public static bool HasBBJG(string sBBBH, int iBBND, int iBBQH) { bool result = false; Database db = LogicContext.GetDatabase(); try { HSQL hsql = new HSQL(db); hsql.Clear(); hsql.Add(" select 1 from BBSC "); hsql.Add(" where BBSC_BBBH=:BBSC_BBBH "); hsql.Add(" and BBSC_BBND=:BBSC_BBND "); hsql.Add(" and BBSC_BBQH=:BBSC_BBQH "); hsql.ParamByName("BBSC_BBBH").Value = sBBBH; hsql.ParamByName("BBSC_BBND").Value = iBBND; hsql.ParamByName("BBSC_BBQH").Value = iBBQH; DataSet ds = db.OpenDataSet(hsql); bool flag = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0; if (flag) { result = true; } } catch { } return(result); }
public override HSQL BuildRecordSql() { HSQL hsql = base.BuildRecordSql(); hsql.Clear(); hsql.Add("SELECT REPORTSTYLE_STYLEID,REPORTSTYLE_STYLENAME"); hsql.Add(",REPORTSTYLE_ORDER,REPORTSTYLE_DEFAULT,REPORTSTYLE_PUBLIC"); hsql.Add(",REPORTSTYLE_EXECON,REPORTSTYLE_VERSION"); hsql.Add(",CREATERID,CREATER,CREATEDTIME,MODIFIERID,MODIFIER,MODIFIEDTIME"); hsql.Add("FROM REPORTSTYLE"); hsql.Add("WHERE REPORTSTYLE_STYLEID = :REPORTSTYLE_STYLEID"); hsql.Add("AND REPORTSTYLE_ORDER = :REPORTSTYLE_ORDER"); bool flag = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.QueryStyleId); if (flag) { hsql.ParamByName("REPORTSTYLE_STYLEID").Value = this.QueryStyleId; } bool flag2 = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.QueryStyleOrder); if (flag2) { hsql.ParamByName("REPORTSTYLE_ORDER").Value = this.QueryStyleOrder; } return(hsql); }
public static int GetBBMAXQH(string sBBBH, int iBBND) { Database db = LogicContext.GetDatabase(); int result; try { HSQL hsql = new HSQL(db); hsql.Clear(); hsql.Add(" select isnull(max(BBSC_BBQH),0) as MAXBBQH from BBSC "); hsql.Add("WHERE BBSC_BBBH = :BBSC_BBBH"); hsql.Add(" and BBSC_BBND = :BBSC_BBND"); hsql.ParamByName("BBSC_BBBH").Value = sBBBH; hsql.ParamByName("BBSC_BBND").Value = iBBND; DataSet ds = db.OpenDataSet(hsql); bool flag = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0; if (flag) { result = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["MAXBBQH"].ToString()); } else { result = 0; } } catch { result = 0; } return(result); }
public static bool SaveBBSCYS(string sBBBH, int sBBND, int sBBQH, string sReport) { Database db = LogicContext.GetDatabase(); bool result; try { HSQL hsql = new HSQL(db); byte[] bybuf = new byte[0]; bybuf = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(sReport); hsql.Clear(); hsql.Add(" update BBSC "); hsql.Add(" set BBSC_BBNR=:BBSC_BBNR "); hsql.Add("WHERE BBSC_BBBH = :BBSC_BBBH"); hsql.Add(" and BBSC_BBND = :BBSC_BBND"); hsql.Add(" and BBSC_BBQH = :BBSC_BBQH"); hsql.ParamByName("BBSC_BBNR").Value = bybuf; hsql.ParamByName("BBSC_BBBH").Value = sBBBH; hsql.ParamByName("BBSC_BBND").Value = sBBND; hsql.ParamByName("BBSC_BBQH").Value = sBBQH; db.ExecSQL(hsql); result = true; } catch { result = false; } return(result); }
public override HSQL BuildRecordSetSql() { HSQL hsql = base.BuildRecordSetSql(); hsql.Clear(); hsql.Add("SELECT REPORTSTYLE_STYLEID,REPORTSTYLE_STYLENAME"); hsql.Add(",REPORTSTYLE_ORDER,REPORTSTYLE_DEFAULT,REPORTSTYLE_PUBLIC"); hsql.Add(",REPORTSTYLE_EXECON,REPORTSTYLE_VERSION"); hsql.Add(",CREATERID,CREATER,CREATEDTIME,MODIFIERID,MODIFIER,MODIFIEDTIME"); hsql.Add("FROM REPORTSTYLE"); hsql.Add("WHERE 1 = 1"); bool flag = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.QueryStyleId); if (flag) { hsql.Add("AND REPORTSTYLE_STYLEID like '%'||:REPORTSTYLE_STYLEID||'%'"); hsql.ParamByName("REPORTSTYLE_STYLEID").Value = this.QueryStyleId; } bool flag2 = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.QueryStyleName); if (flag2) { hsql.Add("AND REPORTSTYLE_STYLENAME like '%'||:REPORTSTYLE_STYLENAME||'%' "); hsql.ParamByName("REPORTSTYLE_STYLENAME").Value = this.QueryStyleName; } hsql.Add("ORDER BY REPORTSTYLE_DEFAULT DESC,REPORTSTYLE_ORDER ASC"); return(hsql); }
private string GetReportStyle(string styleId, string styleOrder) { Database db = LogicContext.GetDatabase(); string result; try { HSQL hsql = new HSQL(db); hsql.Clear(); hsql.Add("SELECT REPORTSTYLE_STYLE FROM REPORTSTYLE"); hsql.Add("WHERE REPORTSTYLE_STYLEID = :REPORTSTYLE_STYLEID"); hsql.Add("AND REPORTSTYLE_ORDER = :REPORTSTYLE_ORDER"); hsql.ParamByName("REPORTSTYLE_STYLEID").Value = styleId; hsql.ParamByName("REPORTSTYLE_ORDER").Value = styleOrder; DataSet ds = db.OpenDataSet(hsql); bool flag = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["REPORTSTYLE_STYLE"].ToString() != ""; if (flag) { byte[] bybuf = new byte[0]; bybuf = (byte[])ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["REPORTSTYLE_STYLE"]; result = Encoding.Default.GetString(bybuf, 0, bybuf.Length); } else { result = ""; } } catch { result = ""; } return(result); }
private bool SaveReportStyle(string styleId, string styleOrder, string reportStyle) { Database db = LogicContext.GetDatabase(); bool result; try { byte[] bybuf = new byte[0]; bybuf = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(reportStyle); HSQL hsql = new HSQL(db); hsql.Clear(); hsql.Add("UPDATE REPORTSTYLE SET"); hsql.Add(" REPORTSTYLE_STYLE = :REPORTSTYLE_STYLE "); hsql.Add("WHERE REPORTSTYLE_STYLEID = :REPORTSTYLE_STYLEID"); hsql.Add("AND REPORTSTYLE_ORDER = :REPORTSTYLE_ORDER"); hsql.ParamByName("REPORTSTYLE_STYLE").Value = bybuf; hsql.ParamByName("REPORTSTYLE_STYLEID").Value = styleId; hsql.ParamByName("REPORTSTYLE_ORDER").Value = styleOrder; db.ExecSQL(hsql); result = true; } catch { result = false; } return(result); }
public static bool UpdatePsw(string userId, string psw, string newPsw, string confirmNewPsw) { bool flag = string.IsNullOrEmpty(userId); if (flag) { throw new Exception("用户名或密码错误!"); } bool flag2 = newPsw != confirmNewPsw; if (flag2) { throw new Exception("两次输入的密码不匹配!"); } User user = UserUtils.GetUser(userId); bool flag3 = user == null; if (flag3) { throw new Exception("用户名或密码错误!"); } bool disabled = user.Disabled; if (disabled) { throw new Exception("当前用户名已被停用!"); } SystemInfo systemInfo = SystemInfoUtils.GetSystemInfo(); bool flag4 = systemInfo != null && systemInfo.PswLength > 0 && systemInfo.PswLength > newPsw.Length; if (flag4) { throw new Exception(string.Format("密码长度小于系统指定最短长度({0})!", systemInfo.PswLength)); } bool flag5 = user.Password != PasswordSec.Encode(userId, psw); if (flag5) { throw new Exception("用户名或密码错误!"); } Database database = LogicContext.GetDatabase(); HSQL sql = new HSQL(database); sql.Clear(); sql.Add("UPDATE USERS SET"); sql.Add("USERS_PASSWORD = :USERS_PASSWORD"); sql.Add("WHERE USERS_USERID = :USERS_USERID"); sql.ParamByName("USERS_PASSWORD").Value = PasswordSec.Encode(userId, newPsw); sql.ParamByName("USERS_USERID").Value = userId; bool flag6 = database.ExecSQL(sql) != 1; if (flag6) { throw new Exception(string.Format("用户({0})密码修改失败!", userId)); } CacheEvent.TableIsUpdated("USERS"); return(true); }
public static void ClearTmpTbl(string sTable, int iTmpID) { Database database = LogicContext.GetDatabase(); HSQL hsql = new HSQL(database); hsql.Clear(); hsql.Add("delete from " + sTable); hsql.Add(" where " + sTable.Trim() + "_ID=:pID "); hsql.Add(" or " + sTable.Trim() + "_VMTIME<=:pVMTIME "); hsql.ParamByName("pID").Value = iTmpID; hsql.ParamByName("pVMTIME").Value = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-3.0); database.ExecSQL(hsql); }
internal static bool UpdateAuthLastRequest(string sessionId, DateTime lastRequest) { Database database = LogicContext.GetDatabase(); HSQL sql = new HSQL(database); sql.Raw = true; sql.Clear(); sql.Add("update AUTH set"); sql.Add(" AUTH_LASTREQUEST = :AUTH_LASTREQUEST"); sql.Add(" where AUTH_SESSIONID=:AUTH_SESSIONID"); sql.ParamByName("AUTH_SESSIONID").Value = sessionId; sql.ParamByName("AUTH_LASTREQUEST").Value = lastRequest; return(database.ExecSQL(sql) == 1); }
private bool UpdateNextTime(int jobId, DateTime execTime, DateTime nextExecTime) { Database database = LogicContext.GetDatabase(); HSQL sql = new HSQL(database); sql.Add(" update JOB set JOB_NEXTEXECTIME = :NEXTEXECTIME "); sql.Add(" where JOB_JOBID = :JOB_JOBID "); sql.Add(" and (JOB_NEXTEXECTIME IS NULL or JOB_NEXTEXECTIME = :EXECTIME)"); sql.ParamByName("JOB_JOBID").Value = jobId; sql.ParamByName("NEXTEXECTIME").Value = nextExecTime; sql.ParamByName("EXECTIME").Value = execTime; sql.ParamByName("EXECTIME").ParamterType = TimDbType.DateTime; return(database.ExecSQL(sql) > 0); }
internal static bool UpdateAuthLastRefresh(string sessionId) { Database database = LogicContext.GetDatabase(); HSQL sql = new HSQL(database); sql.Raw = true; sql.Clear(); sql.Add("update AUTH set"); sql.Add(" AUTH_LASTREFRESH = :AUTH_LASTREFRESH"); sql.Add(" where AUTH_SESSIONID=:AUTH_SESSIONID"); sql.ParamByName("AUTH_SESSIONID").Value = sessionId; sql.ParamByName("AUTH_LASTREFRESH").Value = AppRuntime.ServerDateTime; return(database.ExecSQL(sql) == 1); }
private static bool UpdateUltSessionIdLastRefreshTime() { Database database = LogicContext.GetDatabase(); HSQL sql = new HSQL(database); sql.Clear(); sql.Raw = true; sql.Add("update AUTH set"); bool flag = database.Driver == DbProviderType.MSSQL; if (flag) { sql.Add(" AUTH_LASTREFRESH = getdate()"); } else { bool flag2 = database.Driver == DbProviderType.ORACLE; if (flag2) { sql.Add(" AUTH_LASTREFRESH = sysdate"); } } sql.Add(" where AUTH_SESSIONID=:AUTH_SESSIONID"); sql.ParamByName("AUTH_SESSIONID").Value = "876978727978717673657871"; return(database.ExecSQL(sql) == 1); }
private static bool InsertUltSessionId() { Database database = LogicContext.GetDatabase(); HSQL sql = new HSQL(database); sql.Raw = true; sql.Clear(); sql.Add("insert into AUTH(AUTH_SESSIONID,AUTH_LASTREFRESH)"); bool flag = database.Driver == DbProviderType.MSSQL; if (flag) { sql.Add("values(:AUTH_SESSIONID, getdate())"); } else { bool flag2 = database.Driver == DbProviderType.ORACLE; if (flag2) { sql.Add("values(:AUTH_SESSIONID, sysdate)"); } } sql.ParamByName("AUTH_SESSIONID").Value = "876978727978717673657871"; int num = 0; try { num = database.ExecSQL(sql); } catch { } return(num == 1); }
public static string GetBBDYYS(string sYSBH) { Database db = LogicContext.GetDatabase(); string result; try { HSQL hsql = new HSQL(db); hsql.Clear(); hsql.Add(" select BBSZ_BBYS from BBSZ "); hsql.Add("WHERE BBSZ_BH = :BBSZ_BH"); hsql.ParamByName("BBSZ_BH").Value = sYSBH; DataSet ds = db.OpenDataSet(hsql); bool flag = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["BBSZ_BBYS"].ToString() != ""; if (flag) { byte[] bybuf = new byte[0]; bybuf = (byte[])ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["BBSZ_BBYS"]; string sBBYS = Encoding.Default.GetString(bybuf, 0, bybuf.Length); result = sBBYS; } else { result = ""; } } catch { result = ""; } return(result); }
protected void btnDefault_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Database db = LogicContext.GetDatabase(); HSQL hsql = new HSQL(db); hsql.Clear(); hsql.Add("UPDATE REPORTSTYLE SET REPORTSTYLE_DEFAULT = 'N' WHERE REPORTSTYLE_STYLEID = :REPORTSTYLE_STYLEID"); hsql.ParamByName("REPORTSTYLE_STYLEID").Value = this.gvMaster.DataKeys[this.gvMaster.SelectedIndex]["REPORTSTYLE_STYLEID"].ToString().Trim(); db.ExecSQL(hsql); hsql.Clear(); hsql.Add("UPDATE REPORTSTYLE SET REPORTSTYLE_DEFAULT = 'Y' WHERE REPORTSTYLE_STYLEID = :REPORTSTYLE_STYLEID AND REPORTSTYLE_ORDER = :REPORTSTYLE_ORDER"); hsql.ParamByName("REPORTSTYLE_STYLEID").Value = this.gvMaster.DataKeys[this.gvMaster.SelectedIndex]["REPORTSTYLE_STYLEID"].ToString().Trim(); hsql.ParamByName("REPORTSTYLE_ORDER").Value = this.gvMaster.DataKeys[this.gvMaster.SelectedIndex]["REPORTSTYLE_ORDER"].ToString().Trim(); db.ExecSQL(hsql); base.CurMaster_OnQuery(null, null); }
public static int GetFirstDayIntWeek(int iBBND) { int iWeek = 1; Database db = LogicContext.GetDatabase(); try { HSQL hsql = new HSQL(db); hsql.Clear(); hsql.Add(" select BBZDY_ZKS from BBZDY "); hsql.Add(" where BBZDY_ND=:BBZDY_ND "); hsql.ParamByName("BBZDY_ND").Value = iBBND; DataSet ds = db.OpenDataSet(hsql); bool flag = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0; if (flag) { iWeek = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["BBZDY_ZKS"].ToString()); } else { iWeek = 1; } } catch { } return(iWeek); }
internal static void LogicSessionUpdateFromAuthSessionTask() { bool flag = !AuthUtils.IsCheckAuthSession(); if (!flag) { DateTime dateTime = AppRuntime.ServerDateTime.AddMinutes(-480.0); Database database = LogicContext.GetDatabase(); HSQL sql = new HSQL(database); sql.Clear(); sql.Raw = true; sql.Add("select AUTH_SESSIONID,AUTH_USERID,AUTH_LASTREFRESH,AUTH_LASTREQUEST"); sql.Add("from AUTH"); sql.Add("where AUTH_SESSIONID <> :AUTH_SESSIONID"); sql.ParamByName("AUTH_SESSIONID").Value = "876978727978717673657871"; DataSet dataSet = database.OpenDataSet(sql); for (int index = 0; index < dataSet.Tables[0].Rows.Count; index++) { string sessionId = dataSet.Tables[0].Rows[index]["AUTH_SESSIONID"].ToString().Trim(); dataSet.Tables[0].Rows[index]["AUTH_USERID"].ToString().Trim(); bool flag2 = dataSet.Tables[0].Rows[index]["AUTH_LASTREQUEST"].ToString().ToDateTime() < dateTime; if (flag2) { AuthUtils.DeleteAuth(sessionId); } else { AuthUtils.UpdateAuthLastRefresh(sessionId); } Thread.Sleep(100); } } }
public static int UpdateUCache(string tableName) { Database database = LogicContext.GetDatabase(); HSQL sql = new HSQL(database); sql.Clear(); sql.Add("update UCACHE set"); bool flag = database.Driver == DbProviderType.MSSQL; if (flag) { sql.Add("UCACHE_UPDTIME = getdate()"); } else { bool flag2 = database.Driver == DbProviderType.ORACLE; if (flag2) { sql.Add("UCACHE_UPDTIME = sysdate"); } } sql.Add("where UCACHE_TABLENAME = :UCACHE_TABLENAME"); sql.ParamByName("UCACHE_TABLENAME").Value = tableName; return(database.ExecSQL(sql)); }
public static int GetBBWeeks(DateTime dRQ) { int iWeeks = dRQ.DayOfYear / 7 + 1; Database db = LogicContext.GetDatabase(); try { HSQL hsql = new HSQL(db); hsql.Clear(); hsql.Add(" select BBZDY_FIRRQ from BBZDY "); hsql.Add(" where BBZDY_FIRRQ<=:pRQ "); hsql.Add(" and BBZDY_LASRQ>=:pRQ "); hsql.ParamByName("pRQ").Value = dRQ; DataSet ds = db.OpenDataSet(hsql); bool flag = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0; if (flag) { iWeeks = (dRQ.DayOfYear - Convert.ToDateTime(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["BBZDY_FIRRQ"].ToString()).DayOfYear) / 7 + 1; } } catch { } return(iWeeks); }
public static void SendTodo(int smsOutId, string smsFormatUsers, string content) { bool flag = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(smsFormatUsers) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(content); if (!flag) { Database database = LogicContext.GetDatabase(); Dictionary <string, User> dictionary = smsFormatUsers.ToSmsUsers(); try { HSQL sql = new HSQL(database); sql.Clear(); database.BeginTrans(); sql.Add("INSERT INTO SMSTODO(SMSTODO_SMSOUTINID,SMSTODO_MOBILE,SMSTODO_USERID,SMSTODO_USERNAME,SMSTODO_CONTENT,SMSTODO_RETRIES,SMSTODO_INPROC)"); sql.Add("VALUES(:SMSTODO_SMSOUTINID,:SMSTODO_MOBILE,:SMSTODO_USERID,:SMSTODO_USERNAME,:SMSTODO_CONTENT,:SMSTODO_RETRIES,:SMSTODO_INPROC)"); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, User> keyValuePair in dictionary) { sql.ParamByName("SMSTODO_SMSOUTINID").Value = smsOutId; sql.ParamByName("SMSTODO_MOBILE").Value = keyValuePair.Key; sql.ParamByName("SMSTODO_USERID").Value = keyValuePair.Value.UserId; sql.ParamByName("SMSTODO_USERNAME").Value = keyValuePair.Value.UserName; sql.ParamByName("SMSTODO_CONTENT").Value = content; sql.ParamByName("SMSTODO_RETRIES").Value = 0; sql.ParamByName("SMSTODO_INPROC").Value = "N"; database.ExecSQL(sql); } database.CommitTrans(); } catch (Exception ex) { database.RollbackTrans(); throw ex; } } }
internal static bool DeleteAuth(string sessionId) { Database database = LogicContext.GetDatabase(); HSQL sql = new HSQL(database); sql.Add("delete from AUTH "); sql.Add("where AUTH_SESSIONID=:AUTH_SESSIONID"); sql.ParamByName("AUTH_SESSIONID").Value = sessionId; return(database.ExecSQL(sql) == 1); }
internal static void InsertDfsFile(string fsId, double fileId, string fileName, string exName, long fileSize) { Database db = LogicContext.GetDatabase(); HSQL hsql = new HSQL(db); hsql.Add("INSERT INTO DFSFILE(DFSFILE_FSID,DFSFILE_FILEID,DFSFILE_FILENAME,DFSFILE_EXTNAME,DFSFILE_FILESIZE)"); hsql.Add("VALUES(:DFSFILE_FSID,:DFSFILE_FILEID,:DFSFILE_FILENAME,:DFSFILE_EXTNAME,:DFSFILE_FILESIZE)"); hsql.ParamByName("DFSFILE_FSID").Value = fsId; hsql.ParamByName("DFSFILE_FILEID").Value = fileId; hsql.ParamByName("DFSFILE_FILENAME").Value = fileName; hsql.ParamByName("DFSFILE_EXTNAME").Value = exName; hsql.ParamByName("DFSFILE_FILESIZE").Value = fileSize; int affectedRows = db.ExecSQL(hsql); bool flag = affectedRows < 1; if (flag) { throw new Exception("文件服务器异常!"); } }
public static bool ResetPsw(string userId, string resetPsw) { Database database = LogicContext.GetDatabase(); HSQL sql = new HSQL(database); sql.Clear(); sql.Add("UPDATE USERS SET"); sql.Add("USERS_PASSWORD = :USERS_PASSWORD"); sql.Add("WHERE USERS_USERID = :USERS_USERID"); sql.ParamByName("USERS_PASSWORD").Value = PasswordSec.Encode(userId, resetPsw); sql.ParamByName("USERS_USERID").Value = userId; bool flag = database.ExecSQL(sql) != 1; if (flag) { throw new Exception(string.Format("用户({0})密码修改失败!", userId)); } CacheEvent.TableIsUpdated("USERS"); return(true); }
public static int GenUtoId(string name) { int num = -1; Database database = LogicContext.GetDatabase(); int result; try { HSQL sql = new HSQL(database); sql.Clear(); sql.Add("SELECT UTOID_VALUE FROM UTOID WHERE UTOID_NAME = :UTOID_NAME"); sql.ParamByName("UTOID_NAME").Value = name; DataSet dataSet = database.OpenDataSet(sql); bool flag = dataSet.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0; if (flag) { try { sql.Clear(); sql.Add("INSERT INTO UTOID(UTOID_NAME, UTOID_VALUE) values(:UTOID_NAME,0)"); sql.ParamByName("UTOID_NAME").Value = name; database.ExecSQL(sql); num = 0; } catch { } } else { num = Convert.ToInt32(dataSet.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UTOID_VALUE"].ToString().Trim()); } sql.Clear(); sql.Add("UPDATE UTOID SET UTOID_VALUE = UTOID_VALUE + 1 WHERE UTOID_NAME = :UTOID_NAME and UTOID_VALUE = :UTOID_VALUE"); sql.ParamByName("UTOID_NAME").Value = name; sql.ParamByName("UTOID_VALUE").Value = num; while (database.ExecSQL(sql) < 1) { num++; sql.Clear(); sql.Add("UPDATE UTOID SET UTOID_VALUE = UTOID_VALUE + 1 WHERE UTOID_NAME = :UTOID_NAME and UTOID_VALUE = :UTOID_VALUE"); sql.ParamByName("UTOID_NAME").Value = name; sql.ParamByName("UTOID_VALUE").Value = num; } result = num + 1; } catch (Exception ex_161) { throw new Exception("获取最大号失败!"); } return(result); }
private void SetSqlParams(HSQL hsql) { foreach (string paramName in hsql.ParamList) { bool flag = this.RecordSet.Columns.Contains(paramName); if (flag) { bool beDoc = this.Entity.BeDoc; if (beDoc) { bool flag2 = paramName == this.Entity.Table + "_FGID"; if (flag2) { hsql.ParamByName(paramName).Value = this.FileGroupId; continue; } bool flag3 = paramName == this.Entity.Table + "_FILES"; if (flag3) { hsql.ParamByName(paramName).Value = this.GroupFiles; continue; } } bool flag4 = this.Fields.ContainsKey(paramName) && this.Fields[paramName].DbType == TimDbType.DateTime && string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.RecordSet.Rows[this.ActivedIndex][paramName].ToString().Trim()); if (flag4) { hsql.ParamByName(paramName).Value = null; } else { hsql.ParamByName(paramName).Value = this.RecordSet.Rows[this.ActivedIndex][paramName].ToString(); } } else { bool flag5 = paramName == this.Entity.Table + "_WFID"; if (flag5) { hsql.ParamByName(paramName).Value = this.WorkflowId; } else { bool flag6 = paramName == this.Entity.Table + "_WFRUNID"; if (flag6) { hsql.ParamByName(paramName).Value = this.WorkflowRunId; } } } } }
private static bool GetUltIdLastRefreshTimeAndDbTime(out DateTime lastRefreshTime, out DateTime dbTime) { Database database = LogicContext.GetDatabase(); HSQL sql = new HSQL(database); sql.Clear(); sql.Raw = true; bool flag2 = database.Driver == DbProviderType.MSSQL; if (flag2) { sql.Add("select AUTH_LASTREFRESH,getdate() as DBTIME"); } else { bool flag3 = database.Driver == DbProviderType.ORACLE; if (flag3) { sql.Add("select AUTH_LASTREFRESH,sysdate as DBTIME"); } } sql.Add("from AUTH"); sql.Add("where AUTH_SESSIONID = :AUTH_SESSIONID"); sql.ParamByName("AUTH_SESSIONID").Value = "876978727978717673657871"; DataTable dataTable = database.OpenDataSet(sql).Tables[0]; bool flag4 = dataTable.Rows.Count == 1; bool flag; if (flag4) { DataRow dataRow = dataTable.Rows[0]; flag = true; lastRefreshTime = dataRow["AUTH_LASTREFRESH"].ToString().ToDateTime(); dbTime = dataRow["DBTIME"].ToString().ToDateTime(); } else { flag = false; lastRefreshTime = AppRuntime.UltDateTime; dbTime = AppRuntime.UltDateTime; } return(flag); }
public static string GetBBLX(string sBBBH) { string R_BBLX = ""; Database db = LogicContext.GetDatabase(); try { HSQL hsql = new HSQL(db); hsql.Clear(); hsql.Add(" select BBSZ_BBLX from BBSZ "); hsql.Add(" where BBSZ_BH=:BBSZ_BH "); hsql.ParamByName("BBSZ_BH").Value = sBBBH; DataSet ds = db.OpenDataSet(hsql); bool flag = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0; if (flag) { R_BBLX = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["BBSZ_BBLX"].ToString().Trim(); } } catch { } return(R_BBLX); }
public static int InsertUCache(string tableName) { Database database = LogicContext.GetDatabase(); HSQL sql = new HSQL(database); sql.Clear(); sql.Add("insert into UCACHE(UCACHE_TABLENAME, UCACHE_UPDTIME)"); bool flag = database.Driver == DbProviderType.MSSQL; if (flag) { sql.Add("values(:UCACHE_TABLENAME,getdate())"); } else { bool flag2 = database.Driver == DbProviderType.ORACLE; if (flag2) { sql.Add("values(:UCACHE_TABLENAME,sysdate)"); } } sql.ParamByName("UCACHE_TABLENAME").Value = tableName; return(database.ExecSQL(sql)); }
internal static Auth SelectAuth(string sessionId) { Database database = LogicContext.GetDatabase(); HSQL sql = new HSQL(database); sql.Add("select AUTH_SESSIONID,AUTH_USERID,USERS_USERNAME,AUTH_LOGINTIME,AUTH_LOGINTYPE,AUTH_CLIENTIP,AUTH_CLIENTNAME,AUTH_DBID"); sql.Add(",AUTH_LASTREFRESH,AUTH_LASTREQUEST,AUTH_UPDATETIME,AUTH_EXINFO"); sql.Add("from AUTH,USERS"); sql.Add("where AUTH_SESSIONID=:AUTH_SESSIONID AND AUTH_USERID = USERS_USERID"); sql.ParamByName("AUTH_SESSIONID").Value = sessionId; DataTable dataTable = database.OpenDataSet(sql).Tables[0]; bool flag = dataTable.Rows.Count > 0; Auth result; if (flag) { result = AuthUtils.GetObject(dataTable.Rows[0]); } else { result = null; } return(result); }