public CargoOrderRow() { SizeFlagsHorizontal = SizeFlags.FillExpand; var hBox = new HBoxContainer { SizeFlagsHorizontal = SizeFlags.FillExpand, MouseFilter = MouseFilterMode.Ignore }; Icon = new TextureRect { CustomMinimumSize = new Vector2(32.0f, 32.0f), MouseFilter = MouseFilterMode.Ignore, RectClipContent = true }; hBox.AddChild(Icon); var vBox = new VBoxContainer { SizeFlagsHorizontal = SizeFlags.FillExpand, SizeFlagsVertical = SizeFlags.FillExpand }; ProductName = new Label { SizeFlagsHorizontal = SizeFlags.FillExpand, StyleClasses = { NanoStyle.StyleClassLabelSubText }, ClipText = true }; Description = new Label { SizeFlagsHorizontal = SizeFlags.FillExpand, StyleClasses = { NanoStyle.StyleClassLabelSubText }, ClipText = true }; vBox.AddChild(ProductName); vBox.AddChild(Description); hBox.AddChild(vBox); Approve = new Button { Text = "Approve", StyleClasses = { NanoStyle.StyleClassLabelSubText } }; hBox.AddChild(Approve); Cancel = new Button { Text = "Cancel", StyleClasses = { NanoStyle.StyleClassLabelSubText } }; hBox.AddChild(Cancel); AddChild(hBox); }
private void SetupGameMenu(Texture backgroundTexture) { // building the game container _gameRootContainer = new VBoxContainer(); _levelLabel = new Label { Align = Label.AlignMode.Center, SizeFlagsHorizontal = SizeFlags.FillExpand }; _gameRootContainer.AddChild(_levelLabel); _gameRootContainer.AddChild(new Control { CustomMinimumSize = new Vector2(1, 5) }); _pointsLabel = new Label { Align = Label.AlignMode.Center, SizeFlagsHorizontal = SizeFlags.FillExpand }; _gameRootContainer.AddChild(_pointsLabel); _gameRootContainer.AddChild(new Control { CustomMinimumSize = new Vector2(1, 10) }); var gameBox = new HBoxContainer(); gameBox.AddChild(SetupHoldBox(backgroundTexture)); gameBox.AddChild(new Control { CustomMinimumSize = new Vector2(10, 1) }); gameBox.AddChild(SetupGameGrid(backgroundTexture)); gameBox.AddChild(new Control { CustomMinimumSize = new Vector2(10, 1) }); gameBox.AddChild(SetupNextBox(backgroundTexture)); _gameRootContainer.AddChild(gameBox); _gameRootContainer.AddChild(new Control { CustomMinimumSize = new Vector2(1, 10) }); _pauseButton = new Button { Text = "Pause", TextAlign = Label.AlignMode.Center }; _pauseButton.OnPressed += (e) => TryPause(); _gameRootContainer.AddChild(_pauseButton); }
public void ItemButtonReleased() { if (_inventory.SelectedItemId < 0) { return; } Item.ItemStack selectedItemStack = _itemList[_inventory.SelectedItemId]; if (_alchemyStage == AlchemyStage.MortarPestle && _mortarPestleStage == MortarPestleStage.PickReagents && _potionReagents.Count < 4) { if (selectedItemStack.stackCount > 1) { _itemList[_inventory.SelectedItemId] = Item.DecreaseItemStackCount(selectedItemStack, 1); } else { _itemList.RemoveAt(_inventory.SelectedItemId); } _inventory.Update(); HBoxContainer itemInfo = new HBoxContainer(); itemInfo.Set("custom_constants/separation", 10f); Control itemIcon = new Control(); itemIcon.RectMinSize = new Vector2(16f, 16f); Sprite itemBG = new Sprite(); itemBG.Texture = _singleItemSlot; itemBG.Centered = false; Sprite itemSprite = new Sprite(); itemSprite.Texture = selectedItemStack.item.IconTex; itemSprite.Centered = false; itemSprite.Position = new Vector2(2f, 2f); itemBG.AddChild(itemSprite); itemIcon.AddChild(itemBG); itemInfo.AddChild(itemIcon); Label itemName = new Label(); itemName.Text = selectedItemStack.item.Name; itemName.AddFontOverride("font", _smallFont); itemName.MarginLeft = 4f; itemInfo.AddChild(itemName); _potionReagentsBox.AddChild(itemInfo); _potionReagents.Add(selectedItemStack.item); _proceedToCrush.Disabled = false; } GD.Print("Selected: " + selectedItemStack.item.Name); }
protected override void Initialize() { base.Initialize(); ActualButton = new Button("Button") { SizeFlagsHorizontal = SizeFlags.FillExpand, SizeFlagsVertical = SizeFlags.FillExpand, ToggleMode = true, MouseFilter = MouseFilterMode.Stop }; AddChild(ActualButton); var hBoxContainer = new HBoxContainer("HBoxContainer") { MouseFilter = MouseFilterMode.Ignore }; EntitySpriteView = new SpriteView("SpriteView") { CustomMinimumSize = new Vector2(32.0f, 32.0f), MouseFilter = MouseFilterMode.Ignore }; EntityName = new Label("Name") { SizeFlagsVertical = SizeFlags.ShrinkCenter, Text = "Backpack", MouseFilter = MouseFilterMode.Ignore }; hBoxContainer.AddChild(EntitySpriteView); hBoxContainer.AddChild(EntityName); EntityControl = new Control("Control") { SizeFlagsHorizontal = SizeFlags.FillExpand, MouseFilter = MouseFilterMode.Ignore }; EntitySize = new Label("Size") { SizeFlagsVertical = SizeFlags.ShrinkCenter, Text = "Size 6", Align = Label.AlignMode.Right, AnchorLeft = 1.0f, AnchorRight = 1.0f, AnchorBottom = 0.5f, AnchorTop = 0.5f, MarginLeft = -38.0f, MarginTop = -7.0f, MarginRight = -5.0f, MarginBottom = 7.0f }; EntityControl.AddChild(EntitySize); hBoxContainer.AddChild(EntityControl); AddChild(hBoxContainer); }
public SolarControlWindow(IGameTiming igt) { Title = "Solar Control Window"; var rows = new GridContainer(); rows.Columns = 2; // little secret: the reason I put the values // in the first column is because otherwise the UI // layouter autoresizes the window to be too small rows.AddChild(new Label {Text = "Output Power:"}); rows.AddChild(new Label {Text = ""}); rows.AddChild(OutputPower = new Label {Text = "?"}); rows.AddChild(new Label {Text = "W"}); rows.AddChild(new Label {Text = "Sun Angle:"}); rows.AddChild(new Label {Text = ""}); rows.AddChild(SunAngle = new Label {Text = "?"}); rows.AddChild(new Label {Text = "°"}); rows.AddChild(new Label {Text = "Panel Angle:"}); rows.AddChild(new Label {Text = ""}); rows.AddChild(PanelRotation = new LineEdit()); rows.AddChild(new Label {Text = "°"}); rows.AddChild(new Label {Text = "Panel Angular Velocity:"}); rows.AddChild(new Label {Text = ""}); rows.AddChild(PanelVelocity = new LineEdit()); rows.AddChild(new Label {Text = "°/min."}); rows.AddChild(new Label {Text = "Press Enter to confirm."}); rows.AddChild(new Label {Text = ""}); PanelRotation.SizeFlagsHorizontal = SizeFlags.FillExpand; PanelVelocity.SizeFlagsHorizontal = SizeFlags.FillExpand; rows.SizeFlagsHorizontal = SizeFlags.Fill; rows.SizeFlagsVertical = SizeFlags.Fill; NotARadar = new SolarControlNotARadar(igt); var outerColumns = new HBoxContainer(); outerColumns.AddChild(rows); outerColumns.AddChild(NotARadar); outerColumns.SizeFlagsHorizontal = SizeFlags.Fill; outerColumns.SizeFlagsVertical = SizeFlags.Fill; Contents.AddChild(outerColumns); Resizable = false; }
public EntityButton() { ActualButton = new Button { SizeFlagsHorizontal = SizeFlags.FillExpand, SizeFlagsVertical = SizeFlags.FillExpand, ToggleMode = true, MouseFilter = MouseFilterMode.Stop }; AddChild(ActualButton); var hBoxContainer = new HBoxContainer { MouseFilter = MouseFilterMode.Ignore }; EntitySpriteView = new SpriteView { CustomMinimumSize = new Vector2(32.0f, 32.0f), MouseFilter = MouseFilterMode.Ignore }; EntityName = new Label { SizeFlagsVertical = SizeFlags.ShrinkCenter, Text = "Backpack", MouseFilter = MouseFilterMode.Ignore }; hBoxContainer.AddChild(EntitySpriteView); hBoxContainer.AddChild(EntityName); EntityControl = new Control { SizeFlagsHorizontal = SizeFlags.FillExpand, MouseFilter = MouseFilterMode.Ignore }; EntitySize = new Label { SizeFlagsVertical = SizeFlags.ShrinkCenter, Text = "Size 6", Align = Label.AlignMode.Right, /*AnchorLeft = 1.0f, * AnchorRight = 1.0f, * AnchorBottom = 0.5f, * AnchorTop = 0.5f, * MarginLeft = -38.0f, * MarginTop = -7.0f, * MarginRight = -5.0f, * MarginBottom = 7.0f*/ }; EntityControl.AddChild(EntitySize); hBoxContainer.AddChild(EntityControl); AddChild(hBoxContainer); }
public override void Initialize(ViewVariablesInstanceObject instance) { base.Initialize(instance); if (instance.Object == null) { DebugTools.Assert(instance.Session != null); _networked = true; _networkSemaphore = new SemaphoreSlim(1, 1); } else { var enumerable = (IEnumerable)instance.Object; _enumerator = enumerable.GetEnumerator(); } var outerVBox = new VBoxContainer(); _controlsHBox = new HBoxContainer { SizeFlagsHorizontal = Control.SizeFlags.ShrinkCenter }; { // Page navigational controls. _leftButton = new Button { Text = "<<", Disabled = true }; _pageLabel = new LineEdit { Text = "0" }; _rightButton = new Button { Text = ">>" }; _leftButton.OnPressed += _leftButtonPressed; _pageLabel.OnTextEntered += _lineEditTextEntered; _rightButton.OnPressed += _rightButtonPressed; _controlsHBox.AddChild(_leftButton); _controlsHBox.AddChild(_pageLabel); _controlsHBox.AddChild(_rightButton); } outerVBox.AddChild(_controlsHBox); _elementsVBox = new VBoxContainer(); outerVBox.AddChild(_elementsVBox); _cache = new List <object>(); instance.AddTab("IEnumerable", outerVBox); }
// Adds a row public void AddItem(string name, string status) { var hbox = new HBoxContainer { SizeFlagsHorizontal = SizeFlags.FillExpand, }; // Player Name hbox.AddChild(new PanelContainer() { PanelOverride = new StyleBoxFlat { BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#373744"), ContentMarginBottomOverride = 2, ContentMarginLeftOverride = 4, ContentMarginRightOverride = 4, ContentMarginTopOverride = 2 }, Children = { new Label { Text = name } }, SizeFlagsHorizontal = SizeFlags.FillExpand }); // Status hbox.AddChild(new PanelContainer() { PanelOverride = new StyleBoxFlat { BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#373744"), ContentMarginBottomOverride = 2, ContentMarginLeftOverride = 4, ContentMarginRightOverride = 4, ContentMarginTopOverride = 2 }, Children = { new Label { Text = status } }, SizeFlagsHorizontal = SizeFlags.FillExpand, SizeFlagsStretchRatio = 0.2f, }); _vBox.AddChild(hbox); }
public EntityButton() { ActualButton = new Button { HorizontalExpand = true, VerticalExpand = true, ToggleMode = true, MouseFilter = MouseFilterMode.Stop }; AddChild(ActualButton); var hBoxContainer = new HBoxContainer(); EntitySpriteView = new SpriteView { MinSize = new Vector2(32.0f, 32.0f), OverrideDirection = Direction.South }; EntityName = new Label { VerticalAlignment = VAlignment.Center, Text = "Backpack", }; hBoxContainer.AddChild(EntitySpriteView); hBoxContainer.AddChild(EntityName); EntityControl = new Control { HorizontalExpand = true }; EntitySize = new Label { VerticalAlignment = VAlignment.Center, Text = "Size 6", Align = Label.AlignMode.Right, /*AnchorLeft = 1.0f, * AnchorRight = 1.0f, * AnchorBottom = 0.5f, * AnchorTop = 0.5f, * MarginLeft = -38.0f, * MarginTop = -7.0f, * MarginRight = -5.0f, * MarginBottom = 7.0f*/ }; EntityControl.AddChild(EntitySize); hBoxContainer.AddChild(EntityControl); AddChild(hBoxContainer); }
public ServerInfo() { _richTextLabel = new RichTextLabel { VerticalExpand = true }; AddChild(_richTextLabel); var buttons = new HBoxContainer(); AddChild(buttons); var uriOpener = IoCManager.Resolve <IUriOpener>(); var discordButton = new Button { Text = Loc.GetString("server-info-discord-button") }; discordButton.OnPressed += args => uriOpener.OpenUri(UILinks.Discord); var websiteButton = new Button { Text = Loc.GetString("server-info-website-button") }; websiteButton.OnPressed += args => uriOpener.OpenUri(UILinks.Website); var reportButton = new Button { Text = Loc.GetString("server-info-report-button") }; reportButton.OnPressed += args => uriOpener.OpenUri(UILinks.BugReport); var creditsButton = new Button { Text = Loc.GetString("server-info-credits-button") }; creditsButton.OnPressed += args => new CreditsWindow().Open(); var changelogButton = new ChangelogButton { HorizontalExpand = true, HorizontalAlignment = HAlignment.Right }; buttons.AddChild(discordButton); buttons.AddChild(websiteButton); buttons.AddChild(reportButton); buttons.AddChild(creditsButton); buttons.AddChild(changelogButton); }
public CargoProductRow() { SizeFlagsHorizontal = SizeFlags.FillExpand; MainButton = new Button { SizeFlagsHorizontal = SizeFlags.FillExpand, SizeFlagsVertical = SizeFlags.FillExpand }; AddChild(MainButton); var hBox = new HBoxContainer { SizeFlagsHorizontal = SizeFlags.FillExpand, MouseFilter = MouseFilterMode.Ignore }; Icon = new TextureRect { CustomMinimumSize = new Vector2(32.0f, 32.0f), MouseFilter = MouseFilterMode.Ignore, RectClipContent = true }; hBox.AddChild(Icon); ProductName = new Label { SizeFlagsHorizontal = SizeFlags.FillExpand }; hBox.AddChild(ProductName); var panel = new PanelContainer { PanelOverride = new StyleBoxFlat { BackgroundColor = new Color(37, 37, 42) }, MouseFilter = MouseFilterMode.Ignore }; PointCost = new Label { CustomMinimumSize = new Vector2(40.0f, 32.0f), Align = Label.AlignMode.Right }; panel.AddChild(PointCost); hBox.AddChild(panel); AddChild(hBox); }
private void AddControl(KeyValuePair <string, CommandInfo> kvp) { HBoxContainer hb = new HBoxContainer(); Label lbl = new Label(); lbl.Text = kvp.Key; LineEdit le = new LineEdit(); le.Name = kvp.Key; hb.AddChild(lbl); hb.AddChild(le); _controlsContainer.AddChild(hb); _playerControls.Add(le); }
private void PerformLayout() { MouseFilter = MouseFilterMode.Pass; ToolTip = "Click to expand"; CustomMinimumSize = new Vector2(0, 25); VBox = new VBoxContainer { SeparationOverride = 0 }; AddChild(VBox); TopContainer = new HBoxContainer { SizeFlagsVertical = SizeFlags.FillExpand }; VBox.AddChild(TopContainer); BottomContainer = new HBoxContainer { Visible = false }; VBox.AddChild(BottomContainer); //var smallFont = new VectorFont(_resourceCache.GetResource<FontResource>("/Fonts/CALIBRI.TTF"), 10); _bottomLabel = new Label { // FontOverride = smallFont, FontColorOverride = Color.DarkGray }; BottomContainer.AddChild(_bottomLabel); NameLabel = new Label(); TopContainer.AddChild(NameLabel); }
private void OnInputsChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e) { switch (e.Action) { case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add: foreach (InputEventItem newItem in e.NewItems) { inputEventsContainer.AddChild(newItem); } inputEventsContainer.MoveChild(addInputEvent, Inputs.Count); break; case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove: foreach (InputEventItem oldItem in e.OldItems) { inputEventsContainer.RemoveChild(oldItem); } break; default: throw new NotSupportedException($"{e.Action} is not supported on {nameof(Inputs)}"); } }
public MicrowaveMenu(MicrowaveBoundUserInterface owner = null) { Owner = owner; Title = Loc.GetString("Microwave"); var hSplit = new HBoxContainer { SizeFlagsHorizontal = SizeFlags.Fill, SizeFlagsVertical = SizeFlags.Fill }; IngredientsListReagents = new ItemList { SizeFlagsVertical = SizeFlags.FillExpand, SizeFlagsHorizontal = SizeFlags.FillExpand, SelectMode = ItemList.ItemListSelectMode.Button, SizeFlagsStretchRatio = 2, CustomMinimumSize = (100, 128) }; IngredientsList = new ItemList { SizeFlagsVertical = SizeFlags.FillExpand, SizeFlagsHorizontal = SizeFlags.FillExpand, SelectMode = ItemList.ItemListSelectMode.Button, SizeFlagsStretchRatio = 2, CustomMinimumSize = (100, 128) }; hSplit.AddChild(IngredientsListReagents); //Padding between the lists. hSplit.AddChild(new Control { CustomMinimumSize = (0, 5), });
public void AddRuneToSpell(RuneButton runeButton) { Rune rune = CreateRune(runeButton.RuneID); runePanel.AddChild(rune); runes.Add(rune); }
private void DrawAmmoUiElements() { var empty = _player.MaxAmmo - _player.CurrentAmmo; for (var e = 0; e < empty; e++) { var emptyObject = (TextureRect)_ammoEmptyObject.Instance(); _ammoContainer.AddChild(emptyObject); } for (var c = 0; c < _player.CurrentAmmo; c++) { var currentObject = (TextureRect)_ammoAvailableObject.Instance(); _ammoContainer.AddChild(currentObject); } }
public void FillDataPipe(IEnumerable <IEnumerable <int> > data) { int numPipe = 0; foreach (IEnumerable <int> pipe in data) { HBoxContainer actualHBoxContainer = new HBoxContainer(); var actualLabelPipe = new Label(); numPipe++; actualLabelPipe.Text = $" * tube n°{numPipe}"; actualLabelPipe.AddFontOverride("font", ResourceLoader.Load <Font>("res://fonts/fontsmall.tres")); actualLabelPipe.AddColorOverride("font_color", Colors.Black); vBoxContainer.AddChild(actualLabelPipe); vBoxContainer.AddChild(actualHBoxContainer); var hSeparator = new HSeparator(); StyleBoxLine sbl = new StyleBoxLine() { Color = new Color("ad4c4c"), Thickness = 5 }; hSeparator.AddStyleboxOverride("separator", sbl); vBoxContainer.AddChild(hSeparator); foreach (int length in pipe) { actualHBoxContainer.AddChild(CreateLabelPipeDraw(length)); } } RectSize = new Vector2(RectSize.x, (numPipe) * 68); }
public void makeGoal(int max, Texture texture, String value) { GoalPrefab goal = (GoalPrefab)GoalPrefab.Instance(); goalConatiner.AddChild(goal); goal.SetGoalValues(max, texture, value); }
/// <summary> /// Sets up the inputs and adds them as children. /// </summary> public override void _Ready() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(InputName)) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"{nameof(InputName)} can't be empty"); } if (DisplayName == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"{nameof(DisplayName)} can't be null"); } if (Inputs == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"{nameof(Inputs)} can't be null"); } inputActionHeader = GetNode <Label>(InputActionHeaderPath); inputEventsContainer = GetNode <HBoxContainer>(InputEventsContainerPath); addInputEvent = GetNode <Button>(AddInputEventPath); addInputEvent.RegisterToolTipForControl("addInputButton", "options"); inputActionHeader.Text = DisplayName; foreach (var input in Inputs) { input.AssociatedAction = new WeakReference <InputActionItem>(this); inputEventsContainer.AddChild(input); } inputEventsContainer.MoveChild(addInputEvent, Inputs.Count); Inputs.CollectionChanged += OnInputsChanged; }
private void Refresh() { container.QueueFreeChildren(); foreach (CharacterEntity entity in { container.AddChild(CharacterTable.Create(entity)); } }
public LobbyCharacterPreviewPanel(IEntityManager entityManager, ILocalizationManager localization, IClientPreferencesManager preferencesManager) { _preferencesManager = preferencesManager; _previewDummy = entityManager.SpawnEntityAt("HumanMob_Dummy", MapCoordinates.Nullspace); var header = new NanoHeading { Text = localization.GetString("Character setup") }; CharacterSetupButton = new Button { Text = localization.GetString("Customize"), SizeFlagsHorizontal = SizeFlags.None }; _summaryLabel = new Label(); var viewSouth = MakeSpriteView(_previewDummy, Direction.South); var viewNorth = MakeSpriteView(_previewDummy, Direction.North); var viewWest = MakeSpriteView(_previewDummy, Direction.West); var viewEast = MakeSpriteView(_previewDummy, Direction.East); var vBox = new VBoxContainer(); vBox.AddChild(header); vBox.AddChild(CharacterSetupButton); vBox.AddChild(_summaryLabel); var hBox = new HBoxContainer(); hBox.AddChild(viewSouth); hBox.AddChild(viewNorth); hBox.AddChild(viewWest); hBox.AddChild(viewEast); vBox.AddChild(hBox); AddChild(vBox); UpdateUI(); }
//new game public void createPlayerListDatas(string[] datas) { foreach (string dataPlayer in datas) { PlayerListViewElement plve = plvElementPrefab.Instance() as PlayerListViewElement; playersListView.AddChild(plve); plve.setData(dataPlayer); } }
private DynamicPart CreateDynamicPart(int offset, IEnumerable <string> texts, int columns, Font overrideFont = null) { if (columns <= 1) { return(CreateDynamicPart(offset, string.Join("\n", texts))); } var splitTexts = Enumerable.Range(0, columns).Select(_ => new StringBuilder()).ToList(); using (var textEnumerator = texts.GetEnumerator()) { bool done = false; while (!done) { foreach (var column in splitTexts) { if (!textEnumerator.MoveNext()) { done = true; break; } column.AppendLine(textEnumerator.Current); } } } var hBox = new HBoxContainer { // 0.7 == 15% shrink of middle spacing for 2 columns and move position to center. RectPosition = new Vector2(columns == 2 ? RectSize.x * 0.15f : 0, 0), RectMinSize = new Vector2(columns == 2 ? RectSize.x * 0.7f : RectSize.x, 0), }; foreach (var columnText in splitTexts) { var label = new Label { Text = columnText.ToString(), Align = Label.AlignEnum.Center, SizeFlagsHorizontal = (int)SizeFlags.ExpandFill, }; if (overrideFont != null) { label.AddFontOverride("font", overrideFont); } hBox.AddChild(label); } var dynamicPart = new DynamicPart(offset, hBox); AddDynamicItem(dynamicPart); return(dynamicPart); }
public ServerInfo() { _richTextLabel = new RichTextLabel { VerticalExpand = true }; AddChild(_richTextLabel); var buttons = new HBoxContainer(); AddChild(buttons); var uriOpener = IoCManager.Resolve <IUriOpener>(); var discordButton = new Button { Text = Loc.GetString("Discord") }; discordButton.OnPressed += args => uriOpener.OpenUri(UILinks.Discord); var websiteButton = new Button { Text = Loc.GetString("Website") }; websiteButton.OnPressed += args => uriOpener.OpenUri(UILinks.Website); var reportButton = new Button { Text = Loc.GetString("Report Bugs") }; reportButton.OnPressed += args => uriOpener.OpenUri(UILinks.BugReport); var creditsButton = new Button { Text = Loc.GetString("Credits") }; creditsButton.OnPressed += args => new CreditsWindow().Open(); buttons.AddChild(discordButton); buttons.AddChild(websiteButton); buttons.AddChild(reportButton); buttons.AddChild(creditsButton); }
protected override void Initialize() { base.Initialize(); ActualButton = new Button("Button") { SizeFlagsHorizontal = SizeFlags.FillExpand, SizeFlagsVertical = SizeFlags.FillExpand, ToggleMode = true, }; AddChild(ActualButton); var hBoxContainer = new HBoxContainer("HBoxContainer") { MouseFilter = MouseFilterMode.Ignore, }; var textureWrap = new Control("TextureWrap") { CustomMinimumSize = new Vector2(32.0f, 32.0f), MouseFilter = MouseFilterMode.Ignore, RectClipContent = true }; EntityTextureRect = new TextureRect("TextureRect") { AnchorRight = 1.0f, AnchorBottom = 1.0f, MouseFilter = MouseFilterMode.Ignore, SizeFlagsHorizontal = SizeFlags.ShrinkCenter, SizeFlagsVertical = SizeFlags.ShrinkCenter }; textureWrap.AddChild(EntityTextureRect); EntityLabel = new Label("Label") { SizeFlagsVertical = SizeFlags.ShrinkCenter, Text = "Backpack" }; hBoxContainer.AddChild(textureWrap); hBoxContainer.AddChild(EntityLabel); AddChild(hBoxContainer); }
public CommunicationsConsoleMenu(CommunicationsConsoleBoundUserInterface owner) { IoCManager.InjectDependencies(this); Title = Loc.GetString("Communications Console"); Owner = owner; _countdownLabel = new RichTextLabel() { CustomMinimumSize = new Vector2(0, 200) }; _emergencyShuttleButton = new Button(); _emergencyShuttleButton.OnPressed += (e) => Owner.EmergencyShuttleButtonPressed(); var vbox = new VBoxContainer() { SizeFlagsHorizontal = SizeFlags.FillExpand, SizeFlagsVertical = SizeFlags.FillExpand }; vbox.AddChild(_countdownLabel); vbox.AddChild(_emergencyShuttleButton); var hbox = new HBoxContainer() { SizeFlagsHorizontal = SizeFlags.FillExpand, SizeFlagsVertical = SizeFlags.FillExpand }; hbox.AddChild(new Control() { CustomMinimumSize = new Vector2(100, 0), SizeFlagsHorizontal = SizeFlags.FillExpand }); hbox.AddChild(vbox); hbox.AddChild(new Control() { CustomMinimumSize = new Vector2(100, 0), SizeFlagsHorizontal = SizeFlags.FillExpand }); Contents.AddChild(hbox); UpdateCountdown(); Timer.SpawnRepeating(1000, UpdateCountdown, _timerCancelTokenSource.Token); }
private void onStoryEnded() { CanvasItem endOfStory = new VBoxContainer(); endOfStory.AddChild(new HSeparator()); CanvasItem endOfStoryLine = new HBoxContainer(); endOfStory.AddChild(endOfStoryLine); endOfStory.AddChild(new HSeparator()); Control separator = new HSeparator(); separator.SizeFlagsHorizontal = (int)(SizeFlags.Fill | SizeFlags.Expand); Label endOfStoryText = new Label(); endOfStoryText.Text = "End of story"; endOfStoryLine.AddChild(separator); endOfStoryLine.AddChild(endOfStoryText); endOfStoryLine.AddChild(separator.Duplicate()); addToStory(endOfStory); }
protected Number <float> CreateComponent() { var component = new Number <float>(); component.SizeFlagsHorizontal = (int)Control.SizeFlags.ExpandFill; component.ValueSet += _ => ValueSet(); hBox.AddChild(component); return(component); }
public HairPickerWindow(IResourceCache resourceCache, ILocalizationManager localization) { Title = "Hair"; ResourceCache = resourceCache; var vBox = new VBoxContainer(); Contents.AddChild(vBox); var colorHBox = new HBoxContainer(); vBox.AddChild(colorHBox); var colorLabel = new Label { Text = localization.GetString("Color: ") }; colorHBox.AddChild(colorLabel); var colorEdit = new LineEdit { SizeFlagsHorizontal = SizeFlags.FillExpand }; colorEdit.OnTextChanged += args => { var color = Color.TryFromHex(args.Text); if (color.HasValue) { OnHairColorPicked?.Invoke(color.Value); } }; colorHBox.AddChild(colorEdit); Items = new ItemList { SizeFlagsVertical = SizeFlags.FillExpand, }; vBox.AddChild(Items); Items.OnItemSelected += ItemSelected; }