Exemple #1
        public void VerifyIntegrity_20MBFile()
            // Arrange
            string       fullPath           = String.Format("{0}{1}", OutputPath, Name_20MBFile);
            const string expected_md5Digest = "9017804333c820e3b4249130fc989e00";


            // Act
            HTTPDownloader.DownloadFile(URL_20MBFile, OutputPath, Name_20MBFile);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(expected_md5Digest, GetMD5DigestHash(fullPath));
Exemple #2
        public void VerifyIntegrity_5MBFile()
            // Arrange
            string       fullPath           = String.Format("{0}{1}", OutputPath, Name_5MBFile);
            const string expected_md5Digest = "b3215c06647bc550406a9c8ccc378756";


            // Act
            HTTPDownloader.DownloadFile(URL_5MBFile, OutputPath, Name_5MBFile);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(expected_md5Digest, GetMD5DigestHash(fullPath));
Exemple #3
        public void VerifyIntegrity_10MBFile()
            // Arrange
            string       fullPath           = String.Format("{0}{1}", OutputPath, Name_10MBFile);
            const string expected_md5Digest = "3aa55f03c298b83cd7708e90d289afbd";


            // Act
            HTTPDownloader.DownloadFile(URL_10MBFile, OutputPath, Name_10MBFile);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(expected_md5Digest, GetMD5DigestHash(fullPath));
Exemple #4
        public void VerifyThrottleFeature_20MBFile_4Mbit()
            // Arrange
            string fullPath = String.Format("{0}{1}", OutputPath, Name_20MBFile);

            long[] expected_timingResult = { 36 * 1000, 46 * 1000 };       // If the program has access to the full speed of your internet connection (in this case 4Mbit/s)
                                                                           // the download should take ~41 seconds.
                                                                           // But in a real world scenario, the connection speed can change second by second,
                                                                           // so in order to claim the test a success, the download should finish between 36 and 46 seconds.
            var stopWatch = new Stopwatch();


            // Act
            HTTPDownloader.DownloadFile(URL_20MBFile, OutputPath, Name_20MBFile, 500000); // The download speed will be limited to 4Mbit/s

            // Assert
            Assert.IsTrue(stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds >= expected_timingResult[0] && stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds <= expected_timingResult[1]);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            /*args = new string[8];
             * args[0] = "-f";
             * args[1] = @"C:\Users\Mutu.A\Desktop\urls.txt"; // URLs list file
             * args[2] = "-o";
             * args[3] = @"C:\Users\Mutu.A\Desktop\test";     // Output directory
             * args[4] = "-n";
             * args[5] = "2";                                 // Number of concurrent threads
             * args[6] = "-l";
             * args[7] = "0";                                 // Speed limit*/

            // Parsing the given arguments
            string URLsFileList = _Debug.GetArgument('f', args);
            string DownloadedFiles_OutputDirectory = _Debug.GetArgument('o', args);
            uint   Maximum_DownloadSpeedBytes      = uint.MaxValue;

            if (!UInt32.TryParse(_Debug.GetArgument('l', args), out Maximum_DownloadSpeedBytes))
                _Debug.WriteFatalError("The '-l' parameter must be an (unsigned) integer (32-bit)");
            if (Maximum_DownloadSpeedBytes < 62500 && Maximum_DownloadSpeedBytes != 0)     // Minimum speed throttling : 0.5Mbit/s
                Maximum_DownloadSpeedBytes = 62500;
            else if (Maximum_DownloadSpeedBytes == 0)     // 0 = no speed limit
                Maximum_DownloadSpeedBytes = uint.MaxValue;

            if (!Byte.TryParse(_Debug.GetArgument('n', args), out HTTPDownloader.Maximum_NumberOfConcurrentThreads))
                _Debug.WriteFatalError("The '-n' parameter must be an (unsigned) integer (8-bit)!");
            if (HTTPDownloader.Maximum_NumberOfConcurrentThreads == 0)
                HTTPDownloader.Maximum_NumberOfConcurrentThreads = 1;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(URLsFileList))
                _Debug.WriteFatalError("You must add the full path where the URLs list file is!");
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(DownloadedFiles_OutputDirectory))
                _Debug.WriteFatalError("You must add the full path where the downloaded files would be saved!");

            Console.WriteLine("\nMaximum download speed: {0:0.0} Mbit/s => {1} bytes/s\n", Maximum_DownloadSpeedBytes / 125000F, Maximum_DownloadSpeedBytes);

            // Parsing the file which contains the URLs list
            // Before starting: We verify the existence of the 'Output Directory'/'URLs List File'
            if (!Directory.Exists(DownloadedFiles_OutputDirectory))
                _Debug.WriteFatalError("The output directory where the downloaded files would be saved doesn't exists!");

            if (File.Exists(URLsFileList))
                // Enumerating the lines in the file
                foreach (string _s in File.ReadAllLines(URLsFileList))
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_s))
                        string url      = _s.Substring(0, _s.IndexOf(' '));  // Gets the URL from the current line
                        string fileName = _s.Substring(_s.IndexOf(' ') + 1); // Gets the local file name from the current line

                        // If the working threads are less than the maximum working threads allowed...
                        if (HTTPDownloader.Current_NumberOfConcurrentThreads < HTTPDownloader.Maximum_NumberOfConcurrentThreads)
                            // We start a new working thread where the file should be downloaded
                            // Passing as parameters the URL, Output Directory, Local File Name and optionally the maximum speed limit
                            Thread downloadFileThread = new Thread(() => HTTPDownloader.DownloadFile(url, DownloadedFiles_OutputDirectory, fileName, Maximum_DownloadSpeedBytes));

                            // We need to keep track of the active working threads to simulate a queue list

                        // Until all threads are busy, we block the foreach loop
                        while (HTTPDownloader.Current_NumberOfConcurrentThreads >= HTTPDownloader.Maximum_NumberOfConcurrentThreads)
                            // Used to avoid overload of the CPU
                _Debug.WriteFatalError("Unable to find the file which contains the URLs list!");

            // Blocking the main thread
            while (true)
                if (HTTPDownloader.Current_NumberOfConcurrentThreads == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("\n\nTime elapsed for the whole work: {0}\n", _Debug._Stopwatch.Elapsed);



            Console.WriteLine("Done! Press any key to exit...");