private async Task SearchUrban(CommandReplyEmbed embedrep, SocketMessage msg, List <string> args) { string search = ""; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(args[0])) { await embedrep.Danger(msg, "Urban", "No entry to look for was given"); } else { int page = 0; if (args.Count > 1) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(args[1])) { if (int.TryParse(args[1].Trim(), out int temp)) { page = temp - 1; } } } search = args[0]; string body = await HTTP.Fetch("" + search, this.Log); Urban.UGlobal global = JSON.Deserialize <Urban.UGlobal>(body, this.Log); if (global == null) { await embedrep.Danger(msg, "Err", "There was no data to use for this!"); } else { if (global.list.Length == 0) { await embedrep.Danger(msg, "Arf!", "Looks like I couldn't find anything!"); } else { if (global.list.Length - 1 >= page && page >= 0) { Urban.UWord wordobj = global.list[page]; bool hasexample = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(wordobj.example); string smalldef = wordobj.definition.Length > 300 ? wordobj.definition.Remove(300) + "..." : wordobj.definition; await embedrep.Good(msg, "Definition #" + (page + 1), "**" + wordobj.permalink + "**\n\n" + smalldef + (!hasexample ? "\n\nExample:\n\n*" + wordobj.example + "*" : "") + "\n\n" + ":thumbsup: x" + wordobj.thumbs_up + "\t :thumbsdown: x" + wordobj.thumbs_down); } else { await embedrep.Danger(msg, "uh", "No result for definition n°" + (page + 1)); } } } } }
private async Task SearchE621(CommandReplyEmbed embedrep, SocketMessage msg, List <string> args) { if (msg.Channel.IsNsfw) { Random rand = new Random(); string body = await HTTP.Fetch("", this.Log); List <E621.EPost> posts = JSON.Deserialize <List <E621.EPost> >(body, this.Log); E621.EPost post; if (posts == null) { await embedrep.Danger(msg, "Err", "There was no data to use sorry!"); } else { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(args[0])) { post = E621.SortingHandler.GetRandom(posts); } else { post = E621.Search.Handle(posts, args); } if (post == null) { await embedrep.Danger(msg, "Nooo", "Seems like I couldn't find anything!"); } else { EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder { Color = new Color(110, 220, 110), ImageUrl = post.sample_url, Title = "E621 - " + msg.Author.Username, Description = post.sample_url + "\n*Width: " + post.sample_width + "\tHeight: " + post.sample_height + "*" }; await embedrep.Send(msg, embed.Build()); } } } else { await embedrep.Danger(msg, "Hum no.", "Haha, did you really believe it would be that easy? :smirk:"); } }
private async Task Alerts(CommandReplyEmbed embedrep, SocketMessage msg, List <string> args) { string body = await HTTP.Fetch("", this.Log); WGlobal global = JSON.Deserialize <WGlobal>(body, this.Log); if (global == null) { await embedrep.Danger(msg, "Err", "Looks like I couldn't access date for that!"); } else { for (int i = 0; i < global.Alerts.Length; i++) { WAlert alert = global.Alerts[i]; WMission minfo = alert.MissionInfo; WReward mreward = minfo.missionReward; DateTime endtime = DateTime.Now.Date.AddTicks(; DateTime offset = new DateTime().AddHours(5); //canada time offset (server hosted in germany) DateTime nowtime = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Subtract(offset).Ticks); string showrewards = ""; if (mreward.items != null) { showrewards = "**Items**: \n"; for (int j = 0; j < mreward.items.Length; j++) { string[] dirs = mreward.items[j].Split("/"); string name = dirs[dirs.Length - 1]; showrewards += "\t\t" + name + "\n"; } } await embedrep.Good(msg, "Warframe Alert #" + (i + 1), "**Level**: " + minfo.minEnemyLevel + " - " + minfo.maxEnemyLevel + "\t**Type**: " + minfo.missionType.Substring(3).ToLower().Replace("_", " ") + "\t**Enemy**: " + minfo.faction.Substring(3).ToLower() + "\n" + "**Credits**: " + mreward.credits + "\t**Time Left**: " + (endtime.Subtract(nowtime).Minutes) + "mins\n" + showrewards ); } } }
public static async Task <string> Ask(SocketChannel chan, string sentence, BotLog log) { if (!_Cookies.TryGetValue(chan, out CookieContainer cookie)) { cookie = new CookieContainer(); _Cookies.Add(chan, cookie); } NameValueCollection values = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(string.Empty); values["name"] = "EBot"; values["question"] = sentence; string parameters = values.ToString(); string html = await HTTP.Fetch(_URL + parameters, log, null, request => { request.CookieContainer = cookie; }); HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument(); doc.LoadHtml(html); HtmlNode SELECT = doc.DocumentNode.Element("html").Element("body").Element("div").Element("select"); foreach (HtmlNode node in SELECT.ChildNodes) { string start = "answer = "; if (node.InnerText.StartsWith(start)) { string answer = node.InnerText.Remove(0, start.Length); Random rand = new Random(); if (rand.Next(0, 100) <= 25) // 1/4 { string end = " " + _SentencesEnd[rand.Next(0, _SentencesEnd.Length - 1)]; answer = answer.Substring(0, answer.Length - 3) + end; } return(answer); } } return(null); }
private async Task ASCII(CommandReplyEmbed embedrep, SocketMessage msg, List <string> args) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(args[0])) { await embedrep.Danger(msg, "Nope", "You didn't provide any word or sentence!"); } else { string body = await HTTP.Fetch("" + args[0], Log); if (body.Length > 2000) { await embedrep.Danger(msg, "ASCII", "The word or sentence you provided is too long!"); } else { await msg.Channel.SendMessageAsync("```\n" + body + "\n```"); } } }