Exemple #1

	private void CarControlUpdate()
		// Use the device's roll to compute the steering angle of the (front) wheels.
		float deviceRoll = GyroAccel.GetRoll();
		float steering = controlSettings.steeringVsRollCurve.Evaluate(-deviceRoll);
		// Get acceleration and braking from the VirtualButtons
		float accel = 0f;
		if (controlSettings.acceleratorButtonName == "" || controlSettings.acceleratorButtonName == "")
			ErrorHandling.LogError("Warning [CarUSerControl]: " +
				"please specify the correct name of the VirtualButtons used for accelerating and/or braking.");
		} else {
			if (VirtualButton.GetButton(controlSettings.brakeButtonName))
				accel -=1f;
			if (VirtualButton.GetButton(controlSettings.acceleratorButtonName))
				accel +=1f;

		// Send the steering and accel values to the carController
		controlSettings.carController.Move(steering, accel, accel, 0f);

	} // private void CarControlUpdate()
Exemple #2
	} // private void CarControlUpdate()


	private void CameraPositionAndRotationUpdate()
		// the camera heading will align with the car's heading
		Vector3 carDirection = transform.forward;
		Vector3 carFlatDirection = new Vector3(carDirection.x, 0f, carDirection.z);
		if (carFlatDirection.sqrMagnitude > 0f)
			float carCurrentHeading = Vector3.Angle(Vector3.forward,carFlatDirection) * Mathf.Sign(carFlatDirection.x);
			float smoothFactor = 1f;
			if (cameraSettings.smoothingTime > Time.deltaTime)
				smoothFactor = Time.deltaTime / cameraSettings.smoothingTime;
			carHeading = Mathf.LerpAngle(carHeading,carCurrentHeading,smoothFactor);

		// Set the camera rotation
		float camHeading = carHeading;
		float camPitch = GyroAccel.GetPitch();
		float camRoll = GyroAccel.GetRoll();
		cameraSettings.playerCamera.rotation = GyroAccel.GetQuaternionFromHeadingPitchRoll(camHeading,camPitch,camRoll);

		// Set the camera position
		cameraSettings.playerCamera.position = transform.position + cameraSettings.cameraOffset - cameraSettings.cameraDistanceVsPitchCurve.Evaluate(camPitch)*cameraSettings.playerCamera.forward;
	} // private void CameraPositionAndRotationUpdate()