internal static void Search(GridGraph graph, GridSearch search, int x, int y, float[,] weights, IComparer <GridEdge> comparer)
            int width  = graph.Width;
            int height = graph.Height;

            search.IsVisited[x, y] = true;
            search.Order.Add(new Vector2i(x, y));
            search.Parent[x, y] = new Vector2i(x, y);

            PriorityQueue <GridEdge> queue = new PriorityQueue <GridEdge>(comparer);

            List <GridEdge> edges = new List <GridEdge>(8);

            graph.GetEdges(x, y, edges, weights);

            if (edges.Count != 0)
                foreach (GridEdge edge in edges)


            while (queue.Count != 0)
                GridEdge edge = queue.Pop();

                Vector2i v = edge.To;
                if (search.IsVisited[v.x, v.y])

                search.IsVisited[v.x, v.y] = true;
                search.Parent[v.x, v.y]    = edge.From;

                if (graph.Edges[v.x, v.y] == 0)

                graph.GetEdges(v.x, v.y, edges, weights);

                foreach (GridEdge e in edges)
                    if (search.IsVisited[e.To.x, e.To.y])

Exemple #2
    public GridEdge <T, U> AddEdge(GridNode <T, U> from, GridNode <T, U> to, U data)
        GridEdge <T, U> newEdge = new GridEdge <T, U>(from, to, data);

        from.Edges[newEdge.Direction] = newEdge;

Exemple #3
        //간선을 추가한다.
        public void AddEdge(GridEdge newEdge)
            //목적지가 같은 Edge를 허용하지 않음.
            foreach (GridEdge gridEdge in edges)
                if (gridEdge.EndVertexGrid == newEdge.EndVertexGrid)
                    throw new System.NotSupportedException();

Exemple #4
    /// <summary>
    /// Adds the edge data to the cell at startXYZ + cornerOffsetXYZ if it exists (not out of range)
    /// return the cell so we can preprocess for meshing?
    /// </summary>
    public GridCell AddToCellQEF(GridEdge e, int sx, int sy, int sz, int cox, int coy, int coz)
        int x = sx + cox;
        int y = sy + coy;
        int z = sz + coz;

        if (x >= 0 && x < subdivisions &&
            y >= 0 && y < subdivisions &&
            z >= 0 && z < subdivisions)
            //it exists
            GridCell cell = cells[x, y, z];
            cell.AddQEF(e.intersection, e.normal);
            //NOPE! Chuck Testa
Exemple #5
        public void JoiningEdge_NeighborNodes_Edge()
            Vec2     position = new Vec2(3, 3);
            GridNode node     = _grid[position];

            IPathfindingEdge joiningEdge = node.JoiningEdge(_grid[position + Direction.N]);
            IPathfindingEdge edge        = new GridEdge(position, Direction.N);

            Assert.AreEqual(edge, joiningEdge);

            joiningEdge = node.JoiningEdge(_grid[position + Direction.W]);
            edge        = new GridEdge(position, Direction.W);
            Assert.AreEqual(edge, joiningEdge);

            joiningEdge = node.JoiningEdge(_grid[position + Direction.E]);
            edge        = new GridEdge(new Vec2(position.x + 1, position.y), Direction.W);
            Assert.AreEqual(edge, joiningEdge);

            joiningEdge = node.JoiningEdge(_grid[position + Direction.S]);
            edge        = new GridEdge(new Vec2(position.x, position.y + 1), Direction.N);
            Assert.AreEqual(edge, joiningEdge);

            joiningEdge = node.JoiningEdge(_grid[position + Direction.NW]);
            edge        = new GridVertex(position);
            Assert.AreEqual(edge, joiningEdge);

            joiningEdge = node.JoiningEdge(_grid[position + Direction.NE]);
            edge        = new GridVertex(new Vec2(position.x + 1, position.y));
            Assert.AreEqual(edge, joiningEdge);

            joiningEdge = node.JoiningEdge(_grid[position + Direction.SW]);
            edge        = new GridVertex(new Vec2(position.x, position.y + 1));
            Assert.AreEqual(edge, joiningEdge);

            joiningEdge = node.JoiningEdge(_grid[position + Direction.SE]);
            edge        = new GridVertex(new Vec2(position.x + 1, position.y + 1));
            Assert.AreEqual(edge, joiningEdge);
Exemple #6
 public virtual void Insert(Control item, Control existui, GridEdge at, int xspan, int yspan, int hexpand, HorizontalAlignment halign, int vexpand, VerticalAlignment valign)
     NativeMethods.GridInsertAt(Owner.handle, item.handle, existui.handle, at, xspan, yspan, hexpand, halign, vexpand, valign);
     base.Insert(existui.Index, item);
Exemple #7
 public static extern void GridInsertAt(IntPtr grid, IntPtr child, IntPtr existing, GridEdge at, int xspan, int yspan, int hexpand, HorizontalAlignment halign, int vexpand, VerticalAlignment valign);
        public void IsTraversable_DoesNotContainMotility_False()
            GridEdge edge = new GridEdge(1f, Motility.Land, Vec2.One, Direction.N);

        public void IsTraversable_ContainsMotility_True()
            GridEdge edge = new GridEdge(1f, Motility.Land, Vec2.One, Direction.N);

        public void IsTraversable_UnconstrainedEdge_True()
            GridEdge edge = new GridEdge(1f, Motility.Unconstrained, Vec2.One, Direction.N);

        public void Fill_SetEdge_Equals()
            Vec2            vec2 = new Vec2(2, 2);
            PathfindingGrid grid = new PathfindingGrid(vec2);

            Assert.IsNull(grid[0, 0, Direction.N]);
            Assert.IsNull(grid[0, 0, Direction.W]);
            Assert.IsNull(grid[0, 0, Direction.E]);
            Assert.IsNull(grid[0, 0, Direction.S]);

            Assert.IsNull(grid[0, 1, Direction.N]);
            Assert.IsNull(grid[0, 1, Direction.W]);
            Assert.IsNull(grid[0, 1, Direction.E]);
            Assert.IsNull(grid[0, 1, Direction.S]);

            Assert.IsNull(grid[1, 0, Direction.N]);
            Assert.IsNull(grid[1, 0, Direction.W]);
            Assert.IsNull(grid[1, 0, Direction.E]);
            Assert.IsNull(grid[1, 0, Direction.S]);

            Assert.IsNull(grid[1, 1, Direction.N]);
            Assert.IsNull(grid[1, 1, Direction.W]);
            Assert.IsNull(grid[1, 1, Direction.E]);
            Assert.IsNull(grid[1, 1, Direction.S]);

            grid.Fill(position => new GridNode(Tiles.Stone, position, grid));
            grid.FillEdges((position, annotation) => new GridEdge(position, annotation));
            //grid.FillVertices((position) => new GridVertex(position));

            Assert.IsNotNull(grid[0, 0, Direction.N]);
            Assert.IsNotNull(grid[0, 0, Direction.W]);
            Assert.IsNotNull(grid[0, 0, Direction.E]);
            Assert.IsNotNull(grid[0, 0, Direction.S]);

            Assert.IsNotNull(grid[0, 1, Direction.N]);
            Assert.IsNotNull(grid[0, 1, Direction.W]);
            Assert.IsNotNull(grid[0, 1, Direction.E]);
            Assert.IsNotNull(grid[0, 1, Direction.S]);

            Assert.IsNotNull(grid[1, 0, Direction.N]);
            Assert.IsNotNull(grid[1, 0, Direction.W]);
            Assert.IsNotNull(grid[1, 0, Direction.E]);
            Assert.IsNotNull(grid[1, 0, Direction.S]);

            Assert.IsNotNull(grid[1, 1, Direction.N]);
            Assert.IsNotNull(grid[1, 1, Direction.W]);
            Assert.IsNotNull(grid[1, 1, Direction.E]);
            Assert.IsNotNull(grid[1, 1, Direction.S]);

            Assert.AreEqual(new GridEdge(Vec2.Zero, Direction.N), grid[0, 0, Direction.N]);
            Assert.AreEqual(new GridEdge(Vec2.Zero, Direction.W), grid[0, 0, Direction.W]);
            Assert.AreEqual(new GridEdge(new Vec2(1, 0), Direction.W), grid[0, 0, Direction.E]);
            Assert.AreEqual(new GridEdge(new Vec2(0, 1), Direction.N), grid[0, 0, Direction.S]);

            Assert.AreEqual(new GridEdge(new Vec2(0, 1), Direction.N), grid[0, 1, Direction.N]);
            Assert.AreEqual(new GridEdge(new Vec2(0, 1), Direction.W), grid[0, 1, Direction.W]);
            Assert.AreEqual(new GridEdge(new Vec2(1, 1), Direction.W), grid[0, 1, Direction.E]);

            var expected = new GridEdge(new Vec2(0, 2), Direction.N);
            var actual   = grid[0, 1, Direction.S];

            Assert.AreEqual(new GridEdge(new Vec2(0, 2), Direction.N), grid[0, 1, Direction.S]);

            Assert.AreEqual(new GridEdge(new Vec2(1, 0), Direction.N), grid[1, 0, Direction.N]);
            Assert.AreEqual(new GridEdge(new Vec2(1, 0), Direction.W), grid[1, 0, Direction.W]);
            Assert.AreEqual(new GridEdge(new Vec2(2, 0), Direction.W), grid[1, 0, Direction.E]);
            Assert.AreEqual(new GridEdge(new Vec2(1, 1), Direction.N), grid[1, 0, Direction.S]);

            Assert.AreEqual(new GridEdge(new Vec2(1, 1), Direction.N), grid[1, 1, Direction.N]);
            Assert.AreEqual(new GridEdge(new Vec2(1, 1), Direction.W), grid[1, 1, Direction.W]);
            Assert.AreEqual(new GridEdge(new Vec2(2, 1), Direction.W), grid[1, 1, Direction.E]);
            Assert.AreEqual(new GridEdge(new Vec2(1, 2), Direction.N), grid[1, 1, Direction.S]);
Exemple #12
 protected PathEdge MakePathEdge(GridEdge edge)
     return(new PathEdge(edge.StartLoc, edge.EndLoc));
Exemple #13
    //caxo - corner A x offset
    //cbyo - corner B y offset, etc
    //should be faster to just use ints instead of passing in vec3's, might be negligicable, but isn't too much more compliated
    /// <summary>
    /// Checks the edge created beteween the two points xyz+ cornerAXYZoffset and xyz + cornerBXYZoffset for a sign change between the densities of the corners
    /// if there is a sign change the edge is added to a list and the neighbouring cells that share this edge have the edge added to their QEF solver
    /// </summary>
    public void CheckEdge(int x, int y, int z, int caxo, int cayo, int cazo, int cbxo, int cbyo, int cbzo)
        GridCorner cA = corners[x + caxo, y + cayo, z + cazo];
        GridCorner cB = corners[x + cbxo, y + cbyo, z + cbzo];

        List <GridCell> facesTemp = new List <GridCell>();

        if (cA.density * cB.density <= 0f)  //different sign
            GridEdge e = new GridEdge(cA.position, cB.position);

            int intersectionSteps = 8;
            if (subdivisionLevel == 1)
                intersectionSteps = 16;

            e.intersection = ApproximateEdgeIntersection(cA.position, cB.position, Density, intersectionSteps);
            e.normal       = CalculateSurfaceNormal(e.intersection, Density);
            //e.intersection = e.normal =;

            #region swapping and comments
            //need to find every cell that shares this edge so we can do QEF solve stuff per cell
            //get start corner indicies, sorted by smallest corner first
            //then find the direction we're going on (offset from start to end)
            //then just manually find neighbours

            #region swapping logic
            //swap so they're ordred properly
            //could do this in the density block only when we need to
            bool swap = false;
            if (x + caxo < x + cbxo)
            else if (x + caxo == x + cbxo)    //same check next
                if (y + cayo < y + cbyo)
                else if (y + cayo == y + cbyo)    //same, check next
                    if (z + cazo < z + cbzo)
                    else if (z + cazo == z + cbzo)
                        //same...all components were the same..  This should never happen
                        swap = true;
                    swap = true;
                swap = true;

            int sx;
            int sy;
            int sz;
            int dx;
            int dy;
            int dz;

            if (swap)
                sx = x + cbxo;
                sy = y + cbyo;
                sz = z + cbzo;

                dx = (caxo - cbxo);
                dy = (cayo - cbyo);
                dz = (cazo - cbzo);
                sx = x + caxo;
                sy = y + cayo;
                sz = z + cazo;

                dx = (cbxo - caxo);
                dy = (cbyo - cayo);
                dz = (cbzo - cazo);

            //we should have six directions
            if (dx == 1 && dy == 0 && dz == 0)
                //cells offsets [0,0,0] [0,0,-1] [0,-1,-1] [0,-1,0]
                //check each offset to see if it exists (and doesn't cause an out of range error)
                //if it exists add to the QEF and solve and stuff
                facesTemp.Add(AddToCellQEF(e, sx, sy, sz, 0, 0, 0));
                facesTemp.Add(AddToCellQEF(e, sx, sy, sz, 0, 0, -1));
                facesTemp.Add(AddToCellQEF(e, sx, sy, sz, 0, -1, -1));
                facesTemp.Add(AddToCellQEF(e, sx, sy, sz, 0, -1, 0));
            else if (dx == -1 && dy == 0 && dz == 0)
                //this case will never happen, because we sort on x first so that the direction is always+.
                //If x *was* to be -, we would have swapped corners
                //but lets just fill it in anyways
                //cells offsets [-1,0,0] [-1,0,-1] [-1,-1,-1] [-1,-1,0]
                facesTemp.Add(AddToCellQEF(e, sx, sy, sz, -1, 0, 0));
                facesTemp.Add(AddToCellQEF(e, sx, sy, sz, -1, 0, -1));
                facesTemp.Add(AddToCellQEF(e, sx, sy, sz, -1, -1, -1));
                facesTemp.Add(AddToCellQEF(e, sx, sy, sz, -1, -1, 0));
            else if (dx == 0 && dy == 1 && dz == 0)
                //cell offsets [0,0,-1] [0,0,0] [-1,0,0] [-1,0,-1]
                facesTemp.Add(AddToCellQEF(e, sx, sy, sz, 0, 0, -1));
                facesTemp.Add(AddToCellQEF(e, sx, sy, sz, 0, 0, 0));
                facesTemp.Add(AddToCellQEF(e, sx, sy, sz, -1, 0, 0));
                facesTemp.Add(AddToCellQEF(e, sx, sy, sz, -1, 0, -1));
            else if (dx == 0 && dy == -1 && dz == 0)
                //cell offsets [0,-1,0] [0,-1,-1] [-1,-1,-1] [-1,-1,0]
                facesTemp.Add(AddToCellQEF(e, sx, sy, sz, 0, -1, -1));
                facesTemp.Add(AddToCellQEF(e, sx, sy, sz, 0, -1, 0));
                facesTemp.Add(AddToCellQEF(e, sx, sy, sz, -1, -1, 0));
                facesTemp.Add(AddToCellQEF(e, sx, sy, sz, -1, -1, -1));
            else if (dx == 0 && dy == 0 && dz == 1)
                //cell offsets [0,0,0] [0,-1,0] [-1,-1,0] [-1,0,0]
                facesTemp.Add(AddToCellQEF(e, sx, sy, sz, 0, 0, 0));
                facesTemp.Add(AddToCellQEF(e, sx, sy, sz, 0, -1, 0));
                facesTemp.Add(AddToCellQEF(e, sx, sy, sz, -1, -1, 0));
                facesTemp.Add(AddToCellQEF(e, sx, sy, sz, -1, 0, 0));
            else if (dx == 0 && dy == 0 && dz == -1)
                //cell offsets [0,0,-1] [0,-1,-1] [-1,-1,-1] [-1,0,-1]
                facesTemp.Add(AddToCellQEF(e, sx, sy, sz, 0, 0, -1));
                facesTemp.Add(AddToCellQEF(e, sx, sy, sz, 0, -1, -1));
                facesTemp.Add(AddToCellQEF(e, sx, sy, sz, -1, -1, -1));
                facesTemp.Add(AddToCellQEF(e, sx, sy, sz, -1, 0, -1));

            if (facesTemp.Count == 4)
                //need to sort the faces so we don't get any duplicates
                //and then we need to check to make sure the faces list doesn't contain this face
                GridCell ft0 = facesTemp[0];
                //Debug.Log(ft0 == null);
                //Debug.Log(ft0.cellIndex == null);
                Vector3 index = new Vector3(ft0.cellIndex.x, ft0.cellIndex.y, ft0.cellIndex.z);

                List <GridFace> fl = null;
                if (faces.ContainsKey(index))
                    fl = faces[index];

                //we need to check every element in FL to make sure we don't already have this face

                if (fl == null)
                    //cant check because this face doesn't have a spot in the list yet
                    //so we can just add it because it doesn't exist, so this will be the first one
                    fl = new List <GridFace>();
                    GridFace f = new GridFace();
                    faces[index] = fl;
                    if (fl.Count == 0)
                        //cant check.  For some reason the list was created, but never added to
                        //add because it doesn't exist yet
                        GridFace f = new GridFace();
                        for (int i = 0; i < fl.Count; i++)
                            //we can skip checking facesTemp[0].cellIndex against fl[0][0] because we know they're the same
                            //because that's how we sort the main list anyways
                            if (fl[i].faces[1] == facesTemp[1])
                                //second cell is the same
                                if (fl[i].faces[2] == facesTemp[2])
                                    //third cell is the same
                                    if (fl[i].faces[3] == facesTemp[3])
                                        //last cell is the same... all match, so we don't want to add this faceTemp to the real list
                                        //because it will be a duplicate
                                        GridFace f = new GridFace();
                                    GridFace f = new GridFace();
                                GridFace f = new GridFace();
        public GridCell(Vector3 center, float gridScale = 1f)
            QefSolver qef = new QefSolver();

            //check each corner against the density function
            //and generate SOMETHING at that position to see if our density function is right
            //we can cache the results from each corner, as we need to check every one anyways
            //is there a smarter way
            //we can have up to 4 sign changes per cell..
            // 0 ---- 1
            // |      |
            // 1------0  <---- opposite for the top face = 4 total

            //get corner positions
            //take the center (int coords), convert them to world positions, then +/- on every axis
            this.gridScale = gridScale;
            worldPos       = center * gridScale;

            //need to do corners in the same order every time
            //assign the corners to their density value at that corner position
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                float v = DualContouring1.density(worldPos + DualContouring1.cornerOffsets[i] * 0.5f * gridScale);
                //thresholding here to turn the density into an ID
                corners[i] = v >= 0 ? 1 : 0;

            //check if any edges have sign changes
            //I guess only store the edges that are important, like the ones that have a sign change.
            //we need to check every corner against it's neighbour cells, so we need to know which ones are it's neighbours.
            //Each corner has three neighbours,
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)  //but we only want to check half of them, otherwise we have doubles?
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    int neighbour = cornerNeighbours[i, j];
                    if (corners[i] != corners[neighbour])  //if this corner has a different density value than any of it's neighbours
                    //we need to be able to find neighbours based on edges...
                    //not sure how
                    //make a naive implimentation first
                        GridEdge e = new GridEdge(i, neighbour, center);


                        Vector3 edgeCornerA = worldPos + DualContouring1.cornerOffsets[e.corners[0]] * 0.5f * gridScale;
                        Vector3 edgeCornerB = worldPos + DualContouring1.cornerOffsets[e.corners[1]] * 0.5f * gridScale;
                        //need these for meshing to find shared edges I guess
                        e.cornersOffset[0] = DualContouring1.cornerOffsets[e.corners[0]];
                        e.cornersOffset[1] = DualContouring1.cornerOffsets[e.corners[1]];
                        //computing the intersection position and normal of this edge against the density function
                        e.position = DualContouring1.ApproximateEdgeIntersection(edgeCornerA, edgeCornerB, DualContouring1.density);
                        e.normal   = DualContouring1.CalculateSurfaceNormal(e.position, DualContouring1.density);

                        //from here we have to get the actual position of the vertex for this cell
                        //we do this using the QefSolver.  For every edge intersection add the position and normal
                        qef.add(e.position, e.normal);
                        //add the normal so we can grab it later (summed, so we have to grab normal/edges.Count
                        normal += e.normal;

            if (edges.Count != 0)
                vertex =;
                qef.solve(vertex, QEF_ERROR, QEF_SWEEPS, QEF_ERROR);
                Vector3 min = center + DualContouring1.cornerOffsets[0] * 0.5f * gridScale;
                Vector3 max = center + DualContouring1.cornerOffsets[6] * 0.5f * gridScale;

                if (vertex.x < min.x || vertex.x > max.x ||
                    vertex.y < min.y || vertex.y > max.y ||
                    vertex.z < min.z || vertex.z > max.z)
                    vertex = qef.getMassPoint();
                DualContouring1.verticies.Add(new MeshVertex(vertex, (normal / edges.Count).normalized));
                vertexIndex = DualContouring1.verticies.Count - 1;
                if (vertex ==
                hasVertex = true;