private string GetCover(string title, string artist) { // Search with GraceNote try { var cover2 = new GracenoteClient("8038400-D6D9583FE60EA28CE621BC0EAD6ED8A0").Search(new SearchCriteria { Artist = artist, TrackTitle = title, SearchMode = SearchMode.BestMatchWithCoverArt, SearchOptions = SearchOptions.Cover }); foreach (var a in cover2.Albums.SelectMany(c => c.Artwork.Where(a => a.Uri.AbsoluteUri != string.Empty))) { return(a.Uri.AbsoluteUri); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(string.Empty); } return(string.Empty); }
private List <Skiva> DenSkivan(string artist, string album) { List <Skiva> S = new List <Skiva>(); var clientCover = new GracenoteClient("687559541-407A6818314DF26BB17DC1E4AB57BD4E"); var Cover = BestMatchSearchWithOptions(clientCover, artist, album); foreach (var skiva in Cover.Albums) { string s = ""; try { //s = skiva.Artwork.First().Uri.AbsoluteUri; s = Cover.Albums.First().Artwork.First().Uri.AbsoluteUri; } catch (Exception ex) { s = ""; } Skiva NySkiva = new Skiva(skiva.Id, skiva.Title, skiva.Year.ToString(), s, skiva.Genre.First()); foreach (var track in skiva.Tracks) { NySkiva.Lat.Add(new Latar(track.Number.ToString(), track.Title, track.Id)); } S.Add(NySkiva); } return(S); }
private static SearchResult BestMatchSearchWithOptions(GracenoteClient client, string artist, string album) { return(client.Search(new SearchCriteria { AlbumTitle = album, Artist = artist, SearchMode = SearchMode.BestMatch, SearchOptions = SearchOptions })); }
private List <Skiva> GetSkivData(string grupp) { Groups.Clear(); var client = new GracenoteClient("687559541-407A6818314DF26BB17DC1E4AB57BD4E"); var clientCover = new GracenoteClient("687559541-407A6818314DF26BB17DC1E4AB57BD4E"); int iLoopar = 0; result = client.Search(new SearchCriteria { Artist = grupp, //SearchOptions = SearchOptions, Range = new Range(1, 500) }); int iAntal = result.Count; if (iAntal > 100) { iLoopar = 8; //iLoopar = iAntal / 20; } else { iLoopar = iAntal / 20; } for (int i = 0; i <= iLoopar; i++) { var Album = client.Search(new SearchCriteria { Artist = grupp, SearchOptions = SearchOptions, Range = new Range(i, 20) }); foreach (var skiva in Album.Albums) { string s = ""; try { s = skiva.Artwork.First().Uri.AbsoluteUri; } catch (Exception ex) { s = ""; } Skiva NySkiva = new Skiva(skiva.Id, skiva.Title, skiva.Year.ToString(), s, skiva.Genre.First()); this.Groups.Add(NySkiva); } } return(Groups); }
/// <summary> /// Search for and download album art in a separate thread /// </summary> void search(string title, string artist) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(title) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(artist)) return; // Not enough information, so give up m_Task.Run(delegate(TaskRunner.Task task) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Program.Album.ReleaseId)) { // MusicBrainz data - try there first Uri art = CoverArtArchive.GetCoverArtUri(Program.Album.ReleaseId); if (task.Stop) return; if (art != null) { Status("Downloading cover art from MusicBrainz"); if(downloadImage(art, task)) return; } } if (task.Stop) return; // Not found - try Gracenote Status("Searching Gracenote database"); GracenoteClient Client = new GracenoteClient(Program.GracenoteKey); if (task.Stop) return; SearchResult result = Client.Search(new SearchCriteria() { AlbumTitle = title, Artist = artist, SearchMode = SearchMode.BestMatchWithCoverArt }); var a = result.Albums.FirstOrDefault(); if (a != null) { var i = a.Artwork.FirstOrDefault(); if (task.Stop) return; if (i != null) { string filename = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName().Replace(".tmp", ".jpg"); Status("Downloading album cover"); i.Download(filename); using (Image img = Image.FromFile(filename)) setImage(img); File.Delete(filename); Status(""); return; } } Status("Album not found - drag an image from the web"); if (task.Stop) return; System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode("\"" + artist + "\" \"" + title + "\" album cover")); }); }
/// <summary> /// Search button clicked /// </summary> private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { m_Task.Stop(); // Stop any existing search Results.Items.Clear(); string artist = txtArtist.Text; string title = txtTitle.Text; m_Task.Run(async delegate(TaskRunner.Task t) { int count = 0; // No of items added int insertPoint = 0; // Where to insert close matches try { // Build query List<string> b = new List<string>(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(artist)) b.Add("artist:\"" + artist.Replace("\"", "") + "\""); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(title)) b.Add("release:\"" + title.Replace("\"", "") + "\""); if (b.Count == 0) { Status("No artist or title provided"); return; } Status("Searching MusicBrainz database"); // Get list of releases foreach (Release r in (await Release.SearchAsync(string.Join(" AND ", b.ToArray()))).Items) { if (t.Stop) return; try { // Get recordings for release (i.e. list of Mediums/Media) Release rel = await Release.GetAsync(r.Id, "recordings"); foreach (Medium m in rel.MediumList.Items) { if (t.Stop) return; // Artists string art = string.Join(", ", r.Credits.Select(c => c.Artist.Name).ToArray()); ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(new string[] { art, r.Title, r.Date, m.Tracks.Items.Count + ":" + string.Join(",", m.Tracks.Items.Select(tr => tr.Recording.Title)) }); // Make an AlbumInfo item.Tag = new AlbumInfo(art, rel, m); if (SoundEx.Equals(artist, art) && SoundEx.Equals(title, r.Title)) { // Close match - put near top of list Despatch(delegate() { Results.Items.Insert(insertPoint, item); }); insertPoint++; } else { // Not so close - put at end Despatch(delegate() { Results.Items.Add(item); }); } count++; } } catch (Hqub.MusicBrainz.API.HttpClientException) { // Ignore these exceptions - they seem to happen all the time } } } catch (Hqub.MusicBrainz.API.HttpClientException) { // Ignore these exceptions - they seem to happen all the time } if (count == 0 && !t.Stop) { // Nothing found - try Gracenote (NB - no track lengths here) Status("Searching Gracenote database"); GracenoteClient Client = new GracenoteClient(Program.GracenoteKey); SearchResult result = Client.Search(new SearchCriteria() { AlbumTitle = title, Artist = artist }); foreach (Album a in result.Albums) { if (t.Stop) return; ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(new string[] { a.Artist, a.Title, a.Year.ToString(), a.Tracks.Count() + ":" + string.Join(",", a.Tracks.Select(tr => tr.Title)) }); item.Tag = new AlbumInfo(a); if (SoundEx.Equals(artist, a.Artist) && SoundEx.Equals(title, a.Title)) Despatch(delegate() { Results.Items.Add(item); }); else { Despatch(delegate() { Results.Items.Insert(insertPoint, item); }); insertPoint++; } count++; } } if (!t.Stop) { if (count > 0) { // Resize columns to fit data Invoke((Action)delegate() { Results.AutoResizeColumns(ColumnHeaderAutoResizeStyle.ColumnContent); }); Status("Search complete"); } else Status("Nothing found"); } }); }
/// <summary> /// CDDB リードコマンドの実行 /// </summary> /// <param name="cmdArray"></param> /// <returns></returns> private async Task<string> Read(string[] cmdArray) { ReadCommand command = null; if (ReadCommand.TryCreate(cmdArray, out command) == false) { return "500 Command syntax error."; } GracenoteClient client = new GracenoteClient(this.gracenoteClinetId, this.gracenoteEndpoint); Album[] albums = await client.GetAlbumInfo(this.gracenoteUserId, command.DiscId); return CddbUtil.CreateReadResponse(command, albums); }
private string GetCover(string title, string artist) { // Search with GraceNote try { var cover2 = new GracenoteClient("8038400-D6D9583FE60EA28CE621BC0EAD6ED8A0").Search(new SearchCriteria { Artist = artist, TrackTitle = title, SearchMode = SearchMode.BestMatchWithCoverArt, SearchOptions = SearchOptions.Cover }); foreach (var a in cover2.Albums.SelectMany(c => c.Artwork.Where(a => a.Uri.AbsoluteUri != string.Empty))) { return a.Uri.AbsoluteUri; } } catch (Exception ex) { return string.Empty; } return string.Empty; }
private async void btnApplyCoverImg_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (m_AllFilesHasTagImage) { await ConfirmBox("Action Rejected", "All files are already has tag image", MessageDialogStyle.Affirmative); return; } var mySettings = new MetroDialogSettings() { NegativeButtonText = "Close now", AnimateShow = false, AnimateHide = false }; var controller = await this.ShowProgressAsync("Front Image Changing", "Preparing...", settings : mySettings); controller.SetIndeterminate(); controller.SetCancelable(true); controller.Maximum = Convert.ToDouble(m_FilesPath.Count); double dblCnt = 0.0; if (listBox.SelectedItems.Count == 0) { MessageDialogResult mdr = await ConfirmBox("Do you want to continue?", "Proceed for all files", MessageDialogStyle.AffirmativeAndNegative); if (mdr == MessageDialogResult.Affirmative) { listBox.SelectAll(); } } foreach (SoundSourceFilePathModel selected in listBox.SelectedItems) { string fPath = m_FilesPath.FirstOrDefault(p => selected.FileName == System.IO.Path.GetFileName(p)); if (fPath != null) { FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(fPath); // 파일에 ReadOnly 걸려있으면 없애버린다. if ((fi.Attributes & FileAttributes.ReadOnly) == FileAttributes.ReadOnly) { FileAttributes attr = fi.Attributes & ~FileAttributes.ReadOnly; System.IO.File.SetAttributes(fPath, attr); } TagLib.File tlFile = TagLib.File.Create(fPath); int pictureLen = tlFile.Tag.Pictures.Length; if (pictureLen == 0) { #region Gracenote 에서 이미지 찾아오는 핵심 루틴 GracenoteClient client = new GracenoteClient(GRACENOTE_CLIENT_ID); SearchCriteria sc = new SearchCriteria(); sc.Artist = tlFile.Tag.FirstArtist; sc.TrackTitle = tlFile.Tag.Title; sc.SearchMode = SearchMode.BestMatchWithCoverArt; sc.SearchOptions = SearchOptions.ArtistImage; SearchResult result = client.Search(sc); if (result.Status.Code == "OK") { if (result.Albums.First().Artwork.Count() > 0) { Uri foundImgUri = result.Albums.First().Artwork.First().Uri; using (WebClient wc = new WebClient()) { byte[] btImg = wc.DownloadData(foundImgUri.ToString()); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(btImg); Stream coverStrm = ms; TagLib.Picture pic = new TagLib.Picture(); pic.Type = TagLib.PictureType.FrontCover; pic.Data = TagLib.ByteVector.FromStream(coverStrm); tlFile.Tag.Pictures = new TagLib.IPicture[] { pic }; tlFile.Save(); controller.SetProgress(dblCnt); controller.SetMessage("Completed : " + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(fPath)); } dblCnt += 1.0; } await Task.Delay(50); } #endregion } } } await controller.CloseAsync(); ListBoxBind(); SetFooterMsg("List Binding Complete!!", "Total Sound Sources : " + int.Parse(dblCnt.ToString()).ToString()); }