private void hmTabControlTools_SelectedPageChanging(object sender, TabPageChangingEventArgs e) { if (e.PrevPage == tpSyncManager) { if (CompanySyncProcess.GetSyncProcessEnum(CompanySyncProcess.NoCompany, EnumSyncType.System) != EnumSyncProcess.NotSyncing) { GuiCommon.ShowMessage("System Sync is broken, please run it again."); e.Cancel = true; return; } var syncStatus = CompanySyncProcess.GetSyncProcessEnum(Company.CurrentId, EnumSyncType.Lookup); if (syncStatus == EnumSyncProcess.LookupSyncing) { GuiCommon.ShowMessage("Lookup Sync is broken, please finish or cancel it."); e.Cancel = true; return; } syncStatus = CompanySyncProcess.GetSyncProcessEnum(Company.CurrentId, EnumSyncType.Core); if (syncStatus == EnumSyncProcess.CoreSending) { GuiCommon.ShowMessage("Core Sync is broken in sending data, please finish or cancel it."); e.Cancel = true; return; } else if (syncStatus == EnumSyncProcess.CoreReceiving) { GuiCommon.ShowMessage("Core Sync is broken in receiving data, please finish or cancel it."); e.Cancel = true; return; } } }
private async void btnSync_ClickAsync(object sender, EventArgs e) { CL_Dialog.PleaseWait.Show("Data syncing...\r\nPlease Wait", ParentForm); SyncResult result = await DataSync.HandShakeAsync(); if (result.Successful) { var resultSync = await DataSync.RunSyncSystem(DataSync.GetSyncSystemList()); if (resultSync.Successful) { string msg = LoginUser.AddSqlUsers(); if (msg != null) { GuiCommon.ShowMessage(msg); } } GuiCommon.ShowMessage(resultSync.DisplayMessage()); } else { GuiCommon.ShowMessage(result.DisplayMessage()); } CL_Dialog.PleaseWait.Hide(); }
private void VerifiyUser() { if (CompanySyncProcess.GetSyncProcessEnum(CompanySyncProcess.NoCompany, EnumSyncType.System) != EnumSyncProcess.NotSyncing) { GuiCommon.ShowMessage("First time use or sync broken, need to Sync Users."); btnSync.Focus(); return; } if (teUsername.EditValue == null) { GuiCommon.ShowMessage("Please enter a user name."); return; } if (tePassword.EditValue == null) { GuiCommon.ShowMessage("Please enter a password."); return; } IntPtr userHandle = IntPtr.Zero; bool winValid = LogonUser(teUsername.EditValue.ToString(), System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPGlobalProperties.GetIPGlobalProperties().DomainName, tePassword.EditValue.ToString(), 2, 0, ref userHandle); if (!winValid) { GuiCommon.ShowMessage("Failed in windows authentication. Incorrect Username/Password."); return; } int?id = LoginUser.ValidUser(teUsername.EditValue.ToString()); if (id == null) { GuiCommon.ShowMessage("Cannot find this user."); return; } else { LoginUser.CurrUser = LoginUser.GetUser(id.Value); DataManage.UpdateCodeVersion(); if (LoginUser.MaxCodeVersion() != LoginUser.CurrUser.CodeVersion) { GuiCommon.ShowMessage("Code verion is not correct, please log out and restart."); return; } luCompany.Properties.DataSource = Company.List.Where(x => LoginUser.CurrUser.AccessList.Select(a => a.CompanyId).Contains(x.MatchId)).Select(x => new { CompanyID = x.MatchId, CompanyName = x.CompanyName }); if (LoginUser.CurrUser.AccessList.Count == 1) { luCompany.ItemIndex = 0;//autoload the only company } } }
private void hmTabControlProcess_SelectedPageChanging(object sender, TabPageChangingEventArgs e) { if (e.Page == tpEditLem) { if (tabLemHeader.GetCurrentLog() == null) { GuiCommon.ShowMessage("Must select a log header."); e.Cancel = true; } } }
private void ucMain_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { hmNavigationBar1.SetMOBSecurity(LoginUser.CurrUser.AccessList.Single(x => x.CompanyId == Company.CurrentId).Department, Company.CurrentId, MobileCommon.MobileDB); if (CompanySyncProcess.GetSyncProcessEnum(Company.CurrentId, EnumSyncType.Lookup) != EnumSyncProcess.NotSyncing) { GuiCommon.ShowMessage("Last Lookup Sync was broken, please finish or cancel it."); hmTabControlTop.SelectedTabPage = hmTabPageTools; hmTabControlTools.SelectedTabPage = tpSyncManager; } if (new EnumSyncProcess[] { EnumSyncProcess.NotSyncing, EnumSyncProcess.CoreHalfWay }.Contains(CompanySyncProcess.GetSyncProcessEnum(Company.CurrentId, EnumSyncType.Core)) == false) { GuiCommon.ShowMessage("Last Core Sync was broken, please finish or cancel it."); hmTabControlTop.SelectedTabPage = hmTabPageTools; hmTabControlTools.SelectedTabPage = tpSyncManager; } }
public frmMain() { InitializeComponent(); MobileCommon.ServerName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ServerName"]; MobileCommon.DatabaseName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DatabaseName"]; MobileCommon.MobileDB = $"Data Source ={MobileCommon.ServerName}; Initial Catalog = {MobileCommon.DatabaseName}; Integrated Security = True;"; GuiCommon.HMDevXManager = new TUC_HMDevXManager.TUC_HMDevXManager(defaultLookAndFeel1); ReflexCommon.SqlCommon.ReportMessage += GuiCommon.ShowMessage; DataManage.ReportMessage += GuiCommon.ShowMessage; DataManage.CheckCreateDatabase(); if (!DataManage.HasDBAccess()) { GuiCommon.ShowMessage("Please contact your system administrator to grant you database access."); return; } DataManage.Purge(); }
public override bool ExtraGUI() { Rect Panel1 = new Rect(250f, 100f, 1030f, 600f); GUILayout.BeginArea(Panel1, "PLYDataStorageBlock",; GUILayout.BeginVertical(GUILayout.Height(490)); GUILayout.Label("State"); GUILayout.TextArea(StatsText, GUILayout.Height(130)); if (SelectID != -1) { AddDataMenu = false; PLYData = string.Empty; StatsText = SetStatsText(PLYDataList[SelectID]); if (GUILayout.Button("Delete", GUILayout.ExpandHeight(false))) { PLYDataList.RemoveAt(SelectID); UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(MeshList[SelectID]); MeshList.RemoveAt(SelectID--); StatsText = string.Empty; } } if (AddDataMenu) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("Set Name : ", GUILayout.MaxWidth(100)); PLYName = GUILayout.TextField(PLYName); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("File Path : ", GUILayout.MaxWidth(100)); SetFilePath = GUILayout.TextField(SetFilePath); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("Load", GUILayout.ExpandHeight(false))) { PLYData = new WWW(SetFilePath).text; StatsText = SetStatsText(PLYData); } if (PLYData != string.Empty && GUILayout.Button("Add To List", GUILayout.ExpandHeight(false))) { PLYDataList.Add(PLYData); MeshList.Add(PLYMeshConstruct.MeshConstruct(PLYData, PLYName)); PLYData = string.Empty; StatsText = string.Empty; AddDataMenu = false; SyncroniseDataUpLoad(); } } GUILayout.EndVertical(); if (!AddDataMenu && GUILayout.Button("Add New Data", GUILayout.Height(40))) { SelectID = -1; StatsText = string.Empty; AddDataMenu = true; } bool result = GuiCommon.DisplayCloseButton((int)Panel1.width); GUILayout.EndArea(); Gui_PLYDataList(); return(result); }
public override bool ExtraGUI() { Gui_MeshDataList(); Gui_MaterialDataList(); Vector3 NSV =; Vector3 NPV =; Vector3 NAV =; Rect Panel1 = new Rect(500f, 100f, 780f, 550f); GUILayout.BeginArea(Panel1, "StereoscopicHologram",; GUILayout.Space(10); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); bool Flag0 = GUILayout.Toggle(BlockIsOn, "Block On/Off", GUILayout.Width(160f)); bool Flag1 = GUILayout.Toggle(MeshIsOn, "Mesh On/Off", GUILayout.Width(160f)); bool Frag2 = GUILayout.Toggle(VertexColorIsOn, "Vertex Color On/Off"); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); ModGUI.TextWidth = 80; ModGUI.DigitSlider(); GUILayout.Space(10); NSV.x = ModGUI.HorizontalSlider("Scale X", Scale.x, -100, 100, true); NSV.y = ModGUI.HorizontalSlider("Scale Y", Scale.y, -100, 100, true); NSV.z = ModGUI.HorizontalSlider("Scale Z", Scale.z, -100, 100, true); NPV.x = ModGUI.HorizontalSlider("Position X", Position.x, -100, 100, true); NPV.y = ModGUI.HorizontalSlider("Position Y", Position.y, -100, 100, true); NPV.z = ModGUI.HorizontalSlider("Position Z", Position.z, -100, 100, true); NAV.x = Mathf.DeltaAngle(0, ModGUI.HorizontalSlider("Angle X", Angle.x, -180, 180, true)); NAV.y = Mathf.DeltaAngle(0, ModGUI.HorizontalSlider("Angle Y", Angle.y, -180, 180, true)); NAV.z = Mathf.DeltaAngle(0, ModGUI.HorizontalSlider("Angle Z", Angle.z, -180, 180, true)); bool result = (GuiCommon.DisplayCloseButton((int)Panel1.width)) ? true : false; GUILayout.EndArea(); if (BlockIsOn != Flag0 || MeshIsOn != Flag1) { BlockIsOn = Flag0; MeshIsOn = Flag1; UpdateOnOff(); SyncroniseDataUpLoad(); } if (Scale != NSV || VertexColorIsOn != Frag2) { Scale = NSV; VertexColorIsOn = Frag2; UpdateMesh(); SyncroniseDataUpLoad(); } if (Position != NPV || Angle != NAV) { Position = NPV; Angle = NAV; UpdateTransform(); SyncroniseDataUpLoad(); } return(result); }