public override void UpdateInputAxis(float axis) { if (axis < axisOpeningThreshold) //hand is opened { isOpen = true; if (itemHeld != null) { itemHeld.ReleaseItem(); SendMessage("SetDefaultTarget", grabPoint.transform, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); itemHeld = null; } grabPoint.SetActive(false); } else if (axis > axisClosingThreshold) //hand is closed { isOpen = false; if (itemHeld == null && currentCollectableInRange != null) { grabPoint.SetActive(true); itemHeld = currentCollectableInRange; itemHeld.rigidbody.isKinematic = true; //HACK: Keeps the held object from flying away (should drop straight down) itemHeld.transform.position = grabPoint.transform.position + transform.forward * (itemHeld.transform.localScale.x - 1); itemHeld.GrabItem(grabPoint.rigidbody); itemHeld.rigidbody.isKinematic = false; } } }
public void SetHandClosed(float axis) { if (axis < axisOpeningThreshold) //open hand { isOpen = true; if (itemHeld != null) { itemHeld.ReleaseItem(); } grabPoint.SetActive(false); } else if (axis > axisClosingThreshold) { isOpen = false; if (currentCollectableInRange != null) { grabPoint.SetActive(true); itemHeld = currentCollectableInRange; itemHeld.rigidbody.isKinematic = true; itemHeld.transform.position = grabPoint.transform.position; itemHeld.GrabItem(grabPoint.rigidbody); itemHeld.rigidbody.isKinematic = false; } } }
void ProcessState() { switch (currentState) { case FSM.State.Patrol: // Cycle through waypoints if (Vector3.Distance(this.transform.position, waypointList[nextWaypoint].position) <= 2.0f) { nextWaypoint++; if (nextWaypoint > waypointList.Length - 1) { nextWaypoint = 0; } } // Move towards next target MoveAgent(waypointList[nextWaypoint].position); break; case FSM.State.Chase: // Chase the player MoveAgent(player.transform.position); if (Vector3.Distance(this.transform.position, player.transform.position) <= caughtPlayerDistanceThreshold) { if (CanAttack()) { player.rigidbody.AddForce((pushEntrance.position - player.transform.position) * 40, ForceMode.Impulse); Transition(FSM.Trigger.EnemyDisappeared); return; } } break; case FSM.State.Return: // Return home MoveAgent(waypointList[0].position); if (Vector3.Distance(this.transform.position, waypointList[0].position) <= 2.0f) { numReturnAfterAttacking++; if (numReturnAfterAttacking % 2 == 1) { audio.clip = soundLaugh; SubtitleManager.Instance.AddSubtitle("Ha. Ha.", 1.5f,; } else { audio.clip = soundLament; SubtitleManager.Instance.AddSubtitle("I wish I had a box.", 1.5f,; } audio.Play(); SubtitleManager.Instance.Play(); Transition(FSM.Trigger.ReachedBase); } break; case FSM.State.Pacified: MoveAgent(pacifyObject.transform.position); if (Vector3.Distance(this.transform.position, pacifyObject.transform.position) <= caughtPlayerDistanceThreshold) { navMeshAgent.Stop(true); if (grabbableItem != null) { grabbableItem.SetGrabbable(false); grabbableItem.ReleaseItem(); pacifyObject.rigidbody.isKinematic = true; Destroy(grabbableItem); } } if (!happySoundPlayed && !audio.isPlaying) { audio.clip = soundHappy; audio.Play(); happySoundPlayed = true; SubtitleManager.Instance.Stop(); SubtitleManager.Instance.AddSubtitle("Oh my god. A box! <3", 2.0f, Color.magenta); SubtitleManager.Instance.Play(); } break; } ; }