Exemple #1
        public IActionResult Create()
            Grades model = new Grades();

 public NeighborhoodGrade(Grades grade, List <string> cities)
     Grade  = grade;
     Cities = cities;
 public void Add(Grades Grades)
        private double calcWeightAchievedSummed()
            /* EXAMPLES */

             * Bonus (0)
             * =========    points = 0
             *    0/0
             * Bonus (0)
             *  - 2/0       points = 3
             *  - 1/0
             * =========
             *    3/0
             * Bonus (0)
             *  - 1/1       points = 8
             *  - 4/5
             *  - 2/0
             *  - 1/0
             * =========
             *    8/0
             * Participation (5)
             * =========    total = 0
             *   --/5
             * Participation (5)
             *  - 2/0       points = 3
             *  - 1/0       total = 0
             * =========
             *   --/5
             * Participation (5)
             *  - 1/1       points = 4
             *  - 2/0       total = 1
             *  - 1/0
             * =========
             *   20/5
             * Participation (5)
             *  - 1/1 (1)   points = 8
             *  - 4/5 (0.8) total = 6
             *  - 2/0 (2)
             *  - 1/0 (1)
             * =========
             *  6.6/5
             * All Grades (100)
             *  - 1/1       points = 4
             *  - 2/0       total = 1
             *  - 1/0
             * =========
             *  400/100
             * All Grades (100)
             *  - 1/1       points = 8
             *  - 4/5       total = 6
             *  - 2/0
             *  - 1/0
             * =========
             *  133/100
             * */

            //non-dropped graded items (including EC)
            var gradesThatCount = Grades.Where(i => i.DoesCount);

            //sum of GradeReceived
            double points = gradesThatCount.Sum(i => i.GradeReceived);

            //if WeightValue is 0, then we just use the total of the points
            if (WeightValue == 0)

            //sum of GradeTotal
            double total = gradesThatCount.Sum(i => i.GradeTotal);

            //if there wasn't a non-EC item, then it's ungraded
            if (total == 0)

            return(points / total * WeightValue);
Exemple #5
 public void RemoveGrade(Guid courseId, Guid studentId)
         Grades.Find(x => x.Student.StudentId == studentId)
 public void AddGrade(double grade)
 public Grades Post([FromBody] Grades grades)
Exemple #8
 public ClassResult(string name, Grades grade)
     ClassName = name;
     Grade = (int) grade;
Exemple #9
        // </stringInterpolationFormat>

        // <stringInterpolationConditional>
        public string GetGradePointPercentages() =>
        $"Name: {LastName}, {FirstName}. G.P.A: {(Grades.Any() ? Grades.Average() : double.NaN):F2}";
Exemple #10
        // </UsingStaticLinkMethod>

        // <stringInterpolationLinq>
        public string GetAllGrades() =>
        $@"All Grades: {Grades.OrderByDescending(g => g)
            .Select(s => s.ToString("F2")).Aggregate((partial, element) => $"{partial}, {element}")}";
Exemple #11
        // </stringInterpolationExpression>

        // <stringInterpolationFormat>
        public string GetGradePointPercentage() =>
        $"Name: {LastName}, {FirstName}. G.P.A: {Grades.Average():F2}";
Exemple #12
        // </ToStringExpressionMember>

        // <stringInterpolationExpression>
        public string GetFormattedGradePoint() =>
        $"Name: {LastName}, {FirstName}. G.P.A: {Grades.Average()}";
 public StudentViewModel()
     Student = new StudentModels(); ;
     Grades = new Grades();
     States = new StatesDictionary();
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates new bank account.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="firstName">First name</param>
        /// <param name="surname">Surname</param>
        /// <param name="balance">Balance</param>
        /// <param name="bonus">Bonus</param>
        /// <param name="grade">Card grade</param>
        /// <returns>Id of account created.</returns>
        public int CreateAccount(string firstName, string surname, double balance, int bonus, Grades grade)
            bool isAccountUnique = true;

            var newAccount = new BankAccount
                Id        = bankStorage.AllAccounts.Count + 1,
                FirstName = firstName,
                Surname   = surname,
                Balance   = balance,
                Bonus     = bonus,
                Grade     = grade,

            foreach (var existingAccount in bankStorage.AllAccounts)
                if (newAccount == existingAccount)
                    isAccountUnique = false;
                    throw new Exception("Account already exists!");

            if (isAccountUnique)


Exemple #15
 public double GetAvgGrade()
     return((double)Grades.Sum() / Grades.Length);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public void LoadData()

            #region 登录方式。
            this.ddlLoginMethod.DataSource = EnumLoginMethodOperaTools.BindSource();
            this.ddlLoginMethod.DisplayMember = "Name";
            this.ddlLoginMethod.ValueMember = "Value";

            UserInfo userInfo = this.CoreService["userinfo"] as UserInfo;
            if (userInfo != null)
                this.lbUserInfo.Text = string.Format("任课教师:{0}[{1}]", userInfo.UserName, userInfo.UserCode);
                this.OnToolTipEvent(this.lbUserInfo, string.Format("教师代码:{0}\r\n任课教师:{1}\r\n教师ID:{2}", userInfo.UserCode, userInfo.UserName, userInfo.UserID));
            TeaSyncData teaSyncData = this.CoreService["teasyncdata"] as TeaSyncData;
            if (teaSyncData != null && teaSyncData.School != null)
                School sch = teaSyncData.School;
                this.lbSchoolName.Text = string.Format("{0}", sch.SchoolName);
                this.OnToolTipEvent(this.lbSchoolName, string.Format("学校代码:{0}\r\n学校名称:{1}\r\n学校类型:{2}\r\n学校ID:{3}",
                                                                     sch.SchoolCode, sch.SchoolName, EnumSchoolTypeOperaTools.GetCHName(sch.SchoolType), sch.SchoolID));
                if (sch.Teacher != null)
                    Teacher tea = sch.Teacher;
                    if (tea != null && (tea.TeacherID == userInfo.UserID))
                        this.ddlGrade.DataSource = this.grades = tea.Grades;
                        this.ddlGrade.DisplayMember = "GradeName";
                        this.ddlGrade.ValueMember = "GradeID";
                        this.OnMessageEvent(MessageType.Normal | MessageType.PopupWarn, "任课数据不存在或者任课教师与用户不一致!");
        public ActionResult Grades_View()
            SzkolaEntities db     = new SzkolaEntities();
            Grades         Grades = new Grades();

            var Klasy = (from table1 in db.School_Class
                         select new Grades
                ClassID = table1.ClassID,
                Nazwa_Klasy = table1.Nazwa

            ViewBag.Klasy = Klasy;

            var Oceny = (from table1 in db.School_Class
                         join table2 in db.Student on table1.ClassID equals table2.ClassID
                         join table3 in db.School_Grades on table2.StudentID equals table3.StudentID
                         join table4 in db.Teacher on table3.TeacherID equals table4.TeacherID
                         select new Grades
                Nazwa_Klasy = table1.Nazwa,
                ClassID = table1.ClassID,
                Ocena = table3.Ocena,
                Przedmiot = table4.Przedmiot

            var Zmienna_Klasy = Klasy.ToList();

            List <double> Ls_Matematyka = new List <double>();
            List <double> Ls_Angielski  = new List <double>();
            List <double> Ls_Polski     = new List <double>();
            List <double> Ls_Chemia     = new List <double>();

            int count = 0;

            for (var i = 1; i < Zmienna_Klasy.Count + 1; i++)
                var Klasa = Oceny.Where(xx => xx.ClassID == i);


                foreach (var item in Klasa.Select(xx => xx.Przedmiot).Distinct())
                    double suma  = 0;
                    int    ilosc = 0;
                    double wynik = 0;

                    if (item.Trim() == "Matematyka")
                        foreach (var item2 in Klasa.Where(xx => xx.Przedmiot.Trim() == "Matematyka"))
                            suma  = item2.Ocena + suma;
                            ilosc = ilosc + 1;
                        wynik = Math.Round(suma / ilosc, 2);
                    else if (item.Trim() == "Język Angielski")
                        foreach (var item2 in Klasa.Where(xx => xx.Przedmiot.Trim() == "Język Angielski"))
                            suma  = item2.Ocena + suma;
                            ilosc = ilosc + 1;
                        wynik = Math.Round(suma / ilosc, 2);
                    else if (item.Trim() == "Język Polski")
                        foreach (var item2 in Klasa.Where(xx => xx.Przedmiot.Trim() == "Język Polski"))
                            suma  = item2.Ocena + suma;
                            ilosc = ilosc + 1;
                        wynik = Math.Round(suma / ilosc, 2);
                    else if (item.Trim() == "Chemia")
                        foreach (var item2 in Klasa.Where(xx => xx.Przedmiot.Trim() == "Chemia"))
                            suma  = item2.Ocena + suma;
                            ilosc = ilosc + 1;
                        wynik = Math.Round(suma / ilosc, 2);
                var wynik2 = 0;

                if (Ls_Matematyka.Count != count)

                if (Ls_Angielski.Count != count)

                if (Ls_Polski.Count != count)

                if (Ls_Chemia.Count != count)

            ViewBag.Lista  = Ls_Matematyka;
            ViewBag.Lista2 = Ls_Angielski;

            ViewBag.Lista3 = Ls_Polski;
            ViewBag.Lista4 = Ls_Chemia;

            List <string> Ls_Matma = new List <string>();

            foreach (var test in ViewBag.Lista)
                var test2 = test.ToString().Replace(",", ".");

            var Matma = string.Join(",", Ls_Matma);

            ViewBag.Matma = Matma;

            List <string> Ls_Ang = new List <string>();

            foreach (var test in ViewBag.Lista2)
                var test2 = test.ToString().Replace(",", ".");

            var Ang = string.Join(",", Ls_Ang);

            ViewBag.Ang = Ang;

            List <string> Ls_Pol = new List <string>();

            foreach (var test in ViewBag.Lista3)
                var test2 = test.ToString().Replace(",", ".");

            var Pol = string.Join(",", Ls_Pol);

            ViewBag.Pol = Pol;

            List <string> Ls_Chem = new List <string>();

            foreach (var test in ViewBag.Lista4)
                var test2 = test.ToString().Replace(",", ".");

            var Chem = string.Join(",", Ls_Chem);

            ViewBag.Chem = Chem;

            var Klasy_II = (from table1 in db.School_Class
                            select new Grades
                ClassID = table1.ClassID,
                Nazwa_Klasy = table1.Nazwa,

            ViewBag.Klasy_II = Klasy_II;

            return(View("~/Views/Teacher/Grades_View.cshtml", "~/Views/Main_Layout.cshtml", Klasy_II));
 public StudentViewModel(StudentModels student)
     Student = student;
     Grades = new Grades();
     States = new StatesDictionary();
        public ActionResult Rank_View()
            SzkolaEntities db     = new SzkolaEntities();
            Grades         Grades = new Grades();

            var Ranking = (from table1 in db.School_Class
                           join table2 in db.Student on table1.ClassID equals table2.ClassID
                           join table3 in db.School_Grades on table2.StudentID equals table3.StudentID
                           join table4 in db.Teacher on table3.TeacherID equals table4.TeacherID
                           join table5 in db.User on table2.UserID equals table5.UserID
                           group new { table5, table3, table1 } by new { table5.Imie, table5.Nazwisko, table1.Nazwa }
                           into grp
                           orderby grp.Average(x => x.table3.Ocena) descending
                           select new Grades
                Imie = grp.Key.Imie,
                Nazwisko = grp.Key.Nazwisko,
                Ocena = Math.Round(grp.Average(x => x.table3.Ocena), 2),
                Nazwa_Klasy = grp.Key.Nazwa

            ViewBag.Ranking = Ranking;

            List <string> Przedmioty = new List <string>(new string[] { "Matematyka", "Język Polski", "Język Angielski", "Chemia" });

            foreach (var Przedmiot in Przedmioty)
                var SmallRanking = (from table1 in db.School_Class
                                    join table2 in db.Student on table1.ClassID equals table2.ClassID
                                    join table3 in db.School_Grades on table2.StudentID equals table3.StudentID
                                    join table4 in db.Teacher on table3.TeacherID equals table4.TeacherID
                                    join table5 in db.User on table2.UserID equals table5.UserID
                                    where table4.Przedmiot.Trim() == Przedmiot
                                    group new { table5, table3, table1 } by new { table5.Imie, table5.Nazwisko, table1.Nazwa }
                                    into grp
                                    orderby grp.Average(x => x.table3.Ocena) descending
                                    select new Grades
                    Imie = grp.Key.Imie,
                    Nazwisko = grp.Key.Nazwisko,
                    Ocena = Math.Round(grp.Average(x => x.table3.Ocena), 2),
                    Nazwa_Klasy = grp.Key.Nazwa

                if (Przedmiot == "Matematyka")
                    ViewBag.Matematyka = SmallRanking;
                else if (Przedmiot == "Język Polski")
                    ViewBag.Polski = SmallRanking;
                else if (Przedmiot == "Język Angielski")
                    ViewBag.Angielski = SmallRanking;
                else if (Przedmiot == "Chemia")
                    ViewBag.Chemia = SmallRanking;

            return(View("~/Views/Teacher/Rank_View.cshtml", "~/Views/Main_Layout.cshtml"));
Exemple #20
 public List <Grade> GetGrades(Guid studentId)
     return(Grades.FindAll(x => x.Student.StudentId == studentId));
Exemple #21
 public ClassResult(string name, Grades grade)
     ClassName = name;
     Grade     = (int)grade;
Exemple #22
 public void RemoveGrade(double grade)
Exemple #23
 public bool CreateGrades(Grades bt)
 public void Update(Grades Grades)
Exemple #25
 internal bool Create(Grades bt)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
        private double calcWeightAchievedAveraged()
            /* EXAMPLES */

             * Bonus (0)
             * =========    0 + 0
             *    0/0
             * Bonus (0)
             *  - 2/0       0 + 3
             *  - 1/0
             * =========
             *    3/0
             * Bonus (0)
             *  - 1/1       1.8 + 3
             *  - 4/5
             *  - 2/0
             *  - 1/0
             * =========
             *  4.8/0
             * Participation (5)
             * =========    countOfRegulars = 0, countOfExtras = 0
             *   --/5
             * Participation (5)
             *  - 2/0       countOfRegulars = 0, countOfExtras = 2
             *  - 1/0       extraPercents = 3
             * =========
             *    8/5       1 * 5 + 3
             * Participation (5)
             *  - 1/1       countOfRegulars = 1, countOfExtras = 2
             *  - 2/0       percentTotal = 1, percent = 1, extraPercents = 3
             *  - 1/0
             * =========
             *    8/5       1 * 5 + 3
             * Participation (5)
             *  - 1/1 (1)   countOfRegulars = 2, countOfExtras = 2
             *  - 4/5 (0.8) percentTotal = 1.8, percent = 0.9, extraPercents = 3
             *  - 2/0 (2)
             *  - 1/0 (1)
             * =========
             *  7.5/5       0.9 * 5 + 3
             * All Grades (100)
             *  - 1/1       countOfRegulars = 1, countOfExtras = 2
             *  - 2/0       percentTotal = 1, percent = 1, extraPercents = 3
             *  - 1/0
             * =========
             *  103/100     1 * 100 + 3
             * All Grades (100)
             *  - 1/1       countOfRegulars = 2, countOfExtras = 2
             *  - 4/5       percentTotal = 1.8, percent = 0.9, extraPercents = 3
             *  - 2/0
             *  - 1/0
             * =========
             *  93/100      0.9 * 100 + 3
             * */

            //non-dropped graded items (including EC)
            var gradesThatCount = Grades.Where(i => i.DoesCount);

            double extraPercents = 0;
            int    countOfExtras = 0;

            double percentTotal    = 0;
            int    countOfRegulars = 0;

            foreach (var g in gradesThatCount)
                if (g.IsExtraCredit)
                    extraPercents += g.GradeReceived;
                    countOfExtras += 1;

                    percentTotal += g.GradePercent;

            if (WeightValue == 0)
                return(percentTotal + extraPercents);

            double percent;

            //if they don't have any regular grades
            if (countOfRegulars == 0)
                //if they didn't have any EC grades either, it's ungraded
                if (countOfExtras == 0)

                //otherwise, we assume their regular grade is 100%.
                percent = 1;

            //otherwise calculate their regular grade
                percent = percentTotal / countOfRegulars;

            return(percent * WeightValue + extraPercents);
 public static Grade GetGradeByName(string name)
     return(Grades.Where(a => a.Name == name).FirstOrDefault());
Exemple #28
 public IActionResult Details(Grades model)
Exemple #29
        public ActionResult DelGrade(int id)
            Grades grade = _db.Grades.SingleOrDefault(g => g.GradeId == id);

            return(PartialView("DelGrade", grade));
 public static bool Passing(this Grades grade)
     return(grade >= minPassing);
Exemple #31
 /// <summary>
 /// Default Constructor
 /// </summary>
 public Student() : base()
     this.studentNumber = 0;
     this.grade         = Grades.F;
Exemple #32
 public void Add(Grades grades)
Exemple #33
 /// <summary>
 /// Method to set the grade
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="grade"></param>
 public void TakeExam(Grades grade)
     this.grade = grade;
 public Student(string name, Grades[] grades)
     this.name = name;
     this.grades = grades;
Exemple #35
        private IQueryable <OrganizationMember> GetMembers()
            if (_members == null)
                var glist             = new int[] {};
                var smallGroupList    = new List <string>();
                var matchAllSubgroups = false;
                if (null != SmallGroup)
                    if (SmallGroup.StartsWith("All:", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        matchAllSubgroups = true;
                        SmallGroup        = SmallGroup.Substring(4);
                    if (SmallGroup.Contains(";"))
                        smallGroupList.AddRange(SmallGroup.Split(';').Select(x => x.Trim()));
                    else if (SmallGroup.Contains(","))
                        smallGroupList.AddRange(SmallGroup.Split(';').Select(x => x.Trim()));

                if (Grades.HasValue())
                    glist = (from g in (Grades ?? "").Split(new char[] { ',', ';' })
                             select g.ToInt()).ToArray();
                var q = from om in DbUtil.Db.OrganizationMembers
                        where om.Organization.DivOrgs.Any(di => di.DivId == SourceDivId)
                        where SourceId == 0 || om.OrganizationId == SourceId
                        where glist.Length == 0 || glist.Contains(om.Person.Grade.Value)
                        where !MembersOnly || om.MemberTypeId == MemberTypeCode.Member
                        select om;
                if (smallGroupList.Count() > 0)
                    if (matchAllSubgroups)
                        foreach (var sg in smallGroupList)
                            q = from om in q
                                where om.OrgMemMemTags.Any(mm => mm.MemberTag.Name == sg)
                                select om;
                        q = from om in q
                            where om.OrgMemMemTags.Any(mm => smallGroupList.Contains(mm.MemberTag.Name))
                            select om;
                if (null != Age && Age.Trim().Length > 0)
                     * Enter a single number for a specific age (`50`).
                     * Use a dash to search for a range of ages (`30-40`).
                     * Additionally, use `<=`, `>=`, `<`, and `>` for searching ranges.

                    var str = Regex.Replace(Age, @"[^0-9\-<>=]", "");
                    if ((new Regex(@"^[0-9]+$")).IsMatch(str))
                        q = from om in q
                            where om.Person.Age == str.ToInt()
                            select om;
                    else if ((new Regex(@"^[0-9]+\-[0-9]+$")).IsMatch(str))
                        var matches = Regex.Matches(str, @"^([0-9]+)\-([0-9]+)$");
                        q = from om in q
                            where om.Person.Age >= matches[0].Groups[1].Value.ToInt()
                            where om.Person.Age <= matches[0].Groups[2].Value.ToInt()
                            select om;
                    else if ((new Regex(@"^>=[0-9]+$")).IsMatch(str))
                        var matches = Regex.Matches(str, @"^>=([0-9]+)$");
                        q = from om in q
                            where om.Person.Age >= matches[0].Groups[1].Value.ToInt()
                            select om;
                    else if ((new Regex(@"^>[0-9]+$")).IsMatch(str))
                        var matches = Regex.Matches(str, @"^>([0-9]+)$");
                        q = from om in q
                            where om.Person.Age > matches[0].Groups[1].Value.ToInt()
                            select om;
                    else if ((new Regex(@"^<=[0-9]+$")).IsMatch(str))
                        var matches = Regex.Matches(str, @"^<=([0-9]+)$");
                        q = from om in q
                            where om.Person.Age <= matches[0].Groups[1].Value.ToInt()
                            select om;
                    else if ((new Regex(@"^<[0-9]+$")).IsMatch(str))
                        var matches = Regex.Matches(str, @"^<([0-9]+)$");
                        q = from om in q
                            where om.Person.Age < matches[0].Groups[1].Value.ToInt()
                            select om;
                _members = q;
Exemple #36
 public Student(string fName, string lName, Grades grade)
     : base(fName, lName)
     this.Grade = grade;
Exemple #37
 /// <summary>
 /// 构造函数。
 /// </summary>
 public Teacher()
     this.grades = new Grades();