public void OperateSetUnionFlags() { int index_bits = 6; int low_n_bits = 4; int high_n_bits = 8; string otherName = binName + "o"; // Keep record around win binName is removed. List <Value.HLLValue> hlls = new List <Value.HLLValue>(); Record record = AssertSuccess("other bin", key, Operation.Delete(), HLLOperation.Add(HLLPolicy.Default, otherName, entries, index_bits), Operation.Get(otherName) ); IList result_list = record.GetList(otherName); Value.HLLValue hll = (Value.HLLValue)result_list[1]; hlls.Add(hll); // create_only HLLPolicy c = new HLLPolicy(HLLWriteFlags.CREATE_ONLY); AssertSuccess("create_only", key, HLLOperation.SetUnion(c, binName, hlls)); AssertThrows("create_only - error", key, typeof(AerospikeException), ResultCode.BIN_EXISTS_ERROR, HLLOperation.SetUnion(c, binName, hlls)); // update_only HLLPolicy u = new HLLPolicy(HLLWriteFlags.UPDATE_ONLY); AssertSuccess("update_only", key, HLLOperation.SetUnion(u, binName, hlls)); AssertSuccess("remove bin", key, Operation.Put(Bin.AsNull(binName))); AssertThrows("update_only - error", key, typeof(AerospikeException), ResultCode.BIN_NOT_FOUND, HLLOperation.SetUnion(u, binName, hlls)); // create_only no_fail HLLPolicy cn = new HLLPolicy(HLLWriteFlags.CREATE_ONLY | HLLWriteFlags.NO_FAIL); AssertSuccess("create_only nofail", key, HLLOperation.SetUnion(cn, binName, hlls)); AssertSuccess("create_only nofail - no error", key, HLLOperation.SetUnion(cn, binName, hlls)); // update_only no_fail HLLPolicy un = new HLLPolicy(HLLWriteFlags.UPDATE_ONLY | HLLWriteFlags.NO_FAIL); AssertSuccess("update_only nofail", key, HLLOperation.SetUnion(un, binName, hlls)); AssertSuccess("remove bin", key, Operation.Put(Bin.AsNull(binName))); AssertSuccess("update_only nofail - no error", key, HLLOperation.SetUnion(un, binName, hlls)); // fold HLLPolicy f = new HLLPolicy(HLLWriteFlags.ALLOW_FOLD); // fold down AssertSuccess("size up", key, HLLOperation.Init(HLLPolicy.Default, binName, high_n_bits)); AssertSuccess("fold down to index_bits", key, HLLOperation.SetUnion(f, binName, hlls)); // fold up AssertSuccess("size down", key, HLLOperation.Init(HLLPolicy.Default, binName, low_n_bits)); AssertSuccess("fold down to low_n_bits", key, HLLOperation.SetUnion(f, binName, hlls)); }
public void AssertSimilarityOp(double overlap, IList common, IList <IList> vals, int index_bits, int minhash_bits) { IList <Value.HLLValue> hlls = new List <Value.HLLValue>(); for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++) { Record record = AssertSuccess("init other keys", keys[i], Operation.Delete(), HLLOperation.Add(HLLPolicy.Default, binName, vals[i], index_bits, minhash_bits), HLLOperation.Add(HLLPolicy.Default, binName, common, index_bits, minhash_bits), Operation.Get(binName) ); IList result_list = record.GetList(binName); hlls.Add((Value.HLLValue)result_list[2]); } // Keep record around win binName is removed. Record r = AssertSuccess("other bin", key, Operation.Delete(), HLLOperation.Init(HLLPolicy.Default, binName + "other", index_bits, minhash_bits), HLLOperation.SetUnion(HLLPolicy.Default, binName, hlls), HLLOperation.Describe(binName) ); IList rlist = r.GetList(binName); IList description = (IList)rlist[1]; AssertDescription("check desc", description, index_bits, minhash_bits); r = AssertSuccess("similarity and intersect_count", key, HLLOperation.GetSimilarity(binName, hlls), HLLOperation.GetIntersectCount(binName, hlls) ); rlist = r.GetList(binName); double sim = (double)rlist[0]; long intersect_count = (long)rlist[1]; double expected_similarity = overlap; long expected_intersect_count = common.Count; AssertHMHSimilarity("check sim", index_bits, minhash_bits, sim, expected_similarity, intersect_count, expected_intersect_count); }
public void AssertSetUnion(IList <IList> vals, int index_bits, bool folding, bool allow_folding) { string msg = "Fail - index_bits " + index_bits; HLLPolicy p = HLLPolicy.Default; HLLPolicy u = HLLPolicy.Default; if (allow_folding) { u = new HLLPolicy(HLLWriteFlags.ALLOW_FOLD); } long union_expected = 0; bool folded = false; for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++) { int ix = index_bits; if (folding) { ix -= i; if (ix < minIndexBits) { ix = minIndexBits; } if (ix < index_bits) { folded = true; } } IList sub_vals = vals[i]; union_expected += sub_vals.Count; Record record = AssertSuccess(msg, keys[i], Operation.Delete(), HLLOperation.Add(p, binName, sub_vals, ix), HLLOperation.GetCount(binName)); IList result_list = record.GetList(binName); long count = (long)result_list[1]; AssertHLLCount(msg, ix, count, sub_vals.Count); } List <Value.HLLValue> hlls = new List <Value.HLLValue>(); for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++) { Record record = AssertSuccess(msg, keys[i], Operation.Get(binName), HLLOperation.GetCount(binName)); IList result_list = record.GetList(binName); Value.HLLValue hll = (Value.HLLValue)result_list[0]; Assert.AreNotEqual(null, hll); hlls.Add(hll); } Operation[] ops = new Operation[] { Operation.Delete(), HLLOperation.Init(p, binName, index_bits), HLLOperation.SetUnion(u, binName, hlls), HLLOperation.GetCount(binName), Operation.Delete(), HLLOperation.SetUnion(p, binName, hlls), HLLOperation.GetCount(binName) }; if (folded && !allow_folding) { AssertThrows(msg, key, typeof(AerospikeException), ResultCode.OP_NOT_APPLICABLE, ops); return; } Record record_union = AssertSuccess(msg, key, ops); IList union_result_list = record_union.GetList(binName); long union_count = (long)union_result_list[2]; long union_count2 = (long)union_result_list[4]; AssertHLLCount(msg, index_bits, union_count, union_expected); Assert.AreEqual(union_count, union_count2, msg); for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++) { IList sub_vals = vals[i]; Record record = AssertSuccess(msg, key, HLLOperation.Add(p, binName, sub_vals, index_bits), HLLOperation.GetCount(binName)); IList result_list = record.GetList(binName); long n_added = (long)result_list[0]; long count = (long)result_list[1]; Assert.AreEqual(0, n_added, msg); Assert.AreEqual(union_count, count, msg); AssertHLLCount(msg, index_bits, count, union_expected); } }