async Task DefendRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var context = ((HttpApplication)sender).Context;

            HackerSprayer.Result result = await HackerSprayWebDefence.DefendURL(context);

            if (result != HackerSprayer.Result.Allowed)
                context.Response.StatusCode        = (int)HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable;
                context.Response.StatusDescription = Enum.GetName(typeof(HackerSprayer.Result), result);
        public static async Task <HackerSprayer.Result> DefendURL(HttpContext context)
            HackerSprayer.Result result = HackerSprayer.Result.Allowed;

            if (!Initialized)
                lock (lockObject)
                    if (!Initialized)
                        Initialized         = true;
                        HackerSprayer.Store = new RedisDefenceStore(HackerSprayConfig.Settings.Redis,

            // This handles load balancers passing the original client IP
            // through this header.
            // WARNING: If your load balancer is not passing original client IP
            // through this header, then you will be blocking your load balancer,
            // causing a total outage. Also ensure this Header cannot be spoofed.
            // Your load balancer should be configured in a way that it does not accept
            // this header from the request, instead it always sets it itself.
            var originIP = IPAddress.Parse(context.Request.Headers["X-Forward-For"]
                                           ?? context.Request.UserHostAddress).MapToIPv4();

            foreach (var path in HackerSprayConfig.Settings.Paths)
                if ((path.Post && context.Request.HttpMethod == "POST") ||
                    (!path.Post && context.Request.HttpMethod == "GET") &&
                    path.Name == context.Request.Path)
                    if (path.Mode == "perkey")
                        result = await HackerSprayer.DefendAsync(context.Request.Path, originIP,
                                                                 path.Interval, path.MaxAttempts,
                                                                 TimeSpan.MaxValue, long.MaxValue,
                                                                 TimeSpan.MaxValue, long.MaxValue);
                    else if (path.Mode == "perorigin")
                        result = await HackerSprayer.DefendAsync(context.Request.Path, originIP,
                                                                 TimeSpan.MaxValue, long.MaxValue,
                                                                 path.Interval, path.MaxAttempts,
                                                                 TimeSpan.MaxValue, long.MaxValue);
                    else //(path.Mode == "perkeyorigin")
                        result = await HackerSprayer.DefendAsync(context.Request.Path, originIP,
                                                                 TimeSpan.MaxValue, long.MaxValue,
                                                                 TimeSpan.MaxValue, long.MaxValue,
                                                                 path.Interval, path.MaxAttempts);

                    // Blacklist origin. After that, it becomes least expensive to block requests
                    if (result == HackerSprayer.Result.TooManyHitsFromOrigin)
                        await HackerSprayer.BlacklistOriginAsync(originIP, path.Interval);
                    else if (result == HackerSprayer.Result.TooManyHitsOnKey)
                        await HackerSprayer.BlacklistKeyAsync(path.Name, path.Interval);
                    //else if (result == HackerSprayer.Result.TooManyHitsOnKeyFromOrigin)
                    // There is nothing for that, because we neither want to block the key for all ip,
                    // nor do we want to block the ip for all key. It just has to be checked each
                    // and every time. Thus this is the most expensive check.
