Exemple #1
        public override void onWake()
            GuiTextListCtrl CL_levelList = "CL_levelList";

            ChooseLevelWindow          ChooseLevelWindow = "ChooseLevelWindow";
            GuiDynamicCtrlArrayControl SmallPreviews     = ((GuiDynamicCtrlArrayControl)((GuiWindowCtrl)"ChooseLevelWindow").findObjectByInternalName("SmallPreviews", false));

            ((GuiDynamicCtrlArrayControl)ChooseLevelWindow.findObjectByInternalName("SmallPreviews", false)).clear();
            string file = "";

            for (file = Util.findFirstFile(sGlobal["$Server::MissionFileSpec"], true); file != ""; file = Util.findNextFile(sGlobal["$Server::MissionFileSpec"]))
                // Skip our new level/mission if we arent choosing a level
                // to launch in the editor.
                if (!this["launchInEditor"].AsBool())
                    if (Util.strstr(file, "newMission.mis") > -1)
                    if (Util.strstr(file, "newLevel.mis") > -1)
            // Also add the new level mission as defined in the world editor settings
            // if we are choosing a level to launch in the editor.
            if (this["launchInEditor"].AsBool())
                file = ((Settings)"EditorSettings").value("WorldEditor/newLevelFile");
                if (file != "")
            // Sort our list

            // Set the first row as the selected row

            GuiBitmapButtonCtrl preview;

            for (int i = 0; i < CL_levelList.rowCount(); i++)
                ObjectCreator oc = new ObjectCreator("GuiBitmapButtonCtrl");
                oc["internalName"] = "SmallPreview" + i;
                oc["Extent"]       = "108 81";
                oc["bitmap"]       = "art/gui/no-preview";
                oc["command"]      = "ChooseLevelWindow.previewSelected(ChooseLevelWindow->SmallPreviews->SmallPreview" + i + ");";
                preview            = oc.Create();
                // Set this small preview visible
                if (i > 5)
                // Set the level index
                preview["levelIndex"] = i.AsString();
                // Get the name
                string name = Util.getField(CL_levelList.getRowText(i), 0);
                preview["levelName"] = name;
                file = Util.getField(CL_levelList.getRowText(i), 1);
                // Find the preview image
                string levelPreview = Util.filePath(file) + "/" + Util.fileBase(file) + "_preview";
                // Test against all of the different image formats
                // This should probably be moved into an engine function
                if (Util.isFile(levelPreview + ".png") || Util.isFile(levelPreview + ".jpg") || Util.isFile(levelPreview + ".bmp") || Util.isFile(levelPreview + ".gif") || Util.isFile(levelPreview + ".jng") || Util.isFile(levelPreview + ".mng") || Util.isFile(levelPreview + ".tga"))
                // Get the description
                String desc = Util.getField(CL_levelList.getRowText(i), 2);
                preview["levelDesc"] = desc;

            SmallPreviews["firstVisible"] = "-1";
            SmallPreviews["lastVisible"]  = "-1";

            if (SmallPreviews.getCount() > 0)
                SmallPreviews["firstVisible"] = "0";
                if (SmallPreviews.getCount() < 6)
                    SmallPreviews["lastVisible"] = (SmallPreviews.getCount() - 1).AsString();
                    SmallPreviews["lastVisible"] = "4";

            if (SmallPreviews.getCount() > 0)
            // If we have 5 or less previews then hide our next/previous buttons
            // and resize to fill their positions

            if (SmallPreviews.getCount() < 6)
                ((GuiBitmapButtonCtrl)ChooseLevelWindow.findObjectByInternalName("PreviousSmallPreviews", false)).setVisible(false);
                ((GuiBitmapButtonCtrl)ChooseLevelWindow.findObjectByInternalName("NextSmallPreviews", false)).setVisible(false);

                Point2I previewPos  = SmallPreviews.getPosition();
                Point2I previousPos = ((GuiBitmapButtonCtrl)ChooseLevelWindow.findObjectByInternalName("PreviousSmallPreviews", false)).getPosition();

                SmallPreviews.setPosition(previousPos.x, previewPos.y);

                SmallPreviews.colSpacing = 10;

            if (SmallPreviews.getCount() <= 1)
                // Hide the small previews
                // Shrink the ChooseLevelWindow so that we don't have a large blank space

                ChooseLevelWindow.setExtent(new Point2F(ChooseLevelWindow.getExtent().x + " " + SmallPreviews.getPosition().y));

                ChooseLevelWindow.setExtent(new Point2F(ChooseLevelWindow.getExtent().x, SmallPreviews.getPosition().y));
                // Make sure the small previews are visible

                int extentX = ChooseLevelWindow.getExtent().x;
                int extentY = SmallPreviews.getPosition().y;
                extentY  = extentY + SmallPreviews.getExtent().y;
                extentY += 9;
                ChooseLevelWindow.setExtent(new Point2F(extentX, extentY));
        public void setViewTypeCategorized()
            GuiEditorGui.GuiEditor GuiEditor = "GuiEditor";

            // Create rollouts for each class category we have and
            // record the classes in each category in a temporary array
            // on the rollout so we can later sort the class names before
            // creating the actual controls in the toolbox.

            string controls = Util.enumerateConsoleClassesByCategory("Gui");

            foreach (string className in controls.Split('\t'))
                if (GuiEditor.isFilteredClass(className) ||
                    !Util.isMemberOfClass(className, "GuiControl"))

                // Get the class's next category under Gui.

                string category = Util.getWord(Util.getCategoryOfClass(className), 1);
                if (category == "")

                // Find or create the rollout for the category.

                GuiRolloutCtrl rollout = this.getOrCreateRolloutForCategory(category);

                // Insert the item.

                if (!rollout["classes"].AsBool())
                    rollout["classes"] = new ObjectCreator("ArrayObject").Create().AsString();

                ((ArrayObject)rollout["classes"]).push_back(className, "");

            // Go through the rollouts, sort the class names, and
            // create the toolbox controls.

            for (uint i = 0; i < this.getCount(); i++)
                GuiRolloutCtrl rollout = this.getObject(i);
                if (!rollout.isMemberOfClass("GuiRolloutCtrl"))

                // Get the array with the class names and sort it.
                // Sort in descending order to counter reversal of order
                // when we later add the controls to the stack.

                ArrayObject classes = rollout["classes"];

                // Add a control for each of the classes to the
                // rollout's stack control.

                GuiDynamicCtrlArrayControl stack = rollout.FOT("array");
                int numClasses = classes.count();
                for (int n = 0; n < numClasses; n++)
                    string className = classes.getKey(n);

                    #region GuiIconButtonCtrl ()        oc_Newobject3

                    ObjectCreator oc_Newobject3 = new ObjectCreator("GuiIconButtonCtrl", "",
                    oc_Newobject3["profile"]    = "ToolsGuiIconButtonSmallProfile";
                    oc_Newobject3["extent"]     = "128 18";
                    oc_Newobject3["text"]       = className;
                    oc_Newobject3["iconBitmap"] = console.Call_Classname("EditorIconRegistry", "findIconByClassName",
                                                                         new string[] { className });
                    oc_Newobject3["buttonMargin"]   = "2 2";
                    oc_Newobject3["iconLocation"]   = "left";
                    oc_Newobject3["textLocation"]   = "left";
                    oc_Newobject3["textMargin"]     = "24";
                    oc_Newobject3["AutoSize"]       = new ObjectCreator.StringNoQuote("true");
                    oc_Newobject3["command"]        = "GuiEditor.createControl( " + className + " );";
                    oc_Newobject3["useMouseEvents"] = new ObjectCreator.StringNoQuote("true");

                    //TODO doesn't work for every control.
                    //oc_Newobject3["tooltip"] = className + '\n' + "\n" + Util.getDescriptionOfClass( className );
                    oc_Newobject3["tooltipProfile"] = "ToolsGuiToolTipProfile";


                    GuiIconButtonCtrl ctrl = oc_Newobject3.Create();


                // Delete the temporary array.

                rollout["classes"] = "";

            this.currentViewType = "Categorized";