// Keep in sync with both HDShadowSampling.hlsl
        static float GetPunctualFilterWidthInTexels(HDShadowFilteringQuality quality)
            switch (quality)
            // Warning: these values have to match the algorithms used for shadow filtering (in HDShadowAlgorithm.hlsl)
            case HDShadowFilteringQuality.Low:
                return(3);    // PCF 3x3

            case HDShadowFilteringQuality.Medium:
                return(5);    // PCF 5x5

                return(1);    // Any non PCF algorithms
        // TODO: box spot and pyramid spots with non 1 aspect ratios shadow are incorrectly culled, see when scriptable culling will be here
        public static void ExtractSpotLightData(SpotLightShape shape, float spotAngle, float nearPlane, float aspectRatio, float shapeWidth, float shapeHeight, VisibleLight visibleLight, Vector2 viewportSize, float normalBiasMax, HDShadowFilteringQuality filteringQuality,
                                                out Matrix4x4 view, out Matrix4x4 invViewProjection, out Matrix4x4 projection, out Matrix4x4 deviceProjection, out ShadowSplitData splitData)
            Vector4 lightDir;

            // There is no aspect ratio for non pyramid spot lights
            if (shape != SpotLightShape.Pyramid)
                aspectRatio = 1.0f;

            float guardAngle = CalcGuardAnglePerspective(spotAngle, viewportSize.x, GetPunctualFilterWidthInTexels(filteringQuality), normalBiasMax, 180.0f - spotAngle);

            ExtractSpotLightMatrix(visibleLight, spotAngle, nearPlane, guardAngle, aspectRatio, out view, out projection, out deviceProjection, out invViewProjection, out lightDir, out splitData);

            if (shape == SpotLightShape.Box)
                projection       = ExtractBoxLightProjectionMatrix(visibleLight.range, shapeWidth, shapeHeight, nearPlane);
                deviceProjection = GL.GetGPUProjectionMatrix(projection, false);
                projection       = GL.GetGPUProjectionMatrix(projection, true);
                InvertOrthographic(ref projection, ref view, out invViewProjection);
        public static void ExtractPointLightData(VisibleLight visibleLight, Vector2 viewportSize, float nearPlane, float normalBiasMax, uint faceIndex, HDShadowFilteringQuality filteringQuality,
                                                 out Matrix4x4 view, out Matrix4x4 invViewProjection, out Matrix4x4 projection, out Matrix4x4 deviceProjection, out ShadowSplitData splitData)
            Vector4 lightDir;

            float guardAngle = CalcGuardAnglePerspective(90.0f, viewportSize.x, GetPunctualFilterWidthInTexels(filteringQuality), normalBiasMax, 79.0f);

            ExtractPointLightMatrix(visibleLight, faceIndex, nearPlane, guardAngle, out view, out projection, out deviceProjection, out invViewProjection, out lightDir, out splitData);
        // Currently area light shadows are not supported
        public static void ExtractRectangleAreaLightData(VisibleLight visibleLight, Vector3 shadowPosition, float areaLightShadowCone, float shadowNearPlane, Vector2 shapeSize, Vector2 viewportSize, float normalBiasMax, HDShadowFilteringQuality filteringQuality,
                                                         out Matrix4x4 view, out Matrix4x4 invViewProjection, out Matrix4x4 projection, out Matrix4x4 deviceProjection, out ShadowSplitData splitData)
            Vector4 lightDir;
            float   aspectRatio = shapeSize.x / shapeSize.y;
            float   spotAngle   = areaLightShadowCone;

            visibleLight.spotAngle = spotAngle;
            float guardAngle = CalcGuardAnglePerspective(visibleLight.spotAngle, viewportSize.x, GetPunctualFilterWidthInTexels(filteringQuality), normalBiasMax, 180.0f - visibleLight.spotAngle);

            ExtractSpotLightMatrix(visibleLight, visibleLight.spotAngle, shadowNearPlane, guardAngle, aspectRatio, out view, out projection, out deviceProjection, out invViewProjection, out lightDir, out splitData);