Exemple #1
        public void sendBounty(BasePlayer player, Bounty bounty)
            player.ChatMessage($"sendBounty: {bounty.placerName} -> {bounty.targetName}");
            GuiContainer c = new GuiContainer(this, "bountyPreview");

            Rectangle templatePos = new Rectangle(623, 26, 673, 854, resX, resY, true);
            c.addImage("template", templatePos, "bounty_template", GuiContainer.Layer.hud, FadeIn: FadeIn, FadeOut: FadeOut);

            Rectangle targetNamePos  = new Rectangle(680, 250, 560, 65, resX, resY, true);
            int       fontsize       = guiCreator.getFontsizeByFramesize(bounty.targetName.Length, targetNamePos);
            GuiText   targetNameText = new GuiText(bounty.targetName, fontsize);
            c.addText("targetName", targetNamePos, GuiContainer.Layer.hud, targetNameText, FadeIn, FadeOut);

            if (config.showSteamImage)
                Rectangle imagePos = new Rectangle(828, 315, 264, 264, resX, resY, true);
                c.addImage("image", imagePos, bounty.targetID.ToString(), GuiContainer.Layer.hud, FadeIn: FadeIn, FadeOut: FadeOut);

            Rectangle rewardPos  = new Rectangle(680, 579, 560, 53, resX, resY, true);
            string    reward     = $"{bounty.rewardAmount} {bounty.reward.info.displayName.english}";
            GuiText   rewardText = new GuiText(reward, guiCreator.getFontsizeByFramesize(reward.Length, rewardPos));
            c.addText("reward", rewardPos, GuiContainer.Layer.hud, rewardText, FadeIn, FadeOut);

            Rectangle reasonPos  = new Rectangle(680, 681, 560, 53, resX, resY, true);
            GuiText   reasonText = new GuiText(bounty.reason, 14);
            c.addText("reason", reasonPos, GuiContainer.Layer.hud, reasonText, FadeIn, FadeOut);

            Rectangle placerNamePos  = new Rectangle(680, 771, 560, 36, resX, resY, true);
            GuiText   placerNameText = new GuiText(bounty.placerName, guiCreator.getFontsizeByFramesize(bounty.placerName.Length, placerNamePos));
            c.addText("placerName", placerNamePos, GuiContainer.Layer.hud, placerNameText, FadeIn, FadeOut);

            Rectangle closeButtonPos = new Rectangle(1296, 52, 60, 60, resX, resY, true);
            c.addButton("close", closeButtonPos, GuiContainer.Layer.hud, darkRed, FadeIn, FadeOut, new GuiText("X", 24, lightRed), blur: GuiContainer.Blur.medium);


            if (bounty.hunt != null)
                huntButton(player, bounty, huntErrorType.huntActive);
                huntButton(player, bounty);
Exemple #2
        public void sendTargetIndicator(BasePlayer player, Hunt hunt)
            if (!config.showTargetIndicator)
            player.ChatMessage($"sendTargetIndicator: {hunt.hunterName} -> {hunt.bounty.targetName}");
            if (player == null)
            if (player.IsSleeping())
            GuiContainer c = new GuiContainer(this, "targetIndicator");

            Rectangle bgPos    = new Rectangle(50, 250, 350, 100, resX, resY, true);
            float     distance = config.safeDistance;
            if (hunt.hunter?.transform != null && hunt.target?.transform != null)
                distance = Vector3.Distance(hunt.hunter.transform.position, hunt.target.transform.position);
            GuiColor bgColor = config.showDistance?gradientRedYellowGreen(Mathf.Clamp((distance / config.safeDistance), 0, 1)):lightGrey;
            c.addPlainPanel("Background", bgPos, GuiContainer.Layer.hud, bgColor, 0, 0, GuiContainer.Blur.medium);

            Rectangle topLinePos      = new Rectangle(50, 250, 350, 50, resX, resY, true);
            string    TopLineString   = $"You are being hunted{(config.showHunter?$" by {hunt.hunterName}":"")}!";
            int       topLineFontsize = guiCreator.getFontsizeByFramesize(TopLineString.Length, topLinePos);
            GuiText   topLineText     = new GuiText(TopLineString, topLineFontsize, opaqueWhite);
            c.addText("topline", topLinePos, GuiContainer.Layer.hud, topLineText);

            Rectangle bottomLinePos      = new Rectangle(50, 300, 350, 20, resX, resY, true);
            string    bottomLineString   = "You can run, but you can't hide!";
            int       bottomLineFontsize = guiCreator.getFontsizeByFramesize(bottomLineString.Length, bottomLinePos);
            GuiText   bottomLineText     = new GuiText(bottomLineString, bottomLineFontsize, opaqueWhite);
            c.addText("bottomLine", bottomLinePos, GuiContainer.Layer.hud, bottomLineText);

            Rectangle CountdownPos      = new Rectangle(50, 320, 350, 30, resX, resY, true);
            string    CountdownString   = hunt.remaining.ToString(@"hh\:mm\:ss");
            int       CountdownFontsize = guiCreator.getFontsizeByFramesize(CountdownString.Length, CountdownPos);
            GuiText   CountdownText     = new GuiText(CountdownString, CountdownFontsize, opaqueWhite);
            c.addText("Countdown", CountdownPos, GuiContainer.Layer.hud, CountdownText);

Exemple #3
        private void SendEntry(BasePlayer player, KeyValuePair <BasePlayer, PlayerSummary> kvp, int count, int sizeEach, int gap, Action <BasePlayer> callback)
            if (GuiTracker.getGuiTracker(player).getContainer(PluginInstance, "PlayerSearch") == null)

            GuiColor black60 = new GuiColor(0, 0, 0, 0.6f);
            GuiColor black40 = new GuiColor(0, 0, 0, 0.4f);
            GuiColor white70 = new GuiColor(1, 1, 1, 0.7f);

            GuiContainer c = new GuiContainer(PluginInstance, $"{count}ImageContainer", "PlayerSearch");

            Rectangle entryBgPos = new Rectangle(715, 360 + count * (sizeEach + gap), 490, 80, 1920, 1080, true);

            c.addPlainPanel($"{count}EntryBG", entryBgPos, GuiContainer.Layer.overall, black60, 0.2f, 0);

            Rectangle idPos  = new Rectangle(795, 365 + count * (sizeEach + gap), 405, 35, 1920, 1080, true);
            GuiText   idText = new GuiText($"[{kvp.Key.userID}]", 14, white70);

            c.addText($"{count}id", idPos, GuiContainer.Layer.overall, idText, 0.2f, 0);

            Rectangle namePos  = new Rectangle(795, 400 + count * (sizeEach + gap), 405, 35, 1920, 1080, true);
            GuiText   nameText = new GuiText($"{kvp.Key.displayName}", getFontsizeByFramesize(kvp.Key.displayName.Length, namePos), white70);

            c.addText($"{count}name", namePos, GuiContainer.Layer.overall, nameText, 0.2f, 0);

            Action <BasePlayer, string[]> buttonCb = (p2, a) =>
                GuiTracker.getGuiTracker(player).destroyGui(PluginInstance, "PlayerSearch");

            c.addPlainButton($"{count}btnOverlay", entryBgPos, GuiContainer.Layer.overall, new GuiColor(0, 0, 0, 0), 0.2f, 0, callback: buttonCb, CursorEnabled: true);

            Rectangle imgPos = new Rectangle(720, 365 + count * (sizeEach + gap), 70, 70, 1920, 1080, true);

            c.addButton($"{count}Image", imgPos, GuiContainer.Layer.overall, null, 0.2f, 0, callback: buttonCb, close: "PlayerSearch", imgName: kvp.Key.UserIDString);

Exemple #4
        public void sendHunterIndicator(BasePlayer player, Hunt hunt)
            player.ChatMessage($"sendHunterIndicator: {hunt.hunterName} -> {hunt.bounty.targetName}");
            if (player == null)
            if (player.IsSleeping())
            GuiContainer c = new GuiContainer(this, "hunterIndicator");

            Rectangle bgPos = new Rectangle(50, 100, 350, 150, resX, resY, true);
            c.addPlainPanel("bg", bgPos, GuiContainer.Layer.hud, lightGrey, 0, 0, GuiContainer.Blur.medium);

            Rectangle namePos        = new Rectangle(50, 100, 350, 35, resX, resY, true);
            string    nameTextString = $"You are hunting {hunt.bounty.targetName}";
            int       fontsize       = guiCreator.getFontsizeByFramesize(nameTextString.Length, namePos);
            GuiText   nameText       = new GuiText(nameTextString, fontsize, opaqueWhite);
            c.addText("name", namePos, GuiContainer.Layer.hud, nameText);

            //Last Seen
            if (config.showLastSeen)
                Rectangle lastSeenPos    = new Rectangle(50, 135, 350, 80, resX, resY, true);
                string    lastSeenString = hunt.lastSeen();
                GuiText   lastSeenText   = new GuiText(lastSeenString, 10, opaqueWhite);
                c.addText("lastSeen", lastSeenPos, GuiContainer.Layer.hud, lastSeenText);

            Rectangle countdownPos  = new Rectangle(50, 215, 350, 35, resX, resY, true);
            GuiText   countdownText = new GuiText(hunt.remaining.ToString(@"hh\:mm\:ss"), 20, opaqueWhite);
            c.addText("countdown", countdownPos, GuiContainer.Layer.hud, countdownText);

Exemple #5
        private void demoCommand(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args)
            if (!permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, "gui.demo"))
                PrintToChat(player, lang.GetMessage("noPermission", this, player.UserIDString));
            if (args.Length == 0)
                GuiContainer container = new GuiContainer(this, "demo");
                container.addPanel("demo_panel", new Rectangle(0.25f, 0.5f, 0.25f, 0.25f), GuiContainer.Layer.hud, new GuiColor(0, 1, 0, 1), 1, 1, new GuiText("This is a regular panel", 30));
                container.addPanel("demo_img", new Rectangle(0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f), FadeIn: 1, FadeOut: 1, text: new GuiText("this is an image with writing on it", 30, color: new GuiColor(1, 1, 1, 1)), imgName: "flower");
                Action <BasePlayer, string[]> heal = (bPlayer, input) => { bPlayer.Heal(10); };
                container.addButton("demo_healButton", new Rectangle(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.25f, 0.25f), GuiContainer.Layer.hud, null, 1, 1, new GuiText("heal me", 40), heal, null, false, "flower");
                Action <BasePlayer, string[]> hurt = (bPlayer, input) => { bPlayer.Hurt(10); };
                container.addButton("demo_hurtButton", new Rectangle(0.5f, 0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f), new GuiColor(1, 0, 0, 0.5f), 1, 1, new GuiText("hurt me", 40), hurt);
                container.addText("demo_inputLabel", new Rectangle(0.375f, 0.85f, 0.25f, 0.1f), new GuiText("Print to chat:", 30, null, TextAnchor.LowerCenter), 1, 1);
                Action <BasePlayer, string[]> inputCallback = (bPlayer, input) => { PrintToChat(bPlayer, string.Concat(input)); };
                container.addInput("demo_input", new Rectangle(0.375f, 0.75f, 0.25f, 0.1f), inputCallback, GuiContainer.Layer.hud, null, new GuiColor("white"), 100, new GuiText("", 50), 1, 1);
                container.addButton("close", new Rectangle(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f), new GuiColor("red"), 1, 0, new GuiText("close", 50));

                GuiContainer container2 = new GuiContainer(this, "demo_child", "demo");
                container2.addPanel("layer1", new Rectangle(1400, 800, 300, 100, 1920, 1080, true), GuiContainer.Layer.overall, new GuiColor("red"), 1, 1, new GuiText("overall", align: TextAnchor.LowerLeft));
                container2.addPanel("layers_label", new Rectangle(1400, 800, 300, 100, 1920, 1080, true), GuiContainer.Layer.overall, null, 1, 1, new GuiText("Available layers:", 20, align: TextAnchor.UpperLeft));
                container2.addPanel("layer2", new Rectangle(1425, 825, 300, 100, 1920, 1080, true), GuiContainer.Layer.overlay, new GuiColor("yellow"), 1, 1, new GuiText("overlay", align: TextAnchor.LowerLeft));
                container2.addPanel("layer3", new Rectangle(1450, 850, 300, 100, 1920, 1080, true), GuiContainer.Layer.menu, new GuiColor("green"), 1, 1, new GuiText("menu", align: TextAnchor.LowerLeft));
                container2.addPanel("layer4", new Rectangle(1475, 875, 300, 100, 1920, 1080, true), GuiContainer.Layer.hud, new GuiColor("blue"), 1, 1, new GuiText("hud", align: TextAnchor.LowerLeft));
                container2.addPanel("layer5", new Rectangle(1500, 900, 300, 100, 1920, 1080, true), GuiContainer.Layer.under, new GuiColor("purple"), 1, 1, new GuiText("under", align: TextAnchor.LowerLeft));

                GuiContainer container3 = new GuiContainer(this, "demo_anchors", "demo");
                container3.addPlainPanel("bl", new Rectangle(20, 960, 100, 100, 1920, 1080, true, Rectangle.Anchors.BottomLeft), GuiContainer.Layer.menu, new GuiColor("white"), 1, 1);
                container3.addPlainPanel("cl", new Rectangle(20, 490, 100, 100, 1920, 1080, true, Rectangle.Anchors.CenterLeft), GuiContainer.Layer.menu, new GuiColor("white"), 1, 1);
                container3.addPlainPanel("ul", new Rectangle(20, 20, 100, 100, 1920, 1080, true, Rectangle.Anchors.UpperLeft), GuiContainer.Layer.menu, new GuiColor("white"), 1, 1);
                container3.addPlainPanel("uc", new Rectangle(910, 20, 100, 100, 1920, 1080, true, Rectangle.Anchors.UpperCenter), GuiContainer.Layer.menu, new GuiColor("white"), 1, 1);
                container3.addPlainPanel("ur", new Rectangle(1800, 20, 100, 100, 1920, 1080, true, Rectangle.Anchors.UpperRight), GuiContainer.Layer.menu, new GuiColor("white"), 1, 1);
                container3.addPlainPanel("cr", new Rectangle(1800, 490, 100, 100, 1920, 1080, true, Rectangle.Anchors.CenterRight), GuiContainer.Layer.menu, new GuiColor("white"), 1, 1);
                container3.addPlainPanel("br", new Rectangle(1800, 960, 100, 100, 1920, 1080, true, Rectangle.Anchors.BottomRight), GuiContainer.Layer.menu, new GuiColor("white"), 1, 1);
                container3.addPlainPanel("bc", new Rectangle(910, 960, 100, 100, 1920, 1080, true, Rectangle.Anchors.BottomCenter), GuiContainer.Layer.menu, new GuiColor("white"), 1, 1);

                customGameTip(player, "This is a custom gametip!", 5);
            else if (args.Length >= 3)
                if (args[0] == "gametip")
                    customGameTip(player, args[2], 3f, (gametipType)Enum.Parse(typeof(gametipType), args[1]));
Exemple #6
        public void customGameTip(BasePlayer player, string text, float duration = 0, gametipType type = gametipType.gametip)
            GuiTracker.getGuiTracker(player).destroyGui(this, "gameTip");

            GuiContainer container = new GuiContainer(this, "gameTip");

            switch (type)
            case gametipType.gametip:
                //container.addImage("gametip", new Rectangle(375, 844, 1170, 58, 1920, 1080, true), "bgTex", GuiContainer.Layer.overall, new GuiColor("#25639BF0"), 0.5f, 1);
                container.addPlainPanel("gametip", new Rectangle(375, 844, 1170, 58, 1920, 1080, true), GuiContainer.Layer.overall, new GuiColor("#25639BF4"), 0.5f, 1, GuiContainer.Blur.greyout);
                container.addText("gametip_txt", new Rectangle(433, 844, 1112, 58, 1920, 1080, true), GuiContainer.Layer.overall, new GuiText(text, 20, new GuiColor("#FFFFFFD9")), 0.5f, 1);
                container.addImage("gametip_icon", new Rectangle(375, 844, 58, 58, 1920, 1080, true), "gameTipIcon", GuiContainer.Layer.overall, new GuiColor("#FFFFFFD9"), 0.5f, 1);

            case gametipType.warning:
                container.addPlainPanel("gametip", new Rectangle(375, 844, 1170, 58, 1920, 1080, true), GuiContainer.Layer.overall, new GuiColor("#DED502F0"), 0.5f, 1);
                container.addText("gametip_txt", new Rectangle(433, 844, 1112, 58, 1920, 1080, true), GuiContainer.Layer.overall, new GuiText(text, 20, new GuiColor("#000000D9")), 0.5f, 1);
                container.addImage("gametip_icon", new Rectangle(375, 844, 58, 58, 1920, 1080, true), "warning_alpha", GuiContainer.Layer.overall, new GuiColor("#FFFFFFD9"), 0.5f, 1);

            case gametipType.error:
                //container.addImage("gametip", new Rectangle(375, 844, 1170, 58, 1920, 1080, true), "bgTex", GuiContainer.Layer.overall, new GuiColor("#BB0000F0"), 0.5f, 1);
                container.addPlainPanel("gametip", new Rectangle(375, 844, 1170, 58, 1920, 1080, true), GuiContainer.Layer.overall, new GuiColor("#BB0000F0"), 0.5f, 1, GuiContainer.Blur.greyout);
                container.addText("gametip_txt", new Rectangle(433, 844, 1112, 58, 1920, 1080, true), GuiContainer.Layer.overall, new GuiText(text, 20, new GuiColor("#FFFFFFD9")), 0.5f, 1);
                container.addImage("gametip_icon", new Rectangle(375, 844, 58, 58, 1920, 1080, true), "white_cross", GuiContainer.Layer.overall, new GuiColor("#FFFFFFD9"), 0.5f, 1);

            if (duration != 0)
                Timer closeTimer = timer.Once(duration, () =>
                    GuiTracker.getGuiTracker(player).destroyGui(this, container);
Exemple #7
            private void SendBackgound()
                GuiContainer c = new GuiContainer(PluginInstance, nameof(ColorPicker));

                c.addPlainButton("close", new Rectangle(), layer, GuiColor.Transparent);

                Rectangle panelPos   = new Rectangle(560, 265, 800, 550, resX, resY, true);
                GuiColor  panelColor = new GuiColor(0, 0, 0, 0.5f);

                c.addPlainPanel("bgPanel", panelPos, layer, panelColor, fadeIn, fadeOut, GuiContainer.Blur.medium);

                Rectangle labelPos  = new Rectangle(560, 265, 800, 60, resX, resY, true);
                GuiText   labelText = new GuiText(header, 30, GuiColor.White.withAlpha(0.7f));

                c.addText("bgLabel", labelPos, layer, labelText, fadeIn, fadeOut);

Exemple #8
        private void SendPlayerSearchUI(BasePlayer player, KeyValuePair <BasePlayer, PlayerSummary>[] results, Action <BasePlayer> callback, int page = 0)
            List <List <KeyValuePair <BasePlayer, PlayerSummary> > > listOfLists = SplitIntoChunks(results.ToList(), 5);

            GuiContainer c = new GuiContainer(PluginInstance, "PlayerSearch");

            c.addPlainButton("close", new Rectangle(), GuiContainer.Layer.overall, new GuiColor(0, 0, 0, 0.3f), 0.1f, 0.1f, blur: GuiContainer.Blur.medium);

            GuiColor black60 = new GuiColor(0, 0, 0, 0.6f);
            GuiColor black40 = new GuiColor(0, 0, 0, 0.4f);
            GuiColor white70 = new GuiColor(1, 1, 1, 0.7f);

            Rectangle bgPos = new Rectangle(710, 260, 500, 560, 1920, 1080, true);

            c.addPlainPanel("background", bgPos, GuiContainer.Layer.overall, black60, 0.2f, 0, GuiContainer.Blur.medium);
            c.addPlainPanel("background2", bgPos, GuiContainer.Layer.overall, black60, 0.2f, 0, GuiContainer.Blur.greyout);

            Rectangle headerPos  = new Rectangle(710, 260, 500, 60, 1920, 1080, true);
            GuiText   headerText = new GuiText("Players found:", 20, white70);

            c.addText("header", headerPos, GuiContainer.Layer.overall, headerText, 0.2f, 0);

            if (page != 0)
                Rectangle upPos = new Rectangle(945, 325, 30, 30, 1920, 1080, true);
                Action <BasePlayer, string[]> upCb = (p, a) =>
                    SendPlayerSearchUI(player, results, callback, page - 1);
                c.addButton("upbtn", upPos, GuiContainer.Layer.overall, white70, 0.2f, 0, callback: upCb, imgName: "triangle_up");
            if (page != listOfLists.Count - 1)
                Rectangle downPos = new Rectangle(945, 785, 30, 30, 1920, 1080, true);
                Action <BasePlayer, string[]> downCb = (p, a) =>
                    SendPlayerSearchUI(player, results, callback, page + 1);
                c.addButton("downbtn", downPos, GuiContainer.Layer.overall, white70, 0.2f, 0, callback: downCb, imgName: "triangle_down");


            int count    = 0;
            int sizeEach = 80;
            int gap      = 5;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <BasePlayer, PlayerSummary> kvp in listOfLists[page])
                int    ccount    = count;
                int    csizeEach = sizeEach;
                int    cgap      = gap;
                Action imageCb   = () =>
                    SendEntry(player, kvp, ccount, csizeEach, cgap, callback);
                registerImage(PluginInstance, kvp.Key.UserIDString, kvp.Value.avatarfull, imageCb, true);
Exemple #9
        public void sendCreator(BasePlayer player)
            BountyBP     bp = new BountyBP();
            GuiContainer c  = new GuiContainer(this, "bountyCreator");

            Rectangle templatePos = new Rectangle(623, 26, 673, 854, resX, resY, true);
            c.addImage("template", templatePos, "bounty_template", GuiContainer.Layer.hud, FadeIn: FadeIn, FadeOut: FadeOut);

            Rectangle targetNamePos      = new Rectangle(680, 250, 100, 53, resX, resY, true);
            Rectangle targetNamePosInput = new Rectangle(780, 250, 460, 53, resX, resY, true);
            c.addText("targetNameHeader", targetNamePos, GuiContainer.Layer.hud, new GuiText("Target:", 20), FadeIn, FadeOut);
            Action <BasePlayer, string[]> targetNameCB = (p, a) =>
                if (a.Length < 1)
                BasePlayer target = findPlayer(a[0], player);
                if (target == null)
                    Effect.server.Run(errorSound, player.transform.position);
                    creatorButton(player, createErrorType.missingTarget, bp);
                bp.target = target;
                GuiTracker.getGuiTracker(player).destroyGui(this, c, "targetName");
                int          fontsize       = guiCreator.getFontsizeByFramesize(target.displayName.Length, targetNamePosInput);
                GuiText      targetNameText = new GuiText(target.displayName, fontsize);
                GuiContainer c2             = new GuiContainer(this, "tfound", "bountyCreator");
                c2.addText("targetName", targetNamePosInput, GuiContainer.Layer.hud, targetNameText, FadeIn, FadeOut);
                Effect.server.Run(successSound, player.transform.position);

                if (config.showSteamImage)
                    GetSteamUserData(target.userID, (ps) =>
                        guiCreator.registerImage(this, target.userID.ToString(), ps.avatarfull, () =>
                            Rectangle imagePos = new Rectangle(828, 315, 264, 264, resX, resY, true);
                            GuiContainer c3    = new GuiContainer(this, "image", "bountyCreator");
                            c3.addImage("image", imagePos, target.userID.ToString(), GuiContainer.Layer.hud, FadeIn: FadeIn, FadeOut: FadeOut);
                            player.ChatMessage("sent image");
            c.addInput("targetName", targetNamePosInput, targetNameCB, GuiContainer.Layer.hud, panelColor: new GuiColor("white"), text: new GuiText("", 20, new GuiColor("black")), FadeOut: FadeOut, FadeIn: FadeIn);

            ItemDefinition itemDefinition          = ItemManager.FindItemDefinition(config.currency);
            Rectangle      rewardPosInput          = new Rectangle(828, 579, 132, 53, resX, resY, true);
            Rectangle      rewardPosCurrency       = new Rectangle(970, 579, 122, 53, resX, resY, true);
            Action <BasePlayer, string[]> rewardCB = (p, a) =>
                if (a.Length < 1)
                int reward = 0;
                if (!int.TryParse(a[0], out reward))
                    Effect.server.Run(errorSound, player.transform.position);
                    creatorButton(player, createErrorType.badReward, bp);
                if (reward < config.minReward)
                    Effect.server.Run(errorSound, player.transform.position);
                    creatorButton(player, createErrorType.badReward, bp);
                if (player.inventory.GetAmount(itemDefinition.itemid) < reward)
                    Effect.server.Run(errorSound, player.transform.position);
                    creatorButton(player, createErrorType.cantAfford, bp);
                bp.reward = reward;
                GuiTracker.getGuiTracker(player).destroyGui(this, c, "reward");
                GuiContainer c2 = new GuiContainer(this, "rewardok", "bountyCreator");
                c2.addText("reward", rewardPosInput, GuiContainer.Layer.hud, new GuiText(reward.ToString(), 24, align: TextAnchor.MiddleRight), FadeIn, FadeOut);
                Effect.server.Run(successSound, player.transform.position);
            c.addInput("reward", rewardPosInput, rewardCB, GuiContainer.Layer.hud, panelColor: new GuiColor("white"), text: new GuiText("", 22, new GuiColor("black")), FadeOut: FadeOut, FadeIn: FadeIn);
            c.addText("rewardCurrency", rewardPosCurrency, GuiContainer.Layer.hud, new GuiText(itemDefinition.displayName.english, 24, new GuiColor("black"), TextAnchor.MiddleLeft), FadeIn, FadeOut);

            Rectangle reasonPos      = new Rectangle(680, 681, 100, 53, resX, resY, true);
            Rectangle reasonPosInput = new Rectangle(780, 681, 460, 53, resX, resY, true);
            c.addText("reasonHeader", reasonPos, GuiContainer.Layer.hud, new GuiText("Reason:", 20), FadeIn, FadeOut);
            Action <BasePlayer, string[]> reasonCB = (p, a) =>
                if (a.Length < 1)
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (string s in a)
                    sb.Append($"{s} ");
                bp.reason = sb.ToString().Trim();
            c.addInput("reason", reasonPosInput, reasonCB, GuiContainer.Layer.hud, panelColor: new GuiColor("white"), text: new GuiText("", 14, new GuiColor("black")), FadeOut: FadeOut, FadeIn: FadeIn);

            Rectangle placerNamePos  = new Rectangle(680, 771, 560, 36, resX, resY, true);
            GuiText   placerNameText = new GuiText(player.displayName, guiCreator.getFontsizeByFramesize(player.displayName.Length, placerNamePos));
            c.addText("placerName", placerNamePos, GuiContainer.Layer.hud, placerNameText, FadeIn, FadeOut);

            Rectangle closeButtonPos = new Rectangle(1296, 52, 60, 60, resX, resY, true);
            c.addButton("close", closeButtonPos, GuiContainer.Layer.hud, darkRed, FadeIn, FadeOut, new GuiText("X", 24, lightRed), blur: GuiContainer.Blur.medium);


            creatorButton(player, bp: bp);