private void AddTemplate(Gtk.Menu menu, Wrappers.Wrapper template) { if (!(d_filter == null || d_filter(template) || (template is Wrappers.Node && d_recursive))) { return; } string lbl = template.FullId.Replace("_", "__"); Gtk.MenuItem item = new Gtk.MenuItem(lbl); item.Show(); item.Activated += delegate { if (item.Submenu == null) { Activated(this, template); } }; menu.Append(item); d_map[template] = new MenuInfo(item, menu); if (d_recursive && template is Wrappers.Node) { Gtk.Menu sub = new Gtk.Menu(); item.Submenu = sub; Traverse((Wrappers.Node)template, sub); } template.WrappedObject.AddNotification("id", HandleIdChanged); }
public GameDBPlugin() : base("gamedb", Catalog. GetString ("Games Database Plugin"), Catalog. GetString ("Game database")) { saveItem = new MenuItem (Catalog. GetString ("Add Games to _Database")); saveItem.Activated += on_add_to_db_activate; saveItem.Show (); /* openDbItem = new MenuItem (Catalog. GetString ("Games _Database")); openDbItem.Activated += on_open_games_db_activate; openDbItem.Show (); */ }
public override void Hook_Initialise(Forms.Main main) { menu = new Gtk.MenuItem("Display ignored text"); collector = new Graphics.Window(); collector.CreateChat(null, false, false, false); menu.Activated += new EventHandler(Display); collector.WindowName = "Ignored"; main.ToolsMenu.Append(menu); menu.Show(); }
public override void OnNoteOpened() { // Add the menu item when the window is created. menu_item = new Gtk.MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString ("Note Statistics")); menu_item.Activated += OnMenuItemActivated; menu_item.Show (); AddPluginMenuItem (menu_item); }
public override void OnNoteOpened() { if (this.Note.Title.StartsWith("GTD")) { item = new Gtk.MenuItem("Update Tasks"); item.Activated += OnMenuItemActivated; item.AddAccelerator ("activate", Window.AccelGroup, (uint) Gdk.Key.d, Gdk.ModifierType.ControlMask, Gtk.AccelFlags.Visible); item.Show (); AddPluginMenuItem (item); } }
public override void Hook_Initialise(Forms.Main main) { _m = main; item = new Gtk.MenuItem("#pidgeon"); item.Activated += new EventHandler(pidgeonToolStripMenuItem_Click); separator = new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem(); main.HelpMenu.Append(separator); main.HelpMenu.Append(item); separator.Show(); item.Show(); Core.DebugLog("Registered #pidgeon in menu"); }
public void Initialize(IPadWindow window) { // // Handle normal input // view.ConsoleInput += HandleConsoleInput; // // Setup Ctrl + / as the interrupt handler // view.Child.KeyPressEvent += (o, args) => { if ((args.Event.State & ModifierType.ControlMask) == ModifierType.ControlMask && args.Event.Key == Key.slash) { if (session != null) { session.Interrupt(); } } }; // // Watch the active doc // IdeApp.Workbench.ActiveDocumentChanged += HandleActiveDocumentChanged; // // // UpdateFont(); UpdateColors(); view.ShadowType = Gtk.ShadowType.None; view.ShowAll(); // // Add a Restart item to the pop up menu // var v = view.Child as Gtk.TextView; if (v != null) { v.PopulatePopup += (o, args) => { var item = new Gtk.MenuItem(GettextCatalog.GetString("Reset")); item.Activated += (sender, e) => RestartCsi(); item.Show(); args.Menu.Add(item); }; } // // Create the toolbar // }
public static void Create(Tag [] tags, Gtk.Menu menu) { var findWithString = Catalog.GetPluralString ("Find _With", "Find _With", tags.Length); var item = new Gtk.MenuItem (String.Format (findWithString, tags.Length)); Gtk.Menu submenu = GetSubmenu (tags); if (submenu == null) item.Sensitive = false; else item.Submenu = submenu; menu.Append (item); item.Show (); }
public override void Hook_BeforeTextMenu(Extension.ScrollbackArgs Args) { text = Args.scrollback.SelectedText; Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem xx = new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem(); xx.Show();; Gtk.MenuItem wiki = new Gtk.MenuItem("Search using wiki"); wiki.Activated += new EventHandler(SearchWiki); wiki.Show();; Gtk.MenuItem goog = new Gtk.MenuItem("Search using google"); goog.Show(); goog.Activated += new EventHandler(SearchGoogle);; }
public void AddAccelerator(EventHandler handler, uint key, Gdk.ModifierType modifiers, Gtk.AccelFlags flags) { Gtk.MenuItem foo = new Gtk.MenuItem(); foo.Activated += handler; foo.AddAccelerator("activate", accel_group, key, modifiers, flags); foo.Show(); fake_menu.Append(foo); }
public override void OnNoteOpened() { // Add the menu item when the window is created item = new Gtk.MenuItem( Catalog.GetString("Insert Timestamp")); item.Activated += OnMenuItemActivated; item.AddAccelerator("activate", Window.AccelGroup, (uint)Gdk.Key.d, Gdk.ModifierType.ControlMask, Gtk.AccelFlags.Visible); item.Show(); AddPluginMenuItem(item); // Get the format from GConf and subscribe to changes date_format = (string)Preferences.Get( Preferences.INSERT_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT); Preferences.SettingChanged += OnFormatSettingChanged; }
public override void OnNoteOpened () { // Add the menu item when the window is created item = new Gtk.MenuItem ( Catalog.GetString ("Insert Timestamp")); item.Activated += OnMenuItemActivated; item.AddAccelerator ("activate", Window.AccelGroup, (uint) Gdk.Key.d, Gdk.ModifierType.ControlMask, Gtk.AccelFlags.Visible); item.Show (); AddPluginMenuItem (item); // Get the format from GConf and subscribe to changes date_format = (string) Preferences.Get ( Preferences.INSERT_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT); Preferences.SettingChanged += OnFormatSettingChanged; }
public static void Create(Tag [] tags, Gtk.Menu menu) { var findWithString = Catalog.GetPluralString("Find _With", "Find _With", tags.Length); var item = new Gtk.MenuItem(String.Format(findWithString, tags.Length)); Gtk.Menu submenu = GetSubmenu(tags); if (submenu == null) { item.Sensitive = false; } else { item.Submenu = submenu; } menu.Append(item); item.Show(); }
protected override void OnShown() { Trace.Call(); if (!IsPopulated) { IsPopulated = true; Gtk.MenuItem item; item = new Gtk.MenuItem(_("Ping")); item.Activated += OnPingItemActivated; item.Show(); Append(item); item = new Gtk.MenuItem(_("Version")); item.Activated += OnVersionItemActivated; item.Show(); Append(item); item = new Gtk.MenuItem(_("Time")); item.Activated += OnTimeItemActivated; item.Show(); Append(item); item = new Gtk.MenuItem(_("Finger")); item.Activated += OnFingerItemActivated; item.Show(); Append(item); item = new Gtk.MenuItem(_("Userinfo")); item.Activated += OnUserinfoItemActivated; item.Show(); Append(item); } base.OnShown(); }
void OnPopulatePopup(object sender, Gtk.PopulatePopupArgs args) { Gtk.TextIter click_iter = Buffer.GetIterAtMark(click_mark); NoteTag url_tag = Note.TagTable.UrlTag; if (click_iter.HasTag(url_tag) || click_iter.EndsTag(url_tag)) { Gtk.MenuItem item; item = new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem(); item.Show(); args.Menu.Prepend(item); item = new Gtk.MenuItem(Catalog.GetString("_Copy Link Address")); item.Activated += CopyLinkActivate; item.Show(); args.Menu.Prepend(item); item = new Gtk.MenuItem(Catalog.GetString("_Open Link")); item.Activated += OpenLinkActivate; item.Show(); args.Menu.Prepend(item); } }
void OnPopulatePopup(object sender, Gtk.PopulatePopupArgs args) { Gtk.TextIter click_iter = Buffer.GetIterAtMark(click_mark); TaskTag task_tag = (TaskTag) Buffer.GetDynamicTag("task", click_iter); if (task_tag == null) { return; } Gtk.MenuItem item; item = new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem(); item.Show(); args.Menu.Prepend(item); item = new Gtk.MenuItem(Catalog.GetString("Open To Do List")); item.Activated += OnOpenTaskListWindow; item.Show(); args.Menu.Prepend(item); item = new TaskMenuItem(task_tag.Uri, Catalog.GetString("To Do Options")); item.Activated += OnOpenTaskOptions; item.ShowAll(); args.Menu.Prepend(item); item = new TaskMenuItem( task_tag.Uri, task_tag.CompletionDate == DateTime.MinValue ? Catalog.GetString("Mark Complete") : Catalog.GetString("Mark Undone")); item.Activated += OnToggleCompletionStatus; item.ShowAll(); args.Menu.Prepend(item); }
private void CreateMenu(object o, Gtk.PopulatePopupArgs e) { CreatingMenu = true; Hooks._Scrollback.BeforeMenu(owner, this, e.Menu); Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem separator1 = new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem(); separator1.Show(); e.Menu.Append(separator1); e.Menu.Append(new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem()); listAllChannelsToolStripMenuItem.Visible = (owner != null && owner._Network != null); // channels if (joinToolStripMenuItem.Visible) { Gtk.MenuItem join = new Gtk.MenuItem(joinToolStripMenuItem.Text); join.Show(); join.Activated += new EventHandler(joinToolStripMenuItem_Click); e.Menu.Append(join); Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem separator6 = new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem(); separator6.Show(); e.Menu.Append(separator6); } if (openLinkInBrowserToolStripMenuItem.Visible) { Gtk.MenuItem copylink = new Gtk.MenuItem(copyLinkToClipboardToolStripMenuItem.Text); copylink.Show(); copylink.Activated += new EventHandler(copyLinkToClipboardToolStripMenuItem_Click); e.Menu.Append(copylink); } if (openLinkInBrowserToolStripMenuItem.Visible) { Gtk.MenuItem open = new Gtk.MenuItem(openLinkInBrowserToolStripMenuItem.Text); open.Show(); open.Activated += new EventHandler(openLinkInBrowserToolStripMenuItem_Click); e.Menu.Append(open); Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem separator8 = new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem(); separator8.Show(); e.Menu.Append(separator8); } // whois items if (whoisToolStripMenuItem.Visible) { Gtk.MenuItem whois = new Gtk.MenuItem(whoisToolStripMenuItem.Text); whois.Show(); whois.Activated += new EventHandler(whoisToolStripMenuItem_Click); e.Menu.Append(whois); Gtk.MenuItem whowas = new Gtk.MenuItem(whowasToolStripMenuItem.Text); whowas.Show(); whowas.Activated += new EventHandler(whowasToolStripMenuItem_Click); e.Menu.Append(whowas); if (kickToolStripMenuItem.Visible) { Gtk.MenuItem ku = new Gtk.MenuItem(kickToolStripMenuItem.Text); ku.Show(); ku.Activated += new EventHandler(kickToolStripMenuItem_Click); e.Menu.Append(ku); } Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem separator3 = new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem(); separator3.Show(); e.Menu.Append(separator3); } if (mode1b2ToolStripMenuItem.Visible) { Gtk.MenuItem mode1 = new Gtk.MenuItem(mode1b2ToolStripMenuItem.Text); mode1.Show(); mode1.Activated += new EventHandler(mode1b2ToolStripMenuItem_Click); e.Menu.Append(mode1); Gtk.MenuItem mode2 = new Gtk.MenuItem(mode1e2ToolStripMenuItem.Text); mode2.Show(); mode2.Activated += new EventHandler(mode1e2ToolStripMenuItem_Click); e.Menu.Append(mode2); Gtk.MenuItem mode3 = new Gtk.MenuItem(mode1I2ToolStripMenuItem.Text); mode3.Show(); mode3.Activated += new EventHandler(mode1I2ToolStripMenuItem_Click); e.Menu.Append(mode3); Gtk.MenuItem mode4 = new Gtk.MenuItem(mode1q2ToolStripMenuItem.Text); mode4.Show(); mode4.Activated += new EventHandler(mode1q2ToolStripMenuItem_Click); e.Menu.Append(mode4); Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem separator4 = new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem(); separator4.Show(); e.Menu.Append(separator4); } Gtk.MenuItem clean = new Gtk.MenuItem("Clean"); clean.Show(); e.Menu.Append(clean); clean.Activated += new EventHandler(mrhToolStripMenuItem_Click); Gtk.CheckMenuItem scroll = new Gtk.CheckMenuItem(scrollToolStripMenuItem.Text); if (scrollToolStripMenuItem.Checked) { scroll.Active = true; } scroll.Show(); scroll.Activated += new EventHandler(scrollToolStripMenuItem_Click); e.Menu.Append(scroll); Gtk.MenuItem refresh = new Gtk.MenuItem("Refresh"); refresh.Show(); refresh.Activated += new EventHandler(refreshToolStripMenuItem_Click); e.Menu.Append(refresh); Gtk.CheckMenuItem taly = new Gtk.CheckMenuItem(toggleAdvancedLayoutToolStripMenuItem.Text); taly.Activated += new EventHandler(toggleAdvancedLayoutToolStripMenuItem_Click); if (toggleAdvancedLayoutToolStripMenuItem.Checked) { taly.Active = true; } taly.Show(); e.Menu.Append(taly); Gtk.CheckMenuItem tsly = new Gtk.CheckMenuItem("Toggle simple layout"); tsly.Activated += new EventHandler(toggleSimpleLayoutToolStripMenuItem_Click); if (toggleSimpleLayoutToolStripMenuItem.Checked) { tsly.Active = true; } tsly.Show(); e.Menu.Append(tsly); Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem separator2 = new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem(); separator2.Show(); e.Menu.Append(separator2); if (channelToolStripMenuItem.Visible) { Gtk.MenuItem channel = new Gtk.MenuItem("Channel"); channel.Show(); e.Menu.Append(channel); channel.Activated += new EventHandler(channelToolStripMenuItem_Click); } if (listAllChannelsToolStripMenuItem.Visible) { Gtk.MenuItem list = new Gtk.MenuItem(listAllChannelsToolStripMenuItem.Text); list.Show(); list.Activated += new EventHandler(listAllChannelsToolStripMenuItem_Click); e.Menu.Append(list); } if (retrieveTopicToolStripMenuItem.Visible) { Gtk.MenuItem retrieve = new Gtk.MenuItem("Retrieve topic"); retrieve.Show(); retrieve.Activated += new EventHandler(retrieveTopicToolStripMenuItem_Click); e.Menu.Append(retrieve); } Hooks._Scrollback.AfterMenu(owner, this, e.Menu); Gtk.MenuItem copy = new Gtk.MenuItem(copyTextToClipBoardToolStripMenuItem.Text); copy.Activated += new EventHandler(copyTextToClipBoardToolStripMenuItem_Click); copy.Show(); e.Menu.Append(copy); Gtk.MenuItem copy_x = new Gtk.MenuItem(copyEntireWindowToClipBoardToolStripMenuItem.Text); copy_x.Activated += new EventHandler(copyEntireWindowToClipBoardToolStripMenuItem_Click); copy_x.Show(); e.Menu.Append(copy_x); CreatingMenu = false; }
public void Initialize(IPadWindow window) { // // Handle normal input // view.ConsoleInput += HandleConsoleInput; // // Setup Ctrl + / as the interrupt handler // view.Child.KeyPressEvent += (o, args) => { if ((args.Event.State & ModifierType.ControlMask) == ModifierType.ControlMask && args.Event.Key == Key.slash) { if (session != null) session.Interrupt (); } }; // // Watch the active doc // IdeApp.Workbench.ActiveDocumentChanged += HandleActiveDocumentChanged; // // // UpdateFont (); UpdateColors (); view.ShadowType = Gtk.ShadowType.None; view.ShowAll (); // // Add a Restart item to the pop up menu // var v = view.Child as Gtk.TextView; if (v != null) { v.PopulatePopup += (o, args) => { var item = new Gtk.MenuItem(GettextCatalog.GetString("Reset")); item.Activated += (sender, e) => RestartCsi (); item.Show (); args.Menu.Add (item); }; } // // Create the toolbar // }
public virtual void AttachObject(object ob) { this.obj = ob; if (!prop.Translatable) { return; } initializing = true; if (contextBox.Parent != null) { Remove(contextBox); } if (commentBox.Parent != null) { Remove(commentBox); } markItem.Active = prop.IsTranslated(obj); image.Pixbuf = markItem.Active ? globe : globe_not; if (prop.IsTranslated(obj)) { if (prop.TranslationContext(obj) != null) { remContextItem.Show(); PackStart(contextBox, false, false, 0); contextEntry.Text = prop.TranslationContext(obj); } else { addContextItem.Show(); } } else { addContextItem.Show(); addContextItem.Sensitive = false; } if (prop.IsTranslated(obj)) { if (prop.TranslationComment(obj) != null) { remCommentItem.Show(); PackEnd(commentBox, false, false, 0); commentText.Text = prop.TranslationComment(obj); } else { addCommentItem.Show(); } } else { addCommentItem.Show(); addCommentItem.Sensitive = false; } initializing = false; }
void OnPopulatePopup (object sender, Gtk.PopulatePopupArgs args) { Gtk.TextIter click_iter = Buffer.GetIterAtMark (click_mark); TaskTag task_tag = (TaskTag) Buffer.GetDynamicTag ("task", click_iter); if (task_tag == null) return; Gtk.MenuItem item; item = new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem (); item.Show (); args.Menu.Prepend (item); item = new Gtk.MenuItem (Catalog.GetString ("Open To Do List")); item.Activated += OnOpenTaskListWindow; item.Show (); args.Menu.Prepend (item); item = new TaskMenuItem (task_tag.Uri, Catalog.GetString ("To Do Options")); item.Activated += OnOpenTaskOptions; item.ShowAll (); args.Menu.Prepend (item); item = new TaskMenuItem ( task_tag.Uri, task_tag.CompletionDate == DateTime.MinValue ? Catalog.GetString ("Mark Complete") : Catalog.GetString ("Mark Undone")); item.Activated += OnToggleCompletionStatus; item.ShowAll (); args.Menu.Prepend (item); }
public override void Initialize() { item = new Gtk.MenuItem (Catalog.GetString ("Post note to your blog")); item.Activated += OnMenuItemActivated; item.Show (); AddPluginMenuItem (item); AuthenticationManager.Register (new GoogleClient ()); }
public override void Activate() { _menuItem.Show(); _sep.Show(); _track_search.Show(); }
public void AddAccelerator (EventHandler handler, uint key, Gdk.ModifierType modifiers, Gtk.AccelFlags flags) { Gtk.MenuItem foo = new Gtk.MenuItem (); foo.Activated += handler; foo.AddAccelerator ("activate", accel_group, key, modifiers, flags); foo.Show (); fake_menu.Append (foo); }
void OnPopulatePopup (object sender, Gtk.PopulatePopupArgs args) { Gtk.TextIter click_iter = Buffer.GetIterAtMark (click_mark); NoteTag url_tag = Note.TagTable.UrlTag; if (click_iter.HasTag (url_tag) || click_iter.EndsTag (url_tag)) { Gtk.MenuItem item; item = new Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem (); item.Show (); args.Menu.Prepend (item); item = new Gtk.MenuItem (Catalog.GetString ("_Copy Link Address")); item.Activated += CopyLinkActivate; item.Show (); args.Menu.Prepend (item); item = new Gtk.MenuItem (Catalog.GetString ("_Open Link")); item.Activated += OpenLinkActivate; item.Show (); args.Menu.Prepend (item); } }