/// <summary>
 /// Creates an instance of the generator.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="levelDescription">Level description of the level that should be generated.</param>
 /// <param name="configuration">Configuration of the generator. Can be omitted for reasonable defaults.</param>
 public GraphBasedGeneratorGrid2D(LevelDescriptionGrid2D <TRoom> levelDescription, GraphBasedGeneratorConfiguration <TRoom> configuration = null)
     this.levelDescription       = levelDescription;
     this.levelDescriptionMapped = new LevelDescriptionMapping <TRoom>(levelDescription);
     this.configuration          = configuration ?? new GraphBasedGeneratorConfiguration <TRoom>();
Exemple #2
        public override IEnumerator Process()
            var levelDescription = Payload.LevelDescription;

            if (config.Timeout <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(config.Timeout)} must be greater than 0", nameof(config.Timeout));

            var rootGameObject = config.RootGameObject;

            // If the root game objects was not set in the config, we do the following:
            // 1. Check if there already exists a game objects with a name reserved for the generated level
            // 2. Otherwise, we create a new empty game object
            if (rootGameObject == null)
                rootGameObject = GameObject.Find("Generated Level");

                if (rootGameObject == null)
                    rootGameObject = new GameObject("Generated Level");

            // We delete all the children from the root game object - we do not want to combine levels from different runs of the algorithm
            foreach (var child in rootGameObject.transform.Cast <Transform>().ToList())
                child.transform.parent = null;

            // The LevelDescription class must be converted to MapDescription
            var levelDescriptionGrid2D = levelDescription.GetLevelDescription();

            levelDescriptionGrid2D.MinimumRoomDistance            = 1;
            levelDescriptionGrid2D.RoomTemplateRepeatModeOverride = GeneratorUtils.GetRepeatMode(config.RepeatModeOverride);

            var configuration = new GraphBasedGeneratorConfiguration <RoomBase>()
                EarlyStopIfTimeExceeded = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(config.Timeout),

            // We create the instance of the dungeon generator and inject the correct Random instance
            var generator = new GraphBasedGeneratorGrid2D <RoomBase>(levelDescriptionGrid2D, configuration);


            // Run the generator in a different class so that the computation is not blocking
            LayoutGrid2D <RoomBase> layout = null;
            var task = Task.Run(() => layout = generator.GenerateLayout());

            while (!task.IsCompleted)
                yield return(null);

            // Throw an exception when a timeout is reached
            // TODO: this should be our own exception and not a generic exception
            if (layout == null)
                if (task.Exception != null)
                    if (task.Exception.InnerException != null)
                        throw task.Exception.InnerException;

                    throw task.Exception;
                    throw new TimeoutException();

            // Transform the level to its Unity representation
            var generatedLevel = GeneratorUtils.TransformLayout(layout, levelDescription, rootGameObject);

            var stats = new GeneratorStats()
                Iterations = generator.IterationsCount,
                TimeTotal  = generator.TimeTotal,

            Debug.Log($"Layout generated in {stats.TimeTotal / 1000f:F} seconds");
            Debug.Log($"{stats.Iterations} iterations needed, {stats.Iterations / (stats.TimeTotal / 1000d):0} iterations per second");

            ((IGraphBasedGeneratorPayload)Payload).GeneratedLevel = generatedLevel;
            Payload.GeneratorStats = stats;

            yield return(null);
Exemple #3
 public GraphBasedGeneratorFactory(GraphBasedGeneratorConfiguration <TNode> configuration, bool benchmarkInitialization = false, string name = null)
     this.configuration           = configuration;
     this.benchmarkInitialization = benchmarkInitialization;
     Name = $"{name ?? "New generator"}" + (benchmarkInitialization ? " with init" : "");