Exemple #1
        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
            GridSubPanelType panelType = ContainerType;

            if (panelType == GridSubPanelType.Hidden)


            using (DevAge.Drawing.GraphicsCache graphics = new DevAge.Drawing.GraphicsCache(e.Graphics, e.ClipRectangle))
                if (panelType == GridSubPanelType.TopLeft)
                else if (panelType == GridSubPanelType.Left)
                else if (panelType == GridSubPanelType.Top)
                else //scrollable

            ////Use this code to test panels
            //e.Graphics.DrawEllipse(Pens.Black, ClientRectangle);
            //e.Graphics.DrawString(ContainerType.ToString(), Font, Brushes.Black, ClientRectangle);
Exemple #2
        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)

//#warning temporaneo per testare i panels
//			GridSubPanelType l_Type = ContainerType;
//			if (l_Type == GridSubPanelType.TopLeft)
//				e.Graphics.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.Yellow),e.ClipRectangle);
//			else if (l_Type == GridSubPanelType.Left)
//				e.Graphics.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.Red),e.ClipRectangle);
//			else if (l_Type == GridSubPanelType.Top)
//				e.Graphics.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.Green),e.ClipRectangle);
//			else
//				e.Graphics.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.Black),e.ClipRectangle);
//			ControlPaint.DrawBorder(e.Graphics, DisplayRectangle,Color.Blue,ButtonBorderStyle.Solid);

            GridSubPanelType l_Type = ContainerType;

            if (l_Type == GridSubPanelType.TopLeft)
            else if (l_Type == GridSubPanelType.Left)
            else if (l_Type == GridSubPanelType.Top)
            else             //scrollable
Exemple #3
        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)

            using (DevAge.Drawing.GraphicsCache graphics = new DevAge.Drawing.GraphicsCache(e.Graphics, e.ClipRectangle))
                GridSubPanelType l_Type = ContainerType;
                if (l_Type == GridSubPanelType.TopLeft)
                else if (l_Type == GridSubPanelType.Left)
                else if (l_Type == GridSubPanelType.Top)
                else //scrollable
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gridContainer"></param>
        /// <param name="containerType"></param>
        public GridSubPanelBase(GridVirtual gridContainer, GridSubPanelType containerType)
            ContainerType = containerType;
            toolTip       = new System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip();

            ToolTipText     = "";
            m_GridContainer = gridContainer;
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gridContainer"></param>
        /// <param name="containerType"></param>
        public GridSubPanelBase(GridVirtual gridContainer, GridSubPanelType containerType)

            ContainerType = containerType;
            toolTip = new System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip();

            ToolTipText = "";
            m_GridContainer = gridContainer;
Exemple #6
        public GridSubPanel(GridVirtual gridContainer, GridSubPanelType containerType)
            : base(gridContainer, containerType)
            AllowDrop = true;

            //to remove flicker and use custom draw
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true);
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, true);
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.ContainerControl, true);
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.Selectable, false);

            m_ControlsRepository = new ControlsRepository(this);

            TabStop = false; //The grid control is a special control and usually don't receive the focus with the Tab
Exemple #7
        public GridSubPanel(GridVirtual gridContainer, GridSubPanelType containerType)
            : base(gridContainer, containerType)
            AllowDrop = true;

            //to remove flicker and use custom draw
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true);
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, true);
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.ContainerControl, true);
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.Selectable, false);

            m_ControlsRepository = new ControlsRepository(this);

            TabStop = false; //The grid control is a special control and usually don't receive the focus with the Tab
    /// <summary>
    /// Raises the <see cref="E:System.Windows.Forms.Control.Paint"></see> event.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="e">A <see cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs"></see> that contains the event data.</param>
    protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)

      GridSubPanelType l_Type = ContainerType;

      switch (l_Type)
        case GridSubPanelType.TopLeft:
        case GridSubPanelType.Top:
        case GridSubPanelType.Left:
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns a range of cells from the specified rectangle, relative to the current grid container, using scrolling information.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="p_RelativeRect">A grid relative rectangle (not panel relative)</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public Range RangeAtDisplayRect(Rectangle p_RelativeRect)
      Rectangle l_Absolute = gridContainer.RectangleRelativeToAbsolute(p_RelativeRect);
      GridSubPanelType l_Type = ContainerType;

      if (l_Type == GridSubPanelType.TopLeft)
        return RangeAtAbsRect(new Rectangle(p_RelativeRect.X, p_RelativeRect.Y, l_Absolute.Width, l_Absolute.Height));
      else if (l_Type == GridSubPanelType.Top)
        return RangeAtAbsRect(new Rectangle(l_Absolute.X, p_RelativeRect.Y, l_Absolute.Width, l_Absolute.Height));
      else if (l_Type == GridSubPanelType.Left)
        return RangeAtAbsRect(new Rectangle(p_RelativeRect.X, l_Absolute.Y, l_Absolute.Width, l_Absolute.Height));
        return RangeAtAbsRect(l_Absolute);
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns a range of cells from the specified absolute rectangle. Returns Empty if no valid cells are found.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="p_AbsoluteRect">The absolute rectangle.</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public Range RangeAtAbsRect(Rectangle p_AbsoluteRect)
      int l_Start_R, l_Start_C, l_End_R, l_End_C;
      GridSubPanelType l_Type = ContainerType;

      Range l_tmp = gridContainer.RangeAtAbsRect(p_AbsoluteRect);
      if (l_tmp.IsEmpty())
        return l_tmp;
      l_Start_R = l_tmp.Start.Row;
      l_Start_C = l_tmp.Start.Column;

      l_End_R = l_tmp.End.Row;
      l_End_C = l_tmp.End.Column;

      if (l_Type == GridSubPanelType.TopLeft)
        if (l_Start_R >= gridContainer.FixedRows)
          l_Start_R = Position.EmptyIndex;

        if (l_Start_C >= gridContainer.FixedColumns)
          l_Start_C = Position.EmptyIndex;

        if (l_End_R >= gridContainer.FixedRows)
          l_End_R = gridContainer.FixedRows - 1;

        if (l_End_C >= gridContainer.FixedColumns)
          l_End_C = gridContainer.FixedColumns - 1;
      else if (l_Type == GridSubPanelType.Top)
        if (l_Start_R >= gridContainer.FixedRows)
          l_Start_R = Position.EmptyIndex;

        if (l_End_R >= gridContainer.FixedRows)
          l_End_R = gridContainer.FixedRows - 1;

        if (l_Start_C < gridContainer.FixedColumns)
          l_Start_C = gridContainer.FixedColumns;
          if (l_Start_C >= gridContainer.ColumnsCount)
            l_Start_C = Position.EmptyIndex;
        if (l_End_C < gridContainer.FixedColumns)
          l_End_C = gridContainer.FixedColumns;
          if (l_End_C >= gridContainer.ColumnsCount)
            l_End_C = Position.EmptyIndex;
      else if (l_Type == GridSubPanelType.Left)
        if (l_Start_C >= gridContainer.FixedColumns)
          l_Start_C = Position.EmptyIndex;

        if (l_End_C >= gridContainer.FixedColumns)
          l_End_C = gridContainer.FixedColumns - 1;

        if (l_Start_R < gridContainer.FixedRows)
          l_Start_R = gridContainer.FixedRows;
          if (l_Start_R >= gridContainer.RowsCount)
            l_Start_R = Position.EmptyIndex;
        if (l_End_R < gridContainer.FixedRows)
          l_End_R = gridContainer.FixedRows;
          if (l_End_R >= gridContainer.RowsCount)
            l_End_R = Position.EmptyIndex;

      if (l_Start_R == Position.EmptyIndex || l_Start_C == Position.EmptyIndex
        || l_End_C == Position.EmptyIndex || l_End_R == Position.EmptyIndex)
        return Range.Empty;

      return new Range(l_Start_R, l_Start_C, l_End_R, l_End_C);
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the cell at the specified grid view relative point (the point must be relative to the grid display region not to the panel display region)
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="p_RelativeViewPoint">Point</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public virtual Position PositionAtPoint(Point p_RelativeViewPoint)
      int l_Row, l_Col;
      GridSubPanelType l_Type = ContainerType;

      if (l_Type == GridSubPanelType.TopLeft)
        l_Row = gridContainer.Rows.RowAtPoint(p_RelativeViewPoint.Y, true);
        l_Col = gridContainer.Columns.ColumnAtPoint(p_RelativeViewPoint.X, true);
        if (l_Row >= gridContainer.FixedRows)
          l_Row = Position.EmptyIndex;
        if (l_Col >= gridContainer.FixedColumns)
          l_Col = Position.EmptyIndex;
      else if (l_Type == GridSubPanelType.Top)
        Point l_AbsPoint = gridContainer.PointRelativeToAbsolute(p_RelativeViewPoint);
        l_Row = gridContainer.Rows.RowAtPoint(p_RelativeViewPoint.Y, true);
        l_Col = gridContainer.Columns.ColumnAtPoint(l_AbsPoint.X, true);
        if (l_Row >= gridContainer.FixedRows)
          l_Row = Position.EmptyIndex;

        if (l_Col < gridContainer.FixedColumns)
          l_Col = Position.EmptyIndex;
      else if (l_Type == GridSubPanelType.Left)
        Point l_AbsPoint = gridContainer.PointRelativeToAbsolute(p_RelativeViewPoint);
        l_Row = gridContainer.Rows.RowAtPoint(l_AbsPoint.Y, true);
        l_Col = gridContainer.Columns.ColumnAtPoint(p_RelativeViewPoint.X, true);
        if (l_Col >= gridContainer.FixedColumns)
          l_Col = Position.EmptyIndex;

        if (l_Row < gridContainer.FixedRows)
          l_Row = Position.EmptyIndex;
      else //scrollable
        Point l_AbsPoint = gridContainer.PointRelativeToAbsolute(p_RelativeViewPoint);
        l_Row = gridContainer.Rows.RowAtPoint(l_AbsPoint.Y, true);
        l_Col = gridContainer.Columns.ColumnAtPoint(l_AbsPoint.X, true);

      if (l_Row == Position.EmptyIndex || l_Col == Position.EmptyIndex)
        return Position.Empty;

      return new Position(l_Row, l_Col);
Exemple #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a range of cells from the specified absolute rectangle. Returns Empty if no valid cells are found.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p_AbsoluteRect"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Range RangeAtAbsRect(Rectangle p_AbsoluteRect)
            int l_Start_R, l_Start_C, l_End_R, l_End_C;
            GridSubPanelType l_Type = ContainerType;

            Range l_tmp = m_GridContainer.RangeAtAbsRect(p_AbsoluteRect);

            if (l_tmp.IsEmpty())
            l_Start_R = l_tmp.Start.Row;
            l_Start_C = l_tmp.Start.Column;

            l_End_R = l_tmp.End.Row;
            l_End_C = l_tmp.End.Column;

            if (l_Type == GridSubPanelType.TopLeft)
                if (l_Start_R >= m_GridContainer.FixedRows)
                    l_Start_R = Position.c_EmptyIndex;

                if (l_Start_C >= m_GridContainer.FixedColumns)
                    l_Start_C = Position.c_EmptyIndex;

                if (l_End_R >= m_GridContainer.FixedRows)
                    l_End_R = m_GridContainer.FixedRows - 1;

                if (l_End_C >= m_GridContainer.FixedColumns)
                    l_End_C = m_GridContainer.FixedColumns - 1;
            else if (l_Type == GridSubPanelType.Top)
                if (l_Start_R >= m_GridContainer.FixedRows)
                    l_Start_R = Position.c_EmptyIndex;

                if (l_End_R >= m_GridContainer.FixedRows)
                    l_End_R = m_GridContainer.FixedRows - 1;

                if (l_Start_C < m_GridContainer.FixedColumns)
                    l_Start_C = m_GridContainer.FixedColumns;
                    if (l_Start_C >= m_GridContainer.ColumnsCount)
                        l_Start_C = Position.c_EmptyIndex;
                if (l_End_C < m_GridContainer.FixedColumns)
                    l_End_C = m_GridContainer.FixedColumns;
                    if (l_End_C >= m_GridContainer.ColumnsCount)
                        l_End_C = Position.c_EmptyIndex;
            else if (l_Type == GridSubPanelType.Left)
                if (l_Start_C >= m_GridContainer.FixedColumns)
                    l_Start_C = Position.c_EmptyIndex;

                if (l_End_C >= m_GridContainer.FixedColumns)
                    l_End_C = m_GridContainer.FixedColumns - 1;

                if (l_Start_R < m_GridContainer.FixedRows)
                    l_Start_R = m_GridContainer.FixedRows;
                    if (l_Start_R >= m_GridContainer.RowsCount)
                        l_Start_R = Position.c_EmptyIndex;
                if (l_End_R < m_GridContainer.FixedRows)
                    l_End_R = m_GridContainer.FixedRows;
                    if (l_End_R >= m_GridContainer.RowsCount)
                        l_End_R = Position.c_EmptyIndex;

            //TODO nel caso di ScrollablePanel dovrei verificare di non restituire celle fisse?

            if (l_Start_R == Position.c_EmptyIndex || l_Start_C == Position.c_EmptyIndex ||
                l_End_C == Position.c_EmptyIndex || l_End_R == Position.c_EmptyIndex)

            return(new Range(l_Start_R, l_Start_C, l_End_R, l_End_C));
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the cell at the specified grid view relative point (the point must be relative to the grid display region not to the panel display region)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p_RelativeViewPoint">Point</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual Position PositionAtPoint(Point p_RelativeViewPoint)
            int l_Row, l_Col;
            GridSubPanelType l_Type = ContainerType;

            if (l_Type == GridSubPanelType.TopLeft)
                l_Row = m_GridContainer.Rows.RowAtPoint(p_RelativeViewPoint.Y, true);
                l_Col = m_GridContainer.Columns.ColumnAtPoint(p_RelativeViewPoint.X, true);
                if (l_Row >= m_GridContainer.FixedRows)
                    l_Row = Position.c_EmptyIndex;
                if (l_Col >= m_GridContainer.FixedColumns)
                    l_Col = Position.c_EmptyIndex;
            else if (l_Type == GridSubPanelType.Top)
                Point l_AbsPoint = m_GridContainer.PointRelativeToAbsolute(p_RelativeViewPoint);
                l_Row = m_GridContainer.Rows.RowAtPoint(p_RelativeViewPoint.Y, true);
                l_Col = m_GridContainer.Columns.ColumnAtPoint(l_AbsPoint.X, true);
                if (l_Row >= m_GridContainer.FixedRows)
                    l_Row = Position.c_EmptyIndex;

                if (l_Col < m_GridContainer.FixedColumns)
                    l_Col = Position.c_EmptyIndex;
            else if (l_Type == GridSubPanelType.Left)
                Point l_AbsPoint = m_GridContainer.PointRelativeToAbsolute(p_RelativeViewPoint);
                l_Row = m_GridContainer.Rows.RowAtPoint(l_AbsPoint.Y, true);
                l_Col = m_GridContainer.Columns.ColumnAtPoint(p_RelativeViewPoint.X, true);
                if (l_Col >= m_GridContainer.FixedColumns)
                    l_Col = Position.c_EmptyIndex;

                if (l_Row < m_GridContainer.FixedRows)
                    l_Row = Position.c_EmptyIndex;
            else             //scrollable
                Point l_AbsPoint = m_GridContainer.PointRelativeToAbsolute(p_RelativeViewPoint);
                l_Row = m_GridContainer.Rows.RowAtPoint(l_AbsPoint.Y, true);
                l_Col = m_GridContainer.Columns.ColumnAtPoint(l_AbsPoint.X, true);

                //TODO devo controllare che non cada nelle celle fisse?

            if (l_Row == Position.c_EmptyIndex || l_Col == Position.c_EmptyIndex)

            return(new Position(l_Row, l_Col));