Exemple #1
    private void UpdateColorMapFromControls(bool forceUpdate = false)
        if (colorMapEditorType != ColorMapEditorType.Controls)


        if (forceUpdate ||
            !colorMapEditorGradient.Equals(colorMapEditorGradientOld) ||
            colorMapEditorContrast_ != colorMapEditorContrast ||
            colorMapEditorBrightness_ != colorMapEditorBrightness ||
            colorMapEditorPosterize_ != colorMapEditorPosterize)
            colorMapEditorContrast_   = colorMapEditorContrast;
            colorMapEditorBrightness_ = colorMapEditorBrightness;
            colorMapEditorPosterize_  = colorMapEditorPosterize;


            // Populate colorMapData
            for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                // Apply contrast, brightness and posterization on the grayscale value
                double value = (double)i / 255.0;
                // Constrast and brightness
                double contrastFactor = colorMapEditorContrast + 1;                 // UI runs from -1 to 1
                value = (value - 0.5) * contrastFactor + 0.5 + colorMapEditorBrightness;
                // Posterization
                if (colorMapEditorPosterize > 0.0f)
                    // The posterization slider feels more useful if the progression is exponential. The function is emprically tuned.
                    const double posterizationBase = 50.0;
                    double       posterize         = (Math.Pow(posterizationBase, colorMapEditorPosterize) - 1.0) / (posterizationBase - 1.0);
                    value = Math.Round(value / posterize) * posterize;

                // Clamp to [0, 1]
                value = Math.Min(Math.Max(value, 0.0), 1.0);

                // Map to value to color
                Color color = colorMapEditorGradient.Evaluate((float)value);

                WriteColorToColorMap(i, ref color);

            styleDirty = true;