private void _InitEngineList() { string[] engines = (string[])Frontend.FrontendConfig["Engines/Engines"]; string default_engine = (string)Frontend.FrontendConfig["Engines/Default"]; int item = 0; _ListStore.Clear(); _ListStore.AppendValues("<" + _("Local Engine") + ">"); item++; foreach (string engine in engines) { _ListStore.AppendValues(engine); if (engine == default_engine) { _ComboBox.Active = item; } item++; } }
public void InitNetworks(IList <string> networks) { Trace.Call(networks); if (networks == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("networks"); } f_NetworkComboBoxEntry.Visible = true; // fill protocols in ListStore f_NetworkListStore.Clear(); foreach (string network in networks) { f_NetworkListStore.AppendValues(network); } f_NetworkListStore.SetSortColumnId(0, Gtk.SortType.Ascending); f_NetworkComboBoxEntry.Model = f_NetworkListStore; f_NetworkComboBoxEntry.TextColumn = 0; }
void FillConfigurations() { loading = true; configListStore.Clear(); if (allowMixedConfigurations) { AppendComboConfig(GettextCatalog.GetString("All Configurations")); } HashSet <string> configs = new HashSet <string> (); foreach (ItemConfiguration config in FilterConfigurations(dialog.ConfigurationData.Configurations)) { if (configs.Add(config.Name)) { AppendComboConfig(config.Name); } } loading = false; }
void UpdateIconStore() { // Read ~/.config/tomboy/BugzillaIcons/" if (!Directory.Exists(BugzillaNoteAddin.ImageDirectory)) { return; } icon_store.Clear(); // clear out the old entries string [] icon_files = Directory.GetFiles(BugzillaNoteAddin.ImageDirectory); foreach (string icon_file in icon_files) { FileInfo file_info = new FileInfo(icon_file); Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf = null; try { pixbuf = new Gdk.Pixbuf(icon_file); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Warn("Error loading Bugzilla Icon {0}: {1}", icon_file, e.Message); } if (pixbuf == null) { continue; } string host = ParseHost(file_info); if (host != null) { Gtk.TreeIter iter = icon_store.Append(); icon_store.SetValue(iter, 0, pixbuf); icon_store.SetValue(iter, 1, host); icon_store.SetValue(iter, 2, icon_file); } } }
void FillList() { state.Save(); tree.Model = null; store.Clear(); string filter = entryFilter.Text; bool anyPidSet = false; bool anyDescriptionSet = false; foreach (ProcessInfo pi in procs) { if (pi.Id != 0) { anyPidSet = true; } if (pi.Description != null) { anyDescriptionSet = true; } if (filter.Length == 0 || (pi.Id != 0 && pi.Id.ToString().Contains(filter)) || pi.Name.Contains(filter) || (pi.Description?.Contains(filter) ?? false)) { store.AppendValues(pi, pi.Id.ToString(), pi.Name, pi.Description); } } tree.Columns [0].Visible = anyPidSet; tree.Columns [2].Visible = anyDescriptionSet; tree.Model = store; state.Load(); tree.ColumnsAutosize(); if (tree.Selection.CountSelectedRows() == 0) { Gtk.TreeIter it; if (store.GetIterFirst(out it)) { tree.Selection.SelectIter(it); } } }
public void Load(DCompilerConfiguration config) { configuration = config; //for now, using Executable target compiler command for all targets source compiling LinkTargetConfiguration targetConfig; targetConfig = config.GetTargetConfiguration(DCompileTarget.Executable); txtCompiler.Text = targetConfig.Compiler; //linker targets targetConfig = config.GetTargetConfiguration(DCompileTarget.Executable); txtConsoleAppLinker.Text = targetConfig.Linker; targetConfig = config.GetTargetConfiguration(DCompileTarget.ConsolelessExecutable); txtGUIAppLinker.Text = targetConfig.Linker; targetConfig = config.GetTargetConfiguration(DCompileTarget.SharedLibrary); txtSharedLibLinker.Text = targetConfig.Linker; targetConfig = config.GetTargetConfiguration(DCompileTarget.StaticLibrary); txtStaticLibLinker.Text = targetConfig.Linker; releaseArgumentsDialog.Load(config, false); debugArgumentsDialog.Load(config, true); defaultLibStore.Clear(); foreach (string lib in config.DefaultLibraries) { defaultLibStore.AppendValues(lib); } includePathStore.Clear(); foreach (var p in config.GlobalParseCache.DirectoryPaths) { includePathStore.AppendValues(p); } }
public override void Populate() { Trace.Call(); // sync persons var persons = SyncedPersons; if (_PersonTreeView != null && persons != null) { // HACK: out of scope string status = String.Format( _("Retrieving user list for {0}..."), SyncedName); Frontend.MainWindow.Status = status; Gtk.ListStore ls = (Gtk.ListStore)_PersonTreeView.Model; // cleanup, be sure the list is empty ls.Clear(); Participants = new List <PersonModel>(); foreach (var person in persons.Values.OrderBy(x => x)) { ls.AppendValues(person); Participants.Add(person); } OnParticipantsChanged(EventArgs.Empty); // TRANSLATOR: this string will be appended to the one above status += String.Format(" {0}", _("done.")); Frontend.MainWindow.Status = status; } SyncedPersons = null; Topic = SyncedTopic; base.Populate(); }
protected void OnBtnActualizarClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { int _id = int.Parse(entryID.Text); string _nombre = entryNombre.Text; string _marca = entryMarca.Text; string _modelo = entryModelo.Text; string _compania = entryCompania.Text; lsDataTel.Clear(); _id = IndexEnLista(_id); op_Telefono o = telefonos[_id]; o.nombre = _nombre; o.marca = _marca; o.modelo = _modelo; o.compania = _compania; RevisarLista(); Telefono.EliminarDatos(); foreach (op_Telefono i in telefonos) { i.InsertarDatos(); } }
public override void Destroy() { store.Clear(); base.Destroy(); }
protected virtual void OnFindButtonClicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { Trace.Call(sender, e); try { string nameFilter = f_NameEntry.Text.Trim(); if (!(Frontend.EngineVersion >= new Version("0.8.1")) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(nameFilter)) { Gtk.MessageDialog md = new Gtk.MessageDialog( this, Gtk.DialogFlags.Modal, Gtk.MessageType.Warning, Gtk.ButtonsType.YesNo, _("Searching for group chats without a filter is not " + "recommended. This may take a while, or may not " + "work at all.\n" + "Do you wish to continue?") ); int result = md.Run(); md.Destroy(); if (result != (int)Gtk.ResponseType.Yes) { return; } } f_ListStore.Clear(); CancelFindThread(); GroupChatModel filter = new GroupChatModel(null, nameFilter, null); f_FindThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(delegate { try { Gtk.Application.Invoke(delegate { GdkWindow.Cursor = new Gdk.Cursor(Gdk.CursorType.Watch); }); IList <GroupChatModel> chats = f_ProtocolManager.FindGroupChats(filter); Gtk.Application.Invoke(delegate { Gdk.Color bgColor = f_TreeView.Style.Background(Gtk.StateType.Normal); foreach (GroupChatModel chat in chats) { f_ListStore.AppendValues( chat, chat.PersonCount, chat.Name, PangoTools.ToMarkup(chat.Topic, bgColor) ); } }); } catch (ThreadAbortException) { #if LOG4NET f_Logger.Debug("FindThread aborted"); #endif Thread.ResetAbort(); } catch (Exception ex) { Frontend.ShowError(this, _("Error while fetching the list of group chats from the server."), ex); } finally { Gtk.Application.Invoke(delegate { // if the dialog is gone the GdkWindow might be destroyed already if (GdkWindow != null) { GdkWindow.Cursor = null; } }); } })); f_FindThread.IsBackground = true; f_FindThread.Start(); } catch (Exception ex) { Frontend.ShowException(ex); } }
public void Load(CProjectConfiguration config) { configuration = config; switch (configuration.WarningLevel) { case WarningLevel.None: noWarningRadio.Active = true; break; case WarningLevel.Normal: normalWarningRadio.Active = true; break; case WarningLevel.All: allWarningRadio.Active = true; break; } warningsAsErrorsCheckBox.Active = configuration.WarningsAsErrors; optimizationSpinButton.Value = configuration.OptimizationLevel; switch (configuration.CompileTarget) { case CBinding.CompileTarget.Bin: targetComboBox.Active = 0; break; case CBinding.CompileTarget.StaticLibrary: targetComboBox.Active = 1; break; case CBinding.CompileTarget.SharedLibrary: targetComboBox.Active = 2; break; } extraCompilerTextView.Buffer.Text = configuration.ExtraCompilerArguments; extraLinkerTextView.Buffer.Text = configuration.ExtraLinkerArguments; defineSymbolsTextEntry.Text = configuration.DefineSymbols; libStore.Clear(); foreach (string lib in configuration.Libs) { libStore.AppendValues(lib); } libPathStore.Clear(); foreach (string libPath in configuration.LibPaths) { libPathStore.AppendValues(libPath); } includePathStore.Clear(); foreach (string includePath in configuration.Includes) { includePathStore.AppendValues(includePath); } }
public void Load(DProject proj, DProjectConfiguration config) { project = proj; configuration = config; cbUseDefaultCompiler.Active = proj.UseDefaultCompilerVendor; cbIsUnittestConfig.Active = config.UnittestMode; cbPreferOneStepCompilation.Active = proj.PreferOneStepBuild; OnUseDefaultCompilerChanged(); Gtk.TreeIter iter; if (cmbCompiler.Model.GetIterFirst(out iter)) { do { if (proj.UsedCompilerVendor == cmbCompiler.Model.GetValue(iter, 0) as string) { cmbCompiler.SetActiveIter(iter); break; } } while (cmbCompiler.Model.IterNext(ref iter)); } extraCompilerTextView.Buffer.Text = config.ExtraCompilerArguments; extraLinkerTextView.Buffer.Text = config.ExtraLinkerArguments; check_LinkThirdPartyLibs.Active = configuration.LinkinThirdPartyLibraries; text_BinDirectory.Text = proj.GetRelativeChildPath(config.OutputDirectory); text_TargetFile.Text = config.Output; text_ObjectsDirectory.Text = config.ObjectDirectory; text_DDocDir.Text = config.DDocDirectory; if (config.CustomDebugIdentifiers == null) { text_debugConstants.Text = ""; } else { text_debugConstants.Text = string.Join(";", config.CustomDebugIdentifiers); } if (config.CustomVersionIdentifiers == null) { text_versionConstants.Text = ""; } else { text_versionConstants.Text = string.Join(";", config.CustomVersionIdentifiers); } spin_debugLevel.Value = (double)config.DebugLevel; // Disable debug-specific fields on non-debug configurations text_debugConstants.Sensitive = spin_debugLevel.Sensitive = config.DebugMode; if (model_compileTarget.GetIterFirst(out iter)) { do { if (config.CompileTarget == (DCompileTarget)model_compileTarget.GetValue(iter, 1)) { combo_ProjectType.SetActiveIter(iter); break; } } while (model_compileTarget.IterNext(ref iter)); } text_Libraries.Buffer.Text = string.Join("\n", config.ExtraLibraries); model_Platforms.Clear(); var blackListed = new List <string>(); foreach (var cfg in proj.Configurations) { if (cfg.Name == config.Name && cfg.Platform != config.Platform) { blackListed.Add(cfg.Platform.ToLower()); } } var platform_lower = config.Platform.ToLower(); foreach (var platform in proj.SupportedPlatforms) { // Skip already taken platforms if (blackListed.Contains(platform.ToLower())) { continue; } var it = model_Platforms.Append(); if (platform_lower == platform.ToLower()) { combo_Platform.SetActiveIter(it); } model_Platforms.SetValue(it, 0, platform); } }
internal void Clear() { store.Clear(); }
public void SetPolicies(PolicyContainer pset) { if (pset == null) { store.Clear(); HasPolicies = false; return; } var content = new Dictionary <string, List <string> > (); foreach (var p in pset.DirectGetAll()) { string name = PolicyService.GetPolicyTypeDescription(p.PolicyType); List <string> scopes; if (!content.TryGetValue(name, out scopes)) { scopes = content [name] = new List <string> (); } scopes.Add(p.Scope ?? ""); } var sorted = content.ToList(); sorted.Sort((x, y) => x.Key.CompareTo(y.Key)); store.Clear(); var sb = StringBuilderCache.Allocate(); foreach (var pol in sorted) { sb.Append(pol.Key); if (pol.Value.Count != 1 || pol.Value[0].Length != 0) { sb.Append(" ("); bool first = true; if (pol.Value.Remove("")) { sb.Append(GettextCatalog.GetString("default settings")); first = false; } foreach (var s in pol.Value) { if (!first) { sb.Append(", "); } sb.Append(s); first = false; } sb.Append(")"); } store.AppendValues(sb.ToString()); sb.Length = 0; } StringBuilderCache.Free(sb); HasPolicies = sorted.Count > 0; if (!HasPolicies) { store.AppendValues(GettextCatalog.GetString("No policies")); ShowEmptyItem = true; } if (store.GetIterFirst(out var iter)) { Selection.SelectIter(iter); } }
public static void Clear() { mListStore.Clear(); }
public void Load(CProjectConfiguration config) { configuration = config; switch (configuration.CVersion) { case CVersion.CustomVersionString: CVersionComboBox.Active = 0; customVersionStringTextEntry.Text = configuration.CustomVersionString; break; case CVersion.ISOC: CVersionComboBox.Active = 1; break; case CVersion.C99: CVersionComboBox.Active = 2; break; case CVersion.C11: CVersionComboBox.Active = 3; break; case CVersion.ISOCPP: CVersionComboBox.Active = 4; break; case CVersion.CPP03: CVersionComboBox.Active = 5; break; case CVersion.CPP11: CVersionComboBox.Active = 6; break; } switch (configuration.WarningLevel) { case WarningLevel.None: noWarningRadio.Active = true; break; case WarningLevel.Normal: normalWarningRadio.Active = true; break; case WarningLevel.All: allWarningRadio.Active = true; break; } warningsAsErrorsCheckBox.Active = configuration.WarningsAsErrors; optimizationSpinButton.Value = configuration.OptimizationLevel; switch (configuration.CompileTarget) { case CompileTarget.Exe: targetComboBox.Active = 0; break; case CompileTarget.Library: targetComboBox.Active = 1; break; case CompileTarget.Module: targetComboBox.Active = 2; break; } extraCompilerTextView.Buffer.Text = configuration.ExtraCompilerArguments; extraLinkerTextView.Buffer.Text = configuration.ExtraLinkerArguments; defineSymbolsTextEntry.Text = configuration.DefineSymbols; libStore.Clear(); foreach (string lib in configuration.Libs) { libStore.AppendValues(lib); } libPathStore.Clear(); foreach (string libPath in configuration.LibPaths) { libPathStore.AppendValues(libPath); } includePathStore.Clear(); foreach (string includePath in configuration.Includes) { includePathStore.AppendValues(includePath); } }