private const double GAMMA           = 0.99; // The value of gamma to use in the Q-Learning rule

        public QLearning(GridWorld gridWorld, Cell startingCell, Cell rewardCell)
            this.currentCell = startingCell;
            this.rewardCell  = rewardCell;
            this.gridWorld   = gridWorld;

            this.qTable = new double[gridWorld.GetCells().GetLength(0), gridWorld.GetCells().GetLength(1), NUMBER_OF_MOVES];
        private bool training = true; // boolean flag to indicate training versus testing

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public QLearning(GridWorld gridWorld, Cell startingCell, Cell rewardCell)
            this.currentCell = startingCell;
            this.rewardCell = rewardCell;
            this.gridWorld = gridWorld;

            this.qTable = new double[gridWorld.GetCells().GetLength(0),gridWorld.GetCells().GetLength(1),NUMBER_OF_MOVES];
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs a tick of the A* search
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        public void Run(object sender, EventArgs e)
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Running A*; Step Count: " + stepCount++);

            while (true)
                if (unvisitedCells.Count == 0)

                currentCell = unvisitedCells.Last.Value;

                if (currentCell.HasBeenSearched())




            if (currentCell.IsRewardCell())
                System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Found the reward");

            // Check if cell is a neighbor of the currentCell
            // If so, set the cost and add to unvisitedCells in ProcessNeighbor()

            if (gridWorld.CanMove(Direction.UP, currentCell.GetRowIndex(), currentCell.GetColumnIndex()))
                ProcessNeighbor(gridWorld.GetCells()[currentCell.GetRowIndex() - 1, currentCell.GetColumnIndex()]);

            if (gridWorld.CanMove(Direction.DOWN, currentCell.GetRowIndex(), currentCell.GetColumnIndex()))
                ProcessNeighbor(gridWorld.GetCells()[currentCell.GetRowIndex() + 1, currentCell.GetColumnIndex()]);

            if (gridWorld.CanMove(Direction.LEFT, currentCell.GetRowIndex(), currentCell.GetColumnIndex()))
                ProcessNeighbor(gridWorld.GetCells()[currentCell.GetRowIndex(), currentCell.GetColumnIndex() - 1]);

            if (gridWorld.CanMove(Direction.RIGHT, currentCell.GetRowIndex(), currentCell.GetColumnIndex()))
                ProcessNeighbor(gridWorld.GetCells()[currentCell.GetRowIndex(), currentCell.GetColumnIndex() + 1]);
        /// <summary>
        /// Restarts an episode of Q-Learning and moves the current position to the provided starting position if one is provided.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startingPosition">The starting position for the episode. If null is provided a random starting position will be determined.</param>
        public void RestartEpisode(Cell startingPosition)
            // Reset the step count for the next episode
            stepCount = 0;

            // Increment the episode counter

            List <Cell> availableCells = new List <Cell>();

            // Place the agent at a random tile (not an obstacle)
            foreach (Cell cell in gridWorld.GetCells())
                if (!cell.IsObstacle() && !cell.IsRewardCell())

            if (startingPosition == null)
                int nextCellIndex = (new Random()).Next(0, availableCells.Count - 1);
                currentCell = availableCells[nextCellIndex];
                currentCell = startingPosition;