Exemple #1
        protected bool CheckSelection(bool mustBeContainer, bool renderMessage = true)
            if (null == Selection.activeTransform)
                if (renderMessage)
                    GUILayout.Label(GuiContentCache.Instance.NoSelectionContent, StyleCache.Instance.CenteredLabel, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true), GUILayout.ExpandHeight(true));

            Adapter      = GuiLookup.GetAdapter(Selection.activeTransform);
            GroupAdapter = Adapter as GroupAdapter;

            if (null == Adapter)
                if (renderMessage)
                    GUILayout.Label(GuiContentCache.Instance.NotEDrivenComponentContent, StyleCache.Instance.CenteredLabel, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true), GUILayout.ExpandHeight(true));

            if (mustBeContainer && null == GroupAdapter)
                if (renderMessage)
                    GUILayout.Label(GuiContentCache.Instance.NotAContainerContent, StyleCache.Instance.CenteredLabel, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true), GUILayout.ExpandHeight(true));

Exemple #2
        internal void Select(DisplayObject target)
            var dlm = target as DisplayListMember;

            // do not analyze anything from this stage
            if (null != dlm && !DesignerOverlay.IsInspectable(dlm))

            var go = GuiLookup.GetGameObject((Component)target);

            if (null != go)
                _selectionOverlay.Visible = true;
                var bounds = target.Transform.GlobalBounds;

                 * 1. Expand around component
                 * */
                bounds = bounds.Expand(PlayModeOverlaySelectionBorderStyle.BorderWidth);

                 * 2. Constrain with stage bounds
                 * */

                _selectionOverlay.Redraw(bounds, Bounds, GuiLookup.PathToString(go.transform, " -> "));
Exemple #3
        public static void Process(List <Node> nodes)
            if (nodes.Count == 0)

            //Debug.Log(string.Format("Processing {0} top level additions in edit mode.", nodes.Count));

            foreach (Node node in nodes)
                 * 1. Process transforms
                 * */
                Transform transform = node.Transform;

                if (null == transform)
                    continue; // ROOT
                ComponentAdapter adapter = GuiLookup.GetAdapter(transform);
                bool             isStage = adapter is StageAdapter;

                Transform parentTransform = node.ParentTransform;

                /* This happens when a stage added to root */
                if (null == parentTransform && !isStage)
                    continue; // not a stage, return (if stage, should process)
                GroupAdapter parentAdapter = null;

                if (null != parentTransform)
                    parentAdapter = GuiLookup.GetAdapter(node.ParentTransform) as GroupAdapter;

                 * 2. Process adapters
                 * */
                if (null != adapter)
                    // this is eDriven.Gui component. process it properly
                    if (null == parentAdapter)
                        if (!isStage)
                            const string txt = "eDriven.Gui components could be added to containers only";
                            throw new Exception(txt);
                        parentAdapter.AddChild(adapter, true);
                        //if (!PrefabUtil.IsCreatedFromPrefab(parentAdapter))
// ReSharper restore UnassignedField.Global

        internal static void Process(List <Node> removals)
            if (0 == removals.Count)

            if (DebugMode)
                Debug.Log(string.Format("Processing {0} removals.", removals.Count));
            //Debug.Log(string.Format("Processing {0} removals.", removals.Count));
            // TODO: do removals bottom up! nesting level should be used here

            foreach (Node node in removals)
                //if (null == node.Transform)
                //    continue; // ROOT


                //Debug.Log("node.ParentTransform: " + node.ParentTransform);
                if (null == node.ParentTransform) //|| /*!*/(adapter is StageAdapter))
                    continue;                     // not a stage, return (if stage, should process)
                // consolidate parent transform

                ComponentAdapter adapter = node.Adapter;

                GroupAdapter parentGroupAdapter = GuiLookup.GetAdapter(node.ParentTransform) as GroupAdapter;
                if (null != parentGroupAdapter)
                     * Stop monitoring
                     * */


                     * Note: if object removed from the hierarchy, the adapter is destroyed
                     * In that case following command doesn nothing (doesn not remove the slot from the parent)
                     * Thus we have the consolidation below (removing null)
                     * */

                    // TODO: consolidate only for top level removals (add parameter)

                    ChildGroupPack pack = ChildGroupPack.Read(parentGroupAdapter);
                    pack.Consolidate(); // there is a null slot here. We have to re-render children
                    //Debug.Log("*pack: " + pack);
Exemple #5
        public Node(Transform transform)
            _transform = transform;
            if (null != _transform)
                _parentTransform = _transform.parent;

            if (null == transform)
                _name = "ROOT";
                _name        = transform.name;
                _transformId = transform.GetInstanceID();

                _adapter = transform.GetComponent <ComponentAdapter>();
                if (null != _adapter)
                    _adapterId = _adapter.GetInstanceID();

            _description = string.Format("[{0}]", GuiLookup.PathToString(transform, "->"));
Exemple #6
        internal static void Process(List <Node> nodes)
            if (nodes.Count == 0)

            //Debug.Log(string.Format("Processing {0} top level removals in edit mode.", nodes.Count));

            foreach (Node node in nodes)
                if (null == node.ParentTransform)

                GroupAdapter parentGroupAdapter = GuiLookup.GetAdapter(node.ParentTransform) as GroupAdapter;
                if (null != parentGroupAdapter)
                     * Important: the removal could happen when we *move* components outside of the Stage hierarchy
                     * From group's standpoint, these components have been *removed*
                     * However, the adapters are not null, so the consolidation without a prior
                     * removal would do nothing to the parent collection (e.g. the moved adapter
                     * would still be on the list)
                     * */

                    ChildGroupPack pack = ChildGroupPack.Read(parentGroupAdapter);
                    pack.Consolidate(); // there is a null slot here. We have to re-render children
    public void RemoveDialog(Event e)
        Button button = e.Target as Button;

        if (button != null)
            Dialog dialog = GuiLookup.FindParent <Dialog>(button);
Exemple #8
    public void RemoveButtonColor(Event e)
        // GUI lookup example
        Button button = GuiLookup.GetComponent("button1") as Button;

        if (null != button)
            button.Color = Color.white;
Exemple #9
    public void PaintButtonGreen(Event e)
        // GUI lookup example
        Button button = GuiLookup.GetComponent("button1") as Button;

        if (null != button)
            button.Color = Color.green;
    public void ChangeButtonColor(Event e)
        // GUI lookup example
        Button button = GuiLookup.FindComponent <Button>(gameObject, "button1");

        if (null != button)
            button.Color = Color.green;
    public void OnClick(eDriven.Core.Events.Event e)
        //eDriven.Core.Events.MouseEvent e2 = (eDriven.Core.Events.MouseEvent)e;
        Component component = GuiLookup.Produce("dialog");

        //Debug.Log("Popping up " + component);
        if (null != component)
            PopupManager.Instance.AddPopup(component, false); // modal = false
        /*public static List<EventAttribute> GetEvents(Type componentType)
         * {
         *  object[] list = componentType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(EventAttribute), true);
         *  var events = new List<EventAttribute>();
         *  foreach (var e in list)
         *  {
         *      events.Add((EventAttribute) e);
         *  }
         *  return events;
         * }*/

        private static void GetEventsRecursive(ComponentAdapter clickedAdapter, ComponentAdapter currentAdapter, ref Dictionary <string, EventAttribute> dict, bool bubbling, ICollection <ComponentAdapter> adaptersToExclude)
            Type componentType = currentAdapter.ComponentType;

            if (null == adaptersToExclude || !adaptersToExclude.Contains(currentAdapter))
                //object[] list = componentType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof (EventAttribute), true);
                var eventAttributes = CoreReflector.GetClassAttributes <EventAttribute>(componentType);

                foreach (EventAttribute attribute in eventAttributes)
                    if (clickedAdapter == currentAdapter)
                         * 1. If this is a clicked adapter, get all events
                         * */
                        dict[attribute.Name] = attribute;
                    else if (bubbling && attribute.Bubbles) // if (bubbling)
                         * 2. Else get only events that may bubble from children
                         * */
                        dict[attribute.Name] = attribute;

                    /*if (!bubbling || attribute.Bubbles) // if (bubbling)
                     * {
                     *  // bubbling events only
                     *  if (attribute.Bubbles)
                     *      dict[attribute.Name] = attribute;
                     * }
                     * else
                     * {
                     *  // target events only
                     *  dict[attribute.Name] = attribute;
                     * }*/
                    //Debug.Log(" --> " + attribute.Name);

            if (bubbling)
                Transform transform  = currentAdapter.transform;
                var       childCount = transform.childCount;
                for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++)
                    var childTransform            = transform.GetChild(i);
                    ComponentAdapter childAdapter = GuiLookup.GetAdapter(childTransform);
                    GetEventsRecursive(clickedAdapter, childAdapter, ref dict, true, adaptersToExclude);
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes all children
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void RemoveAllChildren()
            for (int i = transform.childCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                var childAdapter = GuiLookup.GetAdapter(transform.GetChild(i));
                //Debug.Log("childAdapter: " + childAdapter);
                if (null != childAdapter)

        /// <summary>
        /// Monitors the object for property changes<br/>
        /// Monitoring an object means putting it on the list which will be checked for changes after the play mode is stopped<br/>
        /// When put on the list, all the original properties of the object are being saved (cloned)<br/>
        /// When play mode stopped, properties are being read from all the monitored objects<br/>
        /// For each property, the original and current value are being compared for change<br/>
        /// and the changed value list is being made<br/>
        /// Changed values are being applied to an object "resurrected" by Unity, after the play mode is stopped<br/>
        /// Here we are monitoring eDriven.Gui COMPONENTS, not transforms or game objects<br/>
        /// (however, they could also be monitored in some other scenario)<br/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target">Target (component) to monitor</param>
        public void Watch(Object target)
             * 1. Get the instance ID because it is the key in the dictionary holding the monitored objects
             * */
            int instanceId = target.GetInstanceID();

            //Debug.Log("* Monitoring: " + instanceId);

             * 2. We need to check if the object is already being monitored
             * This is important because we must not overwrite the original values each time the component is being clicked
             * because this might lead to the loss of data (only changes from the last component click would be then be saved as the original values)
             * For instance, take a look at this scenario:
             * - this component click. Changing the text to "foo".
             * - other component click.
             * - this component click. Changing the color to green.
             * In play mode, all the changes would be accumulated, and there would seem to be no problems.
             * But after the play mode is stopped, and started again, we would discover that only the component color is being changed to green,
             * and no text has been changed - due to second component click rewriting the "original" values, thus deleting the change to "foo"
             * */
            if (_monitoredObjects.ContainsKey(instanceId))
            if (DebugMode)
                ComponentAdapter componentAdapter = target as ComponentAdapter;
                if (null != componentAdapter)
                    Debug.Log("Monitoring: " + GuiLookup.PathToString(componentAdapter.transform, " -> "), componentAdapter.transform);

             * 3. This is the first time we are monitoring this object
             * Create a new PersistedComponent instance and add it to dictionary
             * */
            _monitoredObjects[instanceId] = new PersistedComponent(target);
            //_currentInstanceId = target.GetInstanceID();
            if (DebugMode)
                Debug.Log(string.Format("    Added [{0}] to monitored objects list. Total: {1}", target.name, _monitoredObjects.Count), target);
        public void ApplyChanges()
            if (DebugMode)
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (PersistedComponent persistedObject in MonitoredObjects.Values)
                    //Debug.Log("persistedObject.Target: " + persistedObject.Target);
                    if (null == persistedObject.Target)
                        sb.AppendLine("Target is null");
                        var target = persistedObject.Target;                         // as ComponentAdapterBase; // it doesn't have to be ComponentAdapterBase (if it is a stylesheet for instance)
                        if (target is ComponentAdapterBase)
                            var transform = (target as ComponentAdapterBase).transform;
                            sb.AppendLine(GuiLookup.PathToString(transform, " -> "));
                        else if (target is eDrivenStyleSheet)
                            //var transform = (target as eDrivenStyleSheetBase).transform;
                            sb.AppendLine("--- Stylesheet");

                //                Debug.Log(string.Format(@"Applying changes to {0} components:
                //{1}", _monitoredObjects.Values.Count, sb));

             * 3. Handle value changes
             * Each persistant object has the list of changes (delta between the original and final values)
             * This changes are being applied by calling the ApplyChanges on each persisted object
             * Internally, PersistedComponent handles the case of negative or positive instance IDs,
             * thus looking up for objects using the appropriate lookup
             * */
            foreach (PersistedComponent persistedObject in _monitoredObjects.Values)
        private static void ProcessMouseEvent(InputEvent e)
            //Debug.Log(string.Format("e: {0}", e));
            //Debug.Log(string.Format("e.CurrentEvent.button: {0}", e.CurrentEvent.button));

            //switch (e.CurrentEvent.button)
            switch (e.Type)
            //case 0: // left button
            case MouseEvent.RIGHT_CLICK:                                 // left button
                MainTabBar.Instance.TabIndex = MainWindow.ORDER_DISPLAY; // order

            //case 0: // left button
            case MouseEvent.RIGHT_DOUBLE_CLICK:                          // left button
                MainTabBar.Instance.TabIndex = MainWindow.ORDER_DISPLAY; // order

            case MouseEvent.MIDDLE_CLICK:                                 // middle button
                MainTabBar.Instance.TabIndex = MainWindow.LAYOUT_DISPLAY; // layout

            case MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK:     // double click
                if (EditorSettings.MouseDoubleClickEnabled)
                    // show events dialog
                    MainTabBar.Instance.TabIndex = MainWindow.EVENTS_DISPLAY;

                    //Debug.Log("ProcessMouseEvent: " + @e.CurrentEvent.button);
                    var adapter = GuiLookup.GetAdapter(Selection.activeTransform);
                    if (null == adapter)
                        Debug.LogError("No adapter found");

                    // bring up the Add Event Handler dialog
                    var dialog = AddEventHandlerDialog.Instance;
                    dialog.Adapter = adapter;
Exemple #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes all children
        /// </summary>
        override public void RemoveAllChildren()
            if (!Instantiated || !DesignerState.IsPlaying) // not instantiated // 20130512

            for (int i = transform.childCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                var childAdapter = GuiLookup.GetAdapter(transform.GetChild(i));
                if (null != childAdapter)

Exemple #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Fires on mouse-overed component change<br/>
        /// Since in editor overlay we are dealing with adapters, we need to examine if the mouse-overed component is related to any adapter<br/>
        /// We do that by looking for the adapter via GuiLookup, which finds the adapter in component parent<br/>
        /// We then examine if the current selection changed. If it did, we are calling the Select method
        /// </summary>
        private void MouseOverSlot(params object[] parameters)
            Component comp = (Component)parameters[0];

            if (DebugMode)
                Debug.Log("DesignerOverlay->MouseOverSlot: " + comp);
            if (null == comp)

            GameObject go = GuiLookup.GetGameObject(comp);

            if (null == go)

            ComponentAdapter adapter = (ComponentAdapter)go.GetComponent(typeof(ComponentAdapter));
            if (null == adapter)

            if (null == adapter.Component)

            _hoveredComponent = adapter.Component;

            if (DebugMode)
                Debug.Log("Hover: " + _hoveredComponent);
Exemple #19
        internal void SpecialClickHandler(Event e)
            if (DebugMode)
                Debug.Log("DesignerOverlay->SpecialClickHandler: " + e.Target);
            MouseEvent me = (MouseEvent)e;
            if (me.CurrentEvent.control || me.CurrentEvent.shift)
                e.CancelAndStopPropagation(); // disable the actual button click in the capture phase. Sweet ^_^

            GameObject go = GuiLookup.GetGameObject((Component)e.Target);

            if (null == go)
                _hoveredComponent = null;
                ClickSignal.Emit(null, e);

            ComponentAdapter adapter = (ComponentAdapter)go.GetComponent(typeof(ComponentAdapter));
            if (null == adapter)
                _hoveredComponent = null;
                ClickSignal.Emit(null, e);

            if (null == adapter.Component)
                _hoveredComponent = null;
                ClickSignal.Emit(null, e);

            _hoveredComponent = adapter.Component;

            ClickSignal.Emit(_hoveredComponent, e);
        private static void ApplyMonitoredComponents(Dictionary <int, PersistedComponent> monitoredComponents, StringBuilder sb)
            if (0 == monitoredComponents.Count)

            sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Monitored components ({0}):", monitoredComponents.Count));

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, PersistedComponent> pair in monitoredComponents)
                var adapter = pair.Value.Target as ComponentAdapter;
                var value   = pair.Value.ToString();
                if (null != adapter)
                    value = string.Format("{0} [{1}][{2}]", adapter.GetType().Name, pair.Key,
                                          GuiLookup.PathToString(adapter.transform, "->"));
// ReSharper restore UnassignedField.Global

        /// <summary>
        /// Is processing additions, as well as top level additions
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="topLevelAdditions">Needed for adding into order</param>
        /// <param name="additions">Needed for child instantiation</param>
        internal static void Process(List <Node> topLevelAdditions, List <Node> additions)
            if (0 == topLevelAdditions.Count && 0 == additions.Count)

            if (DebugMode)
                Debug.Log(string.Format("Processing {0} topLevelAdditions, {1} additions.", topLevelAdditions.Count, additions.Count));
            foreach (Node node in additions)
                bool isTopLevelAddition = topLevelAdditions.Contains(node);
                bool isPrefab           = PrefabUtility.GetPrefabType(node.Adapter) == PrefabType.PrefabInstance;

                 * 1. Process transforms
                 * */
                Transform transform = node.Transform;

                if (null == transform)
                    continue; // ROOT
                ComponentAdapter adapter = GuiLookup.GetAdapter(transform);
                bool             isStage = adapter is StageAdapter;

                Transform parentTransform = node.ParentTransform;

                if (null == parentTransform && !isStage)
                    continue; // not a stage, return (if stage, should process)
                GroupAdapter parentAdapter = null;

                if (null != parentTransform)
                    parentAdapter = GuiLookup.GetAdapter(node.ParentTransform) as GroupAdapter;

                 * 2. Process adapters
                 * */
                if (null != adapter)
                    // this is eDriven.Gui component. process it properly
                    if (null == parentAdapter)
                        if (!isStage)
                            const string txt = "eDriven.Gui components could be added to containers only";
                            throw new Exception(txt);
                         * Update parent ordering for top level additions only!
                         * */
                        if (isTopLevelAddition)
                            //node.Transform.parent = parentTransform;
                            parentAdapter.AddChild(adapter, true); // instantiate and change the parent collection

                            // ReSharper disable once RedundantCheckBeforeAssignment
                            if (adapter.transform.parent != parentTransform) // avoid multiple OnHierarchyChange callbacks
                                adapter.transform.parent = parentTransform;

                            //adapter.transform.parent = parentTransform;
                            //parentAdapter.DoInstantiate(adapter, true); // instantiate only
                            ChildGroupPack pack = ChildGroupPack.Read(parentAdapter);
                            pack.Consolidate(); // there is a null slot here. We have to re-render children

                         * Instantiate component
                         * */
                        if (!adapter.Instantiated)

                         * By now, the component should be instantiated
                         * */
                        var cmp = adapter.Component;
                        if (null == cmp)
                            throw new Exception("Component not found on ComponentAdapter: " + adapter);

                 * 3. If adapter stuff went without a problem...
                 * */
                // ReSharper disable once RedundantCheckBeforeAssignment
                if (node.Transform.parent != parentTransform)
                    node.Transform.parent = parentTransform;
Exemple #22
// ReSharper restore UnassignedField.Global

        internal static void Process(List <Node> moves)
            if (DebugMode)
                Debug.Log(string.Format("Processing {0} moves.", moves.Count));

            foreach (Node node in moves)
                 * 1. Process transforms
                 * */
                Transform transform = node.Transform;

                Transform parentTransform = node.ParentTransform;

                if (null == transform)
                    continue; // ROOT
                //Debug.Log("node.Transform: " + transform);

                ComponentAdapter adapter     = GuiLookup.GetAdapter(transform);
                bool             thisIsStage = adapter is StageAdapter;

                 * The adapter has been moved
                 * It is still placed on the same (moved) transform
                 * We are accessing the old and the new parent adapter via transforms:
                 * - the old parent transform could be referenced using the node.OldParentTransform
                 * - the new parent transform could be referenced using the node.ParentTransform
                 * */

                if (null == node.Transform)
                    throw new Exception("Transform is null");

                GroupAdapter oldParentAdapter = GuiLookup.GetAdapter(node.OldParentTransform) as GroupAdapter;
                GroupAdapter newParentAdapter = GuiLookup.GetAdapter(node.ParentTransform) as GroupAdapter;

                //Debug.Log(string.Format("  -> moving from [{0}] to [{1}]", oldParentAdapter, newParentAdapter));

                 * 2. Process adapters
                 * */
                if (null != oldParentAdapter)

                if (null == newParentAdapter)
                    if (!thisIsStage)
                        const string txt = "eDriven.Gui components could be added to containers only";
                        throw new Exception(txt);
                    newParentAdapter.AddChild(adapter, true);

                 * 3. If adapter stuff went without a problem...
                 * */
                node.Transform.parent = parentTransform;

                //ComponentAdapter adapter = GuiLookup.GetAdapter(transform);
                //bool thisIsStage = adapter is StageAdapter;


                //Transform parentTransform = node.ParentTransform;

                //if (null == parentTransform && !thisIsStage)
                //    continue; // not a stage, return (if stage, should process) - only stage could be added to root

                //ContainerAdapter newParentAdapter = null;

                //if (null != parentTransform)
                //    newParentAdapter = GuiLookup.GetAdapter(parentTransform) as ContainerAdapter;

                //    /**
                //     * 2. Process adapters
                //     * */
                //    if (null != adapter)
                //    {
                //        // this is eDriven.Gui component. process it properly
                //        if (null == newParentAdapter)
                //        {
                //            if (!thisIsStage) {
                //                const string txt = "eDriven.Gui components could be added to containers only";
                //                //Debug.LogWarning(txt);
                //                throw new Exception(txt);
                //                //return;
                //            }
                //        }
                //        else
                //        {
                //            ContainerAdapter oldParentAdapter = node.OldParentTransform.GetComponent<ContainerAdapter>();

                //            //Debug.Log("oldParentAdapter: " + oldParentAdapter);
                //            //Debug.Log("newParentAdapter: " + newParentAdapter);

                //            oldParentAdapter.RemoveChild(adapter);

                //            newParentAdapter.AddChild(adapter, true);

                //            ////if (!PrefabUtil.IsCreatedFromPrefab(oldParentAdapter)) // TODO: Need this?
                //            //    ParentChildLinker.Instance.Update(oldParentAdapter);

                //            ////if (!PrefabUtil.IsCreatedFromPrefab(newParentAdapter)) // TODO: Need this?
                //            //    ParentChildLinker.Instance.Update(newParentAdapter);

                //            if (EditorApplication.isPlaying)
                //            {
                //                if (!adapter.Instantiated)
                //                    adapter.DoInstantiate(true);
                //                //Debug.Log(string.Format("OnHierarchyChange: Component instantiated: {0} [{1}]", adapter.Component, adapter.transform.GetInstanceID()));
                //            }

                //            var cmp = adapter.Component;
                //            if (null == cmp)
                //            {
                //                throw new Exception("Component not found on ComponentAdapter: " + adapter);
                //            }
                //        }
                //    }

                //    /**
                //     * 3. If adapter stuff went without a problem...
                //     * */
                //    node.Transform.parent = parentTransform;
Exemple #23
// ReSharper disable MemberCanBeMadeStatic.Global
        public void Process(AddEventHandlerPersistedData persistedData)
// ReSharper restore MemberCanBeMadeStatic.Global
            int       instanceId = persistedData.TransformInstanceId;
            Transform transform  = EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(instanceId) as Transform;

            if (null == transform)
                Debug.LogError("Cannot find object with InstanceID=" + instanceId);
                ComponentAdapter adapter = GuiLookup.GetAdapter(transform);
                if (null == adapter)
                    Debug.LogError("Cannot find adapter on transform having InstanceID=" + instanceId);
                    //Debug.Log("Applying persistedData.Action: " + persistedData.Action);
                    Component cmp;

                    switch (persistedData.Action) // MapExistingHandler, AttachExistingScriptAndMapHandler, CreateNewScriptAndHandler
                    //case AddHandlerAction.MapExistingHandler:

                        CreateMapping(persistedData, adapter);
                        cmp = adapter.gameObject.GetComponent(persistedData.ClassName);

                    case AddHandlerAction.AttachExistingScriptAndMapHandler:

                         * In the case of the new handler creation, we are allowing the already attached script to be "attached" again
                         * It is not really attached if it already exists - we just don't throw an exception
                         * So, if the ScriptAlreadyAttached flag is true, we are referencing the script using gameObject.GetComponent,
                         * else we are using IO.Util
                         * */
                        cmp = persistedData.ScriptAlreadyAttached ?
                              adapter.gameObject.GetComponent(persistedData.ClassName) :
                              IO.Util.AddHandlerScript(adapter, persistedData);

                        if (null == cmp)
                            Debug.LogError("Couldn't add event handler script");
                        CreateMapping(persistedData, adapter);

                    case AddHandlerAction.CreateNewHandlerInExistingScript:

                         * In the case of the new handler creation, we are allowing the already attached script to be "attached" again
                         * It is not really attached if it already exists - we just don't throw an exception
                         * So, if the ScriptAlreadyAttached flag is true, we are referencing the script using gameObject.GetComponent,
                         * else we are using IO.Util
                         * */
                        cmp = persistedData.ScriptAlreadyAttached ?
                              adapter.gameObject.GetComponent(persistedData.ClassName) :
                              IO.Util.AddHandlerScript(adapter, persistedData);

                        if (null == cmp)
                            Debug.LogError("Couldn't add event handler script");
                        CreateMapping(persistedData, adapter);

                    case AddHandlerAction.CreateNewScriptAndHandler:

                        cmp = IO.Util.AddHandlerScript(adapter, persistedData);
                        if (null == cmp)
                            Debug.LogError("Couldn't add event handler script");
                        CreateMapping(persistedData, adapter);

                    if (null == cmp) // MapExistingHandler
                        throw new Exception("Couldn't add event the script");

                    MonoBehaviour mb = cmp as MonoBehaviour;
                    if (null == mb)
                        throw new Exception("Component is not a MonoBehaviour");

                    if (persistedData.OpenScript)
                        // open script
                        var script = MonoScript.FromMonoBehaviour(mb);
                        //Debug.Log("persistedData.SnippetLineNumber: " + persistedData.SnippetLineNumber);
                        AssetDatabase.OpenAsset(script, persistedData.SnippetLineNumber);

                     * 3. Re-scan the hierarchy
                     * */
    private void SetLabelText(Point screenSize)
        var label = GuiLookup.FindComponent <Label>(gameObject, "lblRuler");

        label.Text = string.Format("{0} px", screenSize.X);
Exemple #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursive!
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sb"></param>
        /// <param name="node"></param>
        private static void DoFix(ref StringBuilder sb, Node node)
            bool isRoot = (null == node.Adapter);
            //if (!isRoot)
            //    Debug.Log(StringUtil.Indent(node.Depth, "Fixing " + node.Adapter));

            var childNodes = node.ChildNodes;

            var unprocessedNodes = ListUtil <Node> .Clone(node.ChildNodes);

            var adapter = node.Adapter;

            //Debug.Log(@"adapter: " + adapter);
            var containerAdapter = adapter as GroupAdapter;

            //Debug.Log(@"containerAdapter: " + containerAdapter);

            // Note: the ROOT node has no adapter no groups defined!

            if (null != containerAdapter)
                ChildGroupPack pack = ChildGroupPack.Read(containerAdapter);
                // Debug.Log(@"pack:
                //" + pack);
                foreach (ChildGroup childGroup in pack.Groups)
                    //sb.AppendLine(StringUtil.Indent(node.Depth + 1, string.Format("== {0} ==", childGroup.GroupName)));
                    //foreach (ComponentAdapter componentAdapter in childGroup.Adapters)
                    for (int i = childGroup.Adapters.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        ComponentAdapter componentAdapter = childGroup.Adapters[i];

                        bool doRemove = false;

                         * 1. Handle null
                         * */
                        if (null == componentAdapter)
                            //sb.AppendLine(StringUtil.Indent(node.Depth + 1, "*** Not found ***"));
                            // adapter is not child of this container, remove it from the list
                            doRemove = true;

                         * 2. Not null. Handle the adapter
                         * */
                            var childNode = GetNode(childNodes, componentAdapter);
                            if (null == childNode)
                                //sb.AppendLine(StringUtil.Indent(node.Depth + 1, "*** Not found ***"));
                                // adapter is not child of this container, remove it from the list
                                doRemove = true;
                                DoFix(ref sb, childNode);

                        if (doRemove)
                            //Debug.Log("list 1: " + ComponentAdapterUtil.DescribeAdapterList(childGroup.Adapters));
                            if (null != componentAdapter)
                                sb.AppendLine(string.Format("{0}: {1} [A:{2}] removed", GuiLookup.PathToString(containerAdapter.transform, "->"), componentAdapter, componentAdapter.GetInstanceID()));
                                sb.AppendLine(string.Format("{0}: Adapter at position {1} removed", GuiLookup.PathToString(containerAdapter.transform, "->"), i));
                            //Debug.Log("list 2: " + ComponentAdapterUtil.DescribeAdapterList(childGroup.Adapters));

            // orphans
            foreach (Node childNode in unprocessedNodes)
                if (!isRoot)
                    if (null != containerAdapter)
                        ChildGroupPack pack = ChildGroupPack.Read(containerAdapter);
                        if (pack.Groups.Count > 0)
                            sb.AppendLine(string.Format("{0}: [{1}] added to the first group", GuiLookup.PathToString(containerAdapter.transform, "->"), childNode.Adapter));
                DoFix(ref sb, childNode);
Exemple #26
        internal static void Process(List <Node> nodes)
            if (nodes.Count == 0)

            //Debug.Log(string.Format("Processing {0} moves in edit mode.", nodes.Count));

            foreach (Node node in nodes)
                 * 1. Process transforms
                 * */
                Transform transform = node.Transform;
                if (null == node.Transform)
                    throw new Exception("Transform is null");

                /*if (null == transform)
                 *  continue; // ROOT*/

                //Debug.Log("node.Transform: " + transform);

                ComponentAdapter adapter = GuiLookup.GetAdapter(transform);
                bool             isStage = adapter is StageAdapter;

                Transform oldParentTransform = node.OldParentTransform;
                Transform newParentTransform = node.ParentTransform;

                /* This happens when a stage moved to root */
                if (null == newParentTransform && !isStage)
                    continue; // not a stage, return (if stage, should process) - only stage could be added to root

                 * The adapter was moved
                 * It is still placed on the same (moved) transform
                 * We are accessing the old and the new parent adapter via transforms:
                 * 1. old parent transform could be referenced using the node.OldParentTransform
                 * 2. new parent transform could be referenced using the node.ParentTransform
                 * */
                GroupAdapter oldParentAdapter = null != oldParentTransform?
                                                GuiLookup.GetAdapter(oldParentTransform) as GroupAdapter:

                GroupAdapter newParentAdapter = null != newParentTransform?
                                                GuiLookup.GetAdapter(newParentTransform) as GroupAdapter:

                Debug.Log(string.Format("[{0}] -> moving from [{1}] to [{2}]",
                                        null == oldParentAdapter ? "-" : oldParentAdapter.ToString(),
                                        null == newParentAdapter ? "-" : newParentAdapter.ToString()

                 * 2. Sanity check
                 * */
                if (null == newParentAdapter && !isStage)
                    throw new Exception("eDriven.Gui components could be added to containers only");

                 * 3. Process adapters
                 * */
                if (null != oldParentAdapter)

                if (null != newParentAdapter)
                    newParentAdapter.AddChild(adapter, true);

                 * 4. Set transform
                 * */
                node.Transform.parent = newParentTransform;
Exemple #27
 internal void RefreshPath()
     _path = GuiLookup.GetPath(Selection.activeTransform);
        /// <summary>
        /// Fires when in-game GUI element clicked
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameters"></param>
        internal static void ClickSlot(object[] parameters)
            if (!EditorSettings.InspectorEnabled)

             * 1. No component with adapter selected -> remove the hierarchy selection
             * */
            if (parameters.Length == 0)
                // ReSharper disable ConditionIsAlwaysTrueOrFalse
                if (DipSwitches.DeselectHierarchyOnNonAdaptedComponentSelection)
                // ReSharper restore ConditionIsAlwaysTrueOrFalse
#pragma warning disable 162
                    Selection.activeTransform = null;
#pragma warning restore 162

            Component comp = parameters[0] as Component;

            if (DebugMode)
                Debug.Log(string.Format("Component clicked in the game view: {0}", comp));

            DraggableList.StopDrag(); // solves the bug of still dragging when view changed

             * 2. The adapted component selected
             * */
            if (null != comp)
                 * 2.a) Get game object having adapter for this component attached<br/>
                 * If no adapter found, it means that this component is not bound to an adapter<br/>
                 * For instance Alert (created from code), or component created by an adapter working in factory mode
                 * */
                GameObject gameObject = GuiLookup.GetGameObject(comp);

                 * 2.b) Check if game object found
                 * If not, nullify the selection and return
                 * */
                if (null == gameObject)
                    Selection.activeTransform = null;

                 * 2.c) If game object found, ping it (highlight it) and select it
                 * Selecting it will in turn execute all the mechanisms for processing the selection change
                 * */
                //EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(gameObject); // ping
                Selection.activeTransform = gameObject.transform; // select

                if (parameters.Length > 1)
                    MouseEvent me = (MouseEvent)parameters[1];