public override bool Run(string[] args) { Byt3.ADL.Debug.DefaultInitialization(); EmbeddedFileIOManager.Initialize(); OpenFLDebugConfig.Settings.MinSeverity = Verbosity.Level3; ManifestReader.RegisterAssembly(Assembly .GetExecutingAssembly()); //Register this assembly(where the files will be embedded in) ManifestReader.RegisterAssembly(typeof(OpenFLDebugConfig).Assembly); //Register the OpenFL.Common Assembly as it contains the CL kernels ManifestReader.PrepareManifestFiles(false); //First Read Assembly files ManifestReader .PrepareManifestFiles(true); //Replace Any Loaded assembly files with files on the file system. if (IOManager.FileExists("assemblyList.txt")) //Alternative, load assembly list to register from text file. { Logger.Log(DebugChannel.Log, "Loading Assembly List", 1); ManifestReader.LoadAssemblyListFromFile("assemblyList.txt"); } GameEngine engine = new GameEngine(EngineSettings.DefaultSettings); engine.Initialize(); engine.InitializeScene <HoBMenuScene>(); engine.Run(); engine.Dispose(); HandleBase.DisposeAllHandles(); EngineStatisticsManager.DisposeAllHandles(); return(true); }
public override bool Run(string[] args) { ADL.Debug.DefaultInitialization(); EmbeddedFileIOManager.Initialize(); ManifestReader.RegisterAssembly(Assembly .GetExecutingAssembly()); //Register this assembly(where the files will be embedded in) ManifestReader.PrepareManifestFiles(false); //First Read Assembly files ManifestReader .PrepareManifestFiles(true); //Replace Any Loaded assembly files with files on the file system. if (IOManager.FileExists("assemblyList.txt")) //Alternative, load assembly list to register from text file. { Logger.Log(DebugChannel.Log, "Loading Assembly List", 1); ManifestReader.LoadAssemblyListFromFile("assemblyList.txt"); } GameEngine engine = new GameEngine(EngineSettings.DefaultSettings); engine.Initialize(); engine.InitializeScene <PhysicsDemoScene>(); engine.Run(); engine.Dispose(); HandleBase.DisposeAllHandles(); EngineStatisticsManager.DisposeAllHandles(); return(true); }
public static void WriteStatistics(string file) { Stream s = File.Create(file); TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(s); tw.WriteLine("Total Updates:" + TotalUpdates); tw.WriteLine("\tMin Update Time:" + SmallestUpdateTime); tw.WriteLine("\tMax Update Time:" + BiggestUpdateTime); tw.WriteLine("Total Frames:" + TotalFrames); tw.WriteLine("Total Render Time:" + TotalRenderTime); tw.WriteLine("\tMin Render Time:" + SmallestRenderTime); tw.WriteLine("\tMax Render Time:" + BiggestRenderTime); tw.WriteLine("OpenGL Stats:"); tw.WriteLine("Total Objects Created:" + TotalGLObjectsCreated); tw.WriteLine("\tUndisposed Objects: " + objects.Count); for (int i = 0; i < objects.Count; i++) { tw.WriteLine($"\t\tObject {i} : " + objects[i].HandleIdentifier); } tw.Write(HandleBase.WriteStatistics()); tw.Close(); s.Close(); }
private void StartScene(Type t) { ge.Initialize(); ge.InitializeScene(t); ge.Run(); //Clean up our mess EngineStatisticsManager.DisposeAllHandles(); //Dispose GL Handles HandleBase.DisposeAllHandles(); //Dispose CL Handles }
private void Walk_Callback(IntPtr intPtr, IntPtr intPtr2) { if (intPtr == IntPtr.Zero) { return; } HandleBase handleBase = HandleBase.GetObjectFromHandel <HandleBase>(intPtr); if (!handleBase.IsInvalid && !handleBase.IsClosed && handleBase != _asyncHand1 && handleBase != _asyncHand2) { handleBase.Dispose(); } }
public static string GetValue(string val, DataGridColumn dc, string uid) { if (dc.DataType == "date") { DateTime dt; DateTime.TryParse(val, out dt); return(dt.ToShortDateString()); } if (dc.ComboName == "") { dc.ComboName = GlobalShare.DataPointMappings[dc.dpt.Name].ComboName; } if (dc.DataType == "calcexpr") { CalcExpr ce = new CalcExpr(); HandleBase hb = ce.GetHandleClass(dc.Method, dc.CalcExpr); val = hb.Handle(); } if ((dc.DataType == "combo" || dc.DataType == "datacombo") && dc.ComboName != null && dc.ComboName.Trim().Length > 0) { DataChoice dcc = null; if (dc.DataType == "combo") { dcc = GlobalShare.GetGlobalChoice(dc.Owner.frmhandle.strUid, dc.ComboName); } else { DataComboBox dcb = new DataComboBox(dc.ComboName, uid); dcb.TextField = dc.TextField; dcb.ValueField = dc.ValueField; dcb.ComboItemsSplitString = dc.ComboItemsSplitString; List <DataChoiceItem> dcis = dcb.GetDataSource(); dcc = new DataChoice(); dcc.Options.AddRange(dcis.ToArray()); } if (dcc != null) { DataChoiceItem dci = dcc.FindChoiceByValue(val); if (dci != null) { return(dci.Text); } } } return(val); }
/// <summary> /// 向窗口句柄发送点击指令 /// </summary> /// <param name="Hwnd">窗口句柄</param> /// <param name="PXY">坐标</param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool ClickInHandle(HandleBase Hwnd, Point PXY, Point OffsetXY) { try { IntPtr XY = (IntPtr)(PXY.X + (PXY.Y << 16)); PostMessage(Hwnd.Handle, Msg.WM_MOUSEMOVE, IntPtr.Zero, XY); Delay(20 + Random(20, 40)); PostMessage(Hwnd.Handle, Msg.WM_LBUTTONDOWN, IntPtr.Zero, XY); Delay(50 + Random(5, 20)); PostMessage(Hwnd.Handle, Msg.WM_LBUTTONUP, IntPtr.Zero, XY); Delay(20 + Random(20, 40)); PostMessage(Hwnd.Handle, Msg.WM_MOUSEMOVE, IntPtr.Zero, (IntPtr)((1 + OffsetXY.X) + ((1 + OffsetXY.Y) << 16))); return(true); } catch (Exception) { return(false); } }
private void MainThreadWalkCallBack(IntPtr intPtr, IntPtr intPtr2) { if (intPtr == IntPtr.Zero) { return; } HandleBase handleBase = HandleBase.GetObjectFromHandel <HandleBase>(intPtr); try { if (!handleBase.IsInvalid && !handleBase.IsClosed && handleBase != _asyncHand1 && handleBase != _asyncHand2) { handleBase.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception source) { ExceptionDispatchInfo.Capture(source); } }
private void StartScene(Type t) { ge.Initialize(); ge.InitializeScene(t); if (AttachTimeout) { ge.SetDebugComponents(new AbstractComponent[] { new TimeoutComponent(TimeoutTime), }); } ge.Run(); if (!Directory.Exists("./logs")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("./logs"); } EngineStatisticsManager.WriteStatistics("./logs/" + t.Name + ".statistics.log"); EngineStatisticsManager.DisposeAllHandles(); HandleBase.DisposeAllHandles(); }
public static string GetCookieInternal(string url, bool throwIfNoCookie) { uint num = 0u; uint flags = 8192u; if (HandleBase.InternetGetCookieEx(url, null, null, ref num, flags, IntPtr.Zero)) { num += 1u; StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder((int)num); if (HandleBase.InternetGetCookieEx(url, null, stringBuilder, ref num, flags, IntPtr.Zero)) { new WebPermission(NetworkAccess.Connect, url).Demand(); return(stringBuilder.ToString()); } } int lastWin32Error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); if (throwIfNoCookie || lastWin32Error != 259) { throw new Win32Exception(lastWin32Error); } return(null); }
public bool Equals(HandleBase p) { // Equals if p not null and handle is the same return ((object)p != null && rawPtr == p.rawPtr); }
/// <summary> /// 获取句柄窗口图像 /// </summary> /// <returns>窗口图像</returns> public static Bitmap PrtGameWindow(HandleBase hwnd) { return(PrtGameWindow(hwnd.Handle)); }