position, Quaternion.identity, size, EventType.Repaint);
                capFunc(id, position, direction, size);
                Handles.color = color;

            case EventType.Layout:
                if (GUI.enabled)
                    HandleUtility.AddControl(id, HandleUtility.DistanceToCircle(position, pickSize));
Exemple #28
        //static bool s_DragHandleHasMoved;

        public static Vector3 DragHandle <K>(Vector3 position, float handleSize, Handles.DrawCapFunction capFunc, Color colorSelected, string label, K userData,
                                             EditorGUILayoutEx.EventCallback <K> onEvent, GUIContent[] displayOptions = null, IList <K> values = null, EditorGUILayoutEx.MenuCallback <K> onSelection = null)
            int id = GUIUtility.GetControlID(HANDLESEX_HASH, FocusType.Passive);

            Vector3   screenPosition = Handles.matrix.MultiplyPoint(position);
            Matrix4x4 cachedMatrix   = Handles.matrix;

            switch (Event.current.GetTypeForControl(id))
            case EventType.KeyDown:
                if (GUIUtility.hotControl == id)
                    if (onEvent != null)
                        onEvent(id, Event.current, userData);

            case EventType.MouseDown:

                if (HandleUtility.nearestControl == id && (Event.current.button == 0 || Event.current.button == 1))
                    GUIUtility.hotControl = id;
                    MOUSE_POS_CURRENT     = MOUSE_POS_AT_START = Event.current.mousePosition;
                    HANDLE_POS_WORLD      = position;
                    //s_DragHandleHasMoved = false;


                    if (Event.current.type == EventType.ContextClick && displayOptions != null && values != null)
                        // Now create the menu, add items and show it
                        GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu();

                        GUIContent content;
                        int        len = displayOptions.Length;

                        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                            content = displayOptions [i];

                            // null mean AddSeparator
                            if (content == null)
                            // "*" at the end => mean AddDisabledItem
                            else if (content.text.LastIndexOf('*', content.text.Length - 1) > -1)
                                content.text = content.text.Remove(content.text.Length - 1);
                                menu.AddItem(content, false, (obj) => {
                                    int inx = (int)obj;

                                    //dispatch selected
                                    if (onSelection != null)
                                        onSelection(inx, values [inx], id);
                                }, i);


                    if (onEvent != null)
                        onEvent(id, Event.current, userData);

            case EventType.MouseUp:
                if (GUIUtility.hotControl == id && (Event.current.button == 0 || Event.current.button == 1))
                    //GUIUtility.hotControl = 0;

                    if (onEvent != null)
                        onEvent(id, Event.current, userData);

            case EventType.MouseDrag:
                if (GUIUtility.hotControl == id)
                    MOUSE_POS_CURRENT += new Vector2(Event.current.delta.x, -Event.current.delta.y);
                    Vector3 position2 = Camera.current.WorldToScreenPoint(Handles.matrix.MultiplyPoint(HANDLE_POS_WORLD))
                                        + (Vector3)(MOUSE_POS_CURRENT - MOUSE_POS_AT_START);
                    position = Handles.matrix.inverse.MultiplyPoint(Camera.current.ScreenToWorldPoint(position2));

                    if (Camera.current.transform.forward == Vector3.forward || Camera.current.transform.forward == -Vector3.forward)
                        position.z = HANDLE_POS_WORLD.z;
                    if (Camera.current.transform.forward == Vector3.up || Camera.current.transform.forward == -Vector3.up)
                        position.y = HANDLE_POS_WORLD.y;
                    if (Camera.current.transform.forward == Vector3.right || Camera.current.transform.forward == -Vector3.right)
                        position.x = HANDLE_POS_WORLD.x;

                    if (onEvent != null)
                        onEvent(id, Event.current, userData);

                    //s_DragHandleHasMoved = true;

                    GUI.changed = true;

            case EventType.Repaint:
                Color currentColour = Handles.color;
                //if (id == GUIUtility.hotControl && s_DragHandleHasMoved)
                if (id == GUIUtility.hotControl)
                    Handles.color = colorSelected;

                Handles.matrix = Matrix4x4.identity;
                capFunc(id, screenPosition, Quaternion.identity, handleSize);
                Handles.matrix = cachedMatrix;

                Handles.color = currentColour;

                Handles.Label(position + Vector3.up, label);

            case EventType.Layout:
                Handles.matrix = Matrix4x4.identity;

                HandleUtility.AddControl(id, HandleUtility.DistanceToCircle(screenPosition, handleSize));
                Handles.matrix = cachedMatrix;

Exemple #29
        public static float AngleSlider(Vector3 centrP, Vector3 normalV, Vector3 forward, float prevAngle, float radius, Handles.DrawCapFunction capF, bool horizontal, Quaternion rot)
            int     controlId   = GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Passive);
            Vector3 startPos    = Quaternion.AngleAxis(prevAngle, normalV) * (forward * radius) + centrP;
            float   controlSize = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(startPos) / 5.0f;
            float   newAngle    = prevAngle;

            switch (Event.current.GetTypeForControl(controlId))
            // Cause mouse dragging
            case EventType.MouseDrag:
                if (GUIUtility.hotControl == controlId)
                    Plane raycastablePlane = new Plane(normalV, centrP);
                    float dist             = 0f;
                    Ray   ray = HandleUtility.GUIPointToWorldRay(Event.current.mousePosition);
                    ray.origin    = Handles.matrix.inverse.MultiplyPoint3x4(ray.origin);
                    ray.direction = Handles.matrix.inverse.MultiplyVector(ray.direction);
                    raycastablePlane.Raycast(ray, out dist);
                    Vector3 closestPoint = ray.GetPoint(dist);
                    Vector3 direction    = closestPoint - centrP;
                    newAngle = Vector3.Angle(forward, direction);
                    if (horizontal)
                        if (Vector3.Cross(forward, direction).y < 0)
                            if (prevAngle < 90f)
                                newAngle = -newAngle;
                                newAngle = 360 - Mathf.Abs(newAngle);
                            if (prevAngle < -120f)
                                newAngle = -180 - (180 - newAngle);
                            else if (prevAngle > 330f)
                                newAngle = newAngle + 360f;
                        if (Vector3.Cross(forward, direction).x < 0)
                            if (prevAngle < 90f)
                                newAngle = -newAngle;
                                newAngle = 360 - Mathf.Abs(newAngle);
                            if (prevAngle < -130f)
                                newAngle = -180 - (180 - newAngle);
                    GUI.changed = true;

            case EventType.Layout:
                HandleUtility.AddControl(controlId, HandleUtility.DistanceToCircle(startPos, controlSize));

            case EventType.Repaint:
                Color oldCol = Handles.color;
                if (GUIUtility.hotControl == controlId)
                    Handles.color = Color.yellow;
                if (!horizontal)
                    Vector3 rot2 = rot.eulerAngles;
                    rot2.z += 90f;
                    capF(controlId, startPos, Quaternion.Euler(rot2), controlSize);
                    capF(controlId, startPos, rot, controlSize);
                Handles.color = oldCol;

            case EventType.MouseDown:
                if ((HandleUtility.nearestControl == controlId) && (Event.current.button == 0))
                    GUIUtility.hotControl = controlId;

            case EventType.MouseUp:
                if (GUIUtility.hotControl == controlId)
                    GUIUtility.hotControl = 0;
Exemple #30
        public override void OnSceneGUI(NavGraph target)
            Event e = Event.current;

            var graph = target as GridGraph;

            Matrix4x4 matrixPre = graph.matrix;


            if (e.type == EventType.MouseDown)
                isMouseDown = true;
            else if (e.type == EventType.MouseUp)
                isMouseDown = false;

            if (!isMouseDown)
                savedMatrix = graph.boundsMatrix;

            Handles.matrix = savedMatrix;

            if ((graph is GridGraph && graph.nodes == null) || (graph.uniformWidthDepthGrid && graph.depth * graph.width != graph.nodes.Length) || graph.matrix != matrixPre)
                //Rescan the graphs
                if (AutoScan())
                    GUI.changed = true;

            Matrix4x4 inversed = savedMatrix.inverse;

            Handles.color = AstarColor.BoundsHandles;

            Handles.DrawCapFunction cap = Handles.CylinderCap;

            Vector2 extents = graph.unclampedSize * 0.5F;

            Vector3 center = inversed.MultiplyPoint3x4(graph.center);

            if (Tools.current == Tool.Scale)
                const float HandleScale = 0.1f;


                Vector3 p1 = Handles.Slider(center + new Vector3(extents.x, 0, 0), Vector3.right, HandleScale * HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(center + new Vector3(extents.x, 0, 0)), cap, 0);
                Vector3 p2 = Handles.Slider(center + new Vector3(0, 0, extents.y), Vector3.forward, HandleScale * HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(center + new Vector3(0, 0, extents.y)), cap, 0);

                Vector3 p4 = Handles.Slider(center + new Vector3(-extents.x, 0, 0), -Vector3.right, HandleScale * HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(center + new Vector3(-extents.x, 0, 0)), cap, 0);
                Vector3 p5 = Handles.Slider(center + new Vector3(0, 0, -extents.y), -Vector3.forward, HandleScale * HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(center + new Vector3(0, 0, -extents.y)), cap, 0);

                Vector3 p6 = Handles.Slider(center, Vector3.up, HandleScale * HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(center), cap, 0);

                var r1 = new Vector3(p1.x, p6.y, p2.z);
                var r2 = new Vector3(p4.x, p6.y, p5.z);

                if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                    graph.center = savedMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4((r1 + r2) / 2F);

                    Vector3 tmp = r1 - r2;
                    graph.unclampedSize = new Vector2(tmp.x, tmp.z);
            else if (Tools.current == Tool.Move)
                if (Tools.pivotRotation == PivotRotation.Local)
                    center = Handles.PositionHandle(center, Quaternion.identity);

                    if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() && Tools.viewTool != ViewTool.Orbit)
                        graph.center = savedMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(center);
                    Handles.matrix = Matrix4x4.identity;

                    center = Handles.PositionHandle(graph.center, Quaternion.identity);

                    if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() && Tools.viewTool != ViewTool.Orbit)
                        graph.center = center;
            else if (Tools.current == Tool.Rotate)
                //The rotation handle doesn't seem to be able to handle different matrixes of some reason
                Handles.matrix = Matrix4x4.identity;

                var rot = Handles.RotationHandle(Quaternion.Euler(graph.rotation), graph.center);

                if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() && Tools.viewTool != ViewTool.Orbit)
                    graph.rotation = rot.eulerAngles;

            Handles.matrix = Matrix4x4.identity;
Exemple #31
        internal static Vector3 Do(int id, Vector3 position, Vector3 handleDirection, Vector3 slideDirection, float size, Handles.DrawCapFunction drawFunc, float snap)
            Event current = Event.current;
            switch (current.GetTypeForControl(id))
                case EventType.MouseDown:
                    if ((((HandleUtility.nearestControl == id) && (current.button == 0)) || ((GUIUtility.keyboardControl == id) && (current.button == 2))) && (GUIUtility.hotControl == 0))
                        int num = id;
                        GUIUtility.keyboardControl = num;
                        GUIUtility.hotControl = num;
                        s_CurrentMousePosition = s_StartMousePosition = current.mousePosition;
                        s_StartPosition = position;
                    return position;

                case EventType.MouseUp:
                    if ((GUIUtility.hotControl == id) && ((current.button == 0) || (current.button == 2)))
                        GUIUtility.hotControl = 0;
                    return position;

                case EventType.MouseMove:
                case EventType.KeyDown:
                case EventType.KeyUp:
                case EventType.ScrollWheel:
                    return position;

                case EventType.MouseDrag:
                    if (GUIUtility.hotControl == id)
                        s_CurrentMousePosition += current.delta;
                        float num2 = Handles.SnapValue(HandleUtility.CalcLineTranslation(s_StartMousePosition, s_CurrentMousePosition, s_StartPosition, slideDirection), snap);
                        Vector3 vector = Handles.matrix.MultiplyVector(slideDirection);
                        Vector3 v = Handles.s_Matrix.MultiplyPoint(s_StartPosition) + ((Vector3) (vector * num2));
                        position = Handles.s_InverseMatrix.MultiplyPoint(v);
                        GUI.changed = true;
                    return position;

                case EventType.Repaint:
                    Color white = Color.white;
                    if ((id == GUIUtility.keyboardControl) && GUI.enabled)
                        white = Handles.color;
                        Handles.color = Handles.selectedColor;
                    drawFunc(id, position, Quaternion.LookRotation(handleDirection), size);
                    if (id == GUIUtility.keyboardControl)
                        Handles.color = white;
                    return position;
                case EventType.Layout:
                    if (<>f__mg$cache0 == null)
                        <>f__mg$cache0 = new Handles.DrawCapFunction(Handles.ArrowCap);
Exemple #32
        private static Vector2 CalcDeltaAlongDirections(int id, Vector3 handlePos, Vector3 offset, Vector3 handleDir, Vector3 slideDir1, Vector3 slideDir2, float handleSize, Handles.DrawCapFunction drawFunc, Vector2 snap, bool drawHelper)
            Vector2 vector = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
            Event current = Event.current;
            switch (current.GetTypeForControl(id))
                case EventType.MouseDown:
                    if ((((HandleUtility.nearestControl == id) && (current.button == 0)) || ((GUIUtility.keyboardControl == id) && (current.button == 2))) && (GUIUtility.hotControl == 0))
                        Plane plane = new Plane(Handles.matrix.MultiplyVector(handleDir), Handles.matrix.MultiplyPoint(handlePos));
                        Ray ray = HandleUtility.GUIPointToWorldRay(current.mousePosition);
                        float enter = 0f;
                        plane.Raycast(ray, out enter);
                        int num2 = id;
                        GUIUtility.keyboardControl = num2;
                        GUIUtility.hotControl = num2;
                        s_CurrentMousePosition = current.mousePosition;
                        s_StartPosition = handlePos;
                        Vector3 lhs = Handles.s_InverseMatrix.MultiplyPoint(ray.GetPoint(enter)) - handlePos;
                        s_StartPlaneOffset.x = Vector3.Dot(lhs, slideDir1);
                        s_StartPlaneOffset.y = Vector3.Dot(lhs, slideDir2);
                    return vector;

                case EventType.MouseUp:
                    if ((GUIUtility.hotControl == id) && ((current.button == 0) || (current.button == 2)))
                        GUIUtility.hotControl = 0;
                    return vector;

                case EventType.MouseMove:
                case EventType.KeyDown:
                case EventType.KeyUp:
                case EventType.ScrollWheel:
                    return vector;

                case EventType.MouseDrag:
                    if (GUIUtility.hotControl == id)
                        s_CurrentMousePosition += current.delta;
                        Vector3 a = Handles.matrix.MultiplyPoint(handlePos);
                        Vector3 normalized = Handles.matrix.MultiplyVector(slideDir1).normalized;
                        Vector3 vector7 = Handles.matrix.MultiplyVector(slideDir2).normalized;
                        Ray ray2 = HandleUtility.GUIPointToWorldRay(s_CurrentMousePosition);
                        Plane plane2 = new Plane(a, a + normalized, a + vector7);
                        float num3 = 0f;
                        if (plane2.Raycast(ray2, out num3))
                            Vector3 point = Handles.s_InverseMatrix.MultiplyPoint(ray2.GetPoint(num3));
                            vector.x = HandleUtility.PointOnLineParameter(point, s_StartPosition, slideDir1);
                            vector.y = HandleUtility.PointOnLineParameter(point, s_StartPosition, slideDir2);
                            vector -= s_StartPlaneOffset;
                            if ((snap.x > 0f) || (snap.y > 0f))
                                vector.x = Handles.SnapValue(vector.x, snap.x);
                                vector.y = Handles.SnapValue(vector.y, snap.y);
                            GUI.changed = true;
                    return vector;

                case EventType.Repaint:
                    if (drawFunc != null)
                        Vector3 position = handlePos + offset;
                        Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(handleDir, slideDir1);
                        Color white = Color.white;
                        if (id == GUIUtility.keyboardControl)
                            white = Handles.color;
                            Handles.color = Handles.selectedColor;
                        drawFunc(id, position, rotation, handleSize);
                        if (id == GUIUtility.keyboardControl)
                            Handles.color = white;
                        if (drawHelper && (GUIUtility.hotControl == id))
                            Vector3[] verts = new Vector3[4];
                            float num4 = handleSize * 10f;
                            verts[0] = position + ((Vector3) ((slideDir1 * num4) + (slideDir2 * num4)));
                            verts[1] = verts[0] - ((Vector3) ((slideDir1 * num4) * 2f));
                            verts[2] = verts[1] - ((Vector3) ((slideDir2 * num4) * 2f));
                            verts[3] = verts[2] + ((Vector3) ((slideDir1 * num4) * 2f));
                            Color color = Handles.color;
                            Handles.color = Color.white;
                            float r = 0.6f;
                            Handles.DrawSolidRectangleWithOutline(verts, new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.05f), new Color(r, r, r, 0.4f));
                            Handles.color = color;
                        return vector;
                    return vector;

                case EventType.Layout:
                    if (<>f__mg$cache0 == null)
                        <>f__mg$cache0 = new Handles.DrawCapFunction(Handles.ArrowCap);