/// <summary>
        /// This method adds the given file to the list of data sources to be joined
        /// together. In doing so, the file will be opened and the load profile data
        /// will be extracted.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strFileName" type="string">
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// True if the given file was successfully opened, the load profile data was
        /// extracted, and the file was added to the list of data sources.  False is
        /// returned if the file could not be added to the data source list.
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        ///  Revision History
        ///  MM/DD/YY Who Version Issue#        Description
        ///  -------- --- ------- ------------- -----------------------------------
        ///  08/26/08 MAH 9.50				    Created
        ///  11/25/09 AF  2.30.22               Changed the catch to quiet a compiler warning
        /// </remarks>
        public override Boolean AddContributor(String strFileName)
            Boolean boolSuccess = false;
            HHFFile hhfFile     = null;

                if (MIF.IsMeterImageFile(strFileName))
                    hhfFile = new MIF(strFileName);
                else if (MV90_HHF.IsMV90HHFFile(strFileName))
                    hhfFile = new MV90_HHF(strFileName);

                if (hhfFile != null)
                    LoadProfileDataSource newContributor = new LoadProfileDataSource(hhfFile);


                    // We are successful only after we have added the file to the list of
                    // contributors
                    boolSuccess = true;

                    // Everytime a new data source is added we need to clear all of the
                    // cached properties so that they can be recalculated when requested

            // If, for any reason we could not read the load profile data simply throw the
            // error so that the caller can catch it but also close the HHF file so that we
            // do not leave open file handles laying around.
            catch (Exception)

                if (hhfFile != null)

Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// A load profile contributor starts with a data source.  In this case
        /// the data source in an HHF file.  Therefore, in order to construct a new
        /// contributor object you must pass in an HHF file object.  Note that it could
        /// be either a MIF file or an MV-90 HHF file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        ///  Revision History
        ///  MM/DD/YY Who Version Issue# Description
        ///  -------- --- ------- ------ ---------------------------------------------
        ///  08/25/08 mah 9.50.00		Created
        /// </remarks>
        public LoadProfileDataSource(HHFFile hhf)
            FileName = hhf.FileName;
            UnitID   = hhf.DeviceID;

            if (hhf.ContainsLPData)
                LPData     = hhf.LPData;
                DSTEnabled = hhf.DSTEnabled;
                ReadTime   = hhf.TimeOfRead;
                LPData = null;