internal static void AddToDataSource(this IEnumerable itemsSource, Graphic graphic, Type objectType)
            Dictionary<string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>();

            if (!graphic.AllAttributesMatch(objectType))      // A graphic element added with no matching attributes
                if (objectType != null)
                    FieldInfo[] fieldInfo = GetFieldInfo(objectType);
                    foreach (FieldInfo fldInfo in fieldInfo)
                        Type fldType = fldInfo.FieldType;
                        string fldName = fldInfo.Name.Substring(1);

                        object defaultValue = fldType.IsValueType ? Activator.CreateInstance(fldType) : null;
                        dictionary.Add(fldName, defaultValue);
            else  // A graphic object from the graphics layer
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> keyVal in graphic.Attributes)
                    if (_fieldMapping.ContainsKey(keyVal.Key) && !dictionary.ContainsKey(_fieldMapping[keyVal.Key]))
                        dictionary.Add(_fieldMapping[keyVal.Key], keyVal.Value);

            if (objectType != null)
                AddToEnumerable(objectType, graphic, itemsSource);