Exemple #1
        /// #########################################################################################
        ///  Update a card's charts
        private async Task UpdateCard(int i)
            try {
                string crypto = App.pinnedCoins[i];
                vm.PriceCards[i].Info.CurrencySym = App.currencySymbol;

                /// Save the current timeSpan for navigating to another page
                vm.PriceCards[i].Chart.TimeSpan = timeSpan;

                /// Colors
                var brush = vm.PriceCards[i].Chart.ChartStroke;
                brush = ColorConstants.GetCoinBrush(crypto);
                vm.PriceCards[i].Chart.ChartStroke = brush;

                /// Get Historic and create List of ChartData for the chart
                var histo = await Ioc.Default.GetService <ICryptoCompare>().GetHistoric_(crypto, timeUnit, limit, aggregate);

                var chartData = new List <ChartPoint>();
                foreach (var h in histo)
                    chartData.Add(new ChartPoint()
                        Date   = h.DateTime,
                        Value  = h.Average,
                        Volume = h.volumeto,
                        High   = h.high,
                        Low    = h.low,
                        Open   = h.open,
                        Close  = h.close
                vm.PriceCards[i].Chart.ChartData = chartData;
                var temp = GraphHelper.AdjustLinearAxis(new ChartStyling(), timeSpan);
                vm.PriceCards[i].Chart.LabelFormat   = temp.LabelFormat;
                vm.PriceCards[i].Chart.Minimum       = temp.Minimum;
                vm.PriceCards[i].Chart.MajorStepUnit = temp.MajorStepUnit;
                vm.PriceCards[i].Chart.MajorStep     = temp.MajorStep;
                vm.PriceCards[i].Chart.TickInterval  = temp.TickInterval;

                /// Calculate min-max to adjust axis
                var MinMax = GraphHelper.GetMinMaxOfArray(chartData.Select(d => d.Value).ToList());
                vm.PriceCards[i].Chart.PricesMinMax = GraphHelper.OffsetMinMaxForChart(MinMax.Min, MinMax.Max);
                vm.PriceCards[i].Chart.VolumeMax    = GraphHelper.GetMaxOfVolume(chartData);

                /// Calculate the price difference
                double oldestPrice = histo[0].Average;
                double newestPrice = histo[histo.Count - 1].Average;
                vm.PriceCards[i].Info.Prices = (oldestPrice, newestPrice);

                /// Sum total volume from historic
                vm.PriceCards[i].Info.VolumeToTotal   = histo.Sum(h => h.volumeto);
                vm.PriceCards[i].Info.VolumeFromTotal = histo.Sum(h => h.volumefrom);
                double total = histo.Sum(h => h.volumeto);

                /// Show that loading is done
                vm.PriceCards[i].Info.IsLoading = false;
            } catch (Exception) {  }
Exemple #2
        private async Task UpdateCoin()
            var crypto = vm.Coin.Name;

            vm.CurrencySymbol = Currencies.GetCurrencySymbol(App.currency);

            /// Colors
            vm.Chart.ChartStroke = ColorConstants.GetCoinBrush(crypto);

            /// Get Historic and create List of ChartData for the chart (plus LinearAxis)
            var histo = await Ioc.Default.GetService <ICryptoCompare>().GetHistoric_(crypto, timeUnit, limit, aggregate);

            var chartData = new List <ChartPoint>();

            foreach (var h in histo)
                chartData.Add(new ChartPoint()
                    Date   = h.DateTime,
                    Value  = h.Average,
                    Volume = h.volumeto,
                    High   = h.high,
                    Low    = h.low,
                    Open   = h.open,
                    Close  = h.close
            vm.Chart.ChartData = chartData;
            var temp = GraphHelper.AdjustLinearAxis(new ChartStyling(), timeSpan);

            vm.Chart.LabelFormat   = temp.LabelFormat;
            vm.Chart.Minimum       = temp.Minimum;
            vm.Chart.MajorStepUnit = temp.MajorStepUnit;
            vm.Chart.MajorStep     = temp.MajorStep;
            vm.Chart.TickInterval  = temp.TickInterval;

            vm.Coin.VolumeToTotal = histo.Sum(x => x.volumeto);

            /// Calculate min-max to adjust axis
            var MinMax = GraphHelper.GetMinMaxOfArray(chartData.Select(d => d.Value).ToList());

            vm.Chart.PricesMinMax = GraphHelper.OffsetMinMaxForChart(MinMax.Min, MinMax.Max);
            vm.Chart.VolumeMax    = GraphHelper.GetMaxOfVolume(chartData);

            /// Calculate the price difference
            double oldestPrice = histo.FirstOrDefault()?.Average ?? 0;
            double newestPrice = histo.LastOrDefault()?.Average ?? 0;

            vm.Coin.Prices = (oldestPrice, newestPrice);

            vm.Coin.IsLoading = false;
Exemple #3
        /// ###############################################################################################
        /// Update the chart of the historic values of the portfolio
        private async Task UpdatePortfolioChart()
            var nPurchases = vm.Portfolio.Count;

            if (nPurchases == 0)

            /// Optimize by only getting historic for different cryptos
            var uniqueCryptos = new HashSet <string>(vm.Portfolio.Select(x => x.Crypto)).ToList();

            /// Get historic for each unique crypto, get invested qty, and multiply
            /// to get the worth of each crypto to the user's wallet
            var cryptoQties = new List <double>();
            var cryptoWorth = new List <List <double> >();
            var histos      = new List <List <HistoricPrice> >(nPurchases);

            foreach (var crypto in uniqueCryptos)
                var histo = await Ioc.Default.GetService <ICryptoCompare>().GetHistoric_(crypto, timeUnit, limit, aggregate);

                var cryptoQty = vm.Portfolio.Where(x => x.Crypto == crypto).Sum(x => x.CryptoQty);
                cryptoWorth.Add(histo.Select(x => x.Average * cryptoQty).ToList());

            /// There might be young cryptos that didnt exist in the past, so take the common minimum
            var minCommon = histos.Min(x => x.Count);

            if (minCommon == 1)

            /// Check if all arrays are equal length, if not, remove the leading values
            var sameLength = cryptoWorth.All(x => x.Count == cryptoWorth[0].Count);

            if (!sameLength)
                for (int i = 0; i < histos.Count; i++)
                    histos[i] = histos[i].Skip(Math.Max(0, histos[i].Count() - minCommon)).ToList();

            var worth_arr = new List <double>();
            var dates_arr = histos[0].Select(kk => kk.DateTime).ToList();

            for (int i = 0; i < minCommon; i++)
                worth_arr.Add(cryptoWorth.Select(x => x[i]).Sum());

            /// Create List for chart
            var chartData = new List <ChartPoint>();

            for (int i = 0; i < minCommon; i++)
                chartData.Add(new ChartPoint {
                    Date   = dates_arr.ElementAt(i),
                    Value  = (float)worth_arr[i],
                    Volume = 0
            vm.Chart.ChartData = chartData;
            var temp = GraphHelper.AdjustLinearAxis(new ChartStyling(), timeSpan);

            vm.Chart.LabelFormat   = temp.LabelFormat;
            vm.Chart.Minimum       = temp.Minimum;
            vm.Chart.MajorStepUnit = temp.MajorStepUnit;
            vm.Chart.MajorStep     = temp.MajorStep;
            vm.Chart.TickInterval  = temp.TickInterval;

            vm.Chart.ChartStroke = (vm.TotalDelta >= 0) ?
                                   ColorConstants.GetColorBrush("pastel_green") : ColorConstants.GetColorBrush("pastel_red");

            /// Calculate min-max to adjust axis
            var MinMax = GraphHelper.GetMinMaxOfArray(chartData.Select(d => d.Value).ToList());

            vm.Chart.PricesMinMax = GraphHelper.OffsetMinMaxForChart(MinMax.Min, MinMax.Max);
            vm.Chart.VolumeMax    = GraphHelper.GetMaxOfVolume(chartData);
            vm.Chart.VolumeMax    = (vm.Chart.VolumeMax == 0) ? 10 : vm.Chart.VolumeMax;

            vm.Chart.IsLoading = false;