public static void GrabWindow( Gtk.Window window )


            Gdk.GrabStatus grabbed   = Gdk.Pointer.Grab(window.GdkWindow, true,
                                        | Gdk.EventMask.ButtonReleaseMask
                                        | Gdk.EventMask.PointerMotionMask, null, null, CURRENT_TIME);

            if (grabbed == Gdk.GrabStatus.Success)
                grabbed = Gdk.Keyboard.Grab(window.GdkWindow, true, CURRENT_TIME);

                if (grabbed != Gdk.GrabStatus.Success)
Exemple #2
		public static int ShowCustomDialog (Gtk.Dialog dialog, Gtk.Window parent)
			try {
				return RunCustomDialog (dialog, parent);
			} finally {
				if (dialog != null)
					dialog.Destroy ();
 public static void Fade(Gtk.Window w)
     //Fadein (w);
     //Thread.Sleep (5000);
     //Fadeout (w);
     //w.HideAll ();
     //w.Destroy ();
     Thread th = new Thread (delegate() {
         w.HideAll ();
         w.Destroy ();
     th.Start ();
		public void PopulateFixes (Gtk.Menu menu, ref int items)
			int mnemonic = 1;
			bool gotImportantFix = false, addedSeparator = false;
			var fixesAdded = new List<string> ();
			foreach (var fix_ in Fixes.OrderByDescending (i => Tuple.Create (IsAnalysisOrErrorFix(i), (int)i.Severity, GetUsage (i.IdString)))) {
				// filter out code actions that are already resolutions of a code issue
				if (fixesAdded.Any (f => fix_.IdString.IndexOf (f, StringComparison.Ordinal) >= 0))
				fixesAdded.Add (fix_.IdString);
				if (IsAnalysisOrErrorFix (fix_))
					gotImportantFix = true;
				if (!addedSeparator && gotImportantFix && !IsAnalysisOrErrorFix(fix_)) {
					menu.Add (new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem ());
					addedSeparator = true;

				var fix = fix_;
				var escapedLabel = fix.Title.Replace ("_", "__");
				var label = (mnemonic <= 10)
					? "_" + (mnemonic++ % 10).ToString () + " " + escapedLabel
					: "  " + escapedLabel;
				var thisInstanceMenuItem = new MenuItem (label);
				thisInstanceMenuItem.Activated += new ContextActionRunner (fix, document, currentSmartTagBegin).Run;
				thisInstanceMenuItem.Activated += delegate {
					ConfirmUsage (fix.IdString);
					menu.Destroy ();
				menu.Add (thisInstanceMenuItem);

			bool first = true;
			var settingsMenuFixes = Fixes
				.OfType<AnalysisContextActionProvider.AnalysisCodeAction> ()
				.Where (f => f.Result is InspectorResults)
				.GroupBy (f => ((InspectorResults)f.Result).Inspector);
			foreach (var analysisFixGroup_ in settingsMenuFixes) {
				var analysisFixGroup = analysisFixGroup_;
				var arbitraryFixInGroup = analysisFixGroup.First ();
				var ir = (InspectorResults)arbitraryFixInGroup.Result;

				if (first) {
					menu.Add (new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem ());
					first = false;

				var subMenu = new Gtk.Menu ();
				foreach (var analysisFix_ in analysisFixGroup) {
					var analysisFix = analysisFix_;
					if (analysisFix.SupportsBatchRunning) {
						var batchRunMenuItem = new Gtk.MenuItem (string.Format (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Apply in file: {0}"), analysisFix.Title));
						batchRunMenuItem.Activated += delegate {
							ConfirmUsage (analysisFix.IdString);
							menu.Destroy ();
						batchRunMenuItem.Activated += new ContextActionRunner (analysisFix, document, this.currentSmartTagBegin).BatchRun;
						subMenu.Add (batchRunMenuItem);
						subMenu.Add (new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem ());

				var inspector = ir.Inspector;
				if (inspector.CanSuppressWithAttribute) {
					var menuItem = new Gtk.MenuItem (GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Suppress with attribute"));
					menuItem.Activated += delegate {
						inspector.SuppressWithAttribute (document, arbitraryFixInGroup.DocumentRegion); 
					subMenu.Add (menuItem);

				if (inspector.CanDisableWithPragma) {
					var menuItem = new Gtk.MenuItem (GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Suppress with #pragma"));
					menuItem.Activated += delegate {
						inspector.DisableWithPragma (document, arbitraryFixInGroup.DocumentRegion); 
					subMenu.Add (menuItem);

				if (inspector.CanDisableOnce) {
					var menuItem = new Gtk.MenuItem (GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Disable Once"));
					menuItem.Activated += delegate {
						inspector.DisableOnce (document, arbitraryFixInGroup.DocumentRegion); 
					subMenu.Add (menuItem);

				if (inspector.CanDisableAndRestore) {
					var menuItem = new Gtk.MenuItem (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Disable _and Restore"));
					menuItem.Activated += delegate {
						inspector.DisableAndRestore (document, arbitraryFixInGroup.DocumentRegion); 
					subMenu.Add (menuItem);
				var label = GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Options for \"{0}\"", InspectorResults.GetTitle (ir.Inspector));
				var subMenuItem = new Gtk.MenuItem (label);

				var optionsMenuItem = new Gtk.MenuItem (GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Configure Rule"));
				optionsMenuItem.Activated += arbitraryFixInGroup.ShowOptions;

				optionsMenuItem.Activated += delegate {
					menu.Destroy ();
				subMenu.Add (optionsMenuItem);
				subMenuItem.Submenu = subMenu;
				menu.Add (subMenuItem);
		public void PopulateFixes (Gtk.Menu menu)
			int mnemonic = 1;
			foreach (var fix_ in fixes.OrderByDescending (i => GetUsage (i.IdString))) {
				var fix = fix_;
				var escapedLabel = fix.Title.Replace ("_", "__");
				var label = (mnemonic <= 10)
						? "_" + (mnemonic++ % 10).ToString () + " " + escapedLabel
						: "  " + escapedLabel;
				var menuItem = new Gtk.MenuItem (label);
				menuItem.Activated += new ContextActionRunner (fix, document, loc).Run;
				menuItem.Activated += delegate {
					ConfirmUsage (fix.IdString);
					menu.Destroy ();
				menu.Add (menuItem);
			var first = true;
			var alreadyInserted = new HashSet<CodeIssueProvider> ();
			foreach (var analysisFix_ in fixes.OfType <AnalysisContextActionProvider.AnalysisCodeAction>().Where (f => f.Result is InspectorResults)) {
				var analysisFix = analysisFix_;
				var ir = analysisFix.Result as InspectorResults;
				if (ir == null)
				if (first) {
					menu.Add (new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem ());
					first = false;
				if (alreadyInserted.Contains (ir.Inspector))
				alreadyInserted.Add (ir.Inspector);
				var label = GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Inspection options for \"{0}\"", ir.Inspector.Title);
				var menuItem = new Gtk.MenuItem (label);
				menuItem.Activated += analysisFix.ShowOptions;
				menuItem.Activated += delegate {
					menu.Destroy ();
				menu.Add (menuItem);

		public void PopulateFixes (Gtk.Menu menu, ref int items)
			int mnemonic = 1;
			foreach (var fix_ in fixes.OrderByDescending (i => GetUsage (i.IdString))) {
				var fix = fix_;
				var escapedLabel = fix.Title.Replace ("_", "__");
				var label = (mnemonic <= 10)
					? "_" + (mnemonic++ % 10).ToString () + " " + escapedLabel
						: "  " + escapedLabel;
				var menuItem = new Gtk.MenuItem (label);
				menuItem.Activated += new ContextActionRunner (fix, document, loc).Run;
				menuItem.Activated += delegate {
					ConfirmUsage (fix.IdString);
					menu.Destroy ();
				menu.Add (menuItem);
			var first = true;
			var alreadyInserted = new HashSet<CodeIssueProvider> ();
			foreach (var analysisFix_ in fixes.OfType <AnalysisContextActionProvider.AnalysisCodeAction>().Where (f => f.Result is InspectorResults)) {
				var analysisFix = analysisFix_;
				var ir = analysisFix.Result as InspectorResults;
				if (ir == null)
				if (first) {
					menu.Add (new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem ());
					first = false;
				if (alreadyInserted.Contains (ir.Inspector))
				alreadyInserted.Add (ir.Inspector);
				var label = GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Inspection options for \"{0}\"", ir.Inspector.Title);
				var menuItem = new Gtk.MenuItem (label);
				menuItem.Activated += analysisFix.ShowOptions;
				menuItem.Activated += delegate {
					menu.Destroy ();
				menu.Add (menuItem);

			foreach (var fix_ in fixes.Where (f => f.BoundToIssue != null)) {
				var fix = fix_;
				foreach (var inspector_ in RefactoringService.GetInspectors (document.Editor.MimeType).Where (i => i.GetSeverity () != ICSharpCode.NRefactory.CSharp.Severity.None)) {
					var inspector = inspector_;

					if (inspector.IdString.IndexOf (fix.BoundToIssue.FullName, StringComparison.Ordinal) < 0)
					if (first) {
						menu.Add (new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem ());
						first = false;
					if (alreadyInserted.Contains (inspector))
					alreadyInserted.Add (inspector);
					var label = GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Inspection options for \"{0}\"", inspector.Title);
					var menuItem = new Gtk.MenuItem (label);
					menuItem.Activated += delegate {
						MessageService.RunCustomDialog (new CodeIssueOptionsDialog (inspector), MessageService.RootWindow);
						menu.Destroy ();
					menu.Add (menuItem);

Exemple #7
        public static void Destroy(ref Gtk.Window window)
            #if DEBUG
            if (window == null)

            if (window == Variables.Window.splash)
                int counterIndex = (int)CounterType.COUNT_HINT_NUMBER;
                Variables.Counters[counterIndex] = (Variables.Counters[counterIndex] + 1) % Variables.hints.list.Count;

            window = null;
		public virtual void Drop (Gtk.Widget widget, object faultId)
			widget.Destroy ();
		internal protected void ReplaceChild (Gtk.Widget oldChild, Gtk.Widget newChild, bool destroyOld)
			ReplaceChild (oldChild, newChild);
			if (destroyOld)
				oldChild.Destroy ();
		static void Logout (object sender, EventArgs e, ref Gtk.Window window)
			window.Destroy ();
			Settings.SetSettings ("", "");
			LoginRequest ();
		public void PopulateFixes (Gtk.Menu menu, ref int items)
			int mnemonic = 1;
			bool gotImportantFix = false, addedSeparator = false;
			var fixesAdded = new List<string> ();
			foreach (var fix_ in fixes.OrderByDescending (i => Tuple.Create (IsAnalysisOrErrorFix(i), (int)i.Severity, GetUsage (i.IdString)))) {
				// filter out code actions that are already resolutions of a code issue
				if (fixesAdded.Any (f => fix_.IdString.IndexOf (f, StringComparison.Ordinal) >= 0))
				fixesAdded.Add (fix_.IdString);
				if (IsAnalysisOrErrorFix (fix_))
					gotImportantFix = true;
				if (!addedSeparator && gotImportantFix && !IsAnalysisOrErrorFix(fix_)) {
					menu.Add (new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem ());
					addedSeparator = true;

				var fix = fix_;
				var escapedLabel = fix.Title.Replace ("_", "__");
				var label = (mnemonic <= 10)
					? "_" + (mnemonic++ % 10).ToString () + " " + escapedLabel
						: "  " + escapedLabel;
				var thisInstanceMenuItem = new Gtk.MenuItem (label);
				thisInstanceMenuItem.Activated += new ContextActionRunner (fix, document, loc).Run;
				thisInstanceMenuItem.Activated += delegate {
					ConfirmUsage (fix.IdString);
					menu.Destroy ();
				menu.Add (thisInstanceMenuItem);

			bool first = true;
			var alreadyInserted = new HashSet<BaseCodeIssueProvider> ();
			foreach (var analysisFix_ in fixes.OfType <AnalysisContextActionProvider.AnalysisCodeAction>().Where (f => f.Result is InspectorResults)) {
				var analysisFix = analysisFix_;
				var ir = analysisFix.Result as InspectorResults;
				if (ir == null)
				if (first) {
					menu.Add (new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem ());
					first = false;
				if (alreadyInserted.Contains (ir.Inspector))
				alreadyInserted.Add (ir.Inspector);

				var subMenu = new Gtk.Menu ();
				if (analysisFix.SupportsBatchRunning) {
					var batchRunMenuItem = new Gtk.MenuItem (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Fix all in this file"));
					batchRunMenuItem.Activated += delegate {
						ConfirmUsage (analysisFix.IdString);
						menu.Destroy ();
					batchRunMenuItem.Activated += new ContextActionRunner (analysisFix, document, loc).BatchRun;
					subMenu.Add (batchRunMenuItem);
					subMenu.Add (new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem ());

				var inspector = ir.Inspector;
				if (inspector.CanSuppressWithAttribute) {
					var menuItem = new Gtk.MenuItem (GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Suppress with attribute"));
					menuItem.Activated += delegate {
						inspector.SuppressWithAttribute (document, analysisFix.DocumentRegion); 
					subMenu.Add (menuItem);

				if (inspector.CanDisableWithPragma) {
					var menuItem = new Gtk.MenuItem (GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Suppress with #pragma"));
					menuItem.Activated += delegate {
						inspector.DisableWithPragma (document, analysisFix.DocumentRegion); 
					subMenu.Add (menuItem);

				if (inspector.CanDisableOnce) {
					var menuItem = new Gtk.MenuItem (GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Disable once with comment"));
					menuItem.Activated += delegate {
						inspector.DisableOnce (document, analysisFix.DocumentRegion); 
					subMenu.Add (menuItem);

				if (inspector.CanDisableAndRestore) {
					var menuItem = new Gtk.MenuItem (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Disable _and restore with comments"));
					menuItem.Activated += delegate {
						inspector.DisableAndRestore (document, analysisFix.DocumentRegion); 
					subMenu.Add (menuItem);
				var label = GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Options for \"{0}\"", InspectorResults.GetTitle (ir.Inspector));
				var subMenuItem = new Gtk.MenuItem (label);

				var optionsMenuItem = new Gtk.MenuItem (GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Configure inspection"));
				optionsMenuItem.Activated += analysisFix.ShowOptions;
				optionsMenuItem.Activated += delegate {
					menu.Destroy ();
				subMenu.Add (optionsMenuItem);
				subMenuItem.Submenu = subMenu;
				menu.Add (subMenuItem);
		public void PopulateFixes (Gtk.Menu menu, ref int items)
			int mnemonic = 1;
			foreach (var fix_ in fixes.OrderByDescending (i => GetUsage (i.IdString))) {
				var fix = fix_;
				var escapedLabel = fix.Title.Replace ("_", "__");
				var label = (mnemonic <= 10)
					? "_" + (mnemonic++ % 10).ToString () + " " + escapedLabel
						: "  " + escapedLabel;
				var thisInstanceMenuItem = new Gtk.MenuItem (label);
				thisInstanceMenuItem.Activated += new ContextActionRunner (fix, document, loc).Run;
				thisInstanceMenuItem.Activated += delegate {
					ConfirmUsage (fix.IdString);
					menu.Destroy ();
				menu.Add (thisInstanceMenuItem);
			var first = true;
			var alreadyInserted = new HashSet<BaseCodeIssueProvider> ();
			foreach (var analysisFix_ in fixes.OfType <AnalysisContextActionProvider.AnalysisCodeAction>().Where (f => f.Result is InspectorResults)) {
				var analysisFix = analysisFix_;
				var ir = analysisFix.Result as InspectorResults;
				if (ir == null)
				if (first) {
					menu.Add (new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem ());
					first = false;
				if (alreadyInserted.Contains (ir.Inspector))
				alreadyInserted.Add (ir.Inspector);

				var subMenu = new Gtk.Menu ();
				if (analysisFix.SupportsBatchRunning) {
					var batchRunMenuItem = new Gtk.MenuItem (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Fix all in this file"));
					batchRunMenuItem.Activated += delegate {
						ConfirmUsage (analysisFix.IdString);
						menu.Destroy ();
					batchRunMenuItem.Activated += new ContextActionRunner (analysisFix, document, loc).BatchRun;
					subMenu.Add (batchRunMenuItem);
					subMenu.Add (new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem ());

				var inspector = ir.Inspector;
				if (inspector.CanSuppressWithAttribute) {
					var menuItem = new Gtk.MenuItem (GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Suppress with attribute"));
					menuItem.Activated += delegate {
						inspector.SuppressWithAttribute (document, analysisFix.DocumentRegion); 
					subMenu.Add (menuItem);

				if (inspector.CanDisableWithPragma) {
					var menuItem = new Gtk.MenuItem (GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Suppress with #pragma"));
					menuItem.Activated += delegate {
						inspector.DisableWithPragma (document, analysisFix.DocumentRegion); 
					subMenu.Add (menuItem);

				if (inspector.CanDisableOnce) {
					var menuItem = new Gtk.MenuItem (GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Disable once with comment"));
					menuItem.Activated += delegate {
						inspector.DisableOnce (document, analysisFix.DocumentRegion); 
					subMenu.Add (menuItem);

				if (inspector.CanDisableAndRestore) {
					var menuItem = new Gtk.MenuItem (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Disable _and restore with comments"));
					menuItem.Activated += delegate {
						inspector.DisableAndRestore (document, analysisFix.DocumentRegion); 
					subMenu.Add (menuItem);
				var label = GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Options for \"{0}\"", InspectorResults.GetTitle (ir.Inspector));
				var subMenuItem = new Gtk.MenuItem (label);

				var optionsMenuItem = new Gtk.MenuItem (GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Configure inspection severity"));
				optionsMenuItem.Activated += analysisFix.ShowOptions;
				optionsMenuItem.Activated += delegate {
					menu.Destroy ();
				subMenu.Add (optionsMenuItem);
				subMenuItem.Submenu = subMenu;
				menu.Add (subMenuItem);

			foreach (var fix_ in fixes.Where (f => f.BoundToIssue != null)) {
				var fix = fix_;
				foreach (var inspector_ in RefactoringService.GetInspectors (document.Editor.MimeType).Where (i => i.GetSeverity () != Severity.None)) {
					var inspector = inspector_;

					if (inspector.IdString.IndexOf (fix.BoundToIssue.FullName, StringComparison.Ordinal) < 0)
					if (first) {
						menu.Add (new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem ());
						first = false;
					if (alreadyInserted.Contains (inspector))
					alreadyInserted.Add (inspector);
					var label = GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Options for \"{0}\"", InspectorResults.GetTitle (inspector));
					var subMenuItem = new Gtk.MenuItem (label);
					Gtk.Menu subMenu = new Gtk.Menu ();
					if (inspector.CanSuppressWithAttribute) {
						var menuItem = new Gtk.MenuItem (GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Suppress with attribute"));
						menuItem.Activated += delegate {
							inspector.SuppressWithAttribute (document, fix.DocumentRegion); 
						subMenu.Add (menuItem);

					if (inspector.CanDisableWithPragma) {
						var menuItem = new Gtk.MenuItem (GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Suppress with #pragma"));
						menuItem.Activated += delegate {
							inspector.DisableWithPragma (document, fix.DocumentRegion); 
						subMenu.Add (menuItem);

					if (inspector.CanDisableOnce) {
						var menuItem = new Gtk.MenuItem (GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Disable once with comment"));
						menuItem.Activated += delegate {
							inspector.DisableOnce (document, fix.DocumentRegion); 
						subMenu.Add (menuItem);

					if (inspector.CanDisableAndRestore) {
						var menuItem = new Gtk.MenuItem (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Disable _and restore with comments"));
						menuItem.Activated += delegate {
							inspector.DisableAndRestore (document, fix.DocumentRegion); 
						subMenu.Add (menuItem);

					var confItem = new Gtk.MenuItem (GettextCatalog.GetString ("_Configure inspection severity"));
					confItem.Activated += delegate {
						MessageService.RunCustomDialog (new CodeIssueOptionsDialog (inspector), MessageService.RootWindow);
						menu.Destroy ();
					subMenu.Add (confItem);

					subMenuItem.Submenu = subMenu;
					subMenu.ShowAll (); 
					menu.Add (subMenuItem);

Exemple #13
		protected virtual void OnDestroyWidget (Gtk.Widget w) { w.Destroy (); }