private TreeNode RecursiveCloning(TreeNode node) { var newComp = (IPBComposite)(((IPBComposite)node.Tag).Clone()); var newNode = new TreeNode(newComp.Title) { ForeColor = newComp.Color, Tag = newComp }; foreach (TreeNode child in node.Nodes) { // If, While and SubRoutine are Decorators. var groupComposite = newComp as GroupComposite; if (groupComposite != null) { GroupComposite gc = groupComposite; TreeNode newChildNode = RecursiveCloning(child); gc.AddChild((Composite)newChildNode.Tag); newNode.Nodes.Add(newChildNode); } } return(newNode); }
TreeNode RecursiveCloning(TreeNode node) { IPBComposite newComp = (IPBComposite)(((IPBComposite)node.Tag).Clone()); TreeNode newNode = new TreeNode(newComp.Title); newNode.ForeColor = newComp.Color; newNode.Tag = newComp; if (node.Nodes != null) { foreach (TreeNode child in node.Nodes) { GroupComposite gc = null; // If, While and SubRoutine are Decorators. if (newComp is GroupComposite) { gc = (GroupComposite)newComp; TreeNode newChildNode = RecursiveCloning(child); gc.AddChild((Composite)newChildNode.Tag); newNode.Nodes.Add(newChildNode); } } } return newNode; }
private GroupComposite Load(XElement xml, GroupComposite comp) { foreach (XNode node in xml.Nodes()) { if (node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Comment) { comp.AddChild(new Comment(((XComment)node).Value)); } else if (node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { var element = (XElement)node; Type type = Type.GetType("HighVoltz.Composites." + element.Name); if (type == null) { IEnumerable <Type> pbTypes = from t in Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes() where (typeof(IPBComposite)).IsAssignableFrom(t) && !t.IsAbstract select t; type = pbTypes.FirstOrDefault( t => t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(XmlRootAttribute), true).Any( a => ((XmlRootAttribute)a).ElementName == element.Name)); if (type == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException( string.Format("Unable to bind XML Element: {0} to a Type", element.Name)); } } var pbComp = (IPBComposite)Activator.CreateInstance(type); pbComp.OnProfileLoad(element); var pbXmlAttrs = from pi in type.GetProperties() from attr in (PbXmlAttributeAttribute[]) pi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(PbXmlAttributeAttribute), true) where attr != null let name = attr.AttributeName ?? pi.Name select new { name, pi }; Dictionary <string, PropertyInfo> piDict = pbXmlAttrs.ToDictionary(kv =>, kv => kv.pi); Dictionary <string, string> attributes = element.Attributes().ToDictionary(k => k.Name.ToString(), v => v.Value); // use legacy X,Y,Z location for backwards compatability if (attributes.ContainsKey("X")) { string location = string.Format("{0},{1},{2}", attributes["X"], attributes["Y"], attributes["Z"]); piDict["Location"].SetValue(pbComp, location, null); attributes.Remove("X"); attributes.Remove("Y"); attributes.Remove("Z"); } foreach (var attr in attributes) { if (piDict.ContainsKey(attr.Key)) { PropertyInfo pi = piDict[attr.Key]; // check if there is a type converter attached var typeConverterAttr = (TypeConverterAttribute) pi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TypeConverterAttribute), true).FirstOrDefault(); if (typeConverterAttr != null) { try { var typeConverter = (TypeConverter) Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(typeConverterAttr.ConverterTypeName)); if (typeConverter.CanConvertFrom(typeof(string))) { pi.SetValue(pbComp, typeConverter.ConvertFrom(null, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, attr.Value), null); } else { Professionbuddy.Err("The TypeConvert {0} can not convert from string.", typeConverterAttr.ConverterTypeName); } } catch (Exception ex) { Professionbuddy.Err("Type conversion for {0} has failed.\n{1}", type.Name + attr.Key, ex); } } else { pi.SetValue(pbComp, pi.PropertyType.IsEnum ? Enum.Parse(pi.PropertyType, attr.Value) : Convert.ChangeType(attr.Value, pi.PropertyType), null); } } else { Professionbuddy.Log("{0}->{1} appears to be unused", type, attr.Key); } } if (pbComp is GroupComposite) { Load(element, pbComp as GroupComposite); } comp.AddChild((Composite)pbComp); } } return(comp); }
private GroupComposite Load(XElement xml, GroupComposite comp) { foreach (XNode node in xml.Nodes()) { if (node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Comment) { comp.AddChild(new Comment(((XComment) node).Value)); } else if (node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { var element = (XElement) node; Type type = Type.GetType("HighVoltz.Composites." + element.Name); if (type == null) { IEnumerable<Type> pbTypes = from t in Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes() where (typeof (IPBComposite)).IsAssignableFrom(t) && !t.IsAbstract select t; type = pbTypes.FirstOrDefault( t => t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof (XmlRootAttribute), true).Any( a => ((XmlRootAttribute) a).ElementName == element.Name)); if (type == null) throw new InvalidOperationException( string.Format("Unable to bind XML Element: {0} to a Type", element.Name)); } var pbComp = (IPBComposite) Activator.CreateInstance(type); pbComp.OnProfileLoad(element); var pbXmlAttrs = from pi in type.GetProperties() from attr in (PbXmlAttributeAttribute[]) pi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof (PbXmlAttributeAttribute), true) where attr != null let name = attr.AttributeName ?? pi.Name select new {name, pi}; Dictionary<string, PropertyInfo> piDict = pbXmlAttrs.ToDictionary(kv =>, kv => kv.pi); Dictionary<string, string> attributes = element.Attributes().ToDictionary(k => k.Name.ToString(), v => v.Value); // use legacy X,Y,Z location for backwards compatability if (attributes.ContainsKey("X")) { string location = string.Format("{0},{1},{2}", attributes["X"], attributes["Y"], attributes["Z"]); piDict["Location"].SetValue(pbComp, location, null); attributes.Remove("X"); attributes.Remove("Y"); attributes.Remove("Z"); } foreach (var attr in attributes) { if (piDict.ContainsKey(attr.Key)) { PropertyInfo pi = piDict[attr.Key]; // check if there is a type converter attached var typeConverterAttr = (TypeConverterAttribute) pi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof (TypeConverterAttribute), true).FirstOrDefault(); if (typeConverterAttr != null) { try { var typeConverter = (TypeConverter) Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(typeConverterAttr.ConverterTypeName)); if (typeConverter.CanConvertFrom(typeof (string))) { pi.SetValue(pbComp, typeConverter.ConvertFrom(null, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, attr.Value), null); } else Professionbuddy.Err("The TypeConvert {0} can not convert from string.", typeConverterAttr.ConverterTypeName); } catch (Exception ex) { Professionbuddy.Err("Type conversion for {0} has failed.\n{1}", type.Name + attr.Key, ex); } } else { pi.SetValue(pbComp, pi.PropertyType.IsEnum ? Enum.Parse(pi.PropertyType, attr.Value) : Convert.ChangeType(attr.Value, pi.PropertyType, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), null); } } else Professionbuddy.Log("{0}->{1} appears to be unused", type, attr.Key); } if (pbComp is GroupComposite) Load(element, pbComp as GroupComposite); comp.AddChild((Composite) pbComp); } } return comp; }
void AddToActionTree(object action, TreeNode dest) { bool ignoreRoot = (copyAction & CopyPasteOperactions.IgnoreRoot) == CopyPasteOperactions.IgnoreRoot ? true : false; bool cloneActions = (copyAction & CopyPasteOperactions.Copy) == CopyPasteOperactions.Copy ? true : false; TreeNode newNode = null; if (action is TreeNode) { if (cloneActions) { newNode = RecursiveCloning(((TreeNode)action)); } else newNode = (TreeNode)((TreeNode)action).Clone(); } else if (action.GetType().GetInterface("IPBComposite") != null) { IPBComposite composite = (IPBComposite)action; newNode = new TreeNode(composite.Title); newNode.ForeColor = composite.Color; newNode.Tag = composite; } else return; ActionTree.SuspendLayout(); if (dest != null) { int treeIndex = action is TreeNode && ((TreeNode)action).Parent == dest.Parent && ((TreeNode)action).Index <= dest.Index && !cloneActions ? dest.Index + 1 : dest.Index; GroupComposite gc = null; // If, While and SubRoutines are Decorators... if (!ignoreRoot && dest.Tag is GroupComposite) gc = (GroupComposite)dest.Tag; else gc = (GroupComposite)((Composite)dest.Tag).Parent; if ((dest.Tag is If || dest.Tag is SubRoutine) && !ignoreRoot) { dest.Nodes.Add(newNode); gc.AddChild((Composite)newNode.Tag); if (!dest.IsExpanded) dest.Expand(); } else { if (dest.Index >= gc.Children.Count) gc.AddChild((Composite)newNode.Tag); else gc.InsertChild(dest.Index, (Composite)newNode.Tag); if (dest.Parent == null) { if (treeIndex >= ActionTree.Nodes.Count) ActionTree.Nodes.Add(newNode); else ActionTree.Nodes.Insert(treeIndex, newNode); } else { if (treeIndex >= dest.Parent.Nodes.Count) dest.Parent.Nodes.Add(newNode); else dest.Parent.Nodes.Insert(treeIndex, newNode); } } } else { ActionTree.Nodes.Add(newNode); PB.CurrentProfile.Branch.AddChild((Composite)newNode.Tag); } ActionTree.ResumeLayout(); }