private void Update() { HandleMovement(); m_PointedItem?.Highlight(false); m_PointedItem = null; Ray ray = new Ray(m_CameraTransform.position, m_CameraTransform.forward); RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, m_GrabDistance, m_GrabableMask)) { m_PointedItem = hit.collider.GetComponentInParent <Grabable>(); if (m_PointedItem) { m_PointedItem.Highlight(true); } } if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && m_GrabbedItem) { var gun = m_GrabbedItem.GetComponent <Gun>(); if (gun) { gun.Fire(); } } if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && m_PointedItem) { m_GrabbedItem = m_PointedItem; m_GrabbedItem.Highlight(false); m_GrabbedItem.Grab(m_GrabHook); } if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1) && m_GrabbedItem) { m_GrabbedItem.Release(); m_GrabbedItem = null; } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E) && hit.collider) { //Debug.Log(; var button = hit.collider.GetComponentInParent <BigButton>(); if (button) { button.Push(); } } }
// Find all Grabable objects and Intersect them // Uses "Grabable" tag for selection purposes. This is probably // a good place to start profiling for performance improvements. void TestAllGrabablesForIntersection() { GameObject[] grabableObjects = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Grabable"); Vector3? intersectionPoint = null; Grabable closestGrabable = null; float closestGrabDistance = float.MaxValue; foreach (GameObject grabableObject in grabableObjects) { Grabable grabable = grabableObject.GetComponent <Grabable>(); if (grabable == null) { Debug.Log("Object with tag 'grabable' " + + " does not have a Grabable component"); continue; } intersectionPoint = IntersectsPath(grabableObject.GetComponent <Collider>()); if (intersectionPoint != null && DistanceToPoint(intersectionPoint.Value) < closestGrabDistance) { closestGrabDistance = DistanceToPoint(intersectionPoint.Value); closestGrabable = grabable; } } // Short circuit if nothing is changing. if (currentPointee == closestGrabable) { return; } // If we're no longer pointing to our currentPointee, stop highlighting. if (currentPointee != null) { currentPointee.Unhighlight(this); currentPointee = null; } // If we found anything, highlight it. if (closestGrabable != null) { closestGrabable.Highlight(this); currentPointee = closestGrabable; currentPointeeHandle = intersectionPoint.Value; } }