public override void Full(StackPanel spRanking) { spRanking.Children.Clear(); //If focusing on a team, only show five teams around the current team if (_focusOnTeam) { List <Club> ranking = null; for (int group = 0; group < _round.groupsCount; group++) { if (_round.groups[group].Contains(_team)) { ranking = _round.Ranking(group); } } //Never know if not null if (ranking != null) { int beginningIndex = ranking.IndexOf(_team) - 2; if (beginningIndex < 0) { beginningIndex = 0; } else if (beginningIndex > ranking.Count - 5) { beginningIndex = ranking.Count - 5; } for (int i = beginningIndex; i < beginningIndex + 5; i++) { spRanking.Children.Add(CreateRanking(i, ranking[i])); } } } else { for (int poule = 0; poule < _round.groupsCount; poule++) { Label labelPoule = new Label(); labelPoule.Content = _round.GroupName(poule); labelPoule.Style = Application.Current.FindResource("StyleLabel1") as Style; labelPoule.FontSize *= _sizeMultiplier; spRanking.Children.Add(labelPoule); int i = 0; foreach (Club c in _round.Ranking(poule)) { i++; spRanking.Children.Add(CreateRanking(i, c)); } int roundLevel = _round.Tournament.level; foreach (Qualification q in _round.qualifications) { string color = "backgroundColor"; if (q.tournament.level == roundLevel && q.tournament != _round.Tournament) { color = "cl1Color"; } if (q.tournament.level == roundLevel && q.tournament != _round.Tournament && q.qualifies > 0) { color = "cl2Color"; } else if (q.tournament.level == roundLevel && q.tournament == _round.Tournament) { color = "cl2Color"; } else if (q.tournament.level > roundLevel) { color = "el1Color"; } int index = q.ranking; if (color != "backgroundColor") { SolidColorBrush lineColor = Application.Current.TryFindResource(color) as SolidColorBrush; if (_round.matches.Count > 0) { (spRanking.Children[spRanking.Children.Count - _round.Ranking(poule).Count + index - 1] as StackPanel).Background = lineColor; } } } } foreach (Qualification q in _round.qualifications) { if (q.qualifies > 0 && _round.matches.Count > 0) { spRanking.Children.Add(ViewUtils.CreateLabel("Classement des " + q.ranking + "èmes", "StyleLabel2Center", (int)(14 * _sizeMultiplier), -1)); List <Club> concernedClubs = new List <Club>(); for (int i = 0; i < _round.groupsCount; i++) { concernedClubs.Add(_round.Ranking(i)[q.ranking - 1]); } concernedClubs.Sort(new ClubRankingComparator(_round.matches)); int j = 0; foreach (Club c in concernedClubs) { j++; StackPanel spLine = CreateRanking(j, c); if (j <= q.qualifies) { spLine.Background = Application.Current.TryFindResource("cl2Color") as SolidColorBrush; } spRanking.Children.Add(spLine); } } } } //Only show qualification if teams were dispatched in groups (if not useless to show qualifications color) and if we are not focusing on a team if (_round.groups[0].Count > 0 && !_focusOnTeam) { //Split qualifications in several list because according to group qualifications can be differents (if reserves are not promoted for instance) List <Qualification>[] qualifications = new List <Qualification> [_round.groupsCount]; List <Club>[] groups = new List <Club> [_round.groupsCount]; for (int i = 0; i < _round.groupsCount; i++) { groups[i] = new List <Club>(_round.Ranking(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < _round.groupsCount; i++) { qualifications[i] = _round.GetGroupQualifications(i);// new List<Qualification>(_round.qualifications); qualifications[i].Sort(new QualificationComparator()); //If reserves can't be promoted if (_round.rules.Contains(Rule.ReservesAreNotPromoted)) { qualifications[i] = Utils.AdjustQualificationsToNotPromoteReserves(qualifications[i], groups[i], _round.Tournament); } } int cumulatedChildrenCount = 0; for (int j = 0; j < _round.groupsCount; j++) { foreach (Qualification q in qualifications[j]) { if (q.tournament.isChampionship) { int niveau = _round.Tournament.level; string couleur = "backgroundColor"; if (q.tournament.level < niveau) { couleur = "promotionColor"; } else if (q.tournament.level > niveau) { couleur = "relegationColor"; } else if (q.tournament.level == niveau && q.roundId > _round.Tournament.rounds.IndexOf(_round)) { couleur = "barrageColor"; } int index = q.ranking - 1; SolidColorBrush color = Application.Current.TryFindResource(couleur) as SolidColorBrush; int nbChildrenParPoule = (_round.clubs.Count / _round.groupsCount) + 1; index++; StackPanel sp = (spRanking.Children[cumulatedChildrenCount /*j * nbChildrenParPoule*/ + index] as StackPanel); sp.Background = color; } } cumulatedChildrenCount += _round.groups[j].Count + 1; } } }
public Windows_Club(CityClub c) { InitializeComponent(); imgBudget.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\" + Utils.imagesFolderName + "\\budget.png")); imgCurrentBudget.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\" + Utils.imagesFolderName + "\\budget.png")); imgBtnQuitter.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\" + Utils.imagesFolderName + "\\return.png")); imgManager.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\" + Utils.imagesFolderName + "\\manager.png")); _club = c; lbClub.Content =; if (c.manager != null) { lbEntraineur.Content = c.manager.ToString(); } else { lbEntraineur.Content = FindResource("str_noManager").ToString(); } lbBudget.Content = Utils.FormatMoney(c.budget); lbCurrentBudget.Content = Utils.FormatMoney(c.budget); try { imgLogo.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(Utils.Logo(c))); } catch (Exception e) { Utils.Debug(e.ToString()); } Palmares(c); FillGames(); FillBudget(); List <Player> newContracts = new List <Player>(); foreach (Contract ct in c.allContracts) { if ((ct.beginning.Year == - 1 && ct.beginning.Month < 7) || (ct.beginning.Year == && ct.beginning.Month >= 7)) { newContracts.Add(ct.player); } } /*TODO * ViewPlayers viewNewPlayers = new ViewPlayers(newContracts, 11, false, false, false, true, false, false, false, false, false, true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false); * viewNewPlayers.Full(spArrivees); */ ViewPlayers viewPlayers = new ViewPlayers(c.Players(), 12, true, true, true, true, true, false, false, true, false, true, false, false, false, false, false, true, true, true); viewPlayers.Full(spPlayers); List <HistoriqueClubElement> lhce = new List <HistoriqueClubElement>(); foreach (Tournament competition in Session.Instance.Game.kernel.Competitions) { foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Tournament> ancienne in competition.previousEditions) { if (ancienne.Value.isChampionship && ancienne.Value.rounds[0].clubs.Contains(c)) { int classement = 0; //Si la compétition était active (tour 0 un tour de type championnat, pas inactif) if ((ancienne.Value.rounds[0] as ChampionshipRound) != null) { classement = (ancienne.Value.rounds[0] as ChampionshipRound).Ranking().IndexOf(c) + 1; } else if ((ancienne.Value.rounds[0] as GroupsRound) != null) { GroupsRound rnd = (ancienne.Value.rounds[0] as GroupsRound); for (int j = 0; j < rnd.groupsCount; j++) { if (rnd.groups[j].Contains(c)) { classement = rnd.Ranking(j).IndexOf(c); } } } lhce.Add(new HistoriqueClubElement { Competition = ancienne.Value, Classement = classement, Annee = ancienne.Key }); } } } lhce.Sort(new HistoriqueClubComparator()); foreach (HistoriqueClubElement hce in lhce) { StackPanel spHistoryEntry = new StackPanel(); spHistoryEntry.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal; spHistoryEntry.Children.Add(ViewUtils.CreateLabelOpenWindow <Tournament>(hce.Competition, OpenTournament, hce.Annee.ToString(), "StyleLabel2", 11, 75)); spHistoryEntry.Children.Add(ViewUtils.CreateLabelOpenWindow <Tournament>(hce.Competition, OpenTournament,, "StyleLabel2", 11, 125)); spHistoryEntry.Children.Add(ViewUtils.CreateLabel(hce.Classement.ToString(), "StyleLabel2", 11, 50)); spHistory.Children.Add(spHistoryEntry); } ChartValues <int> budgets = new ChartValues <int>(); ChartValues <int> centreFormation = new ChartValues <int>(); ChartValues <int> attendance = new ChartValues <int>(); foreach (HistoricEntry eh in c.history.elements) { budgets.Add(eh.budget); centreFormation.Add(eh.formationFacilities); attendance.Add(eh.averageAttendance); } BudgetsCollection = new SeriesCollection { new LineSeries { Title = FindResource("str_budget").ToString(), Values = budgets, } }; //Formation facilities CFCollection = new SeriesCollection { new LineSeries { Title = FindResource("str_level").ToString(), Values = centreFormation, } }; //Average attendance AttendanceCollection = new SeriesCollection { new LineSeries { Title = FindResource("str_averageAttendance").ToString(), Values = attendance, } }; LabelsAnnees = new string[c.history.elements.Count]; int i = 0; foreach (HistoricEntry eh in c.history.elements) { LabelsAnnees[i] = c.history.elements[i].date.Year.ToString(); i++; } YFormatter = value => value.ToString("C"); DataContext = this; if (c.records.BiggestWin != null) { lbBiggestWin.Content = + " " + c.records.BiggestWin.score1 + " - " + c.records.BiggestWin.score2 + " " +; } if (c.records.BiggestLose != null) { lbBiggestLose.Content = + " " + c.records.BiggestLose.score1 + " - " + c.records.BiggestLose.score2 + " " +; } }