/// <summary>
        /// Imports a model from the given file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceFile">The source file to be loaded.</param>
        /// <param name="importOptions">Some configuration for the importer.</param>
        public ImportedModelContainer ImportModel(ResourceLink sourceFile, ImportOptions importOptions)
            // Get import options
            ACImportOptions acImportOptions = importOptions as ACImportOptions;

            if (acImportOptions == null)
                throw new SeeingSharpException("Invalid import options for ACImporter!");

            ImportedModelContainer result = new ImportedModelContainer(acImportOptions);

            // Get needed resource key
            NamedOrGenericKey resGeometry = GraphicsCore.GetNextGenericResourceKey();

            // Load and fill result object
            ObjectType objType = ACFileLoader.ImportObjectType(sourceFile);

            result.ImportedResources.Add(new ImportedResourceInfo(
                                             () => new GeometryResource(objType)));
            result.Objects.Add(new GenericObject(resGeometry));
