private void InitializeInputMode()
            GraphEditorInputMode mode = new GraphEditorInputMode();

            // add a label to each created node
            mode.NodeCreated += (sender, args) => {
                var graph = mode.GraphControl.Graph;
                graph.AddLabel(args.Item, "Node " + graph.Nodes.Count);
            // customize hit test order to simplify click selecting labels
            mode.ClickHitTestOrder = new[]
                GraphItemTypes.EdgeLabel, GraphItemTypes.NodeLabel, GraphItemTypes.Bend,
                GraphItemTypes.Edge, GraphItemTypes.Node, GraphItemTypes.Port, GraphItemTypes.All
            graphControl.InputMode = mode;
Exemple #2
        private void InitializeInputModes()
            // Create a GraphEditorInputMode instance
            var editMode = new GraphEditorInputMode();

            // and install the edit mode into the canvas.
            graphControl.InputMode = editMode;

            // create the model for the export rectangle
            exportRect = new MutableRectangle(0, 0, 100, 100);

            // visualize it
            new RectangleIndicatorInstaller(exportRect, RectangleIndicatorInstaller.SelectionTemplateKey)
            .AddCanvasObject(graphControl.CanvasContext, graphControl.BackgroundGroup, exportRect);

Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Registers the <see cref="GraphEditorInputMode"/> as the <see cref="CanvasControl.InputMode"/>
        /// and initializes an <see cref="IPositionHandler"/> that moves a node and its subtree.
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeInputModes()
            // create a GraphEditorInputMode instance
            var editMode = new GraphEditorInputMode {
                MoveUnselectedInputMode = { Enabled = true },
                MovableItems            = GraphItemTypes.Node,
                SelectableItems         = GraphItemTypes.None,
                AllowCreateBend         = false,

            // use special position handler to moves a node and its subtree
            .SetImplementationWrapper((node, handler) => new SubtreePositionHandler(node, handler));

            // and install the edit mode into the canvas
            GraphControl.InputMode = editMode;
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Registers the <see cref="GraphEditorInputMode"/> as the <see cref="CanvasControl.InputMode"/>
        /// and initializes the rectangular area so that it is drawn and can be moved and resized.
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeInputModes()
            // create a GraphEditorInputMode instance
            var editMode = new GraphEditorInputMode();

            // and install the edit mode into the canvas.
            GraphControl.InputMode = editMode;

            // create the model for the rectangular area
            clearRect = new MutableRectangle(0, 0, 100, 100);

            // visualize it
            new RectangleIndicatorInstaller(clearRect, ClearRectTemplateKey)
            .AddCanvasObject(GraphControl.CanvasContext, GraphControl.HighlightGroup, clearRect);

Exemple #5
        private void InitializeSnapping()
            // Initialize snapping state
            SnappingEnabled = snappingButton.IsChecked ?? false;

            // Initialize SnapContext
            GraphEditorInputMode geim = graphControl.InputMode as GraphEditorInputMode;

            if (geim != null)
                snapContext = new GraphSnapContext
                    Enabled = SnappingEnabled,
                geim.SnapContext = snapContext;
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the edit mode and the context menu.
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeInputModes()
            var editMode = new GraphEditorInputMode {
                SelectableItems  = GraphItemTypes.Node | GraphItemTypes.Edge,
                ContextMenuItems = GraphItemTypes.Node,
                NodeCreator      = (context, graph, location, parent) => {
                    var node = graph.CreateNode(location);
                    node.Tag = 0;
                    graph.SetStyle(node, GetNodeStyle(node));

            editMode.PopulateItemContextMenu += OnPopulateItemContextMenu;

            GraphControl.InputMode = editMode;
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a context menu for nodes
        /// </summary>
        private void SetupContextMenu()
            GraphEditorInputMode mode = graphControl.InputMode as GraphEditorInputMode;

            if (mode != null)
                mode.ContextMenuItems         = GraphItemTypes.Node;
                mode.PopulateItemContextMenu += (sender, e) =>
                    var node = e.Item as INode;
                    if (node != null)
                        // add a context menu entry
                        e.Menu.Items.Add("Set to now", null, (o, args) => SetToNow(node));
        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)

            graphControl.Graph.NodeDefaults.Style = new ShinyPlateNodeStyle {
                Brush = Brushes.Orange
            var graphEditorInputMode = new GraphEditorInputMode();

            graphControl.InputMode = graphEditorInputMode;
            oldPasteItems          = graphEditorInputMode.PasteSelectableItems;


        public ContextMenuForm()

            // initialize input mode
            graphEditorInputMode   = new GraphEditorInputMode();
            graphControl.InputMode = graphEditorInputMode;

            // load description
            description.LoadFile(new MemoryStream(Resources.description), RichTextBoxStreamType.RichText);

            // Set a nicer node style and create the sample graph
            graphControl.Graph.NodeDefaults.Style = new ShinyPlateNodeStyle {
                Brush = Brushes.Orange
Exemple #10
        public void InitializeInputModes()
            // Create a default editor input mode
            GraphEditorInputMode editMode = new GraphEditorInputMode();

            // then customize it to suit our needs

            // orthogonal edges
            editMode.OrthogonalEdgeEditingContext = new OrthogonalEdgeEditingContext();

            // snapping
            editMode.SnapContext = new GraphSnapContext()
                CollectEdgeSnapLines            = false,
                CollectNodePairSegmentSnapLines = false,
                CollectNodePairSnapLines        = false,
                CollectPortSnapLines            = false,
                SnapBendAdjacentSegments        = false,
                SnapPortAdjacentSegments        = false,
                SnapBendsToSnapLines            = false,
                SnapSegmentsToSnapLines         = false,
                GridSnapType = GridSnapTypes.All,
                NodeGridConstraintProvider = new GridConstraintProvider <INode>(20),
                GridSnapDistance           = double.MaxValue,
                VisualizeSnapResults       = false,

            // tweak the CreateEdgeInputMode
            editMode.CreateEdgeInputMode.ShowPortCandidates    = ShowPortCandidates.None;
            editMode.CreateEdgeInputMode.SnapToTargetCandidate = false;

            //Enable label editing only for edges and edge labels
            editMode.LabelEditableItems = GraphItemTypes.Edge | GraphItemTypes.EdgeLabel;

            // customize the node creation
            editMode.NodeCreator = CreateNode;

            // disable default behavior for auto resize

            // and finally register our input mode with the control.
            graphControl.InputMode = editMode;
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup tooltips that return the value that is stored in the mapper.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Dynamic tooltips are implemented by adding a tooltip provider as an event handler for the
        /// <see cref="GraphEditorInputMode.QueryItemToolTip" /> event of the GraphEditorInputMode using the
        /// <see cref="QueryItemToolTipEventArgs{T}" /> parameter. This parameter provides three relevant
        /// properties:
        /// <list type="bullet">
        /// <item>
        /// <description>
        /// The <see cref="ToolTipQueryEventArgs.Handled" /> property is a flag which indicates
        /// whether the tooltip was already set by one of possibly several tooltip providers.
        /// </description>
        /// </item>
        /// <item>
        /// <description>
        /// The <see cref="QueryItemToolTipEventArgs{T}.Item" /> property contains the <see cref="IModelItem" />
        /// the mouse hovers over.
        /// </description>
        /// </item>
        /// <item>
        /// <description>
        /// The tooltip is set by setting the <see cref="ToolTipQueryEventArgs.ToolTip" />
        /// property.
        /// </description>
        /// </item>
        /// </list>
        /// </remarks>
        private void SetupTooltips()
            GraphEditorInputMode geim = graphControl.InputMode as GraphEditorInputMode;

            if (geim != null)
                geim.ToolTipItems      = GraphItemTypes.Node;
                geim.QueryItemToolTip +=
                    delegate(object src, QueryItemToolTipEventArgs <IModelItem> eventArgs) {
                    if (eventArgs.Handled)
                        // A tooltip has already been assigned -> nothing to do.
                    INode hitNode = eventArgs.Item as INode;
                    if (hitNode == null)
                    // Since the node the user interacts with is an instance on the managed view,
                    // rather than on the master graph to which we've bound our data,
                    // we retrieve the mapper indirectly through its symbolic name.
                    // The folding framework automagically returns an IMapper instance that translates
                    // to the original elements. If we were not using folding, this step would be unnecessary
                    // and we could use the mapper instance directly on the original nodes.
                    IMapperRegistry           registry   = Graph.MapperRegistry;
                    IMapper <INode, DateTime> dateMapper =
                        registry.GetMapper <INode, DateTime>(DateTimeMapperKey);
                    if (dateMapper != null)
                        // Found a suitable mapper.
                        // Finds out if a node is under the current location.
                        // Set the tooltip.
                        eventArgs.ToolTip = dateMapper[hitNode].ToString();

                        // Indicate that the tooltip has been set.
                        eventArgs.Handled = true;

                // Add a little offset to the tooltip such that it is not obscured by the mouse pointer.
                geim.MouseHoverInputMode.ToolTipLocationOffset = new PointD(20, 20);
Exemple #12
        private void OnWindowLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Create a default editor input mode
            GraphEditorInputMode graphEditorInputMode = new GraphEditorInputMode();

            // Enable orthogonal edge editing
            graphEditorInputMode.OrthogonalEdgeEditingContext = new OrthogonalEdgeEditingContext();

            // Just for user convenience: disable node and edge creation,
            graphEditorInputMode.AllowCreateEdge          = false;
            graphEditorInputMode.AllowCreateNode          = false;
            graphEditorInputMode.AllowClipboardOperations = false;
            // disable deleting items
            graphEditorInputMode.DeletableItems = GraphItemTypes.None;

            // disable grouping operations
            graphEditorInputMode.AllowGroupingOperations = false;
            graphEditorInputMode.AllowReparentNodes      = false;

            // enable snapping for edges only,
            graphEditorInputMode.SnapContext = new GraphSnapContext()
                CollectNodeSnapLines            = false,
                CollectNodePairCenterSnapLines  = false,
                CollectNodePairSnapLines        = false,
                CollectNodePairSegmentSnapLines = false,
                CollectNodeSizes       = false,
                SnapNodesToSnapLines   = false,
                SnapOrthogonalMovement = false


            // Finally, set the input mode to the graph control.
            graphControl.InputMode = graphEditorInputMode;

            // Disable auto-cleanup of ports since the purple nodes have explicit ports
            graphControl.Graph.NodeDefaults.Ports.AutoCleanUp = false;

            // Create and register the edge decorations

Exemple #13
        public SnapLinesForm()

            description.LoadFile(new MemoryStream(Resources.description), RichTextBoxStreamType.RichText);


            snapContext = new GraphSnapContext();

            // intialize input mode
            graphEditorInputMode = new GraphEditorInputMode()
                AllowGroupingOperations      = true,
                OrthogonalEdgeEditingContext = new OrthogonalEdgeEditingContext(),
                SnapContext = snapContext
            GraphControl.InputMode = graphEditorInputMode;

                edge => true, EdgeReconnectionPortCandidateProviders.AllNodeCandidates);

            // initialize grid
            this.gridInfo = new GridInfo {
                HorizontalSpacing = 30, VerticalSpacing = 30
            grid = new GridVisualCreator(gridInfo);

            snapContext.NodeGridConstraintProvider = new GridConstraintProvider <INode>(gridInfo);
            snapContext.BendGridConstraintProvider = new GridConstraintProvider <IBend>(gridInfo);

            // initialize current values
            OnSnappingChanged(this, null);
            OnGridHorizontalWidthChanged(this, null);
            OnGridVerticalWidthChanged(this, null);

            GraphControl.ZoomChanged     += delegate { UpdateGrid(); };
            GraphControl.ViewportChanged += delegate { UpdateGrid(); };

Exemple #14
        private void ResizeNodeExecuted(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
            NodeControl nodeControl = e.OriginalSource as NodeControl;

            if (nodeControl != null)
                // parameter is desired size
                var desiredSize = (Size?)e.Parameter;
                if (desiredSize.HasValue)
                    INode node = nodeControl.Item;
                    GraphEditorInputMode mode   = (GraphEditorInputMode)graphControl.InputMode;
                    IRectangle           layout = node.Layout;
                    // adjust only height
                    mode.SetNodeLayout(node, new RectD(layout.X, layout.Y, layout.Width, desiredSize.Value.Height));
                    e.Handled = true;
Exemple #15
        public EdgeReconnectionForm()
            description.LoadFile(new MemoryStream(Resources.description), RichTextBoxStreamType.RichText);

            IGraph graph = graphControl.Graph;

            // Disable automatic cleanup of unconnected ports since some nodes have a predfined set of ports
            graph.NodeDefaults.Ports.AutoCleanUp = false;

            // Create a default editor input mode
            var graphEditorInputMode = new GraphEditorInputMode();

            // Just for user convenience: disable node and edge creation,
            graphEditorInputMode.AllowCreateEdge = false;
            graphEditorInputMode.AllowCreateNode = false;
            // disable deleting items
            graphEditorInputMode.DeletableItems = GraphItemTypes.None;
            // disable the clipboard
            graphEditorInputMode.AllowClipboardOperations = false;
            // and enable the undo feature.

            // Finally, set the input mode to the graph control.
            graphControl.InputMode = graphEditorInputMode;

            // Set a port style that makes the pre-defined ports visible
            graph.NodeDefaults.Ports.Style =
                new NodeStylePortStyleAdapter(new ShapeNodeStyle
                Shape = ShapeNodeShape.Ellipse,
                Brush = Brushes.Black,
                Pen   = null
                RenderSize = new SizeD(3, 3)


        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the default input mode for the GraphControl,
        /// a <see cref="GraphEditorInputMode"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>a specializes new GraphEditorInputMode instance</returns>
        protected virtual IInputMode CreateEditorMode()
            GraphEditorInputMode mode = new GraphEditorInputMode {
                AllowGroupingOperations = true

            // creating bends does not make sense because the routing is calculated
            // immediately after the creation.
            mode.CreateEdgeInputMode.AllowCreateBend = false;

            // register hooks whenever something is dragged or resized
            mode.HandleInputMode.DragFinished += UpdateLayout;
            mode.MoveInputMode.DragFinished   += UpdateLayout;
            // ... and when new nodes are created interactively
            mode.NodeCreated += OnNodeCreated;
            // ... or edges
            mode.CreateEdgeInputMode.EdgeCreated += OnEdgeCreated;
            mode.PopulateItemContextMenu         += OnPopulateItemContextMenu;
Exemple #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a context menu for nodes
        /// </summary>
        private void SetupContextMenu()
            GraphEditorInputMode mode = graphControl.InputMode as GraphEditorInputMode;

            if (mode != null)
                mode.ContextMenuItems         = GraphItemTypes.Node;
                mode.PopulateItemContextMenu += (sender, e) =>
                    // the events' Menu property carries the Context Menu instance that we instantiate during initialization
                    // depending on the exact menu implementation, adding items needs to be done differently.
                    var node = e.Item as INode;
                    if (node != null)
                        // add a context menu entry
                        e.Menu.Items.Add("Set [" + node.ToString() + "] to now", null, (o, args) => SetToNow(node));
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the default input mode for the GraphControl, a <see cref="GraphEditorInputMode" />.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>a new GraphEditorInputMode instance and configures snapping and orthogonal edge editing</returns>
        private IInputMode CreateEditorMode()
            var mode = new GraphEditorInputMode
                AllowGroupingOperations      = true,
                SnapContext                  = CreateGraphSnapContext(),
                LabelSnapContext             = CreateLabelSnapContext(),
                OrthogonalEdgeEditingContext = new OrthogonalEdgeEditingContext {
                    Enabled = false

            // make bend creation more important than moving of selected edges
            // this has the effect that dragging a selected edge (not its bends)
            // will create a new bend instead of moving all bends
            // This is especially nicer in conjunction with orthogonal
            // edge editing because this creates additional bends every time
            // the edge is moved otherwise
            mode.CreateBendInputMode.Priority = mode.MoveInputMode.Priority - 1;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the default input mode for the GraphControl,
        /// a <see cref="GraphEditorInputMode"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The control uses a custom node creation callback that creates business objects for newly
        /// created nodes.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns>a new GraphEditorInputMode instance</returns>
        protected virtual IInputMode CreateEditorMode()
            var mode = new GraphEditorInputMode
                // don't allow nodes to be created using a mouse click
                NodeCreator = (context, graph, location, parent) => graphControl.Graph.CreateNode(
                    new RectD(location, new SizeD(50, 50)), BusRouterNodeStyles.GetRandomStyle()),
                // disable node resizing
                ShowHandleItems = GraphItemTypes.Bend | GraphItemTypes.Edge,
                // don't allow edges to be created by the user
                AllowCreateEdge = false,
                // enable orthogonal edge editing
                OrthogonalEdgeEditingContext = new OrthogonalEdgeEditingContext(),
                // enable marquee selection for nodes only
                MarqueeSelectableItems = GraphItemTypes.Node,
                // enable context snapping
                SnapContext = new GraphSnapContext()

Exemple #20
        private static void CommitValuesToForm(OptionHandler handler, GraphEditorForm form)
            GraphControl         gc   = form.GraphControl;
            IGraph               g    = form.Graph;
            GraphEditorInputMode geim = form.GraphEditorInputMode;

            OptionGroup controlGroup = handler.GetGroupByName(UI_DEFAULTS);

            OptionGroup graphGroup   = handler.GetGroupByName(GRAPH_SETTINGS);
            OptionGroup sharingGroup = graphGroup.GetGroupByName(SHARING_SETTINGS);
            OptionGroup miscGroup    = handler.GetGroupByName(MISC_SETTINGS);

            gc.HitTestRadius           = (double)controlGroup[HitTestRadius].Value;
            geim.AutoRemoveEmptyLabels = (bool)controlGroup[AutoRemoveEmptyLabels].Value;

            form.GridWidth    = (int)controlGroup[GridWidth].Value;
            form.GridSnapType = (GridSnapTypes)controlGroup[GridSnapeType].Value;
            form.GridVisible  = (bool)controlGroup[GridVisible].Value;

            if (g != null)
                g.NodeDefaults.Labels.AutoAdjustPreferredSize = g.EdgeDefaults.Labels.AutoAdjustPreferredSize = (bool)graphGroup[AutoAdjustPreferredLabelSize].Value;
                g.NodeDefaults.Ports.AutoCleanUp = g.EdgeDefaults.Ports.AutoCleanUp = (bool)graphGroup[AutoCleanupPorts].Value;

                g.NodeDefaults.ShareStyleInstance                  = (bool)sharingGroup[ShareDefaultNodeStyleInstance].Value;
                g.EdgeDefaults.ShareStyleInstance                  = (bool)sharingGroup[ShareDefaultEdgeStyleInstance].Value;
                g.NodeDefaults.Labels.ShareStyleInstance           = (bool)sharingGroup[ShareDefaultNodeLabelStyleInstance].Value;
                g.EdgeDefaults.Labels.ShareStyleInstance           = (bool)sharingGroup[ShareDefaultEdgeLabelStyleInstance].Value;
                g.NodeDefaults.Ports.ShareStyleInstance            = g.EdgeDefaults.Ports.ShareStyleInstance = (bool)sharingGroup[ShareDefaultPortStyleInstance].Value;
                g.NodeDefaults.Labels.ShareLayoutParameterInstance = (bool)sharingGroup[ShareDefaultNodeLabelModelParameter].Value;
                g.EdgeDefaults.Labels.ShareLayoutParameterInstance = (bool)sharingGroup[ShareDefaultEdgeLabelModelParameter].Value;
            UndoEngine undoEngine = form.Graph.GetUndoEngine();

            if (undoEngine != null)
                undoEngine.Size = (int)miscGroup[UndoEngine_Size].Value;
Exemple #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the default input mode for the GraphControl, a <see cref="GraphEditorInputMode" />.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>a new GraphEditorInputMode instance with added event listeners and demo-specific settings such as no labels</returns>
        protected virtual IInputMode CreateEditorInputMode()
            // disable labels because they are not needed in this demo
            var mode = new GraphEditorInputMode {
                AllowEditLabel = false, AllowAddLabel = false

            // add the required event listeners that are called when edges might need to be re-routed
            mode.CreateEdgeInputMode.EdgeCreated += EdgeCreatedListener;
            mode.MoveInputMode.DragFinished      += DragFinishedListenerMove;
            mode.HandleInputMode.DragFinished    += DragFinishedListenerHandle;

            // make bend creation more important than moving of selected edges
            // this has the effect that dragging a selected edge (not its bends)
            // will create a new bend instead of moving all bends
            mode.CreateBendInputMode.Priority = mode.MoveInputMode.Priority - 1;

            // set the input mode
            graphControl.InputMode = mode;

        private void InitializeSnapping()
            // Initializes snapping state
            SnappingEnabled = snappingButton.Checked;

            // Initializes SnapContext
            GraphEditorInputMode geim = graphControl.InputMode as GraphEditorInputMode;

            if (geim != null)
                graphSnapContext = new GraphSnapContext
                    Enabled = SnappingEnabled,
                labelSnapContext = new LabelSnapContext
                    Enabled = SnappingEnabled,
                geim.SnapContext      = graphSnapContext;
                geim.LabelSnapContext = labelSnapContext;
        private void FormLoaded(object sender, EventArgs e)
            IGraph graph = graphControl.Graph;

            // Create a default editor input mode
            GraphEditorInputMode graphEditorInputMode = new GraphEditorInputMode();

            // Just for user convenience: disable node and edge creation,
            graphEditorInputMode.AllowCreateEdge = false;
            graphEditorInputMode.AllowCreateNode = false;
            // disable deleting items
            graphEditorInputMode.DeletableItems = GraphItemTypes.None;
            // don't show resize handles,
            graphEditorInputMode.ShowHandleItems = GraphItemTypes.None;
            // disable clipboard,
            graphEditorInputMode.AllowClipboardOperations = false;
            // and enable the undo feature.

            // Finally, set the input mode to the graph control.
            graphControl.InputMode = graphEditorInputMode;

            // Create the rectangle that limits the movement of some nodes
            // and add it to the GraphControl.
            var boundaryRectangle = new MutableRectangle(20, 20, 480, 400);
            var rectangle         = new RectangleVisual(boundaryRectangle)
                Pen = Pens.Black

            graphControl.RootGroup.AddChild(rectangle, CanvasObjectDescriptors.Visual);


            // reset the Undo queue so the initial graph creation cannot be undone
Exemple #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Called upon loading of the form.
        /// This method initializes the graph and the input mode.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
            description.LoadFile(new MemoryStream(Resources.description), RichTextBoxStreamType.RichText);
            // initialize default graph styles
            var graph = graphControl.Graph;

            graph.NodeDefaults.Style = new ShinyPlateNodeStyle {
                Brush = Brushes.DarkOrange
            graph.NodeDefaults.Size = new SizeD(50, 30);

            graph.NodeDefaults.Labels.Style           = new MySimpleLabelStyle();
            graph.NodeDefaults.Labels.LayoutParameter =
                new ExteriorLabelModel {
                Insets = new InsetsD(15)
            graph.EdgeDefaults.Labels.Style = new MySimpleLabelStyle();

            // initialize the graph

            // initialize the input mode
            // disable label editing, since this would be really confusing in combination with our style.
            var graphEditorInputMode = new GraphEditorInputMode
                AllowEditLabel = true,
                SnapContext    = new GraphSnapContext()

            graphControl.InputMode = graphEditorInputMode;


Exemple #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a context menu for nodes
        /// </summary>
        private void SetupContextMenu()
            GraphEditorInputMode mode = graphControl.InputMode as GraphEditorInputMode;

            if (mode != null)
                mode.ContextMenuItems         = GraphItemTypes.Node;
                mode.PopulateItemContextMenu += (sender, e) =>
                    var node = e.Item as INode;
                    if (node != null)
                        // add a context menu entry
                        var menuItem = new MenuItem()
                            Header = "Set to now"
                        menuItem.Click += (o, args) => SetToNow(node);
Exemple #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates and registers the input modes.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void InitializeInputModes()
            var mode = new GraphEditorInputMode();

            // Always add a label to the newly created nodes
            mode.NodeCreator = (context, graph, location, parent) =>
                var node = graph.CreateNode(location);
                graph.AddLabel(node, "Node");

            // The original MoveInputMode is only active when the 'Classic Mode' toggle button is checked
            mode.MoveInputMode.Enabled = btnClassic.Checked;

            // Enable the MoveUnselectedInputMode:
            mode.MoveUnselectedInputMode.Enabled = true;
            // configure the recognizer to also respect the IsRecognized method
            mode.MoveUnselectedInputMode.PressedRecognizer = mode.MoveUnselectedInputMode.PressedRecognizer.And(IsRecognized);
            mode.MoveUnselectedInputMode.HoverRecognizer   = mode.MoveUnselectedInputMode.HoverRecognizer.And(IsRecognized);

            graphControl.InputMode = mode;
        private void OnLoaded(object source, EventArgs args)
            snapContext = new GraphSnapContext();

            // intialize input mode
            graphEditorInputMode = new GraphEditorInputMode()
                AllowGroupingOperations      = true,
                OrthogonalEdgeEditingContext = new OrthogonalEdgeEditingContext(),
                SnapContext = snapContext
            GraphControl.InputMode = graphEditorInputMode;

                edge => true, EdgeReconnectionPortCandidateProviders.AllNodeCandidates);

            // initialize grid
            this.gridInfo = new GridInfo {
                HorizontalSpacing = 30, VerticalSpacing = 30
            grid = new GridVisualCreator(gridInfo);

            snapContext.NodeGridConstraintProvider = new GridConstraintProvider <INode>(gridInfo);
            snapContext.BendGridConstraintProvider = new GridConstraintProvider <IBend>(gridInfo);

            // initialize current values
            OnSnappingChanged(this, null);
            OnGridHorizontalWidthChanged(this, null);
            OnGridVerticalWidthChanged(this, null);

            GraphControl.ZoomChanged     += delegate { UpdateGrid(); };
            GraphControl.ViewportChanged += delegate { UpdateGrid(); };

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the default input mode for the GraphControl,
        /// a <see cref="GraphEditorInputMode"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>a new GraphEditorInputMode instance</returns>
        protected virtual IInputMode CreateEditorMode()
            // create default interaction with a number of disabled input modes.
            GraphEditorInputMode mode = new GraphEditorInputMode
                // no bend creation
                CreateBendInputMode = { Enabled = false },
                // only nodes can be selected
                SelectableItems = GraphItemTypes.Node | GraphItemTypes.Edge,
                // only nodes may be marquee selected
                MarqueeSelectableItems = GraphItemTypes.Node,
                // only nodes and edges can be selected via clicks
                ClickSelectableItems = GraphItemTypes.Node | GraphItemTypes.Edge,
                // clicks will be reported for nodes, only
                ClickableItems = GraphItemTypes.Node,
                // handles won't be shown for any items
                ShowHandleItems = GraphItemTypes.None,
                // when creating new edges, bends and self-loops are not allowed
                CreateEdgeInputMode = { AllowCreateBend = false, AllowSelfloops = false },

            // prepare the move input mode for interacting with the layout algorithm

            // We could also allow direct moving of nodes, without requiring selection of the nodes, first.
            // However by default this conflicts with the edge creation gesture, which we will simply disable, here.
            // uncomment the following lines to be able to move nodes without selecting them first
            // var unselected = mode.CreateMoveUnselectedInputMode(EventRecognizers.Create(EventRecognizers.Always));
            // unselected.Priority = mode.MoveInputMode.Priority + 1;
            // mode.Add(unselected);
            // mode.CreateEdgeInputMode.Enabled = false;
            // InitMoveMode(unselected);

        private void OnWindowLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            IGraph graph = graphControl.Graph;

            // Disable automatic cleanup of unconnected ports since some nodes have a predefined set of ports
            graph.NodeDefaults.Ports.AutoCleanUp = false;

            // Create a default editor input mode and configure it
            GraphEditorInputMode graphEditorInputMode = new GraphEditorInputMode();

            // Just for user convenience: disable node creation,
            graphEditorInputMode.AllowCreateNode = false;
            // allow edge deletion only
            graphEditorInputMode.DeletableItems = GraphItemTypes.Edge;
            // and enable the undo feature.

            // Finally, set the input mode to the graph control.
            graphControl.InputMode = graphEditorInputMode;


        /// <summary>
        /// Configures input modes to interact with the graph structure.
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeInputModes()
            var graphEditorInputMode = new GraphEditorInputMode();

            graphEditorInputMode.ClickInputMode.DoubleClicked += ClickInputModeDoubleClicked;
            // add a label to newly created nodes and mark the node as non-fixed
            graphEditorInputMode.NodeCreated +=
                delegate(object sender, ItemEventArgs <INode> args) {
                var node = args.Item;
                if (graphControl.Graph.IsGroupNode(node))
                    graphControl.Graph.AddLabel(node, "Group");
                SetFixed(node, false);
            graphEditorInputMode.CreateEdgeInputMode.EdgeCreated +=
                (sender, args) => SetFixed(args.Item, false);
            graphControl.InputMode = graphEditorInputMode;