Exemple #1
    // Create a new test with the given table style and object count.
    public TestSet(TableStyle ts, int count)
        // Use one random number generator for the life of the test. Could support explicit seeds for
        // reproducible tests here.
        m_rng = new Random();

        // Remember our parameters.
        m_count = count;
        m_style = ts;

        // Various arrays.
        m_nodes     = new Node[count];  // The array of objects
        m_collected = new bool[count];  // Records whether each object has been collected (entries are set by
                                        // the finalizer on Node)
        m_marks = new bool[count];      // Array used during individual test runs to calculate whether each
                                        // object should still be alive (allocated once here to avoid
                                        // injecting further garbage collections at run time)

        // Allocate each object (Node). Each knows its own unique ID (the index into the node array) and has a
        // back pointer to this test object (so it can phone home to report its own collection at finalization
        // time).
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            m_nodes[i] = new Node(this, i);

        // Determine how many handles we need to allocate given the number of nodes. This varies based on the
        // table style.
        switch (ts)
        case TableStyle.Unconnected:
            // Primaries and secondaries are completely different objects so we split our nodes in half and
            // allocate that many handles.
            m_handleCount = count / 2;

        case TableStyle.ForwardLinked:
            // Nodes are primaries in one handle and secondary in another except one that falls off the end.
            // So we have as many handles as nodes - 1.
            m_handleCount = count - 1;

        case TableStyle.BackwardLinked:
            // Nodes are primaries in one handle and secondary in another except one that falls off the end.
            // So we have as many handles as nodes - 1.
            m_handleCount = count - 1;

        case TableStyle.Random:
            // Each node is a primary in some handle (secondaries are selected from amongst all the same nodes
            // randomly). So we have as many nodes as handles.
            m_handleCount = count;

        // Allocate an array of HandleSpecs. These aren't the real handles, just structures that allow us
        // remember what's in each handle (in terms of the node index number for the primary and secondary).
        // We need to track this information separately because we can't access the real handles directly
        // (ConditionalWeakTable hides them) and we need to recall exactly what the primary and secondary of
        // each handle is so we can compute our own notion of object liveness later.
        m_handles = new HandleSpec[m_handleCount];

        // Initialize the handle specs to assign objects to handles based on the table style.
        for (int i = 0; i < m_handleCount; i++)
            int primary = -1, secondary = -1;

            switch (ts)
            case TableStyle.Unconnected:
                // Assign adjacent nodes to the primary and secondary of each handle.
                primary   = i * 2;
                secondary = (i * 2) + 1;

            case TableStyle.ForwardLinked:
                // Primary of each handle is the secondary of the last handle.
                primary   = i;
                secondary = i + 1;

            case TableStyle.BackwardLinked:
                // Primary of each handle is the secondary of the next handle.
                primary   = i + 1;
                secondary = i;

            case TableStyle.Random:
                // Primary is each node in sequence, secondary is any of the nodes randomly.
                primary   = i;
                secondary = m_rng.Next(m_handleCount);

            m_handles[i].Set(primary, secondary);

        // Allocate a ConditionalWeakTable mapping Node keys to Node values.
        m_table = new ConditionalWeakTable <Node, Node>();

        // Using our handle specs computed above add each primary/secondary node pair to the
        // ConditionalWeakTable in turn. This causes the ConditionalWeakTable to allocate a dependent handle
        // for each entry with the primary and secondary objects we specified as keys and values (note that
        // this scheme prevents us from creating multiple handles with the same primary though if this is
        // desired we could achieve it by allocating multiple ConditionalWeakTables).
        for (int i = 0; i < m_handleCount; i++)
            m_table.Add(m_nodes[m_handles[i].m_primary], m_nodes[m_handles[i].m_secondary]);
Exemple #2
    // Create a new test with the given table style and object count.
    public TestSet(TableStyle ts, int count)
        // Use one random number generator for the life of the test. Could support explicit seeds for
        // reproducible tests here.
        m_rng = new Random();

        // Remember our parameters.
        m_count = count;
        m_style = ts;

        // Various arrays.
        m_nodes = new Node[count];      // The array of objects
        m_collected = new bool[count];  // Records whether each object has been collected (entries are set by
                                        // the finalizer on Node)
        m_marks = new bool[count];      // Array used during individual test runs to calculate whether each
                                        // object should still be alive (allocated once here to avoid
                                        // injecting further garbage collections at run time)

        // Allocate each object (Node). Each knows its own unique ID (the index into the node array) and has a
        // back pointer to this test object (so it can phone home to report its own collection at finalization
        // time).
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            m_nodes[i] = new Node(this, i);

        // Determine how many handles we need to allocate given the number of nodes. This varies based on the
        // table style.
        switch (ts)
        case TableStyle.Unconnected:
            // Primaries and secondaries are completely different objects so we split our nodes in half and
            // allocate that many handles.
            m_handleCount = count / 2;

        case TableStyle.ForwardLinked:
            // Nodes are primaries in one handle and secondary in another except one that falls off the end.
            // So we have as many handles as nodes - 1.
            m_handleCount = count - 1;

        case TableStyle.BackwardLinked:
            // Nodes are primaries in one handle and secondary in another except one that falls off the end.
            // So we have as many handles as nodes - 1.
            m_handleCount = count - 1;

        case TableStyle.Random:
            // Each node is a primary in some handle (secondaries are selected from amongst all the same nodes
            // randomly). So we have as many nodes as handles.
            m_handleCount = count;

        // Allocate an array of HandleSpecs. These aren't the real handles, just structures that allow us
        // remember what's in each handle (in terms of the node index number for the primary and secondary).
        // We need to track this information separately because we can't access the real handles directly
        // (ConditionalWeakTable hides them) and we need to recall exactly what the primary and secondary of
        // each handle is so we can compute our own notion of object liveness later.
        m_handles = new HandleSpec[m_handleCount];

        // Initialize the handle specs to assign objects to handles based on the table style.
        for (int i = 0; i < m_handleCount; i++)
            int primary = -1, secondary = -1;

            switch (ts)
            case TableStyle.Unconnected:
                // Assign adjacent nodes to the primary and secondary of each handle.
                primary = i * 2;
                secondary = (i * 2) + 1;

            case TableStyle.ForwardLinked:
                // Primary of each handle is the secondary of the last handle.
                primary = i;
                secondary = i + 1;

            case TableStyle.BackwardLinked:
                // Primary of each handle is the secondary of the next handle.
                primary = i + 1;
                secondary = i;

            case TableStyle.Random:
                // Primary is each node in sequence, secondary is any of the nodes randomly.
                primary = i;
                secondary = m_rng.Next(m_handleCount);

            m_handles[i].Set(primary, secondary);

        // Allocate a ConditionalWeakTable mapping Node keys to Node values.
        m_table = new ConditionalWeakTable<Node, Node>();

        // Using our handle specs computed above add each primary/secondary node pair to the
        // ConditionalWeakTable in turn. This causes the ConditionalWeakTable to allocate a dependent handle
        // for each entry with the primary and secondary objects we specified as keys and values (note that
        // this scheme prevents us from creating multiple handles with the same primary though if this is
        // desired we could achieve it by allocating multiple ConditionalWeakTables).
        for (int i = 0; i < m_handleCount; i++)
            m_table.Add(m_nodes[m_handles[i].m_primary], m_nodes[m_handles[i].m_secondary]);