Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Run the tutorial.
        /// </summary>
        public void Run()
            var NGraph = new NGraph();

            NGraph.OnVertexAdded.OnNotification += msg => Console.WriteLine("direct: " + msg);
            NGraph.OnVertexAdded.OnError        += (sender, ex) => Console.WriteLine("direct: " + ex);
            NGraph.OnVertexAdded.OnCompleted    += (sender, msg) => Console.WriteLine("direct: " + msg);

            var Logger1 = new StringLogger();


            var Logger2 = new StringLogger2();

            NFilter(msg => !msg.Contains("edge")).

            Task.Factory.StartNew(() => NGraph.OnVertexAdded.ToIEnumerable().ForEach(str => Console.WriteLine("magic!!! " + str)));

            NGraph.Shoot("Hello vertex!");
            NGraph.Shoot("Hello edge!");

            var graph       = GraphFactory.CreateGenericPropertyGraph_WithStringIds("graph01");
            var graphlogger = new GraphLogger <String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                               String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                               String, Int64, String, String, Object,
                                               String, Int64, String, String, Object>();

            graph.OnVertexAddition.OnVoting += (g, vertex, vote) => { if (vertex.Id == "0")
            graph.OnVertexAddition.NewFuncArrow((g, v) => "vertex '" + v.Id + "' on graph '" + g.Id + "' added!").SendTo(Logger1);

            Task.Factory.StartNew(() => graph.OnVertexAddition.NewFuncArrow((g, v) => v).ToIEnumerable().ForEach(v => Console.WriteLine("It's magic a vertex... " + v.Id)));

            //graph.OnVertexAdded2.NewFuncArrow((g, v) => v).AsTask(v => v.ToIEnumerable().ForEach(v2 => Console.WriteLine("It's magic23 a vertex... " + v2.Id)));

            graph.AddVertex(v => v.SetProperty("hello", "world 1!"));
            graph.AddVertex(v => v.SetProperty("hello", "world 2!"));

            while (true)
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Run the tutorial.
        /// </summary>
        public void Run()
            graph = GraphFactory.CreateGenericPropertyGraph_WithStringIds("Vanaheimr graph processing stack");

            var IlliasCommons = AddProject("Illias Commons");
            var Eunomia       = AddProject("Eunomia");
            var Blueprints    = AddProject("Blueprints", IlliasCommons, Eunomia);

            while (true)
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Run the tutorial.
        /// </summary>
        public void Run()
            // Create a new simple property graph
            var graph       = GraphFactory.CreateGenericPropertyGraph_WithStringIds("TagExample");
            var graphSchema = graph.StrictSchemaGraph("TagExampleSchema", "The graph schema of the TagExample graph");

            // Add tags
            var _good  = graph.AddVertex("good", isTag);
            var _funny = graph.AddVertex("funny", isTag);

            // Add Users
            var _Alice = graph.AddVertex("Alice", "User");
            var _Bob   = graph.AddVertex("Bob", "User");

            // Add websites
            var _cnn   = graph.AddVertex("CNN", isWebsite, v => v.SetProperty(Url, "http://cnn.com"));
            var _xkcd  = graph.AddVertex("xkcd", isWebsite, v => v.SetProperty(Url, "http://xkcd.com"));
            var _onion = graph.AddVertex("onion", isWebsite, v => v.SetProperty(Url, "http://theonion.com"));

            // Add edges using the semantic web style (s, p, o)
            var _edge1 = graph.AddEdge(_cnn, isTaggedWith, _good);
            var _edge2 = graph.AddEdge(_xkcd, isTaggedWith, _good);
            var _edge3 = graph.AddEdge(_xkcd, isTaggedWith, _funny);
            var _edge4 = graph.AddEdge(_onion, isTaggedWith, _funny);

            var _edge5 = graph.AddEdge(_Alice, likes, _xkcd);
            var _edge6 = graph.AddEdge(_Alice, likes, _Bob);

            // Find out which tags xkcd is tagged with
            _xkcd.                                      // The xkcd vertex
            OutEdges(isTaggedWith).                     // Get all outedges with label "isTaggedWith"
            InV().                                      // Get the incoming vertices of the edges
            Ids().                                      // Get all vertex Ids
            ForEach(Tag => Console.WriteLine(Tag));

            // List tagged sites
            ForEach(v => Console.WriteLine("{0}\t=> {1}",

            // List tagged sites using LINQ
            var _WebList = from Website
                           in     graph.VerticesByLabel(isWebsite)
                           select new
                Name  = Website.Id,
                Count = Website.OutDegree(isTaggedWith)

            foreach (var _Site in _WebList)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}\t=> {1}", _Site.Name, _Site.Count);

            Console.WriteLine("Used vertex labels: ");
            Console.WriteLine("  " + graphSchema.Vertices().Ids().Cast <String>().Aggregate((a, b) => a + ", " + b));

            Console.WriteLine("Used edge labels: ");
            graphSchema.Edges().ForEach(e => {
                Console.WriteLine("  " + e.Id + ": " + e.SetGet(GraphSchemaHandling.AlternativeUsage).Cast <String>().Aggregate((a, b) => a + ", " + b));
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Run the tutorial.
        /// </summary>
        public void Run()
            var g1 = DemoGraphFactory.Create();

            var g2 = g1.AsReadOnly();

            using (var GraphServer = new BifrostHTTPServer(new IPPort(8080), (id, descr, init) => GraphFactory.CreateGenericPropertyGraph_WithStringIds(id, descr, () => new VetoVote(), init))
                ServerName = "Vanaheimr Bifrost HTTP Server v0.1"
            } as IBifrostHTTPServer)
                GraphServer.CreateNewGraph("123", "The first graph");

                var graph = GraphServer.CreateNewGraph("512", "demo graph", g => g.SetProperty(GraphDBOntology.Description.Suffix, "the second graph").SetProperty("hello", "world!").SetProperty("graphs", "are cool!"));
                var a1    = graph.ContainsKey("hello");
                var a2    = graph.ContainsKey("world!");
                var a3    = graph.ContainsKey("graphs");
                var a4    = graph.ContainsKey("are cool!");
                var a5    = graph.ContainsKey(GraphDBOntology.Description.Suffix);

                var c1 = graph.ContainsValue(123UL);

                var t = false;
                graph.UseProperty("Id", success => t = true);
                var ii = "i = " + t;

                var b1 = graph.Contains("Id", 123UL);
                var b2 = graph is IProperties <String, Object>;

                var aa = graph.GetProperties(null);

                var deleted3 = graph.Remove().ToList();
                var deleted1 = graph.Remove("hello");

                // ---------------------------------------------------------------

                var v1 = graph.AddVertex(v => v.SetProperty("Name", "Vertex1"));
                var v2 = graph.AddVertex(v => v.SetProperty("Name", "Vertex2"));
                var e1 = graph.AddEdge(v1, v2, "knows", e => e.SetProperty("Name", "Edge1"));

                var allV = graph.Vertices().ToList();
                var allE = graph.Edges().ToList();

                // ---------------------------------------------------------------

                //var HTTPClient1 = new HTTPClient(IPv4Address.Parse(""), new IPPort(8080));
                //var _request1 = HTTPClient1.GET("/").//AccountId/RepositoryId/TransactionId/GraphId/VerticesById?Id=2&Id=3").
                //                              SetProtocolVersion(HTTPVersion.HTTP_1_1).
                //                              SetUserAgent("Hermod HTTP Client v0.1").
                //                              SetConnection("keep-alive").
                //                              AddAccept(HTTPContentType.JSON_UTF8, 1);

                //HTTPClient1.Execute(_request1, response => Console.WriteLine(response.Content.ToUTF8String()));

                //// ---------------------------------------------------------------

                //var HTTPClient2 = new HTTPClient(IPv4Address.Parse(""), new IPPort(8080));
                //var _request2 = HTTPClient2.GET("/123/description").//AccountId/RepositoryId/TransactionId/GraphId/VerticesById?Id=2&Id=3").
                //                              SetProtocolVersion(HTTPVersion.HTTP_1_1).
                //                              SetUserAgent("Hermod HTTP Client v0.1").
                //                              SetConnection("keep-alive").
                //                              AddAccept(HTTPContentType.JSON_UTF8, 1);

                //HTTPClient2.Execute(_request2, response => Console.WriteLine(response.Content.ToUTF8String()));

                // ---------------------------------------------------------------

//#if !__MonoCS__

//                var JavaScriptEngine = new Jurassic.ScriptEngine();
//                //Console.WriteLine(engine.Evaluate("5 * 10 + 2"));
//                //engine.SetGlobalValue("interop", 15);
//                //engine.ExecuteFile(@"c:\test.js");
//                //engine.Evaluate("interop = interop + 5");
//                //Console.WriteLine(engine.GetGlobalValue<int>("interop"));

//                JavaScriptEngine.Evaluate("function VertexFilter(vertex) { return vertex.Name == 'Vertex1' }");

//                foreach (var Vertex in graph.Vertices())
//                {
//                    //engine.SetGlobalValue("vertex", new JSPropertyVertex(_vv, engine));

//                    //engine.SetGlobalFunction("test", new Func<int, int, int>((a, b) => a + b));
//                    //Console.WriteLine(engine.Evaluate<int>("test(5, 6)"));

//                    //engine.Evaluate("var yesorno = vertex.Id > 1");
//                    //var Id      = engine.GetGlobalValue  ("vertex.Id");
//                    //var yesorno = engine.GetGlobalValue<Boolean>("yesorno");

//                    if (JavaScriptEngine.CallGlobalFunction<Boolean>("VertexFilter", new JSPropertyVertex(Vertex, JavaScriptEngine)))
//                        Console.WriteLine(Vertex.Id);

//                }

//                var aaa = from   V2
//                          in     graph.Vertices()
//                          where  JavaScriptEngine.CallGlobalFunction<Boolean>("VertexFilter", new JSPropertyVertex(V2, JavaScriptEngine))
//                          select V2;

//                var aaaa = aaa.ToList();

//                var GraphClient = new RemotePropertyGraph(IPv4Address.Parse(""), new IPPort(8080)) { Id = 512 };
//                Console.WriteLine(GraphClient.Description);

//                //foreach (var V3 in GraphClient.Vertices())
//                //    Console.WriteLine(V3.Id);
                while (true)