private void SAP_EditObj1251(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection P, HttpResponse httpResponse) { System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection conn = HELPERS.NewOdbcConn_FORCE(); IAuthRow1251 engine1251 = new IAuthRow1251(conn); int IDobjtoedit = int.Parse(P["IDentit"]); returnGetAuthRow1251 curobj = engine1251.GetAuthRow1251(IDobjtoedit); if ( (curobj.RangeLow == P["c_u_RangeLow"]) && (curobj.RangeHigh == P["c_u_RangeHigh"]) ) { httpResponse.Write("No change was noted, so no action was performed."); return; } engine1251.SetAuthRow1251 (IDobjtoedit, P["c_u_RangeLow"], P["c_u_RangeHigh"], curobj.SAPauthObjID, curobj.SAPauthFieldID, curobj.TcodeAssignmentSetID, curobj.SAProleID, curobj.EditStatus | 8 /*modified*/); }
private void SetCommentForBroleApplPair (System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection P, HttpResponse httpResponse) { IFuncApplNotes engine = new IFuncApplNotes(HELPERS.NewOdbcConn()); string strIDcuredit = P["idcuredit"]; int i = 0; /* * P["FANtext"] * null * P["text"] * "BASIS" * P["idbrole"] * "218" * P["idappl"] * "77" * */ int idBRole = int.Parse(P["idbrole"]); int idAppl = int.Parse(P["idappl"]); int idcuredit; if (strIDcuredit == "") { idcuredit = engine.NewFuncApplNotes(idBRole, idAppl, P["text"]); } else { idcuredit = int.Parse(strIDcuredit); engine.SetFuncApplNotes(idcuredit, idAppl, P["text"], idBRole); } }
/// <summary> /// /// update a row in table t_RBSR_AUFW_u_EntAssignmentSet. /// </summary> /// <param name="ID"></param> /// <param name="Status"></param> /// <param name="DATETIMElock"></param> /// <param name="Commentary"></param> /// <param name="SubProcessID"></param> /// <param name="UserID"></param> /// <param name="DATETIMEbirth"></param> /// <returns>Number of affected rows.</returns> public int SetEntAssignmentSet(int ID, string Status, DateTime?DATETIMElock, string Commentary, int SubProcessID, int UserID, DateTime?DATETIMEbirth) { int rv = 0; DBConnect(); OdbcCommand cmd = _dbConnection.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "update \"t_RBSR_AUFW_u_EntAssignmentSet\" set \"c_u_Status\"=?,\"c_u_DATETIMElock\"=?,\"c_u_Commentary\"=?,\"c_r_SubProcess\"=?,\"c_r_User\"=?,\"c_u_DATETIMEbirth\"=? where \"c_id\" = ?"; cmd.Parameters.Add("c_u_Status", OdbcType.NVarChar, 10); cmd.Parameters["c_u_Status"].Value = (Status != null ? (object)Status : DBNull.Value); cmd.Parameters.Add("c_u_DATETIMElock", OdbcType.DateTime); cmd.Parameters["c_u_DATETIMElock"].Value = (DATETIMElock.HasValue ? HELPERS.SetSafeDBDate(DATETIMElock.Value) : DBNull.Value); cmd.Parameters.Add("c_u_Commentary", OdbcType.NVarChar, 1024); cmd.Parameters["c_u_Commentary"].Value = (Commentary != null ? (object)Commentary : DBNull.Value); cmd.Parameters.Add("c_r_SubProcess", OdbcType.Int); cmd.Parameters["c_r_SubProcess"].Value = (object)SubProcessID; cmd.Parameters.Add("c_r_User", OdbcType.Int); cmd.Parameters["c_r_User"].Value = (object)UserID; cmd.Parameters.Add("c_u_DATETIMEbirth", OdbcType.DateTime); cmd.Parameters["c_u_DATETIMEbirth"].Value = (DATETIMEbirth.HasValue ? HELPERS.SetSafeDBDate(DATETIMEbirth.Value) : DBNull.Value); cmd.Parameters.Add("c_id", OdbcType.Int); cmd.Parameters["c_id"].Value = (object)ID; cmd.Connection = _dbConnection; rv = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (rv != 1) { cmd.Dispose(); DBClose(); throw new Exception("Update resulted in " + rv.ToString() + " objects being updated!"); } cmd.Dispose(); DBClose(); return(rv); }
public int SetChangeManagementEvent(int ID, string Who, DateTime?TimeStamp, string Commentary) { int rv = 0; DBConnect(); OdbcCommand cmd = _dbConnection.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "update \"t_RBSR_AUFW_u_ChangeManagementEvent\" set \"c_u_Who\"=?,\"c_u_TimeStamp\"=?,\"c_u_Commentary\"=? where \"c_id\" = ?"; cmd.Parameters.Add("c_u_Who", OdbcType.NVarChar, 50); cmd.Parameters["c_u_Who"].Value = (Who != null ? (object)Who : DBNull.Value); cmd.Parameters.Add("c_u_TimeStamp", OdbcType.DateTime); cmd.Parameters["c_u_TimeStamp"].Value = (TimeStamp.HasValue ? HELPERS.SetSafeDBDate(TimeStamp.Value) : DBNull.Value); cmd.Parameters.Add("c_u_Commentary", OdbcType.NText); cmd.Parameters["c_u_Commentary"].Value = (Commentary != null ? (object)Commentary : DBNull.Value); cmd.Parameters.Add("c_id", OdbcType.Int); cmd.Parameters["c_id"].Value = (object)ID; cmd.Connection = _dbConnection; rv = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (rv != 1) { cmd.Dispose(); DBClose(); throw new Exception("Update resulted in " + rv.ToString() + " objects being updated!"); } cmd.Dispose(); DBClose(); return(rv); }
private void SAPWSdel(HttpContext context, int idEASet) { ITcodeAssignmentSet engine = new ITcodeAssignmentSet(HELPERS.NewOdbcConn()); returnGetTcodeAssignmentSet props = engine.GetTcodeAssignmentSet(idEASet); if (props.Status != "WORKSPACE") { throw new Exception("Only open workspaces may be deleted. Archived or active entitlement sets may not be deleted."); } if (props.UserID != this.session.idUser) { throw new Exception("Only the owner has permission to delete a workspace."); } engine.SetTcodeAssignmentSet (idEASet, DateTime.Now, props.Commentary + " (DELETED)", props.SubProcessID, props.UserID, "deleted"); if (idEASet == this.session.idWorkspace) { // Make sure this user is not still "logged in" to the now-dead workspace this.session.idWorkspace_SAP = -1; this.session.idUserWorkspaceOwner_SAP = -1; } context.Response.Write("OK\n"); }
/// <summary> /// /// update a row in table t_RBSR_AUFW_u_AdditionalBusRole. /// </summary> /// <param name="ID"></param> /// <param name="idAdditionalBusRole"></param> /// <param name="BusRoleID"></param> /// <param name="Comment"></param> /// <param name="RecertificationInterval"></param> /// <param name="RecertificationStartDate"></param> /// <param name="ExpirationDate"></param> /// <returns>Number of affected rows.</returns> public int SetAdditionalBusRole(int ID, int idAdditionalBusRole, int BusRoleID, string Comment, string RecertificationInterval, DateTime?RecertificationStartDate, DateTime?ExpirationDate) { int rv = 0; DBConnect(); OdbcCommand cmd = _dbConnection.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "update \"t_RBSR_AUFW_u_AdditionalBusRole\" set \"c_u_idAdditionalBusRole\"=?,\"c_r_BusRole\"=?,\"c_u_Comment\"=?,\"c_u_RecertificationInterval\"=?,\"c_u_RecertificationStartDate\"=?,\"c_u_ExpirationDate\"=? where \"c_id\" = ?"; cmd.Parameters.Add("c_u_idAdditionalBusRole", OdbcType.Int); cmd.Parameters["c_u_idAdditionalBusRole"].Value = (object)idAdditionalBusRole; cmd.Parameters.Add("c_r_BusRole", OdbcType.Int); cmd.Parameters["c_r_BusRole"].Value = (object)BusRoleID; cmd.Parameters.Add("c_u_Comment", OdbcType.NVarChar, 1024); cmd.Parameters["c_u_Comment"].Value = (Comment != null ? (object)Comment : DBNull.Value); cmd.Parameters.Add("c_u_RecertificationInterval", OdbcType.NVarChar, 15); cmd.Parameters["c_u_RecertificationInterval"].Value = (RecertificationInterval != null ? (object)RecertificationInterval : DBNull.Value); cmd.Parameters.Add("c_u_RecertificationStartDate", OdbcType.DateTime); cmd.Parameters["c_u_RecertificationStartDate"].Value = ((RecertificationStartDate.HasValue) ? HELPERS.SetSafeDBDate(RecertificationStartDate.Value) : DBNull.Value); cmd.Parameters.Add("c_u_ExpirationDate", OdbcType.DateTime); cmd.Parameters["c_u_ExpirationDate"].Value = (ExpirationDate.HasValue ? HELPERS.SetSafeDBDate(ExpirationDate.Value) : DBNull.Value); cmd.Parameters.Add("c_id", OdbcType.Int); cmd.Parameters["c_id"].Value = (object)ID; cmd.Connection = _dbConnection; rv = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (rv != 1) { cmd.Dispose(); DBClose(); throw new Exception("Update resulted in " + rv.ToString() + " objects being updated!"); } cmd.Dispose(); DBClose(); return(rv); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/csv"; context.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "filename=raf_busrolepersonnel_mappings_complete.csv;attachment"); OdbcCommand cmd = new OdbcCommand(); cmd.Connection = HELPERS.NewOdbcConn(); // IF YOU MAKE ANY CHANGE TO THE NUMBER OF FIELDS BEING DISPLAYED, // BE SURE TO CHANGE THE BELOW FOR LOOP SO IT KNOWS HOW MANY COLUMNS TO DISPLAY. cmd.CommandText = @" select BROLE.c_u_Name, BROTYPE.ForDisplay, BROWN.c_u_EID, BROWN.c_u_Geography, UUSER.c_u_NameSurname, UUSER.c_u_NameFirst, UUSER.c_u_Name FROM t_RBSR_AUFW_u_BusRoleOwner BROWN left outer join t_RBSR_AUFW_u_User UUSER on BROWN.c_u_EID = UUSER.c_u_EID left outer join t_RBSR_AUFW_u_BusRole BROLE on BROWN.c_r_BusRole = BROLE.c_id left outer join DICT_RoleOwnerType BROTYPE on BROWN.c_u_Rank = BROTYPE.Abbrev WHERE BROLE.c_u_Name NOT LIKE '%//DEL%' order by BROLE.c_u_Name, BROTYPE.Abbrev, BROWN.c_u_EID "; context.Response.Write("RoleName,Rank,EID,Geography,Surname,FirstName,RAFusername\n"); OdbcDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { context.Response.Write(CSVquoteize(dr.GetValue(i).ToString()) + ","); } context.Response.Write("\n"); } dr.Close(); }
private void ComputeSampleManifestStringsForApp (HttpResponse resp, int IDapplication, string formula) { // Get a list of active entitlements for the given application string sql = @" SELECT TOP 20 c_id FROM t_RBSR_AUFW_u_Entitlement WHERE c_u_Application = (SELECT c_u_Name FROM t_RBSR_AUFW_u_Application WHERE c_id=" + IDapplication + ") AND c_u_Status = 'A';"; OdbcDataReader reader = HELPERS.RunSqlSelect(sql); IEntitlement engine = new IEntitlement(HELPERS.NewOdbcConn_FORCE()); while (reader.Read()) { int IDentitlement = reader.GetInt32(0); returnGetEntitlement seed = new returnGetEntitlement(); bool hasBeenSeeded = false; try { seed = engine.GetEntitlement(IDentitlement); hasBeenSeeded = true; } catch (Exception eeeeignore) { } resp.Write(HELPERS.CalcManifestString(seed, formula) + "<BR/>\n"); } }
public string rowsOwnersApprovers() { StringBuilder BUFFER = new StringBuilder(); IBusRoleOwner engine = new IBusRoleOwner(HELPERS.NewOdbcConn()); IUser DBuser = new IUser(HELPERS.NewOdbcConn()); returnListBusRoleOwnerByBusRole[] listowners = engine.ListBusRoleOwnerByBusRole(null, idBR); foreach (returnListBusRoleOwnerByBusRole cur in listowners) { returnListUser[] theUser = DBuser.ListUser(null, "\"EID\" LIKE ?", new string[] { cur.EID }, ""); BUFFER.Append("<tr><td>" + cur.RankFriendly + "</td>"); BUFFER.Append(" <td>"); if (theUser.Length == 1) { BUFFER.Append(theUser[0].NameFirst + " " + theUser[0].NameSurname); } BUFFER.Append("</td>\n"); BUFFER.Append("<td>" + cur.EID + "</td>"); BUFFER.Append("</tr>\n"); } return(BUFFER.ToString()); }
private void Manip1252row (System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection P, HttpResponse httpResponse, string cmd) { int idExistingRow = int.Parse(P["IDentit"]); int IDrole = int.Parse(P["IDrole"]); int IDuser = int.Parse(P["IDuser"]); int IDws = int.Parse(P["IDws"]); IOrgValue1252 engineTCEnt = new IOrgValue1252(HELPERS.NewOdbcConn()); returnGetOrgValue1252 existingrow = engineTCEnt.GetOrgValue1252(idExistingRow); switch (cmd) { case "DEL": existingrow.EditStatus |= 4; break; case "UNDEL": existingrow.EditStatus &= 11; break; } engineTCEnt.SetOrgValue1252 (idExistingRow, existingrow.FieldName, existingrow.RangeLow, existingrow.RangeHigh, existingrow.TcodeAssignmentSetID, existingrow.SAProleID, existingrow.EditStatus); }
private void FindUserByEID(string eid, string callerdata, HttpResponse OUT) { IUser engine = new IUser(HELPERS.NewOdbcConn_FORCE()); returnListUser[] ret = engine.ListUser(null, "\"EID\" LIKE ?", new string[] { eid }, ""); if (ret.Length != 1) { OUT.Write(callerdata + "|" + "NOTFOUND"); } else if (ret.Length == 1) { if (ret[0].NameSurname == null) { OUT.Write(callerdata + "|" + "USERID: " + ret[0].Name + "|" + "?"); } else { OUT.Write(callerdata + "|" + ret[0].NameSurname + "|" + ret[0].NameFirst); } } else { OUT.Write(callerdata + "|" + "NOTFOUND"); } }
private void SAP_ToggleDeleteStatusOf1251row(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection P, HttpResponse httpResponse) { System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection conn = HELPERS.NewOdbcConn_FORCE(); IAuthRow1251 engine1251 = new IAuthRow1251(conn); int IDobjtoedit = int.Parse(P["IDentit"]); returnGetAuthRow1251 curobj = engine1251.GetAuthRow1251(IDobjtoedit); int newEditStatus; if (0 != (curobj.EditStatus & 4)) { newEditStatus = curobj.EditStatus & (8 + 2 + 1); } else { newEditStatus = curobj.EditStatus + 4; } engine1251.SetAuthRow1251 (IDobjtoedit, curobj.RangeLow, curobj.RangeHigh, curobj.SAPauthObjID, curobj.SAPauthFieldID, curobj.TcodeAssignmentSetID, curobj.SAProleID, newEditStatus); }
/// <summary> /// /// update a row in table t_RBSR_AUFW_u_TcodeAssignmentSet. /// </summary> /// <param name="ID"></param> /// <param name="tstamp"></param> /// <param name="Commentary"></param> /// <param name="SubProcessID"></param> /// <param name="UserID"></param> /// <param name="Status"></param> /// <returns>Number of affected rows.</returns> public int SetTcodeAssignmentSet(int ID, DateTime tstamp, string Commentary, int SubProcessID, int UserID, string Status) { int rv = 0; DBConnect(); OdbcCommand cmd = _dbConnection.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "update \"t_RBSR_AUFW_u_TcodeAssignmentSet\" set \"c_u_tstamp\"=?,\"c_u_Commentary\"=?,\"c_r_SubProcess\"=?,\"c_r_User\"=?,\"c_u_Status\"=? where \"c_id\" = ?"; cmd.Parameters.Add("c_u_tstamp", OdbcType.DateTime); cmd.Parameters["c_u_tstamp"].Value = HELPERS.SetSafeDBDate(tstamp); cmd.Parameters.Add("c_u_Commentary", OdbcType.NVarChar, 1024); cmd.Parameters["c_u_Commentary"].Value = (Commentary != null ? (object)Commentary : DBNull.Value); cmd.Parameters.Add("c_r_SubProcess", OdbcType.Int); cmd.Parameters["c_r_SubProcess"].Value = (object)SubProcessID; cmd.Parameters.Add("c_r_User", OdbcType.Int); cmd.Parameters["c_r_User"].Value = (object)UserID; if (Status == null) { cmd.Dispose(); DBClose(); throw new Exception("Status must not be null!"); } cmd.Parameters.Add("c_u_Status", OdbcType.NVarChar, 50); cmd.Parameters["c_u_Status"].Value = (Status != null ? (object)Status : DBNull.Value); cmd.Parameters.Add("c_id", OdbcType.Int); cmd.Parameters["c_id"].Value = (object)ID; cmd.Connection = _dbConnection; rv = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (rv != 1) { cmd.Dispose(); DBClose(); throw new Exception("Update resulted in " + rv.ToString() + " objects being updated!"); } cmd.Dispose(); DBClose(); return(rv); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/csv"; context.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "filename=export.csv;attachment"); int idWS = Int32.Parse(context.Request.Params["id"]); OdbcCommand cmd = new OdbcCommand(); cmd.Connection = HELPERS.NewOdbcConn(); cmd.CommandText = "SELECT ROLE.c_u_Name as RoleName, " + "VEC.c_u_StandardActivity as StandardActivity, " + "VEC.c_u_RoleType as RoleType, " + "VEC.c_u_Application as Application, " + "VEC.c_u_System as System, " + "VEC.c_u_Platform as Platform, " + "VEC.c_u_EntitlementName as EntitlementName, " + "VEC.c_u_EntitlementValue as EntitlementValue, " + "VEC.c_u_AuthObjValue as AuthObjValue, " + "VEC.c_u_FieldSecName as FieldSecName, " + "VEC.c_u_FieldSecValue as FieldSecValue, " + "VEC.c_u_Commentary as Commentary " + // "VEC.c_u_EditStatus as EditStatus " + "FROM t_r_BusRoleWorkspaceEntitlement LINK " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN t_RBSR_AUFW_u_BusRole ROLE ON LINK.c_r_BusRole = ROLE.c_id " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN t_RBSR_AUFW_u_WorkspaceEntitlement VEC ON LINK.c_r_WorkspaceEntitlement = VEC.c_id " + "WHERE LINK.c_r_EditingWorkspace = ?;"; cmd.Parameters.Add("c_r_EditingWorkspace", OdbcType.Int); cmd.Parameters["c_r_EditingWorkspace"].Value = (object)idWS; OdbcDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); int indexChecksum = -32; for (int i = 0; i < dr.VisibleFieldCount; i++) { context.Response.Write(CSVquoteize(dr.GetName(i)) + ","); if (dr.GetName(i) == "c_u_CHECKSUM") { indexChecksum = i; } } context.Response.Write("\n"); while (dr.Read()) { for (int i = 0; i < dr.VisibleFieldCount; i++) { if (i != indexChecksum) { context.Response.Write(CSVquoteize(dr.GetValue(i) as string) + ","); } } context.Response.Write("\n"); } dr.Close(); }
public void EDIT_SingleRowSingleColumn (string tblname, string rowid, string colname, string newval) { string thesql = "UPDATE t_RBSR_AUFW_u_" + tblname + " SET " + colname + " = '" + newval.Replace("\'", "\'\'") + "' WHERE c_id=" + rowid + ";"; HELPERS.RunSql(thesql); }
private void EmitRoleMetadata_SubProcessActivities (Worksheet sheet, string localbroles, int idEASet, int idSubProcess) { string sql = @" SELECT ACTIVS.c_u_NodeType, ACTIVS.c_u_BOOLisKeyPoint, ACTIVS.c_u_Text, ACTIVS.c_u_ListIdsBusRoles, ACTIVS.c_u_ListIdsApps FROM t_RBSR_AUFW_u_METADATA_SubprToActivityList ACTIVS WHERE "; sql += " ( ACTIVS.c_r_SubProcess = " + idSubProcess + " ) "; sql += " ORDER BY ACTIVS.c_u_Sequence;"; WorksheetRow row; row = sheet.Table.Rows.Add(); row = sheet.Table.Rows.Add(); row = sheet.Table.Rows.Add(); row = sheet.Table.Rows.Add(); row = sheet.Table.Rows.Add(); row.Cells.Add("BUSINESS PROCESS ACTIVITIES"); row = sheet.Table.Rows.Add(); row = sheet.Table.Rows.Add(); row.Cells.Add("Activities"); row.Cells.Add("Performed by"); row.Cells.Add("System Mapping"); OdbcDataReader DR = HELPERS.RunSqlSelect(sql); while (DR.Read()) { string nodetype = DR.GetValue(0) as string; bool isKeyPoint = (bool)(DR.GetValue(1)); string comment = DR.GetValue(2) as string; string listIdBusRoles = HELPERS.HumanReadableRoleList(DR.GetValue(3) as string, "", "; "); string listIdApps = HELPERS.HumanReadableAppList(DR.GetValue(4) as string, "", "; "); row = sheet.Table.Rows.Add(); row.Cells.Add( ((isKeyPoint) ? "***KEY*** " : "") + comment); if (nodetype == "ACT") { row.Cells.Add(listIdBusRoles); row.Cells.Add(listIdApps); } } }
public override void OnAuthorization(HttpActionContext actionContext) { UserCache userCache = HELPERS.GetCurrentUserCache(); List <string> actionsList = Actions.Split(',').Select(a => a.Trim(' ')).ToList(); if (!userCache.UserActionsDictionary[userCache.CurrentTenantID.ToString()].Intersect(actionsList).Any()) { HandleUnauthorizedRequest(actionContext); } }
public string ActiveBusinessEntitlements() { IMETADATA_SubprToActivityList engineactlist = new IMETADATA_SubprToActivityList(HELPERS.NewOdbcConn()); returnListMETADATA_SubprToActivityListBySubProcess[] actlist = engineactlist.ListMETADATA_SubprToActivityListBySubProcess (null, theSubProcess.ID); StringBuilder BUFFER = new StringBuilder(); foreach (returnListMETADATA_SubprToActivityListBySubProcess curact in actlist) { StringBuilder PREBUFFER = new StringBuilder(); bool hasContent = false; PREBUFFER.Append("<tr class='textalignleft'>"); if (curact.Text.Trim().Length > 0) { hasContent = true; } if (curact.NodeType == "HEAD") { PREBUFFER.Append("<td colspan=3 class='ActivityListHeader'>" + curact.Text + "</td>"); } else { string flag = "<IMG src='../images/IsHead_false__IsKeyPoint_false.gif' width='12'/> "; if ((bool)(curact.BOOLisKeyPoint)) { flag = "<IMG src='../images/IsHead_false__IsKeyPoint_true.gif' width='12'/> "; } PREBUFFER.Append("<td>" + flag + curact.Text + " </td>"); PREBUFFER.Append("<td><ol>"); PREBUFFER.Append(HELPERS.HumanReadableRoleList(curact.ListIdsBusRoles, "<li>", "</li>")); PREBUFFER.Append("</ol> </td>"); PREBUFFER.Append("<td><ol>"); PREBUFFER.Append(HELPERS.HumanReadableAppList(curact.ListIdsApps, "<li>", "</li>")); PREBUFFER.Append("</ol> </td>"); if (curact.ListIdsBusRoles.Length > 1) { hasContent = true; } if (curact.ListIdsApps.Length > 1) { hasContent = true; } } PREBUFFER.Append("</tr>"); if (hasContent) { BUFFER.Append(PREBUFFER.ToString()); } } return(BUFFER.ToString()); }
private void JQDLGdeleteOrgAxis(int id) { ISAPsecurityOrgAxis engine = new ISAPsecurityOrgAxis(HELPERS.NewOdbcConn_FORCE()); if (id >= 0) { returnGetSAPsecurityOrgAxis ret = engine.GetSAPsecurityOrgAxis(id); string newdelname = "DeL_" + ret.SAP_Name + "_" + id.ToString(); engine.SetSAPsecurityOrgAxis(id, ret.English_Name, newdelname, ret.LegalValues); } }
private void BEnts_Recompute_Privstring() { IEntitlement ENGINE = new IEntitlement(HELPERS.NewOdbcConn()); returnListEntitlement[] RET = ENGINE.ListEntitlement(null, "", new string[] { }, ""); foreach (returnListEntitlement x in RET) { returnGetEntitlement cur = ENGINE.GetEntitlement(x.ID); string privstring = HELPERS.CalcManifestString(cur); ENGINE.SetEntitlementPrivstring(x.ID, privstring); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (Request.Params["mode"] == "owner") { Response.Redirect("LISTbusroles_byOwner.aspx?mode=owner&srch=."); return; } if (Request.Params["mode"] == "search") { Response.Redirect("LISTbusroles_byOwner.aspx?mode=search&srch=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(Request.Params["srch"])); return; } } catch (Exception ignoreme) { } try { idPR = int.Parse(Request.Params["idPR"]); } catch (Exception ee) { idPR = -1; } string thesql = "SELECT c_id, c_u_Name, c_u_Description FROM [t_RBSR_AUFW_u_Process] WHERE c_u_Name NOT LIKE '%internal use%' AND c_u_Name NOT LIKE 'test' ORDER BY [c_u_Name]"; OdbcDataReader DR = HELPERS.RunSqlSelect(thesql); while (DR.Read()) { ComboBoxItem newitem = new ComboBoxItem(); newitem.Text = DR.GetString(1); try { newitem.Text = DR.GetString(2); } catch (Exception) { } newitem.Value = DR.GetInt32(0).ToString(); this.COMBOXchooseProcess.Items.Add(newitem); } if (!IsPostBack) { if (idPR >= 0) { this.COMBOXchooseProcess.SelectedValue = idPR.ToString(); } } }
// If arg1 is a string representation of an integer, then that int is an entitlement ID // and the fields should come straight from the sql database. // Otherwise, arg1 is a JSON dictionary where the field values should be taken from. // // If arg2 is a non-empty string, it is the formula to be used, instead of the formula // being extracted from the database. // // // W A R N I N G ! ! ! // GENERATES HTML. // THIS MUST **NEVER** BE USED FOR DATA PROCESSING, for generating manifests, for reconciliation, for export-to-spreadsheet, etc!!!! // private void ComputeManifestString(HttpResponse resp, string arg1, string arg2, string arg3, string arg4) { returnGetEntitlement seed = new returnGetEntitlement(); bool hasBeenSeeded = false; try { int IDentitlement = int.Parse(arg1); IEntitlement engine = new IEntitlement(HELPERS.NewOdbcConn()); seed = engine.GetEntitlement(IDentitlement); hasBeenSeeded = true; } catch (Exception eeeeignore) { } if (!hasBeenSeeded) { System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer UTIL = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer(); Object whatami = UTIL.DeserializeObject(arg1); System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <string, Object> www = whatami as System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <string, Object>; seed = new returnGetEntitlement(); seed.Application = HELPERS.SafeGenericDictionaryLookup(www, "Application"); seed.AuthObjName = HELPERS.SafeGenericDictionaryLookup(www, "AuthObjName"); seed.AuthObjValue = HELPERS.SafeGenericDictionaryLookup(www, "AuthObjValue"); seed.EntitlementName = HELPERS.SafeGenericDictionaryLookup(www, "EntitlementName"); seed.EntitlementValue = HELPERS.SafeGenericDictionaryLookup(www, "EntitlementValue"); seed.FieldSecName = HELPERS.SafeGenericDictionaryLookup(www, "FieldSecName"); seed.FieldSecValue = HELPERS.SafeGenericDictionaryLookup(www, "FieldSecValue"); seed.Level4SecName = HELPERS.SafeGenericDictionaryLookup(www, "Level4SecName"); seed.Level4SecValue = HELPERS.SafeGenericDictionaryLookup(www, "Level4SecValue"); seed.Platform = HELPERS.SafeGenericDictionaryLookup(www, "Platform"); seed.RoleType = HELPERS.SafeGenericDictionaryLookup(www, "RoleType"); seed.StandardActivity = HELPERS.SafeGenericDictionaryLookup(www, "StandardActivity"); seed.System = HELPERS.SafeGenericDictionaryLookup(www, "System"); } string THEMANIFEST; if (arg2 != null) { THEMANIFEST = HELPERS.CalcManifestString(seed, arg2); } else { THEMANIFEST = HELPERS.CalcManifestString(seed); } resp.Write(THEMANIFEST.Replace("&", "&").Replace("<", "<").Replace(">", ">")); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/csv"; context.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "filename=entitlementusage.csv;attachment"); int idEAss = Int32.Parse(context.Request.Params["entid"]); OdbcCommand cmd = new OdbcCommand(); cmd.Connection = HELPERS.NewOdbcConn(); cmd.CommandText = @" SELECT EA.c_id, PR.c_u_Name, SUBPR.c_u_Name, EASET.c_u_Status, EASET.c_u_DATETIMElock, BROL.c_u_Name FROM t_RBSR_AUFW_u_EntAssignment EA LEFT OUTER JOIN t_RBSR_AUFW_u_EntAssignmentSet EASET ON EA.c_r_EntAssignmentSet = EASET.c_id LEFT OUTER JOIN t_RBSR_AUFW_u_BusRole BROL ON EA.c_r_BusRole = BROL.c_id LEFT OUTER JOIN t_RBSR_AUFW_u_SubProcess SUBPR ON EASET.c_r_SubProcess = SUBPR.c_id LEFT OUTER JOIN t_RBSR_AUFW_u_Process PR ON SUBPR.c_r_Process = PR.c_id WHERE EASET.c_u_Status IN ('ACTIVE','WORKSPACE') AND EA.c_u_Status NOT IN ('X') AND EA.c_r_Entitlement = ? ORDER BY PR.c_u_Name, SUBPR.c_u_Name, EASET.c_id;"; cmd.Parameters.Add("ea", OdbcType.Int); cmd.Parameters["ea"].Value = (object)idEAss; OdbcDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); context.Response.Write("Process,Subprocess,SpaceType,FreezeDate,BusinessRole\n"); while (dr.Read()) { context.Response.Write(CSVquoteize(dr.GetValue(1) as string) + ","); context.Response.Write(CSVquoteize(dr.GetValue(2) as string) + ","); context.Response.Write(CSVquoteize(dr.GetValue(3) as string) + ","); context.Response.Write(CSVquoteize(dr.GetValue(4).ToString()) + ","); context.Response.Write(CSVquoteize(dr.GetValue(5) as string)); context.Response.Write("\n"); } dr.Close(); }
// Can create new as well as edit existing. // If id < zero, means create private void JQDLGeditOrgAxis(int id, string name, string descr, string legalvals) { ISAPsecurityOrgAxis engine = new ISAPsecurityOrgAxis(HELPERS.NewOdbcConn_FORCE()); if (id >= 0) { engine.SetSAPsecurityOrgAxis(id, descr, name, legalvals); } else { id = engine.NewSAPsecurityOrgAxis(descr, name); engine.SetSAPsecurityOrgAxis(id, descr, name, legalvals); } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { int id = Int32.Parse(context.Request.Params["id"]); context.Response.ContentType = "binary"; context.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "filename=export.bin;attachment"); IEASfileAttachment engine = new IEASfileAttachment(HELPERS.NewOdbcConn_FORCE()); //context.Response. }
// This will be patterned after EditSapEntitlement private void Edit1252row(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection P, HttpResponse httpResponse) { string strIDtass = P["IDtass"]; // if (strIDtass == "ADD") then this is indeed an add, not an edit int IDrole = int.Parse(P["IDrole"]); int IDuser = int.Parse(P["IDuser"]); int IDws = int.Parse(P["IDws"]); IOrgValue1252 engineTCEnt = new IOrgValue1252(HELPERS.NewOdbcConn()); // First, we want to see if there is already, attached to this role, // a row with these same characteristics. // there is no comment field on this kind of row so this doesn't need the // "only comment changed" logic. int returnIDof1252row; char returnstat = SAP_HELPERS.CreateOrgValueAssignmentIfNotExists (IDws, engineTCEnt, IDrole, P["c_u_Field"], P["c_u_RangeLow"], P["c_u_RangeHigh"], 2, out returnIDof1252row); switch (returnstat) { case 'A': // This 1252 row did not yet exist for this SAP role so it was added. // If this was an attempt to edit an existing 1252 row, then the // existing one should be deleted. if (strIDtass != "ADD") { // Existing row must be marked as deleted. int idExisting1252row = int.Parse(strIDtass); returnGetOrgValue1252 rowExisting = engineTCEnt.GetOrgValue1252(idExisting1252row); engineTCEnt.SetOrgValue1252 (idExisting1252row, rowExisting.FieldName, rowExisting.RangeLow, rowExisting.RangeHigh, rowExisting.TcodeAssignmentSetID, rowExisting.SAProleID, (rowExisting.EditStatus | 4 /*deletionbit*/)); } break; } }
/// <summary> /// /// insert a row in table t_RBSR_AUFW_u_EASfileAttachment. /// </summary> /// <param name="Filename"></param> /// <param name="Comment"></param> /// <param name="UploadDate"></param> /// <param name="EntAssignmentSetID"></param> /// <returns>The integer ID of the new object.</returns> public int NewEASfileAttachment(string Filename, string Comment, DateTime UploadDate, int EntAssignmentSetID) { int rv = 0; DBConnect(); OdbcCommand cmd = _dbConnection.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO \"t_RBSR_AUFW_u_EASfileAttachment\"(\"c_u_Filename\",\"c_u_Comment\",\"c_u_UploadDate\",\"c_r_EntAssignmentSet\") VALUES(?,?,?,?)"; if (_dbConnection.Driver.ToLower().StartsWith("sql")) { cmd.CommandText += " SELECT convert(int,SCOPE_IDENTITY())"; } if (Filename == null) { throw new Exception("Filename must not be null!"); } cmd.Parameters.Add("c_u_Filename", OdbcType.NVarChar, 256); cmd.Parameters["c_u_Filename"].Value = (Filename != null ? (object)Filename : DBNull.Value); if (Comment == null) { throw new Exception("Comment must not be null!"); } cmd.Parameters.Add("c_u_Comment", OdbcType.NVarChar, 1024); cmd.Parameters["c_u_Comment"].Value = (Comment != null ? (object)Comment : DBNull.Value); cmd.Parameters.Add("c_u_UploadDate", OdbcType.DateTime); cmd.Parameters["c_u_UploadDate"].Value = HELPERS.SetSafeDBDate(UploadDate); cmd.Parameters.Add("c_r_EntAssignmentSet", OdbcType.Int); cmd.Parameters["c_r_EntAssignmentSet"].Value = (object)EntAssignmentSetID; OdbcDataReader dri = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (_dbConnection.Driver.ToLower().StartsWith("myodbc")) { cmd = _dbConnection.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()"; dri = cmd.ExecuteReader(); } dri.Read(); rv = (dri.IsDBNull(0) ? 0 : (typeof(long).Equals(dri.GetFieldType(0)) ? (int)dri.GetInt64(0) : dri.GetInt32(0))); dri.Close(); if (rv == 0) { throw new Exception("Insert operation failed!"); } dri.Dispose(); cmd.Dispose(); DBClose(); return(rv); }
private void EmitFieldList(int IDsapobjfield, HttpResponse OUT) { System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection conn = HELPERS.NewOdbcConn_FORCE(); OdbcDataReader dr = InquireFieldListForAuthObj(IDsapobjfield, conn); while (dr.Read()) { OUT.Write(dr.GetString(0) + ( (dr.GetString(1).Length > 0) ? " <span class='graydescr'>(" + dr.GetString(1) + ")</span>" : "" ) + "<br/>\n"); } }
public void markdone(int idSnapshot, HttpContext context) { Queue <int> rowIDsToBeMarkedAsDone = context.Session["ReconcfromSnapshot_RowIDs"] as Queue <int>; Dictionary <int, string> mapper = context.Session["ReconcfromSnapshot_MapIdToStatus"] as Dictionary <int, string>; IReconcDiffItem engine = new IReconcDiffItem(HELPERS.NewOdbcConn()); foreach (int i in rowIDsToBeMarkedAsDone) { engine.SetReconcDiffItem(i, mapper[i]); } }
private void RegisterNewTcode (System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection P, HttpResponse httpResponse, string newname, string newdescr) { ITcodeDictionary engine = new ITcodeDictionary(HELPERS.NewOdbcConn()); try { int IDbaby = engine.NewTcodeDictionary(newname); engine.SetTcodeDescription(IDbaby, newdescr); } catch (Exception eee) { throw new Exception("That TCode name is already registered."); } }