public override void DrawSelf(SpriteBatch sb, HackGameBoardElement_Node node, HackNodeGameBoardMedia gameboarddrawing, Vector2 Nodedrawpos, float zoom)
            if (active)
                if (StartPing_Draw)
                    node.AddUIElement(gameboarddrawing.PingTexture, 1.5f, new Vector2(41.0f * zoom, 41.0f * zoom), new Vector2(41.0f * zoom, 41.0f * zoom), new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), new Color(0.0f, 0, 0, 0), 0.2f, 2.0f, 0.0f);
                    StartPing_Draw = false;

                if (StartFlash_Draw)
                    StartFlash_Draw = false;

            Vector2 newdrawpos = new Vector2(Nodedrawpos.X + (HackGameBoard.elementSize * zoom / 2.0f - HackGameBoard.elementSize * zoom * lerp.CurrentScale() / 2.0f), Nodedrawpos.Y);

            sb.Draw(gameboarddrawing.ExitTexture, newdrawpos + lerp.CurrentPosition() * zoom, null, lerp.CurrentColor(), 0, Vector2.Zero, zoom * lerp.CurrentScale(), SpriteEffects.None, 0);
 public override void OnAgentExit(HackGameAgent agent, HackGameBoard board, HackGameBoardElement_Node node)
 public override void OnAgentEnter(HackGameAgent agent, HackGameBoard board, HackGameBoardElement_Node node)
     if (agent is HackGameAgent_Player)
         //YOU DID IT! EXIT!
         active = false;
 public override void UpdateState(GameTime time, HackGameBoard board, HackGameBoardElement_Node node)
        public override void OnAgentEnter(HackGameAgent agent, HackGameBoard board, HackGameBoardElement_Node node)
            if (!fired && agent is HackGameAgent_Player)
                fired = true;
                drawFire = true;

                HackGameAgent_Projectile_Multimissile multi_north = new HackGameAgent_Projectile_Multimissile(board, HackGameAgent.MovementDirection.MovementDirection_North);
                HackGameAgent_Projectile_Multimissile multi_south = new HackGameAgent_Projectile_Multimissile(board, HackGameAgent.MovementDirection.MovementDirection_South);
                HackGameAgent_Projectile_Multimissile multi_east = new HackGameAgent_Projectile_Multimissile(board, HackGameAgent.MovementDirection.MovementDirection_East);
                HackGameAgent_Projectile_Multimissile multi_west = new HackGameAgent_Projectile_Multimissile(board, HackGameAgent.MovementDirection.MovementDirection_West);
        public override void OnAgentEnter(HackGameAgent agent, HackGameBoard board, HackGameBoardElement_Node node)
            if (!fired && agent is HackGameAgent_Player)
                fired = true;
                drawFire = true;

                HackGameAgent_Projectile_Mortar mortar = new HackGameAgent_Projectile_Mortar(board);
        public override void DrawSelf(SpriteBatch sb, HackGameBoardElement_Node node, HackNodeGameBoardMedia gameboarddrawing, Vector2 Nodedrawpos, float zoom)
            if (drawFire == true)
                drawFire = false;
                node.AddUIElement(gameboarddrawing.WeaponPingTexture, 0.75f, new Vector2(41.0f * zoom, 41.0f * zoom), new Vector2(41.0f * zoom, 41.0f * zoom), new Color(1.0f, 0.4f, 0.0f, 0.0f), new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 0.2f, 4.0f, 0.0f);

            if (!fired)
                sb.Draw(gameboarddrawing.Weapon_Multimissile_texture, Nodedrawpos + new Vector2(40.0f * zoom, 40.0f * zoom), null, Color.White, 0, new Vector2(40.0f, 40.0f), pulseEffect.CurrentScale() * zoom, SpriteEffects.None, 0);
        public override void UpdateState(GameTime time, HackGameBoard board, HackGameBoardElement_Node node)
            if (lerp != null && lerp.IsAlive())


            if (!Empty && PlayerHacking != null && PlayerHacking.IsHacking() == true)
                HackTimerRemaining -= (float)time.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds * board.GetSpeedUpFactor();
                float pctTiming = HackTimerMax != 0.0f ? 1.0f - (HackTimerRemaining / HackTimerMax) : 0.0f;
                HackBackgroundTextUpdateTimer -= (float)time.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;
                if (HackBackgroundTextUpdateTimer <= 0)
                    HackBackgroundTextUpdateTimer = HackBackgroundTextUpdateTimerMax;

                    //draw the right number of dots
                    pctTiming = HackTimerMax != 0.0f ? 1.0f - (HackTimerRemaining / HackTimerMax) : 0.0f;
                    int numdots = HackBackgroundMaxDrawDots - (int)((float)HackBackgroundMaxDrawDots * pctTiming);//blah
                    hackbackgroundstringbuilder.Remove(0, hackbackgroundstringbuilder.Length);
                    for(int i = 0; i < numdots; i++)
                        hackbackgroundstringbuilder.Append(board.r.NextDouble() > 0.5f ? '0' : '1');
                    board.AddBackgroundTextStandard(new StringBuilder(hackbackgroundstringbuilder.ToString()), 0); //have to create a copy in order for it to be unique in the list
                if (HackTimerRemaining <= 0.0f)
                    Empty = true;

                    board.AddBackgroundTextAward(new StringBuilder("CRACKER SUCCESSFUL"), 0);
                    board.AddBackgroundTextAward(new StringBuilder("CONTENTS UNENCRYPTED"), 0.25f);
                    board.AddBackgroundTextAward(new StringBuilder("DELETING TRACES"), 0.5f);
 public override void OnAgentEnter(HackGameAgent agent, HackGameBoard board, HackGameBoardElement_Node node)
     if (!fired && agent is HackGameAgent_Player)
         fired = true;
         drawFire = true;
 public override void OnAgentExit(HackGameAgent agent, HackGameBoard board, HackGameBoardElement_Node node)
     if (agent is HackGameAgent_Player)
         PlayerHacking = null;
         //reset timer
         HackTimerRemaining = HackTimerMax;
         HackBackgroundTextUpdateTimer = 0.0f;
 public override void OnAgentStay(HackGameAgent agent, HackGameBoard board, HackGameBoardElement_Node node)
     if (!Empty && agent is HackGameAgent_Player)
         PlayerHacking = (HackGameAgent_Player)agent;
         //our first time in!
         HackBackgroundTextUpdateTimer = HackBackgroundTextUpdateTimerMax;
 public abstract void UpdateState(GameTime time, HackGameBoard board, HackGameBoardElement_Node node);
 public abstract void OnAgentStay(HackGameAgent agent, HackGameBoard board, HackGameBoardElement_Node node);
        public override void DrawSelf(SpriteBatch sb, HackGameBoardElement_Node node, HackNodeGameBoardMedia gameboarddrawing, Vector2 Nodedrawpos, float zoom)
            Color drawColor = Color.White;
            Texture2D tex = null;

            if (Empty)
                drawColor = new Color(.05f, .05f, .05f);

                case HackGameBoardNodeContent_Loot_Color.HackGameBoardNodeContent_Loot_Color_Blue:
                    tex = gameboarddrawing.Loot_Blue_Texture;

                case HackGameBoardNodeContent_Loot_Color.HackGameBoardNodeContent_Loot_Color_Black:
                    tex = gameboarddrawing.Loot_Black_Texture;

                case HackGameBoardNodeContent_Loot_Color.HackGameBoardNodeContent_Loot_Color_Yellow:
                    tex = gameboarddrawing.Loot_Yellow_Texture;

            sb.Draw(tex, Nodedrawpos, null, drawColor, 0, Vector2.Zero, zoom, SpriteEffects.None, 0);

            //draw the 2x/4x
            if (valueMultiplier == 2.0f)
                sb.Draw(gameboarddrawing.Loot_2x_Score_Texture, Nodedrawpos, null, drawColor, 0, Vector2.Zero, zoom * pulseEffect.CurrentScale(), SpriteEffects.None, 0);

            else if (valueMultiplier == 4.0f)
                sb.Draw(gameboarddrawing.Loot_4x_Score_Texture, Nodedrawpos, null, drawColor, 0, Vector2.Zero, zoom * pulseEffect.CurrentScale(), SpriteEffects.None, 0);

            //draw the timing ring
            //0-10% - 0
            //11-35% - 1
            //36-60% - 2
            //61-85% - 3
            //86-100% - 4
            if (!Empty && PlayerHacking != null)
                if (PlayerHacking.IsHacking() == true)
                Texture2D timingTex = null;

                float pctTiming = HackTimerMax != 0.0f ? 1.0f - (HackTimerRemaining / HackTimerMax) : 0.0f;
                    if (pctTiming <= .1f)
                        timingTex = gameboarddrawing.TimingRingEmpty;
                    else if (pctTiming > .1f && pctTiming <= .35f)
                        timingTex = gameboarddrawing.TimingRing1_4;
                    else if (pctTiming > .35f && pctTiming <= .60f)
                        timingTex = gameboarddrawing.TimingRing2_4;
                    else if (pctTiming > .60f && pctTiming <= .85f)
                        timingTex = gameboarddrawing.TimingRing3_4;
                    else if (pctTiming > .85f)
                        timingTex = gameboarddrawing.TimingRingComplete;

                sb.Draw(timingTex, Nodedrawpos, null, Color.White, 0, Vector2.Zero, zoom, SpriteEffects.None, 0);


            //draw the $ amount
            if (!Empty)

                drawOffsetX = (int)(HackGameBoard.elementSize * zoom / 2.0f - (gameboarddrawing.LootAmount_Font.MeasureString(valuestring.outputstring).X) * zoom / 2.0f);

                if (lerp != null && lerp.IsAlive())
                    drawOffsetX = (int)(HackGameBoard.elementSize / 2.0f - (gameboarddrawing.LootAmount_Font.MeasureString(valuestring.outputstring).X * lerp.CurrentScale()) / 2.0f);
                    sb.DrawString(gameboarddrawing.LootAmount_Font, valuestring.outputstring, Nodedrawpos + new Vector2(drawOffsetX, -20.0f * zoom) + lerp.CurrentPosition(), lerp.CurrentColor(), 0, Vector2.Zero, lerp.CurrentScale() * zoom, SpriteEffects.None, 0);

                    sb.DrawString(gameboarddrawing.LootAmount_Font, valuestring.outputstring, Nodedrawpos + new Vector2(drawOffsetX, -20.0f * zoom), Color.White, 0, Vector2.Zero, zoom, SpriteEffects.None, 1);
 public abstract void DrawSelf(SpriteBatch sb, HackGameBoardElement_Node node, HackNodeGameBoardMedia gameboarddrawing, Vector2 Nodedrawpos, float zoom);
        public override void UpdateState(GameTime time, HackGameBoard board, HackGameBoardElement_Node node)
            float floatt = (float)time.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;

            timeToNextPing -= floatt;
            if (timeToNextPing <= 0)
                StartPing_Draw = true;
                timeToNextPing = timePerPing;

            timeToNextFlash -= floatt;
            if (timeToNextFlash <= 0)
                StartFlash_Draw = true;
                timeToNextFlash = timePerFlash;

            if (lerp != null)