public ActionResult Grabber(int?id, GrabberSettingsDTO grabber) { var _task = parserTaskManager.Get(id.Value); _task.GrabberSettings = grabber; parserTaskManager.Update(_task); deleteFilesManager.DeleteFiles(); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "UniversalParser")); }
public ActionResult Grabber(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } var task = new ParserTaskDTO(); var grabber = new GrabberSettingsDTO(); var urlList = new List <string>(); string localPathToSite; int index = 0; if (id != null) { task = parserTaskManager.Get(id.Value); if (task.GrabberSettings != null) { grabber = task.GrabberSettings; } else { grabber.Id = id.Value; task.Category = categoryManager.Get(task.CategoryId); grabber.PropertyItems = Mapper.Map <List <GrabberPropertyItemDTO> >(task.Category.PropertiesList); } if (task.IteratorSettings != null) { urlList = urlManager.GetAllUrls(task.IteratorSettings); } } var arrayOfLinks = urlList.ToArray(); var jsonArray = urlList.ToArray(); for (index = 0; index < 2; index++) { if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(arrayOfLinks[index])) { Guid result = downloadManager.DownloadFromPath(arrayOfLinks[index]); localPathToSite = "/WebSites/" + result + ".html"; arrayOfLinks[index] = localPathToSite; } } grabber.urlJsonData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonArray); Session["Length"] = arrayOfLinks.Length; TempData["CurrentPage"] = arrayOfLinks[0]; TempData["NextPage"] = arrayOfLinks[1]; TempData["AllSrc"] = arrayOfLinks; return(View(grabber)); }
/// <summary> /// Parses input url by configuration from parser task /// </summary> /// <param name="parsertaskid">id of parser task</param> /// <param name="url">url to parse</param> /// <returns>New parsed GoodDTO</returns> public GoodDTO ExecuteTask(int parsertaskid, string url) { //clearing previous logs //if (!isStarted) // taskinfoManager.DeleteByStatus(ExecuteStatus.Executing); //else // isStarted = true; //downloading page source using tor+phantomjs ParserTaskDTO parsertask = parsermanager.Get(parsertaskid); HtmlDocument doc = null; //adding to local log storage ExecutingInfoDTO taskinfo = new ExecutingInfoDTO() { GoodUrl = url, Status = ExecuteStatus.Executing, Date = DateTime.Now, ParserTaskId = parsertaskid }; taskinfo.Id = taskinfoManager.Insert(taskinfo); //getting page source due to method string pageSource = ""; try { SiteDownloader sw = new SiteDownloader(); switch (parsertask.IteratorSettings.DownloadMethod) { case DownloadMethod.Direct: pageSource = sw.GetPageSouceDirectly(url); break; case DownloadMethod.Tor: pageSource = sw.GetPageSouce(url); break; default: break; } //pageSource = htmlValidator.CheckHtml(pageSource); doc = new HtmlDocument(); doc.LoadHtml(pageSource); } catch (Exception ex) { ExecutingInfoDTO errorinfo = new ExecutingInfoDTO() { GoodUrl = url, Status = ExecuteStatus.ErrorInsert, Date = DateTime.Now, ParserTaskId = parsertaskid, ErrorMessage = "Can't download url" }; taskinfoManager.Insert(errorinfo); taskinfoManager.Delete(taskinfo); return(null); } //gets configuration from parsertask id GrabberSettingsDTO grabbersettings = parsertask.GrabberSettings; GoodDTO resultGood = new GoodDTO(); resultGood.WebShop_Id = parsertask.WebShopId; resultGood.Category_Id = parsertask.CategoryId; ///////////////////////////////////Parcing name by list of xpathes var xpathbuffer = ""; try { var name = ""; foreach (var nameprop in grabbersettings.Name) { xpathbuffer = nameprop; HtmlNode value = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(nameprop); if (value != null) { name = value.InnerHtml; break; } } name = name.Trim(); resultGood.Name = StripHTML(name); } catch (Exception ex) { ExecutingInfoDTO errorinfo = new ExecutingInfoDTO() { GoodUrl = url, Status = ExecuteStatus.ErrorInsert, Date = DateTime.Now, ParserTaskId = parsertaskid, ErrorMessage = "Can't parse name,-xpath: " + xpathbuffer }; taskinfoManager.Insert(errorinfo); } /////////////////////////////////////Parcing price by list of xpathes try { var price = ""; foreach (var priceprop in grabbersettings.Price) { xpathbuffer = priceprop; HtmlNode value = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(priceprop); if (value != null) { price = value.InnerHtml; break; } } if (price != "") { resultGood.Price = Convert.ToDecimal(this.RemoveAllLetters(price)); } } catch (Exception ex) { ExecutingInfoDTO errorinfo = new ExecutingInfoDTO() { GoodUrl = url, Status = ExecuteStatus.ErrorInsert, Date = DateTime.Now, ParserTaskId = parsertaskid, ErrorMessage = "Can't parse main price,-xpath: " + xpathbuffer }; taskinfoManager.Insert(errorinfo); } //////////////////////////////////////Parcing old price by list of xpathes try { var oldPrice = ""; foreach (var price in grabbersettings.OldPrice) { xpathbuffer = price; HtmlNode value = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(price).FirstOrDefault(); if (value != null) { oldPrice = value.InnerHtml; break; } } if (oldPrice != "") { resultGood.OldPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(this.RemoveAllLetters(oldPrice)); } } catch (Exception ex) { ExecutingInfoDTO errorinfo = new ExecutingInfoDTO() { GoodUrl = url, Status = ExecuteStatus.ErrorInsert, Date = DateTime.Now, ParserTaskId = parsertaskid, ErrorMessage = "Can't parse old price,-xpath: " + xpathbuffer }; taskinfoManager.Insert(errorinfo); } //////////////////////////////Parcing image link by list of xpathes try { var imagelink = ""; foreach (var imglink in grabbersettings.ImgLink) { xpathbuffer = imglink; HtmlNode value = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(imglink + "/@src").FirstOrDefault(); if (value != null) { imagelink = value.Attributes["src"].Value; resultGood.ImgLink = imagelink; break; } if (imagelink == "" || imagelink == null) { resultGood.ImgLink = @""; } else { resultGood.ImgLink = imagelink; } if (resultGood.ImgLink == null) { resultGood.ImgLink = @""; } } } catch (Exception ex) { resultGood.ImgLink = @""; ExecutingInfoDTO errorinfo = new ExecutingInfoDTO() { GoodUrl = url, Status = ExecuteStatus.ErrorInsert, Date = DateTime.Now, ParserTaskId = parsertaskid, ErrorMessage = "Can't parse image link,-xpath: " + xpathbuffer }; taskinfoManager.Insert(errorinfo); } resultGood.UrlLink = url; PropertyValuesDTO propertyValues = new PropertyValuesDTO(); propertyValues.DictDoubleProperties = new Dictionary <int, double>(); propertyValues.DictIntProperties = new Dictionary <int, int>(); propertyValues.DictStringProperties = new Dictionary <int, string>(); foreach (var propitem in grabbersettings.PropertyItems) { HtmlNode value = null; PropertyDTO property = propmanager.Get(propitem.Id); var htmlvalue = ""; try { foreach (var item in propitem.Value) { xpathbuffer = item; value = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(item).FirstOrDefault(); if (value != null) { htmlvalue = value.InnerHtml; break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { ExecutingInfoDTO errorinfo = new ExecutingInfoDTO() { GoodUrl = url, Status = ExecuteStatus.ErrorInsert, Date = DateTime.Now, ParserTaskId = parsertaskid, ErrorMessage = "Can't parse property" + property.Name + ",-xpath: " + xpathbuffer }; taskinfoManager.Insert(errorinfo); } try { switch (property.Type) { case PropertyType.Integer: propertyValues.DictIntProperties.Add(propitem.Id, Convert.ToInt32(htmlvalue)); break; case PropertyType.Double: propertyValues.DictDoubleProperties.Add(propitem.Id, Convert.ToDouble(htmlvalue)); break; case PropertyType.String: propertyValues.DictStringProperties.Add(propitem.Id, StripHTML(htmlvalue)); break; default: break; } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex); ExecutingInfoDTO errorinfo = new ExecutingInfoDTO() { GoodUrl = url, Status = ExecuteStatus.ErrorInsert, Date = DateTime.Now, ParserTaskId = parsertaskid, ErrorMessage = "Can't convert value " + htmlvalue + " of " + property.Name + ",-xpath: " + xpathbuffer }; taskinfoManager.Insert(errorinfo); } } resultGood.Status = true; resultGood.PropertyValues = propertyValues; goodwizardManager.InsertOrUpdate(resultGood); //goodManager.Insert(resultGood); var newPrice = new PriceHistoryDTO(); newPrice.Url = resultGood.UrlLink; newPrice.Price = resultGood.Price; newPrice.Date = DateTime.Now; newPrice.Name = resultGood.Name; priceManager.Insert(newPrice); //deleting from local log storage taskinfoManager.Delete(taskinfo); return(resultGood); }