Exemple #1
    public static SharpMap.Map InitializeGradientMap(System.Drawing.Size size)
        //Initialize a new map based on the simple map
        SharpMap.Map map = InitializeMap(size);
        //Set a gradient theme on the countries layer, based on Population density
        //First create two styles that specify min and max styles
        //In this case we will just use the default values and override the fill-colors
        //using a colorblender. If different line-widths, line- and fill-colors where used
        //in the min and max styles, these would automatically get linearly interpolated.
        SharpMap.Styles.VectorStyle min = new SharpMap.Styles.VectorStyle();
        SharpMap.Styles.VectorStyle max = new SharpMap.Styles.VectorStyle();
        //Create theme using a density from 0 (min) to 400 (max)
        IGradientThemeGdi <IVectorStyle> popdens = new GradientThemeIVectorStyle("PopDens", 0, 400, min, max);

        //We can make more advanced coloring using the ColorBlend'er.
        //Setting the FillColorBlend will override any fill-style in the min and max fills.
        //In this case we just use the predefined Rainbow colorscale
        popdens.FillColorBlend = SharpMap.Rendering.Thematics.ColorBlend.Rainbow5;
        (map.Layers[0] as SharpMap.Layers.VectorLayer).Theme = popdens;

        //Lets scale the labels so that big countries have larger texts as well
        SharpMap.Styles.LabelStyle lblMin = new SharpMap.Styles.LabelStyle();
        SharpMap.Styles.LabelStyle lblMax = new SharpMap.Styles.LabelStyle();
        lblMin.ForeColor = Color.Black;
        lblMin.Font      = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSerif, 6);
        lblMax.ForeColor = Color.Blue;
        lblMax.BackColor = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(128, 255, 255, 255));
        lblMin.BackColor = lblMax.BackColor;
        lblMax.Font      = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSerif, 9);
        (map.Layers[3] as ILabelLayer).Theme = new GradientThemeILabelStyle("PopDens", 0, 400, lblMin, lblMax);

        //Lets scale city icons based on city population
        //cities below 1.000.000 gets the smallest symbol, and cities with more than 5.000.000 the largest symbol
        SharpMap.Styles.VectorStyle citymin = new SharpMap.Styles.VectorStyle();
        SharpMap.Styles.VectorStyle citymax = new SharpMap.Styles.VectorStyle();
        citymin.Symbol      = new Bitmap(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\App_data\icon.png"));
        citymin.SymbolScale = 0.5f;
        citymax.Symbol      = new Bitmap(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\App_data\icon.png"));
        citymax.SymbolScale = 1f;
        (map.Layers[2] as SharpMap.Layers.VectorLayer).Theme = new GradientThemeIVectorStyle("Population", 1000000, 5000000, citymin, citymax);

        //Turn off the river layer
        map.Layers[1].Enabled = false;
        public static Map InitializeMap()
            //Initialize a new map based on the simple map
            Map map = new Map();

            //Set up countries layer
            SharpMap.Layers.VectorLayer layCountries = new SharpMap.Layers.VectorLayer("Countries");
            //Set the datasource to a shapefile in the App_data folder
            layCountries.DataSource = new SharpMap.Data.Providers.ShapeFile("GeoData/World/countries.shp", true);
            //Set fill-style to green
            layCountries.Style.Fill = new SolidBrush(Color.Green);
            //Set the polygons to have a black outline
            layCountries.Style.Outline       = System.Drawing.Pens.Black;
            layCountries.Style.EnableOutline = true;
            layCountries.SRID = 4326;

            //set up cities layer
            SharpMap.Layers.VectorLayer layCities = new SharpMap.Layers.VectorLayer("Cities");
            //Set the datasource to a shapefile in the App_data folder
            layCities.DataSource        = new SharpMap.Data.Providers.ShapeFile("GeoData/World/cities.shp", true);
            layCities.Style.SymbolScale = 0.8f;
            layCities.MaxVisible        = 40;
            layCities.SRID = 4326;

            //Set up a country label layer
            SharpMap.Layers.LabelLayer layLabel = new SharpMap.Layers.LabelLayer("Country labels");
            layLabel.DataSource                = layCountries.DataSource;
            layLabel.Enabled                   = true;
            layLabel.LabelColumn               = "Name";
            layLabel.Style                     = new SharpMap.Styles.LabelStyle();
            layLabel.Style.ForeColor           = Color.White;
            layLabel.Style.Font                = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSerif, 12);
            layLabel.Style.BackColor           = new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(128, 255, 0, 0));
            layLabel.MaxVisible                = 90;
            layLabel.MinVisible                = 30;
            layLabel.Style.HorizontalAlignment = SharpMap.Styles.LabelStyle.HorizontalAlignmentEnum.Center;
            layLabel.SRID = 4326;
            layLabel.MultipartGeometryBehaviour = SharpMap.Layers.LabelLayer.MultipartGeometryBehaviourEnum.Largest;

            //Set up a city label layer
            SharpMap.Layers.LabelLayer layCityLabel = new SharpMap.Layers.LabelLayer("City labels");
            layCityLabel.DataSource                = layCities.DataSource;
            layCityLabel.Enabled                   = true;
            layCityLabel.LabelColumn               = "Name";
            layCityLabel.Style                     = new SharpMap.Styles.LabelStyle();
            layCityLabel.Style.ForeColor           = Color.Black;
            layCityLabel.Style.Font                = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSerif, 11);
            layCityLabel.MaxVisible                = layLabel.MinVisible;
            layCityLabel.Style.HorizontalAlignment = SharpMap.Styles.LabelStyle.HorizontalAlignmentEnum.Left;
            layCityLabel.Style.VerticalAlignment   = SharpMap.Styles.LabelStyle.VerticalAlignmentEnum.Bottom;
            layCityLabel.Style.Offset              = new PointF(3, 3);
            layCityLabel.Style.Halo                = new Pen(Color.Yellow, 2);
            layCityLabel.TextRenderingHint         = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;
            layCityLabel.SmoothingMode             = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
            layCityLabel.SRID        = 4326;
            layCityLabel.LabelFilter = SharpMap.Rendering.LabelCollisionDetection.ThoroughCollisionDetection;
            layCityLabel.Style.CollisionDetection = true;

            //Set a gradient theme on the countries layer, based on Population density
            //First create two styles that specify min and max styles
            //In this case we will just use the default values and override the fill-colors
            //using a colorblender. If different line-widths, line- and fill-colors where used
            //in the min and max styles, these would automatically get linearly interpolated.
            IVectorStyle min = new VectorStyle();
            IVectorStyle max = new VectorStyle();
            //Create theme using a density from 0 (min) to 400 (max)
            IGradientThemeGdi <IVectorStyle> popdens = new GradientThemeIVectorStyle("PopDens", 0, 400, min, max);

            //We can make more advanced coloring using the ColorBlend'er.
            //Setting the FillColorBlend will override any fill-style in the min and max fills.
            //In this case we just use the predefined Rainbow colorscale
            popdens.FillColorBlend = SharpMap.Rendering.Thematics.ColorBlend.Rainbow5;
            layCountries.Theme     = popdens;

            //Lets scale the labels so that big countries have larger texts as well
            LabelStyle lblMin = new LabelStyle();
            LabelStyle lblMax = new LabelStyle();

            lblMin.ForeColor = Color.Black;
            lblMin.Font      = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSerif, 6);
            lblMax.ForeColor = Color.Blue;
            lblMax.BackColor = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(128, 255, 255, 255));
            lblMin.BackColor = lblMax.BackColor;
            lblMax.Font      = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSerif, 9);
            layLabel.Theme   = new GradientThemeILabelStyle("PopDens", 0, 400, lblMin, lblMax);

            //Lets scale city icons based on city population
            //cities below 1.000.000 gets the smallest symbol, and cities with more than 5.000.000 the largest symbol
            VectorStyle citymin  = new VectorStyle();
            VectorStyle citymax  = new VectorStyle();
            string      iconPath = "Images/icon.png";

            if (!File.Exists(iconPath))
                throw new Exception(String.Format("Error file '{0}' could not be found, make sure it is at the expected location", iconPath));

            citymin.Symbol      = new Bitmap(iconPath);
            citymin.SymbolScale = 0.5f;
            citymax.Symbol      = new Bitmap(iconPath);
            citymax.SymbolScale = 1f;
            layCities.Theme     = new GradientThemeIVectorStyle("Population", 1000000, 5000000, citymin, citymax);

            //limit the zoom to 360 degrees width
            map.MaximumZoom = 360;
            map.BackColor   = Color.LightBlue;

            map.Zoom   = 30;
            map.Center = new SharpMap.Geometries.Point(0, 0);

        public static Map InitializeMap()
            //Initialize a new map based on the simple map
            Map map = new Map();

            //Set up countries layer
            SharpMap.Layers.VectorLayer layCountries = new SharpMap.Layers.VectorLayer("Countries");
            //Set the datasource to a shapefile in the App_data folder
            layCountries.DataSource = new SharpMap.Data.Providers.ShapeFile("GeoData/World/countries.shp", true);
            //Set fill-style to green
            layCountries.Style.Fill = new SolidBrush(Color.Green);
            //Set the polygons to have a black outline
            layCountries.Style.Outline = System.Drawing.Pens.Black;
            layCountries.Style.EnableOutline = true;
            layCountries.SRID = 4326;

            //set up cities layer
            SharpMap.Layers.VectorLayer layCities = new SharpMap.Layers.VectorLayer("Cities");
            //Set the datasource to a shapefile in the App_data folder
            layCities.DataSource = new SharpMap.Data.Providers.ShapeFile("GeoData/World/cities.shp", true);
            layCities.Style.SymbolScale = 0.8f;
            layCities.MaxVisible = 40;
            layCities.SRID = 4326;

            //Set up a country label layer
            SharpMap.Layers.LabelLayer layLabel = new SharpMap.Layers.LabelLayer("Country labels");
            layLabel.DataSource = layCountries.DataSource;
            layLabel.Enabled = true;
            layLabel.LabelColumn = "Name";
            layLabel.Style = new SharpMap.Styles.LabelStyle();
            layLabel.Style.ForeColor = Color.White;
            layLabel.Style.Font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSerif, 12);
            layLabel.Style.BackColor = new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(128, 255, 0, 0));
            layLabel.MaxVisible = 90;
            layLabel.MinVisible = 30;
            layLabel.Style.HorizontalAlignment = SharpMap.Styles.LabelStyle.HorizontalAlignmentEnum.Center;
            layLabel.SRID = 4326;
            layLabel.MultipartGeometryBehaviour = SharpMap.Layers.LabelLayer.MultipartGeometryBehaviourEnum.Largest;

            //Set up a city label layer
            SharpMap.Layers.LabelLayer layCityLabel = new SharpMap.Layers.LabelLayer("City labels");
            layCityLabel.DataSource = layCities.DataSource;
            layCityLabel.Enabled = true;
            layCityLabel.LabelColumn = "Name";
            layCityLabel.Style = new SharpMap.Styles.LabelStyle();
            layCityLabel.Style.ForeColor = Color.Black;
            layCityLabel.Style.Font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSerif, 11);
            layCityLabel.MaxVisible = layLabel.MinVisible;
            layCityLabel.Style.HorizontalAlignment = SharpMap.Styles.LabelStyle.HorizontalAlignmentEnum.Left;
            layCityLabel.Style.VerticalAlignment = SharpMap.Styles.LabelStyle.VerticalAlignmentEnum.Bottom;
            layCityLabel.Style.Offset = new PointF(3, 3);
            layCityLabel.Style.Halo = new Pen(Color.Yellow, 2);
            layCityLabel.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;
            layCityLabel.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
            layCityLabel.SRID = 4326;
            layCityLabel.LabelFilter = SharpMap.Rendering.LabelCollisionDetection.ThoroughCollisionDetection;
            layCityLabel.Style.CollisionDetection = true;

            //Set a gradient theme on the countries layer, based on Population density
            //First create two styles that specify min and max styles
            //In this case we will just use the default values and override the fill-colors
            //using a colorblender. If different line-widths, line- and fill-colors where used
            //in the min and max styles, these would automatically get linearly interpolated.
            IVectorStyle min = new VectorStyle();
            IVectorStyle max = new VectorStyle();
            //Create theme using a density from 0 (min) to 400 (max)
            IGradientThemeGdi<IVectorStyle> popdens = new GradientThemeIVectorStyle("PopDens", 0, 400, min, max);
            //We can make more advanced coloring using the ColorBlend'er.
            //Setting the FillColorBlend will override any fill-style in the min and max fills.
            //In this case we just use the predefined Rainbow colorscale
            popdens.FillColorBlend = SharpMap.Rendering.Thematics.ColorBlend.Rainbow5;
            layCountries.Theme = popdens;

            //Lets scale the labels so that big countries have larger texts as well
            LabelStyle lblMin = new LabelStyle();
            LabelStyle lblMax = new LabelStyle();
            lblMin.ForeColor = Color.Black;
            lblMin.Font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSerif, 6);
            lblMax.ForeColor = Color.Blue;
            lblMax.BackColor = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(128, 255, 255, 255));
            lblMin.BackColor = lblMax.BackColor;
            lblMax.Font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSerif, 9);
            layLabel.Theme = new GradientThemeILabelStyle("PopDens", 0, 400, lblMin, lblMax);

            //Lets scale city icons based on city population
            //cities below 1.000.000 gets the smallest symbol, and cities with more than 5.000.000 the largest symbol
            VectorStyle citymin = new VectorStyle();
            VectorStyle citymax = new VectorStyle();
            string iconPath = "Images/icon.png";
            if (!File.Exists(iconPath))
                throw new Exception(String.Format("Error file '{0}' could not be found, make sure it is at the expected location", iconPath));

            citymin.Symbol = new Bitmap(iconPath);
            citymin.SymbolScale = 0.5f;
            citymax.Symbol = new Bitmap(iconPath);
            citymax.SymbolScale = 1f;
            layCities.Theme = new GradientThemeIVectorStyle("Population", 1000000, 5000000, citymin, citymax);

            //limit the zoom to 360 degrees width
            map.MaximumZoom = 360;
            map.BackColor = Color.LightBlue;

            map.Zoom = 30;
            map.Center = new SharpMap.Geometries.Point(0, 0);

            return map;
Exemple #4
    public static SharpMap.Map InitializeGradientMap(System.Drawing.Size size)
        //Initialize a new map based on the simple map
        SharpMap.Map map = InitializeMap(size);
        //Set a gradient theme on the countries layer, based on Population density
        //First create two styles that specify min and max styles
        //In this case we will just use the default values and override the fill-colors
        //using a colorblender. If different line-widths, line- and fill-colors where used
        //in the min and max styles, these would automatically get linearly interpolated.
        SharpMap.Styles.VectorStyle min = new SharpMap.Styles.VectorStyle();
        SharpMap.Styles.VectorStyle max = new SharpMap.Styles.VectorStyle();
        //Create theme using a density from 0 (min) to 400 (max)
        IGradientThemeGdi<IVectorStyle> popdens = new GradientThemeIVectorStyle("PopDens", 0, 400, min, max);
        //We can make more advanced coloring using the ColorBlend'er.
        //Setting the FillColorBlend will override any fill-style in the min and max fills.
        //In this case we just use the predefined Rainbow colorscale
        popdens.FillColorBlend = SharpMap.Rendering.Thematics.ColorBlend.Rainbow5;
        (map.Layers[0] as SharpMap.Layers.VectorLayer).Theme = popdens;

        //Lets scale the labels so that big countries have larger texts as well
        SharpMap.Styles.LabelStyle lblMin = new SharpMap.Styles.LabelStyle();
        SharpMap.Styles.LabelStyle lblMax = new SharpMap.Styles.LabelStyle();
        lblMin.ForeColor = Color.Black;
        lblMin.Font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSerif, 6);
        lblMax.ForeColor = Color.Blue;
        lblMax.BackColor = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(128, 255, 255, 255));
        lblMin.BackColor = lblMax.BackColor;
        lblMax.Font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSerif, 9);
        (map.Layers[3] as ILabelLayer).Theme = new GradientThemeILabelStyle("PopDens", 0, 400, lblMin, lblMax);

        //Lets scale city icons based on city population
        //cities below 1.000.000 gets the smallest symbol, and cities with more than 5.000.000 the largest symbol
        SharpMap.Styles.VectorStyle citymin = new SharpMap.Styles.VectorStyle();
        SharpMap.Styles.VectorStyle citymax = new SharpMap.Styles.VectorStyle();
        citymin.Symbol = new Bitmap(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\App_data\icon.png"));
        citymin.SymbolScale = 0.5f;
        citymax.Symbol = new Bitmap(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\App_data\icon.png"));
        citymax.SymbolScale = 1f;
        (map.Layers[2] as SharpMap.Layers.VectorLayer).Theme = new GradientThemeIVectorStyle("Population", 1000000, 5000000, citymin, citymax);

        //Turn off the river layer
        map.Layers[1].Enabled = false;
        return map;